changeset 4812 f924be23ffb4
parent 4347 0ddb100fea61
parent 4811 3edc0cdcfe03
child 4814 e19791f08443
equal deleted inserted replaced
4347:0ddb100fea61 4812:f924be23ffb4
     1 -- Hedgewars SniperRifle Training
     2 -- Scripting Example
     4 -- Lines such as this one are comments - they are ignored
     5 -- by the game, no matter what kind of text is in there.
     6 -- It's also possible to place a comment after some real
     7 -- instruction as you see below. In short, everything
     8 -- following "--" is ignored.
    10 ---------------------------------------------------------------
    11 -- At first we put all text we'd like to use in some arrays.
    12 -- This way we're able to localize the text to be shown without
    13 -- modifying other files.
    14 -- The language to be used is stored in the global variable
    15 -- 'L' that is set by the game (string).
    16 -- Text may then be accessed using "arrayname[L]".
    18 local caption = {
    19 	["en"] = "Sniper Training",
    20 	["de"] = "Scharfschützen-Training",
    21 	["es"] = "Entrenamiento con rifle francotirador",
    22 	["pl"] = "Trening Snajperski",
    23 	["pt_PT"] = "Treino com Sniper",
    24 	["pt_BR"] = "Treino com o Rifle Sniper",
    25 	["sv"] = "Prickskyttesträning"
    26 	-- To add other languages, just add lines similar to the
    27 	-- existing ones - don't forget the trailing ","!
    28 	}
    30 local subcaption = {
    31 	["en"] = "Aiming Practice",
    32 	["de"] = "Zielübung",
    33 	["es"] = "Practica tu puntería",
    34 	["pl"] = "Potrenuj celność",
    35 	["pt_PT"] = "Pratica a tua pontaria",
    36 	["pt_BR"] = "Pratique a sua pontaria",
    37 	["sv"] = "Siktesövning"
    38 	}
    40 local goal = {
    41 	["en"] = "Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission.",
    42 	["de"] = "Eliminiere alle Ziele bevor die Zeit ausläuft.|Du hast in dieser Mission unbegrenzte Munition.",
    43 	["es"] = "Destruye todos los objetivos antes de que se agote el tiempo.|La munición en esta misión es ilimitada.",
    44 	["pl"] = "Zniszcz wszystkie cele zanim upłynie czas.|W tej misji masz nieskończoną ilość amunicji.",
    45 	["pt_PT"] = "Destrói todos os alvos antes do tempo terminar.|Tens munições infinitas para esta missão.",
    46 	["pt_BR"] = "Destrua todos os alvos antes que o tempo acabe.|Você tem munição infinita para esta missão.",
    47 	["sv"] = "Förstör alla målen innan din tid tar slut.|Du har obegränsad ammunition för deta uppdrag"
    48 	}
    50 local timeout = {
    51 	["en"] = "Oh no! Time's up! Just try again.",
    52 	["de"] = "Oh nein! Die Zeit ist um! Versuche es nochmal.",
    53 	["es"] = "¡Oh, no, se te acabó el tiempo! ¿Por qué no lo intentas de nuevo?",
    54 	["pl"] = "Ajajaj! Koniec czasu! Spróbuj jeszcze raz.",
    55 	["pt_PT"] = "Oh não! Acabou o tempo! Tenta novamente.",
    56 	["pt_BR"] = "Oh não! O tempo acabou! Tente novamente.",
    57 	["sv"] = "Åh nej! Tiden är ute! Pröva igen."
    58 	}
    60 local success = {
    61 	["en"] = "Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame.",
    62 	["de"] = "Gratulation! Du hast alle Ziele innerhalb der|verfügbaren Zeit ausgeschaltet.",
    63 	["es"] = "¡Felicidades! Has destruido todos los objectivos|dentro del tiempo establecido.",
    64 	["pl"] = "Gratulacje! Zniszczyłeś wszystkie cele przed upłynięciem czasu.",
    65 	["pt_PT"] = "Parabéns! Eliminaste todos os alvos|dentro do tempo limite.",
    66 	["pt_BR"] = "Parabéns! Você eliminou todos os alvos|dentro do tempo limite.",
    67 	["sv"] = "Grattis! Du har förstört alla målen inom den|tillåtna tidsramen."
    68 	}
    70 local teamname = {
    71 	["en"] = "Sniperz",
    72 	["de"] = "Heckenschützen",
    73 	["es"] = "Fusileros",
    74 	["pl"] = "Snajperzy",
    75 	["pt_BR"] = "Franco-Atiradores",
    76 	["sv"] = "Prickskyttarna"
    77 	}
    79 local hogname = {
    80 	["en"] = "Hunter",
    81 	["de"] = "Jäger",
    82 	["es"] = "Francotirador",
    83 	["pl"] = "Strzelec",
    84 	["pt_PT"] = "Comando",
    85 	["pt_BR"] = "Caçador",
    86 	["sv"] = "Jägare"
    87 	}
    89 -- To handle missing texts we define a small wrapper function that
    90 -- we'll use to retrieve text.
    91 local function loc(text)
    92 	if text == nil then return "**missing**"
    93 	elseif text[L] == nil then return text["en"]
    94 	else return text[L]
    95 	end
    96 end
    98 ---------------------------------------------------------------
   100 -- This variable will hold the number of destroyed targets.
   101 local score = 0
   102 -- This variable represents the number of targets to destroy.
   103 local score_goal = 31
   104 -- This variable controls how many milliseconds/ticks we'd
   105 -- like to wait before we end the round once all targets
   106 -- have been destroyed.
   107 local end_timer = 5000 -- 5000 ms = 5 s
   108 -- This variable is set to true if the game is lost (i.e.
   109 -- time runs out).
   110 local game_lost = false
   111 -- This variable will point to the hog's gear
   112 local player = nil
   113 -- This variable will grab the time left at the end of the round
   114 local time_goal = 0
   116 local target = nil
   118 local last_hit_time = 0
   119 -- This is a custom function to make it easier to
   120 -- spawn more targets with just one line of code
   121 -- You may define as many custom functions as you
   122 -- like.
   123 function spawnTarget(x, y)
   124 	-- add a new target gear
   125 	target = AddGear(x, y, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   126 	-- have the camera move to the target so the player knows where it is
   127 	FollowGear(target)
   128 end
   130 function blowUp(x, y)
   131 	-- adds some TNT
   132 	gear = AddGear(x, y, gtDynamite, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   133 end
   135 -- This function is called before the game loads its
   136 -- resources.
   137 -- It's one of the predefined function names that will
   138 -- be called by the game. They give you entry points
   139 -- where you're able to call your own code using either
   140 -- provided instructions or custom functions.
   141 function onGameInit()
   142 	-- At first we have to overwrite/set some global variables
   143 	-- that define the map, the game has to load, as well as
   144 	-- other things such as the game rules to use, etc.
   145 	-- Things we don't modify here will use their default values.
   147 	-- The base number for the random number generator
   148 	Seed = 0
   149 	-- Game settings and rules
   150 	GameFlags = gfMultiWeapon + gfOneClanMode + gfArtillery
   151 	-- The time the player has to move each round (in ms)
   152 	TurnTime = 150000
   153 	-- The frequency of crate drops
   154 	CaseFreq = 0
   155 	-- The number of mines being placed
   156 	MinesNum = 0
   157 	-- The number of explosives being placed
   158 	Explosives = 0
   159 	-- The delay between each round
   160 	Delay = 0
   161 	-- The map to be played
   162 	Map = "Ropes"
   163 	-- The theme to be used
   164 	Theme = "City"
   166 	-- Create the player team
   167 	AddTeam(loc(teamname), 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
   168 	-- And add a hog to it
   169 	player = AddHog(loc(hogname), 0, 1, "Sniper")
   170 	SetGearPosition(player, 602, 1465);
   171 end
   173 -- This function is called when the round starts
   174 -- it spawns the first target that has to be destroyed.
   175 -- In addition it shows the scenario goal(s).
   176 function onGameStart()
   177 	-- Spawn the first target.
   178 	spawnTarget(860,1020)
   180 	-- Show some nice mission goals.
   181 	-- Parameters are: caption, sub caption, description,
   182 	-- extra text, icon and time to show.
   183 	-- A negative icon parameter (-n) represents the n-th weapon icon
   184 	-- A positive icon paramter (n) represents the (n+1)-th mission icon
   185 	-- A timeframe of 0 is replaced with the default time to show.
   186 	ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(goal), -amSniperRifle, 0);
   187 end
   189 -- This function is called every game tick.
   190 -- Note that there are 1000 ticks within one second.
   191 -- You shouldn't try to calculate too complicated
   192 -- code here as this might slow down your game.
   193 function onGameTick()
   194 	if game_lost then
   195 		return
   196 	end
   197 	-- after a target is destroyed, show hog, then target
   198 	if (target ~= nil) and (TurnTimeLeft + 1300 < last_hit_time) then
   199 		-- move camera to the target
   200 		FollowGear(target)
   201 	elseif TurnTimeLeft + 300 < last_hit_time then
   202 		-- move camera to the hog
   203 		FollowGear(player)
   204 	end
   205 	-- If time's up, set the game to be lost.
   206 	-- We actually check the time to be "1 ms" as it
   207 	-- will be at "0 ms" right at the start of the game.
   208 	if TurnTimeLeft == 1 and score < score_goal then
   209 		game_lost = true
   210 		-- ... and show a short message.
   211 		ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(timeout), -amSkip, 0);
   212 		-- How about killing our poor hog due to his poor performance?
   213 		SetHealth(player, 0);
   214 		-- Just to be sure set the goal time to 1 ms
   215 		time_goal = 1
   216 	end
   217 	-- If the goal is reached or we've lost ...
   218 	if score == score_goal or game_lost then
   219 		-- ... check to see if the time we'd like to
   220 		-- wait has passed and then ...
   221 		if end_timer == 0 then
   222 			-- ... end the game ...
   223 			EndGame()
   224 		else
   225 			-- ... or just lower the timer by 1.
   226 			end_timer = end_timer - 1
   227 			-- Reset the time left to stop the timer
   228 			TurnTimeLeft = time_goal
   229 		end
   230 	end
   231 end
   233 -- This function is called when the game is initialized
   234 -- to request the available ammo and probabilities
   235 function onAmmoStoreInit()
   236 	-- add an unlimited supply of shotgun ammo
   237 	SetAmmo(amSniperRifle, 9, 0, 0, 0)
   238 end
   240 -- This function is called when a new gear is added.
   241 -- We don't need it for this training, so we can
   242 -- keep it empty.
   243 function onGearAdd(gear)
   244 end
   246 -- This function is called before a gear is destroyed.
   247 -- We use it to count the number of targets destroyed.
   248 function onGearDelete(gear)
   250 	if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
   251 		game_lost = true
   252 		return
   253 	end
   255 	if (GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget) then
   256 		-- remember when the target was hit for adjusting the camera
   257 		last_hit_time = TurnTimeLeft
   258 		-- Add one point to our score/counter
   259 		score = score + 1
   260 		-- If we haven't reached the goal ...
   261 		if score < score_goal then
   262 			-- ... spawn another target.
   263 			if score == 1 then
   264 				spawnTarget(1520,1350)
   265 			elseif score == 2 then
   266 				spawnTarget(1730,1040)
   267 			elseif score == 3 then
   268 				spawnTarget(2080,780)
   269 			elseif score == 4 then
   270 				blowUp(1730,1226)
   271 				blowUp(1440,1595)
   272 				blowUp(1527,1575)
   273 				blowUp(1614,1595)
   274 				blowUp(1420,1675)
   275 				blowUp(1527,1675)
   276 				blowUp(1634,1675)
   277 				blowUp(1440,1755)
   278 				blowUp(1527,1775)
   279 				blowUp(1614,1755)
   280 				spawnTarget(1527,1667)
   281 			elseif score == 5 then
   282 				spawnTarget(1527,1667)
   283 			elseif score == 6 then
   284 				spawnTarget(2175,1300)
   285 			elseif score == 7 then
   286 				spawnTarget(2250,940)
   287 			elseif score == 8 then
   288 				spawnTarget(2665,1540)
   289 			elseif score == 9 then
   290 				spawnTarget(3040,1160)
   291 			elseif score == 10 then
   292 				spawnTarget(2930,1500)
   293 			elseif score == 11 then
   294 				spawnTarget(700,720)
   295 			elseif score == 12 then
   296 				blowUp(914,1222)
   297 				blowUp(1050,1222)
   298 				blowUp(1160,1008)
   299 				blowUp(1160,1093)
   300 				blowUp(1160,1188)
   301 				blowUp(375,911)
   302 				blowUp(510,911)
   303 				blowUp(640,911)
   304 				blowUp(780,911)
   305 				blowUp(920,911)
   306 				blowUp(1060,913)
   307 				blowUp(1198,913)
   308 				spawnTarget(1200,730)
   309 			elseif score == 13 then
   310 				spawnTarget(1200,830)
   311 			elseif score == 14 then
   312 				spawnTarget(1430,450)
   313 			elseif score == 15 then
   314 				spawnTarget(796,240)
   315 			elseif score == 16 then
   316 				spawnTarget(300,10)
   317 			elseif score == 17 then
   318 				spawnTarget(2080,820)
   319 			elseif score == 18 then
   320 				blowUp(2110,920)
   321 				blowUp(2210,920)
   322 				blowUp(2200,305)
   323 				blowUp(2300,305)
   324 				blowUp(2300,400)
   325 				blowUp(2300,500)
   326 				blowUp(2300,600)
   327 				blowUp(2300,700)
   328 				blowUp(2300,800)
   329 				blowUp(2300,900)
   330 				blowUp(2401,305)
   331 				blowUp(2532,305)
   332 				blowUp(2663,305)
   333 				spawnTarget(2300,760)
   334 			elseif score == 19 then
   335 				spawnTarget(2300,760)
   336 			elseif score == 20 then
   337 				spawnTarget(2738,190)
   338 			elseif score == 21 then
   339 				spawnTarget(2590,-100)
   340 			elseif score == 22 then
   341 				blowUp(2790,305)
   342 				blowUp(2930,305)
   343 				blowUp(3060,305)
   344 				blowUp(3190,305)
   345 				blowUp(3310,305)
   346 				blowUp(3393,613)
   347 				blowUp(2805,370)
   348 				blowUp(2805,500)
   349 				blowUp(2805,630)
   350 				blowUp(2805,760)
   351 				blowUp(2805,890)
   352 				blowUp(2700,890)
   353 				blowUp(3258,370)
   354 				blowUp(3258,475)
   355 				blowUp(3264,575)
   356 				spawnTarget(3230,240)
   357 			elseif score == 23 then
   358 				spawnTarget(3230,290)
   359 			elseif score == 24 then
   360 				spawnTarget(3670,250)
   361 			elseif score == 25 then
   362 				spawnTarget(2620,-100)
   363 			elseif score == 26 then
   364 				spawnTarget(2870,300)
   365 			elseif score == 27 then
   366 				spawnTarget(3850,900)
   367 			elseif score == 28 then
   368 				spawnTarget(3780,300)
   369 			elseif score == 29 then
   370 				spawnTarget(3670,0)
   371 			elseif score == 30 then
   372 				spawnTarget(3480,1200)
   373 			end
   374 		else
   375 			if not game_lost then
   376 			-- Otherwise show that the goal was accomplished
   377 			ShowMission(loc(caption), loc(subcaption), loc(success), 0, 0);
   378 			-- Also let the hogs shout "victory!"
   379 			PlaySound(sndVictory)
   380 			-- Save the time left so we may keep it.
   381 			time_goal = TurnTimeLeft
   382 			end
   383 		end
   384 	end
   385 end