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     1 <!DOCTYPE HTML>
     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     3 <head>
     4 <!-- There is, at present, no official xsd for (X)HTML5. A pity. Usefulness would depend on the parser and extensions made by the site.  -->
     5     <title>Hedgewars Hats</title>
     7     <style type="text/css">
     8 * {padding: 0; margin: 0; }
     9 body 
    10 {
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    13     background-size: 200%;
    14     font-family: sans-serif;
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    27 }
    28 .girder
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    30     width: 100%;
    31     height: 30px;
    32     clear: left;
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    37 a div
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    44     <script type="application/ecmascript">
    45 //<![CDATA[
    46 /* javascript version of a sprite sheet - this could be pretty trivially done in pure HTML, but maintenance
    47 would be easier with a server-side portion. list of sprites could be gotten from googlecode, but would require XSS whitelisting */
    48 var masks = [
    49 '4gsuif',          'Coonskin3',     'jigglypuff',   'NinjaStraight',       'Ryu',              'sth_Super',
    50 'AkuAku',          'Cororon',       'judo',         'NinjaTriangle',       'Samurai',          'sth_Tails',
    51 'android',         'Cowboy',        'junior',       'OldMan',              'Samus',            'stormcloud',
    52 'angel',           'crown',         'Ken',          'OrangeHair',          'Santa',            'stormtrooper',
    53 'anzac',           'cyborg',        'KirbyMask',    'orange',              'SauceBoatSilver',  'StrawHatEyes',
    54 'apple',           'darthvader',    'kiss_criss',   'Pantsu',              'ShaggyYeti',       'StrawHatFacial',
    55 'ash',             'Deer',          'kiss_frehley', 'Pig',                 'sheep',            'StrawHat',
    56 'Balrog',          'diglett',       'kiss_simmons', 'pikachu',             'ShortHair_Black',  'Sunglasses',
    57 'banana',          'Disguise',      'kiss_stanley', 'PinkHair',            'ShortHair_Brown',  'SunWukong',
    58 'Bandit',          'Dragon',        'knight',       'pinksunhat',          'ShortHair_Grey',   'Teacup',
    59 'beaver',          'dwarf',         'Kululun',      'pirate_jack_bandana', 'ShortHair_Red',    'Teapot',
    60 'beefeater',       'eastertop',     'Ladle',        'pirate_jack',         'ShortHair_Yellow', 'Terminator_Glasses',
    61 'Blanka',          'Elvis',         'lambda',       'Plunger',             'Skull',            'test',
    62 'BlankaToothless', 'Eva_00b',       'Laminaria',    'policecap',           'Sleepwalker',      'thug',
    63 'BlueCap',         'Eva_00y',       'laurel',       'porkey',              'slowpoke',         'Toad',
    64 'BlueHair',        'Falcon',        'lemon',        'PrincessDaisy',       'Sniper',           'tophats',
    65 'Bob',             'Gasmask',       'link',         'PrincessPeach',       'Sonic',            'ushanka',
    66 'BrainSlugMouth',  'Geordi',        'lugia',        'Pumpkin_Hat',         'SparkleSuperFun',  'Vega',
    67 'BrainSlug',       'Glasses',       'Luigi',        'PurpleHair',          'spartan',          'venom',
    68 'Bub',             'GreenCap',      'Mario',        'quotecap',            'spidey',           'Viking',
    69 'Bunny',           'GreenHair',     'MegaHogX',     'Rain',                'squirtle',         'voltorb',
    70 'charmander',      'GreyHair',      'mickey_ears',  'Rambo',               'sth_AmyClassic',   'Wario',
    71 'chef',            'Guile',         'Moose',        'rasta',               'sth_Amy',          'WhySoSerious',
    72 'chikorita',       'HogInTheHat',   'mp3',          'RedCap',              'sth_Eggman',       'WizardHat',
    73 'Chunli',          'Honda',         'mudkip',       'RedHair',             'sth_Knux',         'YellowCap',
    74 'clown-copper',    'IndianChief',   'Mummy',        'RobinHood',           'sth_Metal',        'YellowHair',
    75 'clown-crossed',   'InfernalHorns', 'naruto',       'royalguard',          'sth_Shadow',       'Zombi',
    76 'clown',           'Jason',         'NinjaFull',    'RSR',                 'sth_Sonic'];
    77 var themes = {
    78 "Stage":1,
    79 "Island":0,
    80 "Eyes":0,
    81 "Deepspace":0,
    82 "Jungle":1,
    83 "Cake":0,
    84 "Compost":1,
    85 "Planes":0,
    86 "Olympics":1,
    87 "Bath":1,
    88 "Cheese":0,
    89 "Desert":1,
    90 "Christmas":1,
    91 "CrazyMission":0,
    92 "Sheep":1,
    93 "Brick":0,
    94 "Underwater":1,
    95 "City":1,
    96 "EarthRise":0,
    97 "Blox":0,
    98 "Hell":0,
    99 "Bamboo":1,
   100 "Freeway":0,
   101 "Nature":1,
   102 "Art":1,
   103 "Halloween":1,
   104 "Snow":1,
   105 "Castle":1};
   106 var girder;
   107 var animationInterval;
   108 window.onload = function()
   109 {
   110     var opt = document.createElement("option");
   111     opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
   112     var sel = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
   113     sel.onchange = switchTheme;
   114     for(var theme in themes)
   115     {
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   117         sel.lastChild.value = theme;
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   123     chk.onclick = switchAnim;
   124     document.body.appendChild(chk);
   125     chk = chk.cloneNode(false);
   126     chk.onclick = hideGirders;
   127     document.body.appendChild(chk);
   128     var s = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
   129     for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
   130         if (s[i].selectorText.toLowerCase()==".girder") girder = s[i];
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   134     g.className="girder";
   135     a.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
   136     a.lastChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
   137     for (var i=0;i<masks.length;i++)
   138     {
   139         var h = document.body.appendChild(a.cloneNode(true));
   140         h.href = "http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/"+masks[i]+".png";
   141         h.lastChild.style.backgroundImage = 'url("'+h.href+'")';
   142         h.lastChild.lastChild.data = masks[i];
   143         h.title = masks[i];
   144         h.idle = Math.floor(Math.random()*19);
   145         if (i%17==16 || i==masks.length-1) document.body.appendChild(g.cloneNode(false));
   146     }
   148 /* quick and dirty animation */
   149 animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);
   150 }
   152 function animateHogs()
   153 {
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   162 }
   164 function switchAnim()
   165 {
   166     if (animationInterval) 
   167     {
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   174 function hideGirders()
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   185 function switchTheme()
   186 {
   187     document.body.style.backgroundImage='url("http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/'+this.value+'/Sky.png")';
   188     if (themes[this.value])
   189         girder.style.backgroundImage='url("http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/'+this.value+'/Girder.png")';
   190     else
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   192 }
   193 //]]>
   194     </script>
   195 </head>
   196 <body>
   197 <h1>List of Hedgewars hats</h1>
   198 </body>
   199 </html>