changeset 13419 81e0ed105f5d
child 13421 d1368c776a4f
equal deleted inserted replaced
13418:bb24c3414b0d 13419:81e0ed105f5d
     1 use proptest::{
     2     test_runner::{TestRunner, Reason},
     3     arbitrary::{any, any_with, Arbitrary, StrategyFor},
     4     strategy::{Strategy, BoxedStrategy, Just, Filter, ValueTree},
     5     string::RegexGeneratorValueTree
     6 };
     8 use super::messages::{
     9     HWProtocolMessage, HWProtocolMessage::*
    10 };
    12 // Due to inability to define From between Options
    13 trait Into2<T>: Sized { fn into2(self) -> T; }
    14 impl <T> Into2<T> for T { fn into2(self) -> T { self } }
    15 impl Into2<String> for Ascii { fn into2(self) -> String { self.0 } }
    16 impl Into2<Option<String>> for Option<Ascii>{
    17     fn into2(self) -> Option<String> {|x| {x.0}) }
    18 }
    20 macro_rules! proto_msg_case {
    21     ($val: ident()) =>
    22         (Just($val));
    23     ($val: ident($arg: ty)) =>
    24         (any::<$arg>().prop_map(|v| {$val(v.into2())}));
    25     ($val: ident($arg1: ty, $arg2: ty)) =>
    26         (any::<($arg1, $arg2)>().prop_map(|v| {$val(v.0.into2(), v.1.into2())}));
    27     ($val: ident($arg1: ty, $arg2: ty, $arg3: ty)) =>
    28         (any::<($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)>().prop_map(|v| {$val(v.0.into2(), v.1.into2(), v.2.into2())}));
    29 }
    31 macro_rules! proto_msg_match {
    32     ($var: expr, def = $default: ident, $($num: expr => $constr: ident $res: tt),*) => (
    33         match $var {
    34             $($num => (proto_msg_case!($constr $res)).boxed()),*,
    35             _ => Just($default).boxed()
    36         }
    37     )
    38 }
    40 #[derive(Debug)]
    41 struct Ascii(String);
    43 struct AsciiValueTree(RegexGeneratorValueTree<String>);
    45 impl ValueTree for AsciiValueTree {
    46     type Value = Ascii;
    48     fn current(&self) -> Self::Value { Ascii(self.0.current()) }
    49     fn simplify(&mut self) -> bool { self.0.simplify() }
    50     fn complicate(&mut self) -> bool { self.0.complicate() }
    51 }
    53 impl Arbitrary for Ascii {
    54     type Parameters = <String as Arbitrary>::Parameters;
    56     fn arbitrary_with(args: Self::Parameters) -> Self::Strategy {
    57         any_with::<String>(args)
    58             .prop_filter("not ascii", |s| {
    59                 s.len() > 0 && s.is_ascii() &&
    60                     s.find(|c| {
    61                         ['\0', '\n', '\x20'].contains(&c)
    62                     }).is_none()})
    63             .prop_map(Ascii)
    64             .boxed()
    65     }
    67     type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<Ascii>;
    68     type ValueTree = Box<ValueTree<Value = Ascii>>;
    69 }
    71 pub fn gen_proto_msg() -> BoxedStrategy<HWProtocolMessage> where {
    72     let res = (0..58).no_shrink().prop_flat_map(|i| {
    73         proto_msg_match!(i, def = Malformed,
    74         0 => Ping(),
    75         1 => Pong(),
    76         2 => Quit(Option<Ascii>),
    77         //3 => Cmd
    78         4 => Global(Ascii),
    79         5 => Watch(Ascii),
    80         6 => ToggleServerRegisteredOnly(),
    81         7 => SuperPower(),
    82         8 => Info(Ascii),
    83         9 => Nick(Ascii),
    84         10 => Proto(u32),
    85         11 => Password(Ascii, Ascii),
    86         12 => Checker(u32, Ascii, Ascii),
    87         13 => List(),
    88         14 => Chat(Ascii),
    89         15 => CreateRoom(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
    90         16 => JoinRoom(Ascii, Option<Ascii>),
    91         17 => Follow(Ascii),
    92         //18 => Rnd(Vec<String>),
    93         19 => Kick(Ascii),
    94         20 => Ban(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
    95         21 => BanIP(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
    96         22 => BanNick(Ascii, Ascii, u32),
    97         23 => BanList(),
    98         24 => Unban(Ascii),
    99         //25 => SetServerVar(ServerVar),
   100         26 => GetServerVar(),
   101         27 => RestartServer(),
   102         28 => Stats(),
   103         29 => Part(Option<Ascii>),
   104         //30 => Cfg(GameCfg),
   105         //31 => AddTeam(TeamInfo),
   106         32 => RemoveTeam(Ascii),
   107         //33 => SetHedgehogsNumber(String, u8),
   108         //34 => SetTeamColor(String, u8),
   109         35 => ToggleReady(),
   110         36 => StartGame(),
   111         37 => EngineMessage(Ascii),
   112         38 => RoundFinished(),
   113         39 => ToggleRestrictJoin(),
   114         40 => ToggleRestrictTeams(),
   115         41 => ToggleRegisteredOnly(),
   116         42 => RoomName(Ascii),
   117         43 => Delegate(Ascii),
   118         44 => TeamChat(Ascii),
   119         45 => MaxTeams(u8),
   120         46 => Fix(),
   121         47 => Unfix(),
   122         48 => Greeting(Ascii),
   123         //49 => CallVote(Option<(String, Option<String>)>),
   124         50 => Vote(String),
   125         51 => ForceVote(Ascii),
   126         //52 => Save(String, String),
   127         53 => Delete(Ascii),
   128         54 => SaveRoom(Ascii),
   129         55 => LoadRoom(Ascii),
   130         56 => Malformed(),
   131         57 => Empty()
   132     )});
   133     res.boxed()
   134 }