changeset 1965 340bfd438ca5
parent 1964 dc9ea05c9d2f
child 1966 31e449e1d9dd
equal deleted inserted replaced
1964:dc9ea05c9d2f 1965:340bfd438ca5
     1 module HWProto
     2 (
     3 	handleCmd
     4 ) where
     6 import IO
     7 import Data.List
     8 import Data.Word
     9 import Data.Sequence(Seq, (|>), (><), fromList, empty)
    10 import Data.Foldable(toList)
    11 import Miscutils
    12 import Maybe
    13 import qualified Data.Map as Map
    14 import Opts
    16 teamToNet protocol team =
    17 	if protocol <= 21 then
    18 		["ADD_TEAM", teamname team, teamgrave team, teamfort team, show $ difficulty team] ++ hhsInfo
    19 	else
    20 		["ADD_TEAM", teamname team, teamgrave team, teamfort team, teamvoicepack team, teamowner team, show $ difficulty team] ++ hhsInfo
    21 	where
    22 		hhsInfo = concatMap (\(HedgehogInfo name hat) -> [name, hat]) $ hedgehogs team
    24 makeAnswer :: HandlesSelector -> [String] -> [Answer]
    25 makeAnswer func msg = [\_ -> (func, msg)]
    26 answerClientOnly, answerOthersRoom, answerSameRoom :: [String] -> [Answer]
    27 answerClientOnly  = makeAnswer clientOnly
    28 answerOthersRoom  = makeAnswer othersInRoom
    29 answerSameRoom    = makeAnswer sameRoom
    30 answerSameProtoLobby = makeAnswer sameProtoLobbyClients
    31 answerOtherLobby  = makeAnswer otherLobbyClients
    32 answerAll         = makeAnswer allClients
    34 answerBadCmd            = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "Bad command, state or incorrect parameter"]
    35 answerNotMaster         = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "You cannot configure room parameters"]
    36 answerBadParam          = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "Bad parameter"]
    37 answerErrorMsg msg      = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", msg]
    38 answerQuit msg          = answerClientOnly ["BYE", msg]
    39 answerNickChosen        = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "The nick already chosen"]
    40 answerNickChooseAnother = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "Choose another nick"]
    41 answerNick nick         = answerClientOnly ["NICK", nick]
    42 answerProtocolKnown     = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "Protocol number already known"]
    43 answerBadInput          = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "Bad input"]
    44 answerProto protoNum    = answerClientOnly ["PROTO", show protoNum]
    45 answerRoomsList list    = answerClientOnly $ "ROOMS" : list
    46 answerRoomExists        = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "There's already a room with that name"]
    47 answerNoRoom            = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "There's no room with that name"]
    48 answerWrongPassword     = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "Wrong password"]
    49 answerCantAdd reason    = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "Cannot add team: " ++ reason]
    50 answerTeamAccepted team = answerClientOnly ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", teamname team]
    51 answerTooFewClans       = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "Too few clans in game"]
    52 answerRestricted        = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "Room joining restricted"]
    53 answerConnected         = answerClientOnly ["CONNECTED", "Hedgewars server"]
    54 answerNotOwner          = answerClientOnly ["ERROR", "You do not own this team"]
    55 answerCannotCreateRoom  = answerClientOnly ["WARNING", "Cannot create more rooms"]
    56 answerInfo client       = answerClientOnly ["INFO", nick client, host client, proto2ver $ protocol client, roomInfo]
    57 	where
    58 	roomInfo = if not $ null $ room client then "room " ++ (room client) else "lobby"
    60 answerAbandoned protocol  =
    61 	if protocol < 20 then
    62 		answerOthersRoom ["BYE", "Room abandoned"]
    63 	else
    64 		answerOthersRoom ["ROOMABANDONED"]
    66 answerChatString nick msg = answerOthersRoom ["CHAT_STRING", nick, msg]
    67 answerAddTeam protocol team = answerOthersRoom $ teamToNet protocol team
    68 answerRemoveTeam teamName = answerOthersRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName]
    69 answerMap mapName         = answerOthersRoom ["MAP", mapName]
    70 answerHHNum teamName hhNumber = answerOthersRoom ["HH_NUM", teamName, show hhNumber]
    71 answerTeamColor teamName newColor = answerOthersRoom ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor]
    72 answerConfigParam paramName paramStrs = answerOthersRoom $ "CONFIG_PARAM" : paramName : paramStrs
    73 answerQuitInform nick msg =
    74 	if not $ null msg then
    75 		answerOthersRoom ["LEFT", nick, msg]
    76 		else
    77 		answerOthersRoom ["LEFT", nick]
    79 answerPartInform nick = answerOthersRoom ["LEFT", nick, "bye room"]
    80 answerQuitLobby nick msg =
    81 	if not $ null nick then
    82 		if not $ null msg then
    83 			answerAll ["LOBBY:LEFT", nick, msg]
    84 		else
    85 			answerAll ["LOBBY:LEFT", nick]
    86 	else
    87 		[]
    89 answerJoined nick   = answerSameRoom ["JOINED", nick]
    90 answerRunGame       = answerSameRoom ["RUN_GAME"]
    91 answerIsReady nick  = answerSameRoom ["READY", nick]
    92 answerNotReady nick = answerSameRoom ["NOT_READY", nick]
    94 answerRoomAdded name    = answerSameProtoLobby ["ROOM", "ADD", name]
    95 answerRoomDeleted name  = answerSameProtoLobby ["ROOM", "DEL", name]
    97 answerFullConfig room = concatMap toAnswer (Map.toList $ params room) ++ (answerClientOnly ["MAP", gamemap room])
    98 	where
    99 		toAnswer (paramName, paramStrs) =
   100 			answerClientOnly $ "CONFIG_PARAM" : paramName : paramStrs
   102 answerAllTeams protocol teams = concatMap toAnswer teams
   103 	where
   104 		toAnswer team =
   105 			(answerClientOnly $ teamToNet protocol team) ++
   106 			(answerClientOnly ["TEAM_COLOR", teamname team, teamcolor team]) ++
   107 			(answerClientOnly ["HH_NUM", teamname team, show $ hhnum team])
   109 answerServerMessage client clients = [\serverInfo -> (clientOnly, "SERVER_MESSAGE" :
   110 		[(mainbody serverInfo) ++ updateInfo ++ clientsIn ++ (lastHour serverInfo)])]
   111 	where
   112 		mainbody serverInfo = serverMessage serverInfo ++
   113 			if isDedicated serverInfo then
   114 				"<p align=center>Dedicated server</p>"
   115 				else
   116 				"<p align=center>Private server</p>"
   118 		updateInfo = if protocol client < 23 then "<font color=yellow><h3>Hedgewars 0.9.9 is out!!! Please, update. Support for previous versions will be dropped soon</h3><p align=center><a href=>Download page here</a></p><h4>New features are:</h4><ul><li>Voice packs</li><li>Precise aim</li><li>RC Plane weapon</li><li>...</li></ul></font>" else ""
   119 		clientsIn = if protocol client < 20 then "<p align=left>" ++ (show $ length nicks) ++ " clients in: " ++ clientslist ++ "</p>" else []
   120 		clientslist = if not $ null nicks then foldr1 (\a b -> a  ++ ", " ++ b) nicks else ""
   121 		lastHour serverInfo =
   122 			if isDedicated serverInfo then
   123 				"<p align=left>" ++ (show $ length $ lastHourUsers serverInfo) ++ " user logins in last hour</p>"
   124 				else
   125 				""
   126 		nicks = filter (not . null) $ map nick clients
   128 answerPing = makeAnswer allClients ["PING"]
   130 -- Main state-independent cmd handler
   131 handleCmd :: CmdHandler
   132 handleCmd client _ rooms ("QUIT" : xs) =
   133 	if null (room client) then
   134 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerQuit msg ++ (answerQuitLobby (nick client) msg) )
   135 	else if isMaster client then
   136 		(modifyRoomClients clRoom (\cl -> cl{isReady = False, partRoom = True}), removeRoom (room client), (answerQuit msg) ++ (answerQuitLobby (nick client) msg) ++ (answerAbandoned $ protocol client) ++ (answerRoomDeleted $ room client)) -- core disconnects clients on ROOMABANDONED answer
   137 	else
   138 		if not $ gameinprogress clRoom then
   139 			(noChangeClients,
   140 			modifyRoom clRoom{
   141 				teams = othersTeams,
   142 				playersIn = (playersIn clRoom) - 1,
   143 				readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers
   144 				},
   145 			(answerQuit msg) ++
   146 			(answerQuitInform (nick client) msg) ++
   147 			(answerQuitLobby (nick client) msg) ++
   148 			answerRemoveClientTeams)
   149 		else
   150 			(noChangeClients,
   151 			modifyRoom clRoom{
   152 				teams = othersTeams,
   153 				leftTeams = (map teamname clientTeams) ++ (leftTeams clRoom),
   154 				roundMsgs = (roundMsgs clRoom) >< (fromList rmTeamsMsgs),
   155 				playersIn = (playersIn clRoom) - 1,
   156 				readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers
   157 				},
   158 			(answerQuit msg) ++
   159 			(answerQuitInform (nick client) msg) ++
   160 			(answerQuitLobby (nick client) msg) ++
   161 			answerRemoveClientTeams ++
   162 			answerEngineTeamsRemoveMsg)
   163 	where
   164 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   165 		answerRemoveClientTeams = concatMap (\tn -> answerOthersRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamname tn]) clientTeams
   166 		(clientTeams, othersTeams) = partition (\t -> teamowner t == nick client) $ teams clRoom
   167 		newReadyPlayers = if isReady client then (readyPlayers clRoom) - 1 else readyPlayers clRoom
   168 		msg = if not $ null xs then head xs else ""
   169 		rmTeamsMsgs = map (\team -> toEngineMsg $ 'F' : teamname team) clientTeams
   170 		answerEngineTeamsRemoveMsg =
   171 			if not $ null rmTeamsMsgs then
   172 				answerOthersRoom $ "GAMEMSG" : rmTeamsMsgs
   173 			else
   174 				[]
   176 handleCmd _ _ _ ["PING"] = -- core requsted
   177 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerPing)
   179 handleCmd _ _ _ ["ASKME"] = -- core requsted
   180 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerConnected)
   182 handleCmd _ _ _ ["PONG"] =
   183 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   185 handleCmd _ _ _ ["ERROR", msg] =
   186 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerErrorMsg msg)
   188 handleCmd _ clients _ ["INFO", asknick] =
   189 	if noSuchClient then
   190 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   191 	else
   192 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerInfo client)
   193 	where
   194 		maybeClient = find (\cl -> asknick == nick cl) clients
   195 		noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClient
   196 		client = fromJust maybeClient
   199 -- check state and call state-dependent commmand handlers
   200 handleCmd client clients rooms cmd =
   201 	if null (nick client) || protocol client == 0 then
   202 		handleCmd_noInfo client clients rooms cmd
   203 	else if null (room client) then
   204 		handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms cmd
   205 	else
   206 		handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms cmd
   209 -- 'no info' state - need to get protocol number and nickname
   210 onLoginFinished client clients =
   211 	if (null $ nick client) || (protocol client == 0) then
   212 		[]
   213 	else
   214 		answerLobbyNicks ++
   215 		(answerAll ["LOBBY:JOINED", nick client]) ++
   216 		(answerServerMessage client clients)
   217 	where
   218 		lobbyNicks = filter (\n -> (not (null n)) && n /= nick client) $ map nick $ clients
   219 		answerLobbyNicks = if not $ null lobbyNicks then
   220 					answerClientOnly $ ["LOBBY:JOINED"] ++ lobbyNicks
   221 				else
   222 					[]
   224 handleCmd_noInfo :: CmdHandler
   225 handleCmd_noInfo client clients _ ["NICK", newNick] =
   226 	if not . null $ nick client then
   227 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNickChosen)
   228 	else if haveSameNick then
   229 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNickChooseAnother)
   230 	else
   231 		(modifyClient client{nick = newNick}, noChangeRooms, answerNick newNick ++ (onLoginFinished client{nick = newNick} clients))
   232 	where
   233 		haveSameNick = isJust $ find (\cl -> newNick == nick cl) clients
   235 handleCmd_noInfo client clients _ ["PROTO", protoNum] =
   236 	if protocol client > 0 then
   237 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerProtocolKnown)
   238 	else if parsedProto == 0 then
   239 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadInput)
   240 	else
   241 		(modifyClient client{protocol = parsedProto}, noChangeRooms, answerProto parsedProto ++ (onLoginFinished client{protocol = parsedProto} clients))
   242 	where
   243 		parsedProto = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead protoNum :: Maybe Word16)
   245 handleCmd_noInfo _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadCmd)
   248 -- 'noRoom' clients state command handlers
   249 handleCmd_noRoom :: CmdHandler
   250 handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["LIST"] =
   251 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, (answerRoomsList $ concatMap roomInfo $ sameProtoRooms))
   252 		where
   253 			roomInfo room = [
   254 					name room,
   255 					(show $ playersIn room) ++ "(" ++ (show $ length $ teams room) ++ ")",
   256 					show $ gameinprogress room
   257 					]
   258 			sameProtoRooms = filter (\r -> (roomProto r == protocol client) && (not $ isRestrictedJoins r)) rooms
   260 handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, roomPassword] =
   261 	if haveSameRoom then
   262 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerRoomExists)
   263 	else
   264 		(modifyClient client{room = newRoom, isMaster = True}, addRoom createRoom{name = newRoom, password = roomPassword, roomProto = (protocol client)}, (answerJoined $ nick client) ++ (answerNotReady $ nick client) ++ (answerRoomAdded newRoom))
   265 	where
   266 		haveSameRoom = isJust $ find (\room -> newRoom == name room) rooms
   268 handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom] =
   269 	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, ""]
   271 handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, roomPassword] =
   272 	if noSuchRoom then
   273 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNoRoom)
   274 	else if roomPassword /= password clRoom then
   275 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerWrongPassword)
   276 	else if isRestrictedJoins clRoom then
   277 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerRestricted)
   278 	else
   279 		(modifyClient client{room = roomName}, modifyRoom clRoom{playersIn = 1 + playersIn clRoom}, (answerJoined $ nick client) ++ answerNicks ++ answerReady ++ (answerNotReady $ nick client) ++ answerFullConfig clRoom ++ answerTeams ++ watchRound)
   280 	where
   281 		noSuchRoom = isNothing $ find (\room -> roomName == name room && roomProto room == protocol client) rooms
   282 		answerNicks = if not $ null sameRoomClients then
   283 					answerClientOnly $ ["JOINED"] ++ (map nick $ sameRoomClients)
   284 				else
   285 					[]
   286 		answerReady = concatMap (\c -> answerClientOnly [if isReady c then "READY" else "NOT_READY", nick c]) sameRoomClients
   287 		sameRoomClients = filter (\ci -> room ci == roomName) clients
   288 		clRoom = roomByName roomName rooms
   289 		watchRound = if (roomProto clRoom < 20) || (not $ gameinprogress clRoom) then
   290 					[]
   291 				else
   292 					(answerClientOnly  ["RUN_GAME"]) ++
   293 					answerClientOnly ("GAMEMSG" : toEngineMsg "e$spectate 1" : (toList $ roundMsgs clRoom))
   294 		answerTeams = if gameinprogress clRoom then
   295 				answerAllTeams (protocol client) (teamsAtStart clRoom)
   296 			else
   297 				answerAllTeams (protocol client) (teams clRoom)
   299 handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName] =
   300 	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, ""]
   302 handleCmd_noRoom client _ _ ["CHAT_STRING", msg] =
   303 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerChatString (nick client) msg)
   305 handleCmd_noRoom client _ _ ["GLOBALMSG", password, msg] =
   306 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [answer])
   307 	where
   308 		answer = \serverInfo ->
   309 			if (not $ null password) && (adminPassword serverInfo == password) then
   310 				(allClients, ["CHAT_STRING", nick client, msg])
   311 			else
   312 				(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Wrong password"])
   314 handleCmd_noRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadCmd)
   317 -- 'inRoom' clients state command handlers
   318 handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler
   319 handleCmd_inRoom client _ _ ["CHAT_STRING", msg] =
   320 	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerChatString (nick client) msg)
   322 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ("CONFIG_PARAM" : paramName : paramStrs) =
   323 	if isMaster client then
   324 		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{params = Map.insert paramName paramStrs (params clRoom)}, answerConfigParam paramName paramStrs)
   325 	else
   326 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
   327 	where
   328 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   330 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["PART"] =
   331 	if isMaster client then
   332 		(modifyRoomClients clRoom (\cl -> cl{isReady = False, isMaster = False, partRoom = True}), removeRoom (room client), (answerAbandoned $ protocol client) ++ (answerRoomDeleted $ room client))
   333 	else
   334 			if not $ gameinprogress clRoom then
   335 				(modifyClient client{
   336 					isReady = False,
   337 					partRoom = True
   338 					},
   339 				 modifyRoom clRoom{
   340 				 	teams = othersTeams,
   341 				 	playersIn = (playersIn clRoom) - 1,
   342 				 	readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers
   343 				 	},
   344 				 (answerPartInform (nick client)) ++ answerRemoveClientTeams)
   345 			else
   346 				(modifyClient client{
   347 					isReady = False,
   348 					partRoom = True
   349 					},
   350 				modifyRoom clRoom{
   351 					teams = othersTeams,
   352 					leftTeams = (map teamname clientTeams) ++ (leftTeams clRoom),
   353 					roundMsgs = (roundMsgs clRoom) >< (fromList rmTeamsMsgs),
   354 				 	playersIn = (playersIn clRoom) - 1,
   355 				 	readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers
   356 					},
   357 				answerEngineTeamsRemoveMsg ++
   358 				(answerPartInform (nick client)) ++
   359 				answerRemoveClientTeams)
   360 	where
   361 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   362 		answerRemoveClientTeams = concatMap (\tn -> answerOthersRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamname tn]) clientTeams
   363 		(clientTeams, othersTeams) = partition (\t -> teamowner t == nick client) $ teams clRoom
   364 		newReadyPlayers = if isReady client then (readyPlayers clRoom) - 1 else readyPlayers clRoom
   365 		rmTeamsMsgs = map (\team -> toEngineMsg $ 'F' : teamname team) clientTeams
   366 		answerEngineTeamsRemoveMsg =
   367 			if not $ null rmTeamsMsgs then
   368 				answerOthersRoom $ "GAMEMSG" : rmTeamsMsgs
   369 			else
   370 				[]
   373 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["MAP", mapName] =
   374 	if isMaster client then
   375 		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{gamemap = mapName}, answerMap mapName)
   376 	else
   377 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
   378 	where
   379 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   381 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : voicepack : difStr : hhsInfo)
   382 	| length hhsInfo == 16 =
   383 	if length (teams clRoom) == 6 then
   384 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCantAdd "too many teams")
   385 	else if canAddNumber <= 0 then
   386 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCantAdd "too many hedgehogs")
   387 	else if isJust findTeam then
   388 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCantAdd "already has a team with same name")
   389 	else if gameinprogress clRoom then
   390 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCantAdd "round in progress")
   391 	else if isRestrictedTeams clRoom then
   392 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCantAdd "restricted")
   393 	else
   394 		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{teams = teams clRoom ++ [newTeam]}, answerTeamAccepted newTeam ++ answerAddTeam (protocol client) newTeam ++ answerTeamColor name color)
   395 	where
   396 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   397 		newTeam = (TeamInfo (nick client) name color grave fort voicepack difficulty newTeamHHNum (hhsList hhsInfo))
   398 		findTeam = find (\t -> name == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
   399 		difficulty = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead difStr :: Maybe Int)
   400 		hhsList [] = []
   401 		hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
   402 		canAddNumber = 48 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams clRoom)
   403 		newTeamHHNum = min 4 canAddNumber
   405 handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : difStr : hhsInfo) =
   406 	handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : "Default" : difStr : hhsInfo)
   409 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["HH_NUM", teamName, numberStr] =
   410 	if not $ isMaster client then
   411 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
   412 	else
   413 		if hhNumber < 1 || hhNumber > 8 || noSuchTeam || hhNumber > (canAddNumber + (hhnum team)) then
   414 			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   415 		else
   416 			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom $ modifyTeam clRoom team{hhnum = hhNumber}, answerHHNum teamName hhNumber)
   417 	where
   418 		hhNumber = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead numberStr :: Maybe Int)
   419 		noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
   420 		team = fromJust findTeam
   421 		findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
   422 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   423 		canAddNumber = 48 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams clRoom)
   425 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor] =
   426 	if not $ isMaster client then
   427 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
   428 	else
   429 		if noSuchTeam then
   430 			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   431 		else
   432 			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom $ modifyTeam clRoom team{teamcolor = newColor}, answerTeamColor teamName newColor)
   433 	where
   434 		noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
   435 		team = fromJust findTeam
   436 		findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
   437 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   439 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName] =
   440 	if noSuchTeam then
   441 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   442 	else
   443 		if not $ nick client == teamowner team then
   444 			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotOwner)
   445 		else
   446 			if not $ gameinprogress clRoom then
   447 				(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{teams = filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams clRoom}, answerRemoveTeam teamName)
   448 			else
   449 				(noChangeClients,
   450 				modifyRoom clRoom{
   451 					teams = filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams clRoom,
   452 					leftTeams = teamName : leftTeams clRoom,
   453 					roundMsgs = roundMsgs clRoom |> rmTeamMsg
   454 					},
   455 				answerOthersRoom ["GAMEMSG", rmTeamMsg])
   456 	where
   457 		noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
   458 		team = fromJust findTeam
   459 		findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
   460 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   461 		rmTeamMsg = toEngineMsg $ 'F' : teamName
   463 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TOGGLE_READY"] =
   464 	if isReady client then
   465 		(modifyClient client{isReady = False}, modifyRoom clRoom{readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers}, answerNotReady $ nick client)
   466 	else
   467 		(modifyClient client{isReady = True}, modifyRoom clRoom{readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers}, answerIsReady $ nick client)
   468 	where
   469 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   470 		newReadyPlayers = (readyPlayers clRoom) + if isReady client then -1 else 1
   472 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["START_GAME"] =
   473 	if isMaster client && (playersIn clRoom == readyPlayers clRoom) && (not $ gameinprogress clRoom) then
   474 		if enoughClans then
   475 			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{gameinprogress = True, roundMsgs = empty, leftTeams = [], teamsAtStart = teams clRoom}, answerRunGame)
   476 		else
   477 			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerTooFewClans)
   478 	else
   479 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   480 	where
   481 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   482 		enoughClans = not $ null $ drop 1 $ group $ map teamcolor $ teams clRoom
   484 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_JOINS"] =
   485 	if isMaster client then
   486 		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{isRestrictedJoins = newStatus}, [])
   487 	else
   488 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
   489 	where
   490 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   491 		newStatus = not $ isRestrictedJoins clRoom
   493 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_TEAMS"] =
   494 	if isMaster client then
   495 		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{isRestrictedTeams = newStatus}, [])
   496 	else
   497 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
   498 	where
   499 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   500 		newStatus = not $ isRestrictedTeams clRoom
   502 handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["ROUNDFINISHED"] =
   503 	if isMaster client then
   504 		(modifyRoomClients clRoom (\cl -> cl{isReady = False}), modifyRoom clRoom{gameinprogress = False, readyPlayers = 0, roundMsgs = empty, leftTeams = [], teamsAtStart = []}, answerAllNotReady ++ answerRemovedTeams)
   505 	else
   506 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   507 	where
   508 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   509 		sameRoomClients = filter (\ci -> room ci == name clRoom) clients
   510 		answerAllNotReady = concatMap (\cl -> answerSameRoom ["NOT_READY", nick cl]) sameRoomClients
   511 		answerRemovedTeams = concatMap (\t -> answerSameRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", t]) $ leftTeams clRoom
   513 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["GAMEMSG", msg] =
   514 	(noChangeClients, addMsg, answerOthersRoom ["GAMEMSG", msg])
   515 	where
   516 		addMsg = if roomProto clRoom < 20 then
   517 					noChangeRooms
   518 				else
   519 					modifyRoom clRoom{roundMsgs = roundMsgs clRoom |> msg}
   520 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   522 handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["KICK", kickNick] =
   523 	if isMaster client then
   524 		if noSuchClient || (kickClient == client) then
   525 			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   526 		else
   527 			(modifyClient kickClient{forceQuit = True}, noChangeRooms, [])
   528 	else
   529 		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
   530 	where
   531 		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
   532 		noSuchClient = isNothing findClient
   533 		kickClient = fromJust findClient
   534 		findClient = find (\t -> ((room t) == (room client)) && ((nick t) == kickNick)) $ clients
   536 handleCmd_inRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadCmd)