changeset 9611 ef374528a9fb
child 9612 825856c67563
equal deleted inserted replaced
9610:fabff82cf0b8 9611:ef374528a9fb
     1 ------------------- ABOUT ----------------------
     2 --
     3 -- Hog Solo has to catch the other hog in order
     4 -- to get infoormations about the origin of Pr. Hogevil
     6 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")
     7 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Animate.lua")
     8 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Missions/Campaign/A_Space_Adventure/global_functions.lua")
    10 ----------------- VARIABLES --------------------
    11 -- globals
    12 local missionName = loc("Chasing ghosts in moon")
    13 local challengeObjectives = loc("Use your available weapons in order to catch the other hog").."|"..
    14 	loc("You have to stand very close to him")
    15 local currentPosition = 1
    16 local previousTimeLeft = 0
    17 -- dialogs
    18 local dialog01 = {}
    19 -- mission objectives
    20 local goals = {
    21 	[dialog01] = {missionName, loc("Challenge Objectives"), challengeObjectives, 1, 4500},
    22 }
    23 -- hogs
    24 local hero = {
    25 	name = loc("Hog Solo"),
    26 	x = 1300,
    27 	y = 850
    28 }
    29 local runner = {
    30 	name = loc("Crazy Runner"),
    31 	places = {
    32 		{x = 1400,y = 850, turnTime = 0},
    33 		{x = 3880,y = 33, turnTime = 30000},
    34 		{x = 250,y = 1780, turnTime = 25000},
    35 		{x = 3850,y = 1940, turnTime = 20000},
    36 	}
    37 }
    38 -- teams
    39 local teamA = {
    40 	name = loc("Hog Solo"),
    41 	color = tonumber("38D61C",16) -- green
    42 }
    43 local teamB = {
    44 	name = loc("Crazy Runner"),
    45 	color = tonumber("FF0000",16) -- red
    46 }
    48 -------------- LuaAPI EVENT HANDLERS ------------------
    50 function onGameInit()
    51 	GameFlags = gfDisableWind
    52 	Seed = 1
    53 	TurnTime = 25000
    54 	CaseFreq = 0
    55 	MinesNum = 0
    56 	MinesTime = 1
    57 	Explosives = 0
    58 	Map = "moon02_map"
    59 	Theme = "Cheese"
    61 	-- Hog Solo
    62 	AddTeam(, teamA.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
    63 	hero.gear = AddHog(, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1")
    64 	AnimSetGearPosition(hero.gear, hero.x, hero.y)
    65 	-- Crazy Runner
    66 	AddTeam(, teamB.color, "Bone", "Island", "HillBilly", "cm_birdy")
    67 	runner.gear = AddHog(, 0, 100, "war_desertgrenadier1")
    68 	AnimSetGearPosition(runner.gear, runner.places[1].x, runner.places[1].y)
    69 	HogTurnLeft(runner.gear, true)
    71 	initCheckpoint("moon02")
    73 	AnimInit()
    74 	AnimationSetup()
    75 end
    77 function onGameStart()
    78 	AnimWait(hero.gear, 3000)
    79 	FollowGear(hero.gear)
    80 	ShowMission(missionName, loc("Challenge Objectives"), challengeObjectives, -amSkip, 0)
    82 	AddEvent(onHeroDeath, {hero.gear}, heroDeath, {hero.gear}, 0)
    83 	AddEvent(onLose, {hero.gear}, lose, {hero.gear}, 0)
    85 	AddAmmo(hero.gear, amRope, 1)
    86 	AddAmmo(hero.gear, amTeleport, 100)
    88 	SendHealthStatsOff()
    89 	hogTurn = runner.gear
    90 	AddAnim(dialog01)
    91 end
    93 function onNewTurn()
    94 	WriteLnToConsole("NEW TURN "..CurrentHedgehog)
    95 	if CurrentHedgehog == hero.gear then
    96 		TurnTimeLeft = runner.places[currentPosition].turnTime + previousTimeLeft
    97 		WriteLnToConsole("Turn Time is "..TurnTimeLeft)
    98 		previousTimeLeft = 0
    99 		WriteLnToConsole("STILL HERE AND "..TurnTimeLeft.." prev hog = "..hogTurn)
   100 	else
   101 		TurnTimeLeft = 0
   102 	end
   103 end
   105 function onGameTick()
   106 	AnimUnWait()
   107 	if ShowAnimation() == false then
   108 		return
   109 	end
   110 	ExecuteAfterAnimations()
   111 	CheckEvents()
   112 end
   114 function onGameTick20()
   115 	if isHeroNextToRunner() then
   116 		moveRunner()
   117 	end
   118 end
   120 function onPrecise()
   121 	if GameTime > 3000 then
   122 		SetAnimSkip(true)   
   123 	end
   124 end
   126 -------------- EVENTS ------------------
   128 function onHeroDeath(gear)
   129 	if not GetHealth(hero.gear) then
   130 		return true
   131 	end
   132 	return false
   133 end
   135 function onLose(gear)
   136 	if (GetAmmoCount(hero.gear, amRope) == 0 and previousTimeLeft == 0) or (CurrentHedgehog == hero.gear and TurnTimeLeft == 0)then
   137 		return true
   138 	end
   139 	return false
   140 end
   142 -------------- ACTIONS ------------------
   144 function heroDeath(gear)
   145 	-- game over
   146 	WriteLnToConsole("END GAME 1")
   147 	EndGame()
   148 end
   150 function lose(gear)
   151 	-- game over
   152 	WriteLnToConsole("END GAME 2")
   153 	EndGame()
   154 end
   156 -------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------
   158 function Skipanim(anim)
   159 	if goals[anim] ~= nil then
   160 		ShowMission(unpack(goals[anim]))
   161     end
   162     if anim == dialog01 then
   163 		moveRunner()
   164     end
   165 end
   167 function AnimationSetup()
   168 	-- DIALOG 01 - Start, game instructions
   169 	AddSkipFunction(dialog01, Skipanim, {dialog01})
   170 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimWait, args = {hero.gear, 3200}})
   171 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimCaption, args = {hero.gear, loc("In the other side of the moon..."), 5000}})
   172 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {runner.gear, loc("So you are interested in Pr. Hogevil"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
   173 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {runner.gear, loc("We'll play a game first"), SAY_SAY, 3000}})
   174 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {runner.gear, loc("I'll let you know whatever I know about him if you manage to catch me 3 times"), SAY_SAY, 4000}})
   175 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = AnimSay, args = {runner.gear, loc("Let's go!"), SAY_SAY, 2000}})	
   176 	table.insert(dialog01, {func = moveRunner, args = {}})	
   177 end
   179 ------------- other functions ---------------
   181 function isHeroNextToRunner()
   182 	if GetHealth(hero.gear) and math.abs(GetX(hero.gear) - GetX(runner.gear)) < 75 and
   183 			math.abs(GetY(hero.gear) - GetY(runner.gear)) < 75 and StoppedGear(hero.gear) then
   184 		return true
   185 	end
   186 	return false
   187 end
   189 function moveRunner()
   190 	AddAmmo(hero.gear, amRope, 1)
   191 	-- add anim dialogs here
   192 	if currentPosition ~= 1 then
   193 		PlaySound(sndVictory)
   194 		AnimSay(runner.gear, loc("You got me"), SAY_SAY, 3000)
   195 		previousTimeLeft = TurnTimeLeft
   196 	end
   197 	currentPosition = currentPosition + 1
   198 	SetGearPosition(runner.gear, runner.places[currentPosition].x, runner.places[currentPosition].y)
   199 	WriteLnToConsole("HERE 1")
   200 	AnimSwitchHog(runner.gear)
   201 	TurnTimeLeft = 0
   202 	WriteLnToConsole("HERE 2")
   203 end