In stats-only mode:
Fri, 14 Feb 2014 13:48:14 +0400 (2014-02-14)
changeset 10139 9046f69dae4c
parent 10138 1a71d28392cb
child 10140 a846641d2b04
In stats-only mode: - Don't load all sprites - Don't use sdl_ttf - Don't load binds
--- a/hedgewars/hwengine.pas	Thu Feb 13 23:53:47 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/hwengine.pas	Fri Feb 14 13:48:14 2014 +0400
@@ -353,9 +353,12 @@
-    WriteToConsole('Init SDL_ttf... ');
-    SDLTry(TTF_Init() <> -1, true);
-    WriteLnToConsole(msgOK);
+    if not cOnlyStats then
+        begin
+        WriteToConsole('Init SDL_ttf... ');
+        SDLTry(TTF_Init() <> -1, true);
+        WriteLnToConsole(msgOK);
+        end;
     if GameType = gmtRecord then
--- a/hedgewars/uInputHandler.pas	Thu Feb 13 23:53:47 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uInputHandler.pas	Fri Feb 14 13:48:14 2014 +0400
@@ -469,6 +469,8 @@
     p, l: shortstring;
     b: byte;
+    if cOnlyStats then exit;
     AddFileLog('[BINDS] Loading binds from: ' + s);
     l:= '';
--- a/hedgewars/uRenderUtils.pas	Thu Feb 13 23:53:47 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uRenderUtils.pas	Fri Feb 14 13:48:14 2014 +0400
@@ -277,24 +277,31 @@
 var w, h: LongInt;
     finalSurface: PSDL_Surface;
-    if length(s) = 0 then s:= _S' ';
-    font:= CheckCJKFont(s, font);
-    w:= 0; h:= 0; // avoid compiler hints
-    TTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[font].Handle, PChar(s), @w, @h);
-    if (maxLength <> 0) and (w > maxLength) then w := maxLength;
-    finalSurface:= SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w + cFontBorder * 2 + 4, h + cFontBorder * 2,
-            32, RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask);
+    if cOnlyStats then
+        begin
+        RenderStringTexLim:= nil;
+        end
+    else
+        begin
+        if length(s) = 0 then s:= _S' ';
+        font:= CheckCJKFont(s, font);
+        w:= 0; h:= 0; // avoid compiler hints
+        TTF_SizeUTF8(Fontz[font].Handle, PChar(s), @w, @h);
+        if (maxLength <> 0) and (w > maxLength) then w := maxLength;
-    TryDo(finalSurface <> nil, 'RenderString: fail to create surface', true);
+        finalSurface:= SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w + cFontBorder * 2 + 4, h + cFontBorder * 2,
+                32, RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask);
-    WriteInRoundRect(finalSurface, 0, 0, Color, font, s, maxLength);
+        TryDo(finalSurface <> nil, 'RenderString: fail to create surface', true);
+        WriteInRoundRect(finalSurface, 0, 0, Color, font, s, maxLength);
-    TryDo(SDL_SetColorKey(finalSurface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0) = 0, errmsgTransparentSet, true);
+        TryDo(SDL_SetColorKey(finalSurface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0) = 0, errmsgTransparentSet, true);
-    RenderStringTexLim:= Surface2Tex(finalSurface, false);
+        RenderStringTexLim:= Surface2Tex(finalSurface, false);
-    SDL_FreeSurface(finalSurface);
+        SDL_FreeSurface(finalSurface);
+        end;
@@ -308,22 +315,24 @@
     substr: shortstring;
     edge, corner, tail: TSPrite;
-      case SpeechType of
+    if cOnlyStats then exit(nil);
+    case SpeechType of
         1: begin;
-        edge:= sprSpeechEdge;
-        corner:= sprSpeechCorner;
-        tail:= sprSpeechTail;
-        end;
+            edge:= sprSpeechEdge;
+            corner:= sprSpeechCorner;
+            tail:= sprSpeechTail;
+            end;
         2: begin;
-        edge:= sprThoughtEdge;
-        corner:= sprThoughtCorner;
-        tail:= sprThoughtTail;
-        end;
+            edge:= sprThoughtEdge;
+            corner:= sprThoughtCorner;
+            tail:= sprThoughtTail;
+            end;
         3: begin;
-        edge:= sprShoutEdge;
-        corner:= sprShoutCorner;
-        tail:= sprShoutTail;
-        end;
+            edge:= sprShoutEdge;
+            corner:= sprShoutCorner;
+            tail:= sprShoutTail;
+            end;
     edgeHeight:= SpritesData[edge].Height;
     edgeWidth:= SpritesData[edge].Width;
--- a/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Thu Feb 13 23:53:47 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Fri Feb 14 13:48:14 2014 +0400
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
     foundBot: boolean;
     year, month, md : word;
-    if cOnlyStats then exit;
+if cOnlyStats then exit;
 r.x:= 0;
 r.y:= 0;
 drY:= - 4;
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
-if not reload then
+if (not reload) and (not cOnlyStats) then
     for fi:= Low(THWFont) to High(THWFont) do
         with Fontz[fi] do
@@ -355,8 +355,12 @@
+if not cOnlyStats then 
+    begin
+    MakeCrossHairs;
+    LoadGraves;
+    end;
 if not reload then
@@ -364,11 +368,13 @@
     with SpritesData[ii] do
         // FIXME - add a sprite attribute to match on rq flags?
         if (((cReducedQuality and (rqNoBackground or rqLowRes)) = 0) or   // why rqLowRes?
-                (not (ii in [sprSky, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, sprHorizont, sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR]))) and
-           (((cReducedQuality and rqPlainSplash) = 0) or ((not (ii in [sprSplash, sprDroplet, sprSDSplash, sprSDDroplet])))) and
-           (((cReducedQuality and rqKillFlakes) = 0) or cSnow or ((not (ii in [sprFlake, sprSDFlake])))) and
-           ((cCloudsNumber > 0) or (ii <> sprCloud)) and
-           ((vobCount > 0) or (ii <> sprFlake)) then
+                (not (ii in [sprSky, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, sprHorizont, sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR])))
+           and (((cReducedQuality and rqPlainSplash) = 0) or ((not (ii in [sprSplash, sprDroplet, sprSDSplash, sprSDDroplet])))) 
+           and (((cReducedQuality and rqKillFlakes) = 0) or cSnow or ((not (ii in [sprFlake, sprSDFlake]))))
+           and ((cCloudsNumber > 0) or (ii <> sprCloud))
+           and ((vobCount > 0) or (ii <> sprFlake)) 
+           and (savesurf or (not cOnlyStats)) // in stats-only only load those which are needed later
+            then
             if reload then
                 tmpsurf:= Surface
@@ -426,53 +432,56 @@
                 Surface:= nil
+if not cOnlyStats then
+    begin
+    WriteNames(fnt16);
-if not reload then
-    AddProgress;
+    if not reload then
+        AddProgress;
+    tmpsurf:= LoadDataImage(ptGraphics, cHHFileName, ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent);
-tmpsurf:= LoadDataImage(ptGraphics, cHHFileName, ifAlpha or ifCritical or ifTransparent);
+    HHTexture:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
+    SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf);
+    InitHealth;
-HHTexture:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
+    PauseTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidPaused], cYellowColor, fntBig);
+    AFKTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidAFK], cYellowColor, fntBig);
+    ConfirmTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidConfirm], cYellowColor, fntBig);
+    SyncTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidSync], cYellowColor, fntBig);
-PauseTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidPaused], cYellowColor, fntBig);
-AFKTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidAFK], cYellowColor, fntBig);
-ConfirmTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidConfirm], cYellowColor, fntBig);
-SyncTexture:= RenderStringTex(trmsg[sidSync], cYellowColor, fntBig);
-if not reload then
-    AddProgress;
+    if not reload then
+        AddProgress;
-// name of weapons in ammo menu
-for ai:= Low(TAmmoType) to High(TAmmoType) do
-    with Ammoz[ai] do
+    // name of weapons in ammo menu
+    for ai:= Low(TAmmoType) to High(TAmmoType) do
+        with Ammoz[ai] do
+            begin
+            TryDo(length(trAmmo[NameId]) > 0,'No default text/translation found for ammo type #' + intToStr(ord(ai)) + '!',true);
+            tmpsurf:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[CheckCJKFont(trAmmo[NameId],fnt16)].Handle, PChar(trAmmo[NameId]), cWhiteColorChannels);
+            TryDo(tmpsurf <> nil,'Name-texture creation for ammo type #' + intToStr(ord(ai)) + ' failed!',true);
+            tmpsurf:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpsurf);
+            FreeTexture(NameTex);
+            NameTex:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
+            SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf)
+            end;
+    // number of weapons in ammo menu
+    for i:= Low(CountTexz) to High(CountTexz) do
-        TryDo(length(trAmmo[NameId]) > 0,'No default text/translation found for ammo type #' + intToStr(ord(ai)) + '!',true);
-        tmpsurf:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[CheckCJKFont(trAmmo[NameId],fnt16)].Handle, PChar(trAmmo[NameId]), cWhiteColorChannels);
-        TryDo(tmpsurf <> nil,'Name-texture creation for ammo type #' + intToStr(ord(ai)) + ' failed!',true);
+        tmpsurf:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[fnt16].Handle, Str2PChar(IntToStr(i) + 'x'), cWhiteColorChannels);
         tmpsurf:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpsurf);
-        FreeTexture(NameTex);
-        NameTex:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
+        FreeTexture(CountTexz[i]);
+        CountTexz[i]:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
-// number of weapons in ammo menu
-for i:= Low(CountTexz) to High(CountTexz) do
-    begin
-    tmpsurf:= TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(Fontz[fnt16].Handle, Str2PChar(IntToStr(i) + 'x'), cWhiteColorChannels);
-    tmpsurf:= doSurfaceConversion(tmpsurf);
-    FreeTexture(CountTexz[i]);
-    CountTexz[i]:= Surface2Tex(tmpsurf, false);
-    SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf)
+    if not reload then
+        AddProgress;
-if not reload then
-    AddProgress;
--- a/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Thu Feb 13 23:53:47 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Fri Feb 14 13:48:14 2014 +0400
@@ -429,6 +429,8 @@
     AMRect: TSDL_Rect;
+    if cOnlyStats then exit(false);
     SlotsNum:= 0;
     for i:= 0 to cMaxSlotIndex do
         if((i = 0) and (Ammo^[i,1].Count > 0)) or ((i <> 0) and (Ammo^[i,0].Count > 0)) then
@@ -1971,6 +1973,8 @@
 procedure ShowMission(caption, subcaption, text: ansistring; icon, time : LongInt);
 var r: TSDL_Rect;
+if cOnlyStats then exit;
 r.w:= 32;
 r.h:= 32;