changeset 7893 50e8f6714b22
child 7895 ac1610a7b7fa
equal deleted inserted replaced
7891:77faa4b96771 7893:50e8f6714b22
     1 --kolla stavning
     2 --[[
     3 -fixed so you cant be sabotaged on your selecting continent turn
     4 -moved translations to default locale file.
     6 -NA
     7 	-moved lipstick bullet and pinata bullet to sniperrifle - pinatabullet deals ~23 on direct hit
     8 	-added eagle eye on shotgun (teleport)
     9 -SA
    10 	-reduced duration on birdy from 2 to 1
    11 	-reduced duration on bee  from 2 to 1
    12 	-fixed anno 1032
    13 	-reduced  donut ring with 25% on anno 1032
    14 	-reduced push power
    15 	-reduced birdy from unlimited to 5
    16 	-unlimited bees
    17 -EU
    18 	-increased jetpack from 2 to 3
    19 	added medicine on molotov
    20 -AF
    21 	-fixed Hedgehog projectile
    22 	-reduced drillstrike from 2 to 1
    23 	-increased sticky bomb from 6 to 7
    24 -AS
    25 	-reduced damage on parabomb from 27 to 22
    26 	-increased duration on hellish from 4 to 5
    27 	-per round limit on rope to 3
    28 -AUS
    29 	-fixed baseballbat (mine) range and awareness
    30 -AN
    31 	-reduced teleport from 3 to 2
    32 	-changed portalgun so you will only be able to use it 1s per turn
    33 -KER
    34 	-reduced damage on sabotage from 40% to 0%
    35 	-renamed sabotage so it will sabotage all hogs in the circle + fire up a flare (bomb) + more bombs depending on the amount of hogs
    36 	-increased range on flare (sabotage) with 50%
    37 	-changed scream of walrus so it will deal 20 dmg and 10% of your hogs health
    38 	-sabotage will now visually "boil"
    39 	-added 4 freezers
    40 -ZE
    41 	-fixed random system alot.
    42 	-you will get 3-1 weapons
    43 	-you can now watch your weapon under your turn
    44 ]]
    46 --Based on Hadashi:s idea, then largely modified
    47 --Made By Vatten 2012
    49 loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Locale.lua")()
    50 loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Utils.lua")()
    51 loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Tracker.lua")()
    53 --0.9.17
    54 --[[
    55 function div(val1,val2)
    56 	return val1/val2
    57 end
    59 function ddiv(val1,val2)
    60 	return div(val1*100,val2)*0.01
    61 end
    62 ]]
    64 function int_sqrt(num)
    65 	temp=num
    66 	while(temp*temp-div(temp,2)>num)
    67 	do
    68 		temp=div((temp+div(num,temp)),2)
    69 	end
    70 	return math.abs(temp)
    71 end
    73 function hypotenusa(xx,yy)
    74 	--return math.abs(yy)/math.sin(math.atan(math.abs(yy)/math.abs(xx)))
    75 	--AddCaption(int_sqrt((xx^2)+(yy^2)))
    76 	return int_sqrt((xx^2)+(yy^2))
    77 end
    79 local teams_ok = {}
    80 local wepcode_teams={}
    81 local swapweps=false
    83 --run when game starts on real
    84 local australianSpecial=false
    85 local africanSpecial=0
    86 local africaspecial2=0
    87 local asianSpecial=false
    88 local samericanSpecial=false
    89 local namericanSpecial=1
    90 local sniper_s_in_use=false
    91 local kergulenSpecial=1
    92 local shotgun_s=false
    93 local europe_s=0
    95 local austmine=nil
    96 local inpara=false
    97 local asianflame=0
    99 local temp_val=0
   101 --för sabotage
   102 local disallowattack=0
   103 local disallowleft=true
   104 local disable_moving={}
   106 --skall bytas till för alla teams
   107 local continent = {}
   109 local weapontexts = {
   110 loc("Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"),
   111 loc("Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"),
   112 loc("Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"),
   113 loc("Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"),
   114 loc("Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"),
   115 loc("Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"),
   116 loc("Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"),
   117 loc("Disguise as a Rockhopper Penguin: [Swap place with a random enemy hog in the circle]"),
   118 loc("Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"),
   119 loc("Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"),
   120 loc("Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"),
   121 loc("Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"),
   122 loc("Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"),
   123 loc("Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"),
   124 loc("Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]")
   125 }
   127 local weaponsets = 
   128 {
   129 {loc("North America"),"Area: 24,709,000 km2, Population: 528,720,588",loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("Shotgun")..": "..weapontexts[13].."|"..loc("Sniper Rifle")..": "..weapontexts[1].."|"..loc("Sniper Rifle")..": "..weapontexts[2],amSniperRifle,
   130 {{amShotgun,100},{amDEagle,100},{amLaserSight,4},{amSniperRifle,100},{amCake,1},{amAirAttack,3},{amSwitch,6}}},
   132 {loc("South America"),"Area: 17,840,000 km2, Population: 387,489,196 ",loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("GasBomb")..": "..weapontexts[3],amGasBomb,
   133 {{amBirdy,5},{amHellishBomb,1},{amBee,100},{amWhip,100},{amGasBomb,100},{amFlamethrower,100},{amNapalm,2},{amExtraDamage,3}}},
   135 {loc("Europe"),"Area: 10,180,000 km2, Population: 739,165,030",loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("Molotov")..": "..weapontexts[14],amBazooka,
   136 {{amBazooka,100},{amGrenade,100},{amMortar,100},{amClusterBomb,5},{amMolotov,5},{amVampiric,4},{amPiano,1},{amResurrector,2},{amJetpack,2}}},
   138 {loc("Africa"),"Area: 30,221,532 km2, Population: 1,032,532,974",loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("Seduction")..": "..weapontexts[4].."|"..loc("Sticky Mine")..": "..weapontexts[11].."|"..loc("Sticky Mine")..": "..weapontexts[12],amSMine,
   139 {{amSMine,6},{amWatermelon,1},{amDrillStrike,1},{amExtraTime,2},{amDrill,100},{amLandGun,3},{amSeduction,100}}},
   141 {loc("Asia"),"Area: 44,579,000 km2, Population: 3,879,000,000",loc("- Will refresh Rope each turn to 3.").."|"..loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("Parachute")..": "..weapontexts[6],amRope,
   142 {{amKamikaze,4},{amRope,100},{amFirePunch,100},{amParachute,1},{amKnife,3}}},
   144 {loc("Australia"),"Area:  8,468,300 km2, Population: 31,260,000",loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("Baseballbat")..": "..weapontexts[5],amBaseballBat,
   145 {{amBaseballBat,100},{amMine,100},{amLowGravity,6},{amBlowTorch,100},{amRCPlane,2},{amTardis,100}}},
   147 {loc("Antarctica"),"Area: 14,000,000 km2, Population: ~1,000",loc("- Will refresh portalgun each turn."),amTeleport,
   148 {{amSnowball,4},{amTeleport,2},{amInvulnerable,6},{amPickHammer,100},{amSineGun,6},{amGirder,4},{amPortalGun,1},{amDynamite,1}}},
   150 {loc("Kerguelen"),"Area: 1,100,000 km2, Population: ~70",loc("Special Weapons:").."|"..loc("Structure")..": "..weapontexts[7].."|"..loc("Structure")..": "..weapontexts[8].." ("..loc("Duration")..": 2)|"..loc("Structure")..": "..weapontexts[9].."|"..loc("Structure")..": "..weapontexts[10],amStructure,
   151 {{amHammer,100},{amMineStrike,2},{amBallgun,1},{amStructure,100},{amIceGun,4}}},
   152 --{{amHammer,100},{amMineStrike,2},{amBallgun,1},{amStructure,100}}},
   154 {loc("Zealandia"),"Area: 3,500,000 km2, Population: 4,650,000",loc("- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"),amInvulnerable,
   155 {{amBazooka,1},{amBlowTorch,1},{amSwitch,1}}}
   156 }
   158 --weapontype,ammo,?,duration,*times your choice,affect on random team (should be placed with 1,0,1,0,1 on the 6th option for better randomness)
   159 local weapons_dmg = {
   160 	{amKamikaze, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   161 	{amSineGun, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   162 	{amBazooka, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   163 	{amMineStrike, 0, 1, 5, 1, 2},
   164 	{amGrenade, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   165 	{amPiano, 0, 1, 5, 1, 1},
   166 	{amClusterBomb, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   167 	{amBee, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0},
   168 	{amShotgun, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1},
   169 	{amMine, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   170 	{amSniperRifle, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   171 	{amDEagle, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   172 	{amDynamite, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   173 	{amFirePunch, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   174 	{amHellishBomb, 0, 1, 5, 1, 2},
   175 	{amWhip, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   176 	{amNapalm, 0, 1, 5, 1, 2},
   177 	{amPickHammer, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   178 	{amBaseballBat, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   179 	{amMortar, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   180 	{amCake, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2},
   181 	{amSeduction, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0},
   182 	{amWatermelon, 0, 1, 5, 1, 2},
   183 	{amDrill, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   184 	{amBallgun, 0, 1, 5, 1, 2},
   185 	{amMolotov, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   186 	{amBirdy, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1},
   187 	{amBlowTorch, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   188 	{amRCPlane, 0, 1, 5, 1, 2},
   189 	{amGasBomb, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0},
   190 	{amAirAttack, 0, 1, 4, 1, 1},
   191 	{amFlamethrower, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   192 	{amSMine, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   193 	{amHammer, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   194 	{amDrillStrike, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2},
   195 	{amSnowball, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   196 	{amStructure, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}
   197 }
   198 local weapons_supp = {
   199 	{amParachute, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   200 	{amGirder, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   201 	{amSwitch, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   202 	{amLowGravity, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   203 	{amExtraDamage, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0},
   204 	{amRope, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   205 	{amInvulnerable, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   206 	{amExtraTime, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   207 	{amLaserSight, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   208 	{amVampiric, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   209 	{amJetpack, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
   210 	{amPortalGun, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1},
   211 	{amResurrector, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0},
   212 	{amTeleport, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   213 	{amLandGun, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   214 	{amTardis, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   215 	{amIceGun, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
   216 	{amKnife, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}
   217 }
   219 function validate_weapon(hog,weapon,amount)
   220 	if(MapHasBorder() == false or (MapHasBorder() == true and weapon ~= amAirAttack and weapon ~= amMineStrike and weapon ~= amNapalm and weapon ~= amDrillStrike and weapon ~= amPiano))
   221 	then
   222 		AddAmmo(hog, weapon,amount)
   223 	end
   224 end
   226 --reset all weapons for a team
   227 function cleanweps(hog)
   229 	local i=1
   230 	--+1 for skip
   231 	while(i<=table.getn(weapons_supp)+table.getn(weapons_dmg)+1)
   232 	do
   233 		AddAmmo(hog,i,0)
   234 		i=i+1
   235 	end
   237 	AddAmmo(hog,amSkip,100)
   238 end
   240 function load_weaponset(hog, num)
   241 	for v,w in pairs(weaponsets[num][5]) 
   242 	do
   243 		validate_weapon(hog, w[1],w[2])
   244 	end
   245 end
   247 function load_continent_selection(hog)
   248 	for v,w in pairs(weaponsets) 
   249 	do
   250 		validate_weapon(hog, weaponsets[v][4],1)
   251 	end
   252 	AddAmmo(hog,amSwitch) --random continent
   253 end
   255 function show_continent_info(continent,time)
   256 	local ns=false
   257 	if(time==-1)
   258 	then
   259 		time=0
   260 		ns=true
   261 	end
   262 	ShowMission(weaponsets[continent][1],weaponsets[continent][2],weaponsets[continent][3], -weaponsets[continent][4], time)
   263 	if(ns)
   264 	then
   265 		HideMission()
   266 	end
   267 end
   269 function visual_gear_explosion(range,xpos,ypos,gear1,gear2)
   270 	local degr=0
   271 	local lap=30
   272 	while(lap<range)
   273 	do
   274 		while(degr < 6.2831)
   275 		do
   276 			AddVisualGear(xpos+math.cos(degr+0.1)*(lap+5), ypos+math.sin(degr+0.1)*(lap+5), gear1, 0, false)
   277 			if(gear2~=false)
   278 			then
   279 				AddVisualGear(xpos+math.cos(degr)*lap, ypos+math.sin(degr)*lap, gear2, 0, false)
   280 			end
   281 			degr=degr+((3.1415*3)*0.125) --1/8 = 0.125
   282 		end
   283 		lap=lap+30
   284 		degr=degr-6.2831
   285 	end
   286 end
   288 --zealandia
   289 function get_random_weapon(hog)
   290 	local random_weapon = 0
   291 	local old_rand_weap = 0
   292 	local rand_weaponset_power = 0
   294 	if(continent[GetHogTeamName(hog)]==9 and (getTeamValue(GetHogTeamName(hog), "rand-done-turn")==false or getTeamValue(GetHogTeamName(hog), "rand-done-turn")==nil))
   295 	then
   296 		cleanweps(hog)
   298 		random_weapon = GetRandom(table.getn(weapons_dmg))+1
   299 		while(weapons_dmg[random_weapon][4]>TotalRounds)
   300 		do
   301 			if(random_weapon>=table.getn(weapons_dmg))
   302 			then
   303 				random_weapon=0
   304 			end
   305 			random_weapon = random_weapon+1
   306 		end
   307 		validate_weapon(hog, weapons_dmg[random_weapon][1],1)
   308 		rand_weaponset_power=weapons_dmg[random_weapon][6]
   309 		old_rand_weap = random_weapon
   311 		if(rand_weaponset_power <2)
   312 		then
   313 			random_weapon = GetRandom(table.getn(weapons_supp))+1
   314 			while(weapons_supp[random_weapon][4]>TotalRounds or rand_weaponset_power+weapons_supp[random_weapon][6]>2)
   315 			do
   316 				if(random_weapon>=table.getn(weapons_supp))
   317 				then
   318 					random_weapon=0
   319 				end
   320 				random_weapon = random_weapon+1
   321 			end
   322 			validate_weapon(hog, weapons_supp[random_weapon][1],1)
   323 			rand_weaponset_power=rand_weaponset_power+weapons_supp[random_weapon][6]
   324 		end
   325 		--check again if  the power is enough
   326 		if(rand_weaponset_power <1)
   327 		then
   328 			random_weapon = GetRandom(table.getn(weapons_dmg))+1
   329 			while(weapons_dmg[random_weapon][4]>TotalRounds or old_rand_weap == random_weapon or weapons_dmg[random_weapon][6]>0)
   330 			do
   331 				if(random_weapon>=table.getn(weapons_dmg))
   332 				then
   333 					random_weapon=0
   334 				end
   335 				random_weapon = random_weapon+1
   336 			end
   337 			validate_weapon(hog, weapons_dmg[random_weapon][1],1)
   338 		end
   340 		setTeamValue(GetHogTeamName(hog), "rand-done-turn", true)
   342 		if(GetHogTeamName(hog)==GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog))
   343 		then
   344 			temp_val=false
   345 		end
   346 	end
   347 end
   350 function setweapons(skipafter)
   352 	cleanweps(CurrentHedgehog)
   353 	load_weaponset(CurrentHedgehog,continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)])
   354 	if(skipafter==true)
   355 	then
   356 		ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amSkip))
   357 	end
   359 	--AddCaption(loc("You have recieved weapons from ") .. weaponsets[continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]][1] .. "!")
   360 	show_continent_info(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)],0)
   361 end
   363 function show_damage_tag(hog,damage)
   364 	healthtag=AddVisualGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog), vgtHealthTag, damage, false)
   365 	v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10 = GetVisualGearValues(healthtag)
   366 	SetVisualGearValues(healthtag, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(hog)))
   367 end
   369 function fire_gear(hedgehog,geartype,vx,vy,timer)
   370 	return AddGear(div((GetGearRadius(hedgehog)*2*vx),hypotenusa(vx,vy))+GetX(hedgehog), div((GetGearRadius(hedgehog)*2*vy),hypotenusa(vx,vy))+GetY(hedgehog), geartype, 0, vx, vy, timer)
   371 end
   373 --==========================run throw all hog/gear weapons ==========================
   374 function weapon_aust_check(hog)
   375 	if(gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 50, false)==true and hog ~= CurrentHedgehog)
   376 	then
   377 		temp_val=1
   378 	end
   379 end
   381 function weapon_duststorm(hog)
   382 	local dmg=20
   383 	if(gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 250, false)==true and GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
   384 	then
   385 		if(GetHealth(hog) > dmg)
   386 		then
   387 			SetHealth(hog, GetHealth(hog)-dmg)
   388 		else
   389 			SetHealth(hog, 0)
   390 		end
   391 		show_damage_tag(hog,dmg)
   392 	end
   393 end
   395 function weapon_scream_walrus(hog)
   396 	if(gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 120, false)==true and GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
   397 	then
   398 		if(GetHealth(hog)>(20+GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog)*0.1))
   399 		then
   400 			SetHealth(hog, GetHealth(hog)-(20+GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog)*0.1))
   401 			temp_val=temp_val+10+GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog)*0.05
   402 		else
   403 			SetHealth(hog, 0)
   404 			temp_val=temp_val+(GetHealth(hog)*0.5)+(GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog)*0.05)
   405 		end
   406 		show_damage_tag(hog,(20+GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog)*0.1))
   407 		AddVisualGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
   408 		AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtSmokeWhite, 0, false)
   409 	end
   410 end
   412 function weapon_swap_kerg(hog)
   413 	if(kergulenSpecial ~= -1 and GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) and gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 450, false))
   414 	then
   415 		local thisX=GetX(CurrentHedgehog)
   416 		local thisY=GetY(CurrentHedgehog)
   417 		SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, GetX(hog), GetY(hog))
   418 		SetGearPosition(hog, thisX, thisY)
   419 		kergulenSpecial=-1
   420 	end
   421 end
   423 function weapon_flare(hog)
   424 	if(GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) and gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 45, false))
   425 	then
   426 		if(GetX(hog)<=GetX(CurrentHedgehog))
   427 		then
   428 			dirker=1
   429 		else
   430 			dirker=-1
   431 		end
   432 		AddVisualGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog), vgtFire, 0, false)
   433 		SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog)-5)
   434 		SetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog, 100000*dirker, -300000)
   435 		AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog)-20, gtCluster, 0, -10000*dirker, -1000000, 35)
   436 		PlaySound(sndHellishImpact2)
   437 	end
   438 end
   440 function weapon_sabotage(hog)
   441 	if(GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) and gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 100, false))
   442 	then
   443 		disable_moving[hog]=true
   444 		AddGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog), gtCluster, 0, 0, 0, 10)
   445 		PlaySound(sndNooo,hog)
   446 	end
   447 end
   449 function weapon_anno_south(hog)
   450 	local power_radius_outer=250
   451 	local power_radius_inner=40
   452 	local power_sa=6000
   453 	if(gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(temp_val), GetY(temp_val), power_radius_outer, false) and gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(temp_val), GetY(temp_val), power_radius_inner, false)==false)
   454 	then
   455 		if(hog == CurrentHedgehog)
   456 		then
   457 			SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstMoving)
   458 		end
   459 		SetGearPosition(hog, GetX(hog),GetY(hog)-3)
   460 		SetGearVelocity(hog, div((power_radius_outer-hypotenusa(math.abs(GetX(hog)-GetX(temp_val)),math.abs(GetY(hog)-GetY(temp_val))))*power_sa*(GetX(hog)-GetX(temp_val)),power_radius_outer), div((power_radius_outer-hypotenusa(math.abs(GetX(hog)-GetX(temp_val)),math.abs(GetY(hog)-GetY(temp_val))))*power_sa*(GetY(hog)-GetY(temp_val)),power_radius_outer))
   461 	end
   462 end
   464 function weapon_cries_a(hog)
   465 	if(GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) and gearIsInCircle(hog,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 500, false))
   466 	then
   467 		kergulenSpecial=-1
   468 	end
   469 end
   471 function weapon_cries_b(hog)
   472 	if(GetHogClan(hog) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
   473 	then
   474 		SetHealth(hog, GetHealth(hog)-1)
   475 		show_damage_tag(hog,1)
   476 		AddVisualGear(GetX(hog), GetY(hog)-30, vgtEvilTrace, 0, false)
   477 	end
   478 end
   480 function weapon_lipstick(hog)
   481 	if(gearIsInCircle(temp_val,GetX(hog), GetY(hog), 20, false))
   482 	then
   483 		SetEffect(hog, hePoisoned, 1)
   484 		PlaySound(sndBump)
   485 	end
   486 end
   488 function weapon_health(hog)
   489 	if(gearIsInCircle(temp_val,GetX(hog), GetY(hog), 100, false))
   490 	then
   491 		SetHealth(hog, GetHealth(hog)+25)
   492 		SetEffect(hog, hePoisoned, false)
   493 	end
   494 end
   495 --============================================================================
   497 --set each weapons settings
   498 function onAmmoStoreInit()
   500 	SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)
   502 	for v,w in pairs(weapons_dmg) 
   503 	do
   504 		SetAmmo(w[1], w[2], w[3], w[4], w[5])
   505 	end
   507 	for v,w in pairs(weapons_supp) 
   508 	do
   509 		SetAmmo(w[1], w[2], w[3], w[4], w[5])
   510 	end
   511 end
   513 function onGameStart()
   514 	trackTeams()
   516 	ShowMission(loc("Continental supplies").." 1.1a",loc("Let a Continent provide your weapons!"),
   517 	loc("- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[presice/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"), -amLowGravity, 0)
   518 end
   520 --what happen when a turn starts
   521 function onNewTurn()
   523 	australianSpecial=true
   524 	asianSpecial=false
   525 	austmine=nil
   526 	africanSpecial=0
   527 	samericanSpecial=false
   528 	africaspecial2=0
   529 	kergulenSpecial=1
   530 	namericanSpecial=1
   531 	asianflame=0
   532 	shotgun_s=false
   533 	sniper_s_in_use=false
   534 	europe_s=0
   536 	temp_val=0
   538 	disallowattack=0
   539 	disallowleft=true
   540 	--when all hogs are "placed"
   542 	if(GetCurAmmoType()~=amTeleport)
   543 	then
   544 		--will run once when the game really starts (after placing hogs and so on
   545 		if(teams_ok[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)] == nil)
   546 		then
   547 			disable_moving[CurrentHedgehog]=false
   548 			AddCaption("["..loc("Select continent!").."]")
   549 			load_continent_selection(CurrentHedgehog)
   550 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=0
   551 			swapweps=true
   552 			teams_ok[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)] = 2
   553 		else
   554 			swapweps=false
   555 			if(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]==0)
   556 			then
   557 				continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=GetRandom(table.getn(weaponsets))+1
   558 				setweapons(true)
   559 			end
   560 			show_continent_info(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)],-1)
   561 		end
   562 	end
   564 	if(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]==7)
   565 	then
   566 		AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog,amPortalGun,0)
   567 		AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog,amPortalGun,1)
   568 	elseif(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]==5)
   569 	then
   570 		AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog,amParachute,0)
   571 		AddAmmo(CurrentHedgehog,amParachute,1)
   572 	end
   574 	temp_val=true
   575 	runOnHogs(get_random_weapon)
   577 	if(temp_val==true and continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]==9 and getTeamValue(GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog), "rand-done-turn")==true)
   578 	then
   579 		setTeamValue(GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog), "rand-done-turn", false)
   580 	end
   582 end
   584 --what happens when you press "tab" (common button)
   585 function onSwitch()
   587 	--place mine (australia)
   588 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amBaseballBat and australianSpecial==true)
   589 	then
   590 		temp_val=0
   591 		runOnHogs(weapon_aust_check)
   593 		if(temp_val==0)
   594 		then
   595 			austmine=AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog)+5, gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   596 			SetHealth(austmine, 100)
   597 			SetTimer(austmine, 1000)
   598 			australianSpecial=false
   599 			swapweps=false
   600 		else
   601 			PlaySound(sndDenied)
   602 		end
   603 	end
   605 	--Asian special
   606 	if(asianSpecial==false and inpara~=false)
   607 	then
   608 		asiabomb=AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog)+3, gtSnowball, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   609 		SetGearMessage(asiabomb, 1)
   610 		asianSpecial=true
   611 		swapweps=false
   612 	end
   614 	--africa
   615 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amSeduction)
   616 	then
   617 		if(africanSpecial==0)
   618 		then
   619 			africanSpecial = 1
   620 			AddCaption(weapontexts[4])
   621 		else
   622 			africanSpecial = 0
   623 			AddCaption(loc("NORMAL"))
   624 		end
   625 	end
   626 	--south america
   627 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amGasBomb)
   628 	then
   629 		if(samericanSpecial==false)
   630 		then
   631 			samericanSpecial = true
   632 			AddCaption(weapontexts[3])
   633 		else
   634 			samericanSpecial = false
   635 			AddCaption(loc("NORMAL"))
   636 		end
   637 	end
   638 	--africa
   639 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amSMine)
   640 	then
   641 		if(africaspecial2==0)
   642 		then
   643 			africaspecial2 = 1
   644 			AddCaption(weapontexts[11])
   645 		elseif(africaspecial2 == 1)
   646 		then
   647 			africaspecial2 = 2
   648 			AddCaption(weapontexts[12])
   649 		elseif(africaspecial2 == 2)
   650 		then
   651 			africaspecial2 = 0
   652 			AddCaption(loc("NORMAL"))
   653 		end
   654 	end
   656 	--north america
   657 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amSniperRifle and sniper_s_in_use==false)
   658 	then
   659 		if(namericanSpecial==3)
   660 		then
   661 			namericanSpecial = 1
   662 			AddCaption(loc("NORMAL"))
   663 		elseif(namericanSpecial==1)
   664 		then
   665 			namericanSpecial = 2
   666 			AddCaption("#"..weapontexts[1])
   667 		elseif(namericanSpecial==2)
   668 		then
   669 			namericanSpecial = 3
   670 			AddCaption("##"..weapontexts[2])
   671 		end
   672 	end
   674 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amShotgun and shotgun_s~=nil)
   675 	then
   676 		if(shotgun_s==false)
   677 		then
   678 			shotgun_s = true
   679 			AddCaption(weapontexts[13])
   680 		else
   681 			shotgun_s = false
   682 			AddCaption(loc("NORMAL"))
   683 		end
   684 	end
   686 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amMolotov)
   687 	then
   688 		if(europe_s==0)
   689 		then
   690 			europe_s = 1
   691 			AddCaption(weapontexts[14])
   692 		else
   693 			europe_s = 0
   694 			AddCaption(loc("NORMAL"))
   695 		end
   696 	end
   698 	if(swapweps==true and GetCurAmmoType() == amSkip)
   699 	then
   700 		continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]+1
   702 		if(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]> table.getn(weaponsets))
   703 		then
   704 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=1
   705 		end
   706 		setweapons(true)
   707 	end
   709 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amStructure)
   710 	then
   711 		if(kergulenSpecial==5)
   712 		then
   713 			kergulenSpecial = 1
   714 			AddCaption("#"..weapontexts[7])
   715 		elseif(kergulenSpecial==1 and TotalRounds>=1)
   716 		then
   717 			kergulenSpecial = 2
   718 			AddCaption("##"..weapontexts[8])
   719 		elseif(kergulenSpecial==2 or (kergulenSpecial==1 and TotalRounds<1))
   720 		then
   721 			kergulenSpecial = 3
   722 			AddCaption("###"..weapontexts[9])
   723 		elseif(kergulenSpecial==3)
   724 		then
   725 			kergulenSpecial = 4
   726 			AddCaption("####"..weapontexts[10])
   727 		elseif(kergulenSpecial==4)
   728 		then
   729 			kergulenSpecial = 5
   730 			AddCaption("#####"..weapontexts[15])
   731 		end
   732 	end
   733 end
   735 function onPrecise()
   736 	if(swapweps==true and GetCurAmmoType() == amSkip)
   737 	then
   738 		continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]-1
   740 		if(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]<=0)
   741 		then
   742 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=9
   743 		end
   744 		setweapons(true)
   745 	end
   746 end
   748 function onSlot()
   749 	if(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]==0) then
   750 		ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amSkip))
   751 	end
   752 end
   754 function onGameTick20()
   756 	if(teams_ok[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)] == 2)
   757 	then
   758 		if(GetCurAmmoType()~=amTeleport and swapweps==true and TurnTime-TurnTimeLeft>=100)
   759 		then
   760 			teams_ok[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)] = true
   761 			ParseCommand("setweap " .. string.char(amSkip))
   762 		end
   763 	end
   765 	if(continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]==0)
   766 	then
   767 		if(GetCurAmmoType()==amSniperRifle) then
   768 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=1
   769 			setweapons(false)
   770 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amGasBomb) then
   771 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=2
   772 			setweapons(false)
   773 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amBazooka) then
   774 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=3
   775 			setweapons(false)
   776 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amSMine) then
   777 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=4
   778 			setweapons(false)
   779 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amRope) then
   780 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=5
   781 			setweapons(false)
   782 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amBaseballBat) then
   783 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=6
   784 			setweapons(false)
   785 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amTeleport) then
   786 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=7
   787 			setweapons(false)
   788 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amStructure) then
   789 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=8
   790 			setweapons(false)
   791 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amInvulnerable) then
   792 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=9
   793 			setweapons(false)
   794 		elseif(GetCurAmmoType()==amSwitch) then
   795 			continent[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]=GetRandom(table.getn(weaponsets))+1
   796 			setweapons(false)
   797 		end
   798 	end
   800 	if(kergulenSpecial ~= 0 and GetCurAmmoType() == amStructure)
   801 	then
   802 		if(kergulenSpecial == 1)
   803 		then
   804 			if(visualcircle==nil)
   805 			then
   806 				visualcircle=AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtCircle, 120, false)
   807 			end
   808 			SetVisualGearValues(visualcircle, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog),20, 200, 0, 0, 100, 120, 4, 0xff0000ee)
   809 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 2)
   810 		then
   811 			if(visualcircle==nil)
   812 			then
   813 				visualcircle=AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtCircle, 450, false)
   814 			end
   815 			SetVisualGearValues(visualcircle, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog),20, 200, 0, 0, 100, 450, 3, 0xffff00ee)
   816 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 3)
   817 		then
   818 			if(visualcircle==nil)
   819 			then
   820 				visualcircle=AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtCircle, 45, false)
   821 			end
   822 			SetVisualGearValues(visualcircle, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog),20, 200, 0, 0, 100, 45, 6, 0x00ff00ee)
   823 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 4)
   824 		then
   825 			if(visualcircle==nil)
   826 			then
   827 				visualcircle=AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtCircle, 500, false)
   828 			end
   829 			SetVisualGearValues(visualcircle, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog),20, 200, 0, 0, 100, 500, 1, 0x0000ffee)
   830 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 5)
   831 		then
   832 			if(visualcircle==nil)
   833 			then
   834 				visualcircle=AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtCircle, 100, false)
   835 			end
   836 			SetVisualGearValues(visualcircle, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog),20, 200, 0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 0xeeeeeeee)
   837 		end
   839 	elseif(visualcircle~=nil)
   840 	then
   841 		DeleteVisualGear(visualcircle)
   842 		visualcircle=nil
   843 	end
   845 	if(disable_moving[CurrentHedgehog]==true)
   846 	then
   848 		if(TurnTimeLeft<=3000)
   849 		then
   850 			disable_moving[CurrentHedgehog]=false
   851 			SetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog,0)
   852 		elseif(disallowattack>=300 and disallowattack >= 400)
   853 		then
   854 			disallowattack=0
   855 			SetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog,1)
   856 			AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtSmokeWhite, 0, false)
   857 		elseif(GetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog)==1)
   858 		then
   859 			SetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog,0)
   860 		else
   861 			disallowattack=disallowattack+1
   862 		end
   864 	end
   866 end
   868 --if you used hogswitch or any similar weapon, dont enable any weaponchange
   869 function onAttack()
   870 	swapweps=false
   871 	local around=false
   873 	--african special
   874 	if(africanSpecial == 1 and GetCurAmmoType() == amSeduction)
   875 	then
   876 		SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstAttacked)
   878 		runOnHogs(weapon_duststorm)
   880 		--visual stuff
   881 		visual_gear_explosion(250,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog),vgtSmoke,vgtSmokeWhite)
   882 		PlaySound(sndParachute)
   883 	end
   885 	--Kerguelen specials
   886 	if(GetCurAmmoType() == amStructure)
   887 	then
   888 		SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstAttacked)
   889 		if(kergulenSpecial == 1)
   890 		then
   891 			temp_val=0
   892 			runOnHogs(weapon_scream_walrus)
   893 			SetHealth(CurrentHedgehog, GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog)+temp_val)
   894 			PlaySound(sndHellish)
   896 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 2 and TotalRounds>=1)
   897 		then
   898 			runOnHogs(weapon_swap_kerg)
   899 			PlaySound(sndPiano3)
   900 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 3)
   901 		then
   902 			runOnHogs(weapon_flare)
   903 			PlaySound(sndThrowRelease)
   904 			AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtSmokeWhite, 0, false)
   905 			AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog)-20, gtCluster, 0, 0, -1000000, 30)
   907 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 4)
   908 		then
   909 			runOnHogs(weapon_cries_a)
   910 			if(kergulenSpecial~=-1)
   911 			then
   912 				AddGear(0, 0, gtWaterUp, 0, 0,0,0)
   913 				PlaySound(sndWarp)
   914 				PlaySound(sndMolotov)
   916 				runOnHogs(weapon_cries_b)
   917 			else
   918 				HogSay(CurrentHedgehog, loc("Hogs in sight!"), SAY_SAY)
   919 			end
   920 		elseif(kergulenSpecial == 5)
   921 		then
   922 			runOnHogs(weapon_sabotage)
   923 		end
   924 		DeleteVisualGear(visualcircle)
   925 		visualcircle=nil
   926 	end
   928 	--Australian special
   929 	if(GetGearType(austmine) == gtMine and austmine ~= nil)
   930 	then
   931 		temp_val=0
   932 		runOnHogs(weapon_aust_check)
   934 		if(gearIsInCircle(austmine,GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 30, false)==false or temp_val==1)
   935 		then
   936 			AddVisualGear(GetX(austmine), GetY(austmine), vgtDust, 0, false)
   937 			DeleteGear(austmine)
   938 			PlaySound(sndDenied)
   939 		end
   941 		austmine=nil
   942 	end
   944 	if(disable_moving[CurrentHedgehog]==true)
   945 	then
   946 		disable_moving[CurrentHedgehog]=false
   947 		SetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog,0)
   948 	end
   950 	australianSpecial=false
   951 end
   953 function onGearAdd(gearUid)
   954 	swapweps=false
   956 	trackGear(gearUid)
   958 	--remove gasclouds on gasbombspecial
   959 	if(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtPoisonCloud and samericanSpecial == true)
   960 	then
   961 		DeleteGear(gearUid)
   963 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtSMine)
   964 	then
   965 		vx,vy=GetGearVelocity(gearUid)
   966 		if(africaspecial2 == 1)
   967 		then
   968 			SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstHHDriven+gstMoving)
   969 			SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, GetX(CurrentHedgehog),GetY(CurrentHedgehog)-3)
   970 			SetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog, vx, vy)
   971 			DeleteGear(gearUid)
   972 			--africaspecial2=0
   973 			--SetEffect(CurrentHedgehog, heInvulnerable, true)
   974 		elseif(africaspecial2 == 2)
   975 		then
   976 			fire_gear(CurrentHedgehog,gtNapalmBomb, vx, vy, 0)
   977 			DeleteGear(gearUid)
   978 			--africaspecial2=0
   979 		end
   981 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtSniperRifleShot)
   982 	then
   983 		sniper_s_in_use=true
   984 		if(namericanSpecial~=1)
   985 		then
   986 			SetHealth(gearUid, 1)
   987 		end
   989 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtShotgunShot)
   990 	then
   991 		if(shotgun_s==true)
   992 		then
   993 			AddVisualGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), vgtFeather, 0, false)
   994 			AddVisualGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), vgtFeather, 0, false)
   995 			AddVisualGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), vgtFeather, 0, false)
   996 			PlaySound(sndBirdyLay)
   997 		else
   998 			shotgun_s=nil
   999 		end
  1001 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtMolotov and europe_s==1)
  1002 	then
  1003 		vx,vy=GetGearVelocity(gearUid)
  1004 		e_health=fire_gear(CurrentHedgehog,gtCluster, vx, vy, 1)
  1005 		SetGearMessage(e_health, 2)
  1006 		DeleteGear(gearUid)
  1008 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtParachute)
  1009 	then
  1010 		inpara=gearUid
  1011 	end
  1012 end
  1014 function onGearDelete(gearUid)
  1016 	trackDeletion(gearUid)
  1017 	--north american specials
  1018 	if(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtSniperRifleShot )
  1019 	then
  1020 		sniper_s_in_use=false
  1021 		if(namericanSpecial==2)
  1022 		then
  1023 			temp_val=gearUid
  1024 			runOnHogs(weapon_lipstick)
  1026 		elseif(namericanSpecial==3)
  1027 		then
  1028 			AddVisualGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
  1030 			pinata=AddGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), gtCluster, 0, 0, 0, 5)
  1031 			SetGearMessage(pinata,1)
  1032 		end
  1034 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtCluster and GetGearMessage(gearUid)==1 and namericanSpecial==3)
  1035 	then
  1036 		AddGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), gtCluster, 0, 0, 0, 24)
  1038 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtShotgunShot and shotgun_s==true)
  1039 	then
  1040 		SetState(CurrentHedgehog, gstMoving)
  1041 		SetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog, GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid)+7)
  1042 		PlaySound(sndWarp)
  1044 	--south american special
  1045 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtGasBomb and samericanSpecial == true)
  1046 	then
  1047 		temp_val=gearUid
  1048 		runOnGears(weapon_anno_south)
  1049 		AddVisualGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
  1051 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtSnowball and GetGearMessage(gearUid)==1)
  1052 	then
  1053 		AddGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid)+3, gtCluster, 0, 0, 0, 22)
  1055 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtCluster and GetGearMessage(gearUid)==2)
  1056 	then
  1057 		temp_val=gearUid
  1058 		runOnGears(weapon_health)
  1059 		visual_gear_explosion(100,GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid),vgtSmokeWhite,vgtSmokeWhite)
  1060 		AddVisualGear(GetX(gearUid), GetY(gearUid), vgtExplosion, 0, false)
  1061 		PlaySound(sndGraveImpact)
  1063 	elseif(GetGearType(gearUid)==gtParachute)
  1064 	then
  1065 		inpara=false
  1066 	end
  1067 end