Server now send ASKPASSWORD command to frontend when user has web account
Tue, 24 Feb 2009 19:39:49 +0000 (2009-02-24)
changeset 1839 5dd4cb7fd7e5
parent 1838 00a5fc50aa43
child 1840 4747f0232b88
Server now send ASKPASSWORD command to frontend when user has web account
--- a/gameServer/Actions.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:10 2009 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/Actions.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:49 2009 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import Data.IntMap
 import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
+import System.Log.Logger
 import Monad
 import CoreTypes
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
 	| ModifyRoom (RoomInfo -> RoomInfo)
 	| AddRoom String String
 	| CheckRegistered
+	| ProcessAccountInfo AccountInfo
 	| Dump
 type CmdHandler = Int -> Clients -> Rooms -> [String] -> [Action]
@@ -243,7 +245,7 @@
 processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (CheckRegistered) = do
-	writeChan (dbQueries serverInfo) $ HasRegistered $ nick client
+	writeChan (dbQueries serverInfo) $ CheckAccount clID (nick client)
 	return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
 		client = clients ! clID
@@ -252,3 +254,13 @@
 	writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["DUMP", show serverInfo, showTree clients, showTree rooms]
 	return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ProcessAccountInfo info) = do
+	case info of
+		HasAccount -> do
+			infoM "Clients" $ show clID ++ " has account"
+			writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["ASKPASSWORD"]
+		LogonPassed -> do
+			infoM "Clients" $ show clID ++ " authenticated"
+		Guest -> do
+			infoM "Clients" $ show clID ++ " is guest"
+	return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
--- a/gameServer/CoreTypes.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:10 2009 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/CoreTypes.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:49 2009 +0000
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 		dbLogin :: String,
 		dbPassword :: String,
 		stats :: TMVar StatisticsInfo,
+		coreChan :: Chan CoreMessage,
 		dbQueries :: Chan DBQuery
@@ -135,14 +136,20 @@
+data AccountInfo =
+	HasAccount
+	| LogonPassed
+	| Guest
 data CoreMessage =
 	Accept ClientInfo
 	| ClientMessage (Int, [String])
+	| ClientAccountInfo Int AccountInfo
 	-- | CoreMessage String
 	-- | TimerTick
 data DBQuery =
-	HasRegistered String
+	CheckAccount Int String
 	| CheckPassword String
--- a/gameServer/NetRoutines.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:10 2009 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/NetRoutines.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:49 2009 +0000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 		clientHost <- sockAddr2String sockAddr
 		currentTime <- getCurrentTime
-		putStrLn $ (show currentTime) ++ " new client id: " ++ (show nextID)
+		--putStrLn $ (show currentTime) ++ " new client id: " ++ (show nextID)
 		sendChan <- newChan
--- a/gameServer/OfficialServer/DBInteraction.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:10 2009 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/OfficialServer/DBInteraction.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:49 2009 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 module OfficialServer.DBInteraction
-	startDBConnection,
-	DBQuery(HasRegistered, CheckPassword)
+	startDBConnection
 ) where
+import Prelude hiding (catch);
 import Database.HDBC
 import Database.HDBC.MySQL
 import System.IO
@@ -11,30 +11,47 @@
 import Control.Exception
 import Monad
 import Maybe
+import System.Log.Logger
 import CoreTypes
-dbInteractionLoop queries dbConn = do
+-- borrowed from base 4.0.0 ---------------------------------------
+onException :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a                              --
+onException io what = io `catch` \e -> do what                   --
+                                          throw (e :: Exception) --
+-- to be deleted --------------------------------------------------
+dbInteractionLoop queries coreChan dbConn = do
 	q <- readChan queries
 	case q of
-		HasRegistered name -> do
-			statement <- prepare dbConn "SELECT uid FROM users WHERE name=?"
-			execute statement [SqlString name]
-			uid <- fetchRow statement
-			finish statement
-			putStrLn (show $ isJust uid)
+		CheckAccount clID name -> do
+				statement <- prepare dbConn "SELECT uid FROM users WHERE name=?"
+				execute statement [SqlString name]
+				uid <- fetchRow statement
+				finish statement
+				if isJust uid then
+					writeChan coreChan $ ClientAccountInfo clID HasAccount
+					else
+					writeChan coreChan $ ClientAccountInfo clID Guest
+			`onException`
+				(unGetChan queries $ CheckAccount clID name)
 		CheckPassword queryStr -> putStrLn queryStr
-	dbInteractionLoop queries dbConn
+	dbInteractionLoop queries coreChan dbConn
 dbConnectionLoop serverInfo = do
-	Control.Exception.handle (\e -> print e) $ handleSqlError $
+	Control.Exception.handle (\e -> infoM "Database" $ show e) $ handleSqlError $
 			(connectMySQL defaultMySQLConnectInfo {mysqlHost = dbHost serverInfo, mysqlDatabase = "hedge_main", mysqlUser = dbLogin serverInfo, mysqlPassword = dbPassword serverInfo })
-			(dbInteractionLoop $ dbQueries serverInfo)
+			(dbInteractionLoop (dbQueries serverInfo) (coreChan serverInfo))
-	threadDelay (15 * 10^6)
+	threadDelay (5 * 10^6)
 	dbConnectionLoop serverInfo
 startDBConnection serverInfo =
--- a/gameServer/ServerCore.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:10 2009 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/ServerCore.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:49 2009 +0000
@@ -15,21 +15,24 @@
 import Actions
 import OfficialServer.DBInteraction
+firstAway (_, a, b, c) = (a, b, c)
 reactCmd :: ServerInfo -> Int -> [String] -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO (ServerInfo, Clients, Rooms)
 reactCmd serverInfo clID cmd clients rooms = do
 	(_ , serverInfo, clients, rooms) <-
 		foldM processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ handleCmd clID clients rooms cmd
 	return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-mainLoop :: Chan CoreMessage -> ServerInfo -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO ()
-mainLoop coreChan serverInfo clients rooms = do
-	r <- readChan coreChan
+mainLoop :: ServerInfo -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO ()
+mainLoop serverInfo clients rooms = do
+	r <- readChan $ coreChan serverInfo
 	(newServerInfo, mClients, mRooms) <-
 		case r of
 			Accept ci -> do
 				let updatedClients = IntMap.insert (clientUID ci) ci clients
-				--infoM "Clients" ("New client: id " ++ (show $ clientUID ci))
+				infoM "Clients" ("New client: id " ++ (show $ clientUID ci))
 					(clientUID ci, serverInfo, updatedClients, rooms)
 					(AnswerThisClient ["CONNECTED", "Hedgewars server"])
@@ -44,11 +47,22 @@
 					debugM "Clients" "Message from dead client"
 					return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+			ClientAccountInfo clID info ->
+				if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
+					liftM firstAway $ processAction
+						(clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+						(ProcessAccountInfo info)
+					else
+					do
+					debugM "Clients" "Got info for dead client"
+					return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)
 	{-			let hadRooms = (not $ null rooms) && (null mrooms)
 					in unless ((not $ isDedicated serverInfo) && ((null clientsIn) || hadRooms)) $
 						mainLoop serverInfo acceptChan messagesChan clientsIn mrooms -}
-	mainLoop coreChan newServerInfo mClients mRooms
+	mainLoop newServerInfo mClients mRooms
 startServer :: ServerInfo -> Chan CoreMessage -> Socket -> IO ()
 startServer serverInfo coreChan serverSocket = do
@@ -67,7 +81,7 @@
 	startDBConnection $ serverInfo
-	mainLoop coreChan serverInfo IntMap.empty (IntMap.singleton 0 newRoom)
+	mainLoop serverInfo IntMap.empty (IntMap.singleton 0 newRoom)
--- a/gameServer/hedgewars-server.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:10 2009 +0000
+++ b/gameServer/hedgewars-server.hs	Tue Feb 24 19:39:49 2009 +0000
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 	stats <- atomically $ newTMVar (StatisticsInfo 0 0)
 	dbQueriesChan <- newChan
 	coreChan <- newChan
-	serverInfo <- getOpts $ newServerInfo stats dbQueriesChan
+	serverInfo <- getOpts $ newServerInfo stats coreChan dbQueriesChan
 		(Network.listenOn $ Network.PortNumber $ listenPort serverInfo)