author Gianfranco Costamagna <>
Tue, 07 Jan 2014 11:40:58 +0100
changeset 9928 fe4b1ce9b6f8
parent 9433 f0a8ac191839
child 10194 7025bd3c3131
permissions -rw-r--r--
backport of r2aa9cf5badfcc978268a9bf06950942f27dfd366 Added cast to qreal, avoiding ftbfs due to issue #758 More explanation here And on reference website: "Typedef for double on all platforms except for those using CPUs with ARM architectures. On ARM-based platforms, qreal is a typedef for float for performance reasons."

module HandlerUtils where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List

import RoomsAndClients
import CoreTypes

thisClient :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) ClientInfo
thisClient = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    return $ rnc `client` ci

thisRoom :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) RoomInfo
thisRoom = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
    return $ rnc `room` ri

clientNick :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) B.ByteString
clientNick = liftM nick thisClient

roomOthersChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]
roomOthersChans = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
    return $ map (sendChan . client rnc) $ filter (/= ci) (roomClients rnc ri)

roomSameClanChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]
roomSameClanChans = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
    let otherRoomClients = map (client rnc) . filter (/= ci) $ roomClients rnc ri
    let cl = rnc `client` ci
    let sameClanClients = Prelude.filter (\c -> clientClan c == clientClan cl) otherRoomClients
    return $ map sendChan sameClanClients

roomClientsChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]
roomClientsChans = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    let ri = clientRoom rnc ci
    return $ map (sendChan . client rnc) (roomClients rnc ri)

thisClientChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]
thisClientChans = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    return [sendChan (rnc `client` ci)]

sameProtoChans :: Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [ClientChan]
sameProtoChans = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    let p = clientProto (rnc `client` ci)
    return . map sendChan . filter (\c -> clientProto c == p) . map (client rnc) $ allClients rnc

answerClient :: [B.ByteString] -> Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
answerClient msg = liftM ((: []) . flip AnswerClients msg) thisClientChans

allRoomInfos :: Reader (a, IRnC) [RoomInfo]
allRoomInfos = liftM ((\irnc -> map (room irnc) $ allRooms irnc) . snd) ask

clientByNick :: B.ByteString -> Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) (Maybe ClientIndex)
clientByNick n = do
    (_, rnc) <- ask
    let allClientIDs = allClients rnc
    return $ find (\clId -> let cl = client rnc clId in n == nick cl && not (isChecker cl)) allClientIDs