changeset 6695 32de8965c62c
parent 6694 48317632b3a9
child 6700 e04da46ee43c
--- a/hedgewars/uTypes.pas	Fri Feb 17 09:33:03 2012 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uTypes.pas	Fri Feb 17 12:08:01 2012 +0100
@@ -426,20 +426,19 @@
     PWidgetMovement = ^TWidgetMovement;
     TWidgetMovement = record
         animate: Boolean;
-        targetFromX, targetFromY: LongInt;
-        targetToX, targetToY: LongInt;
+        source: TPoint;
+        target: TPoint;
         startTime: Longword;
     POnScreenWidget = ^TOnScreenWidget;
     TOnScreenWidget = record
-        show: boolean;
-        sprite: TSprite;
-        x, y: LongInt;	                // graphical coordinates
-        hOffset, width: LongInt;        // horizontal active region
-        vOffset, height: LongInt;       // vertical active region
-        fadeAnimStart: Longword;        //time the fade started, 0 means don't fade
-        moveAnim: TWidgetMovement;
+        show: boolean;                      // if false widget will not be drawn
+        sprite: TSprite;                    // a convenience type
+        frame: TSDL_Rect;                   // graphical coordinates
+        active: TSDL_Rect;                  // active touch region
+        fadeAnimStart: Longword;            // time the fade started, 0 means don't fade
+        moveAnim: TWidgetMovement;          // the animation associated to the widget