changeset 7568 75ba91f14ed5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/Android-build/SDL-android-project/assets/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/WxW.lua	Sat Aug 18 18:11:04 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+-- WALL TO WALL 0.4
+-- a shoppa minigame
+-- by mikade
+-- feel free to add map specific walls to LoadConfig, or post additional
+-- wall suggestions on our forum at:
+-- concept test
+-- unhardcoded turntimeleft, now uses shoppa default of 45s
+-- changed some things behind the scenes
+-- fixed oooooold radar bug
+-- added radar / script support for multiple crates
+-- tweaked weapons tables
+-- added surfing and changed crate spawn requirements a bit
+-- stuffed dirty clothes into cupboard
+-- improved user feedback
+-- added/improved experimental config system, input masks included :D
+-- for version 0.9.18, now detects border in correct location
+-- fix 0.3 config constraint
+-- remove unnecessary vars
+-- oops, remove hardcoding of minesnum,explosives
+-- ... and unhardcode turntime (again)... man, 30s is hard :(
+-- move some initialisations around
+-- numerous improvements to user feedback
+-- walls disappear after being touched
+-- added backwards compatibility with 0.9.17
+--TO DO
+-- achievements / try detect shoppa moves? :|
+-- maybe add ability for the user to place zones like in Racer?
+-- add more hard-coded values for specific maps
+loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Locale.lua")()
+loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Tracker.lua")()
+loadfile(GetDataPath() .. "Scripts/Utils.lua")()
+-- experimental menu stuff
+local menuIndex = 1
+local menu = {}
+local preMenuCfg
+local postMenuCfg
+local roundN = 0
+-- config and wall variables
+local AFR = false
+local allowCrazyWeps = false
+local requireSurfer = true
+local wX = {}
+local wY = {}
+local wWidth = {}
+local wHeight = {}
+local wTouched = {}
+--local margin
+local wallsLeft = 0
+local highestY = 0
+local surferTimer = 0
+local hasSurfed = false
+local allWallsHit = false
+local gTimer = 1
+local effectTimer = 1
+local ropeG = nil
+local crateG = nil
+local allowCrate = true
+-- crate radar vars
+local rCirc = {}
+local rAlpha = 255
+local rPingTimer = 0
+local m2Count = 0
+local weapons = {}
+--[[local unlisted = {amTardis, amLandGun,amExtraTime,amExtraDamage,
+				amVampiric, amSwitch, amInvulnerable, amGirder, amJetpack,
+				amPortalGun, amTeleport, amResurrector, amLaserSight, amLowGravity,
+				amAirAttack, amNapalm, amMineStrike, amDrillStrike,
+				amKamikaze, amSnowball, amSeduction}]]
+local crazyWeps = {amWatermelon, amHellishBomb, amBallgun, amRCPlane}
+local groundWeps = 	{amBee, amShotgun,amDEagle,amFirePunch, amWhip,
+				amPickHammer, amBaseballBat, amCake,amBallgun,
+				amRCPlane, amSniperRifle, amBirdy, amBlowTorch, amGasBomb,
+				amFlamethrower, amSMine, amMortar, amHammer}
+local ropeWeps = {amGrenade, amClusterBomb, amBazooka, amMine, amDynamite,
+				amWatermelon, amHellishBomb, amDrill, amMolotov}
+-- 0.9.18+ extra custom data for preset maps
+local MapList =
+	{
+	--name,      						surfer, roof, 	LRwalls
+	{"Atlantis Shoppa", 			    true, 	false, true},
+	{"BambooPlinko", 				    true,	false, true},
+	{"BrickShoppa", 				    false, 	false, true},
+	{"BubbleFlow",   					true, 	false, true},
+	{"Cave",       						false, 	false, true},
+	{"Glass Shoppa",      				true, 	false, true},
+	{"HardIce",      					false, 	false, true},
+	{"Industrial",       				false,	false, true},
+	{"Islands",       					true, 	false, true},
+	{"Hedgelove",       				true, 	false, true},
+	{"NeonStyle",       				false, 	false, true},
+	{"Octorama",       					false, 	false, true},
+	{"red vs blue - Castle",     		true, 	false, true},
+	{"red vs blue - castle2",     		true, 	false, true},
+	{"red vs blue - True Shoppa Sky",   true, 	false, true},
+	{"Ropes",       					false, 	false, true},
+	{"Ropes Rearranged",      			false, 	false, true},
+	{"RopesRevenge Flipped",    		true, 	false, true},
+	{"Ropes Three",      				false, 	false, true},
+	{"RopesTwo",      					false, 	false, true},
+	{"ShapeShoppa1.0",     				true, 	false, true},
+	{"ShappeShoppa Darkhow",      		true, 	false, true},
+	{"ShoppaCave2",      				true, 	false, true},
+	{"ShoppaFun",      					true, 	false, true},
+	{"ShoppaGolf",      				false, 	false,  true},
+	{"ShoppaHell",      				false, 	true,  false},
+	{"ShoppaKing",       				false, 	false, false},
+	{"ShoppaNeon",       				false, 	false, true},
+	{"ShoppaSky",       				false, 	false, true},
+	{"Shoppawall",       				false, 	false, true},
+	{"SkatePark",       				false, 	false, true},
+	{"SloppyShoppa",      				false, 	false, true},
+	{"Sticks",       					true, 	false, true},
+	{"Symmetrical Ropes ",       		false, 	false, true},
+	{"Tetris",       					false, 	false, true},
+	{"TransRopes2",      				false, 	false, true},
+	{"Wildmap",      					false, 	false, true},
+	{"Winter Shoppa",      				false, 	false, true},
+	{"2Cshoppa",      					true, 	false, true}
+	}
+function BoolToCfgTxt(p)
+	if p == false then
+		return("Disabled")
+	else
+		return("Enabled")
+	end
+function LoadConfig(p)
+	margin = 20
+	mapID = nil
+	-- 0.9.17
+	if Map == "CHANGE_ME" then
+		AddCaption(loc("For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"))
+		--AddWall(10,10,4085,margin)
+		AddWall(10,10,margin,2025)
+		AddWall(4085-margin,10,margin,2025)
+	end
+	--0.9.18+
+	for i = 1, #MapList do
+		if Map == MapList[i][1] then
+			mapID = i
+			--AddCaption(MapList[i][1] .. " found. reqSurf is " .. BoolToCfgTxt(MapList[i][2]))
+		end
+	end
+	if (p == 1) and (mapID ~= nil) then
+		requireSurfer = MapList[mapID][2]
+	end
+	if mapID ~= nil then
+		-- add a wall to the roof
+		if MapList[mapID][3] == true then
+			AddWall(LeftX+10,TopY+10,RightX-LeftX-20,margin)
+		end
+		-- add walls on the left and right border
+		if MapList[mapID][4] == true then
+			AddWall(LeftX+10,TopY+10,margin,WaterLine)
+			AddWall(RightX-10-margin,TopY+10,margin,WaterLine)
+		end
+		-- add map specific walls
+		if Map == "Ropes" then
+			AddWall(1092,934,54,262)
+			AddWall(2822,323,33,137)
+		elseif Map == "ShoppaKing" then
+			AddWall(3777,1520,50,196)
+			AddWall(1658,338,46,670)
+		elseif Map == "ShoppaHell" then
+			AddWall(2035,831,30,263)
+			AddWall(3968,1668,31,383)
+		elseif Map == "ShoppaNeon" then
+			AddWall(980,400,20,300)
+			AddWall(1940,400,20,300)
+			AddWall(3088,565,26,284)
+			AddWall(187,270,28,266)
+		end
+	-- if map is unrecognized, add two walls on the side borders
+	-- also, if version of hw is not 0.9.17 or lower
+	elseif Map ~= "CHANGE_ME" then
+		AddWall(LeftX+10,TopY+10,margin,WaterLine)
+		AddWall(RightX-10-margin,TopY+10,margin,WaterLine)
+	end
+function AddWall(zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight)
+	table.insert(wX, zXMin)
+	table.insert(wY, zYMin)
+	table.insert(wWidth, zWidth)
+	table.insert(wHeight, zHeight)
+	table.insert(wTouched, false)
+function DrawBlip(gear)
+	SetVisualGearValues(getGearValue(gear,"CIRC"), getGearValue(gear,"RX"), getGearValue(gear,"RY"), 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))-rAlpha)
+function TrackRadarBlip(gear)
+	-- work out the distance to the target
+	g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog)
+	g2X, g2Y = GetX(gear), GetY(gear)
+	q = g1X - g2X
+	w = g1Y - g2Y
+	r = math.sqrt( (q*q) + (w*w) )	--alternate
+	RCX = getGearValue(gear,"RX")
+	RCY = getGearValue(gear,"RY")
+	rCircDistance = r -- distance to circle
+	opp = w
+	if opp < 0 then
+		opp = opp*-1
+	end
+	-- work out the angle (theta) to the target
+	t = math.deg ( math.asin(opp / r) )
+	-- based on the radius of the radar, calculate what x/y displacement should be
+	NR = 150 -- radius at which to draw circs
+	NX = math.cos( math.rad(t) ) * NR
+	NY = math.sin( math.rad(t) ) * NR
+	if rCircDistance < NR then
+		RCX = g2X
+	elseif q > 0 then
+		RCX = g1X - NX
+	else
+		RCX = g1X + NX
+	end
+	if rCircDistance < NR then
+		RCY = g2Y
+	elseif w > 0 then
+		RCY = g1Y - NY
+	else
+		RCY = g1Y + NY
+	end
+	setGearValue(gear, "RX", RCX)
+	setGearValue(gear, "RY", RCY)
+function HandleCircles()
+	-- enable this if you want the radar to only show for a few seconds
+	-- after you spawn the crate
+	--[[if rAlpha ~= 255 then
+		rPingTimer = rPingTimer + 1
+		if rPingTimer == 100 then
+			rPingTimer = 0
+			rAlpha = rAlpha + 5
+			if rAlpha >= 255 then
+				rAlpha = 255
+			end
+		end
+	end]]
+	runOnGears(DrawBlip)
+	m2Count = m2Count + 1
+	if m2Count == 25 then
+		m2Count = 0
+		if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (rAlpha ~= 255) then
+			runOnGears(TrackRadarBlip)
+		end
+	end
+function CheckCrateConditions()
+	crateSpawn = true
+	if requireSurfer == true then
+		if hasSurfed == false then
+			crateSpawn = false
+		end
+	end
+	if #wTouched > 0 then
+		if allWallsHit == false then
+			crateSpawn = false
+		end
+	end
+	if crateSpawn == true then
+		if allowCrate == true then
+		--if (crateG == nil) and (allowCrate == true) then
+			--AddCaption("")
+			SpawnAmmoCrate(0, 0, weapons[1+GetRandom(#weapons)] )
+			rPingTimer = 0
+			rAlpha = 0
+			PlaySound(sndWarp)
+		end
+	end
+function CheckSurfer()
+	if GetY(CurrentHedgehog) > highestY then
+		highestY = GetY(CurrentHedgehog)
+	end
+	if (highestY == (WaterLine-8)) and (hasSurfed == false)  then
+		surferTimer = surferTimer +1
+		if (surferTimer == 40) then
+			hasSurfed = true
+			AddCaption(loc("Surfer!"),0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
+		end
+	end
+function WallHit(id, zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight)
+	if wTouched[id] == false then
+		tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false)
+		PlaySound(sndExplosion)
+		wallsLeft = wallsLeft - 1
+		if wallsLeft == 0 then
+			AddCaption(loc("All walls touched!"))
+			allWallsHit = true
+			if (requireSurfer == true) and (hasSurfed == false) then
+				AddCaption(loc("Go surf!"),0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
+			end
+		else
+			AddCaption(loc("Walls Left") .. ": " .. wallsLeft)
+		end
+	end
+	wTouched[id] = true
+	tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtSmoke, 0, false)
+	--PlaySound(sndVaporize) -- yeah, this is just annoying as shit
+function CheckForWallCollision()
+	for i = 1, #wTouched do
+		if gearIsInBox(CurrentHedgehog, wX[i],wY[i],wWidth[i],wHeight[i]) then
+			WallHit(i, wX[i],wY[i],wWidth[i],wHeight[i])
+		end
+	end
+function BorderSpark(zXMin,zYMin, zWidth, zHeight, bCol)
+	eX = zXMin + GetRandom(zWidth+10)
+	eY = zYMin + GetRandom(zHeight+10)
+	tempE = AddVisualGear(eX, eY, vgtDust, 0, false)
+	if tempE ~= 0 then
+		g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10 = GetVisualGearValues(tempE)
+		SetVisualGearValues(tempE, eX, eY, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, 1, g9, bCol )
+	end
+function HandleBorderEffects()
+	effectTimer = effectTimer + 1
+	if effectTimer > 15 then --25
+		effectTimer = 1
+		for i = 1, #wTouched do
+			if wTouched[i] == true then
+				--bCol = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
+			else
+				--bCol = 0xFFFFFFFF
+				bCol = GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog))
+				BorderSpark(wX[i],wY[i],wWidth[i],wHeight[i], bCol)
+			end
+			--BorderSpark(wX[i],wY[i],wWidth[i],wHeight[i], bCol)
+		end
+	end
+function onLJump()
+	if roundN < 2 then
+		roundN = 100
+		SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+		TurnTimeLeft = 1
+		AddCaption(loc("Configuration accepted."),0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage)
+		HideMission()
+	end
+function onAttack()
+	if roundN < 2 then
+		if menuIndex == 1 then
+			if #wTouched > 0 then
+				for i = 1, #wTouched do
+					wTouched[i] = nil
+					wX[i] = nil
+					wY[i] = nil
+					wWidth[i] = nil
+					wHeight[i] = nil
+				end
+			else
+				LoadConfig(2)
+			end
+		elseif menuIndex == 2 then
+			requireSurfer = not(requireSurfer)
+		elseif menuIndex == 3 then
+			AFR = not(AFR)
+		elseif menuIndex == 4 then
+			allowCrazyWeps = not(allowCrazyWeps)
+		end
+		UpdateMenu()
+		configureWeapons()
+		HandleStartingStage()
+	elseif (AFR == true) then
+		if (GetCurAmmoType() ~= amRope) and
+			(GetCurAmmoType() ~= amSkip) and
+			(GetCurAmmoType() ~= amNothing)
+		then
+			AddCaption(loc("You may only attack from a rope!"),0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
+		end
+	end
+function onDown()
+	if roundN < 2 then
+		menuIndex = menuIndex +1
+		if menuIndex > #menu then
+			menuIndex = 1
+		end
+		HandleStartingStage()
+	end
+function onUp()
+	if roundN < 2 then
+		menuIndex = menuIndex -1
+		if 	menuIndex == 0 then
+			menuIndex = #menu
+		end
+		HandleStartingStage()
+	end
+function onGameInit()
+	GameFlags = gfRandomOrder + gfBorder + gfSolidLand --+ gfInfAttack
+	HealthCaseProb = 0
+	CaseFreq = 0
+function configureWeapons()
+	-- reset wep array
+	for i = 1, #weapons do
+		weapons[i] = nil
+	end
+	-- add rope weps
+	for i, w in pairs(ropeWeps) do
+        table.insert(weapons, w)
+	end
+	-- add ground weps
+	for i, w in pairs(groundWeps) do
+        table.insert(weapons, w)
+	end
+	-- remove ground weps if attacking from rope is mandatory
+	if AFR == true then
+		for i = 1, #weapons do
+			for w = 1, #groundWeps do
+				if groundWeps[w] == weapons[i] then
+					table.remove(weapons, i)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- remove crazy weps is crazy weps aren't allowed
+	if allowCrazyWeps == false then
+		for i = 1, #weapons do
+			for w = 1, #crazyWeps do
+				if crazyWeps[w] == weapons[i] then
+					table.remove(weapons, i)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function onGameStart()
+	LoadConfig(1)
+	configureWeapons()
+	UpdateMenu()
+	HandleStartingStage()
+function onNewTurn()
+	wallsLeft = #wTouched
+	for i = 1, #wTouched do
+		wTouched[i] = false
+	end
+	allowCrate = true
+	surferTimer = 0
+	hasSurfed = false
+	allWallsHit = false
+	highestY = 0
+	crateG = nil
+	-- new config stuff
+	roundN = roundN + 1
+	if roundN < 2 then
+		TurnTimeLeft = -1
+		SetInputMask(0)
+		allowCrate = false
+		HandleStartingStage() -- new
+	end
+function UpdateMenu()
+	preMenuCfg = loc("Spawn the crate, and attack!") .. "|"
+	postMenuCfg = loc("Press [Enter] to accept this configuration.")
+	menu = 	{
+			loc("Walls Required") .. ": " .. #wTouched .. "|",
+			loc("Surf Before Crate") .. ": " .. BoolToCfgTxt(requireSurfer) .. "|",
+			loc("Attack From Rope") .. ": " .. BoolToCfgTxt(AFR) .. "|",
+			loc("Super Weapons") .. ": " .. BoolToCfgTxt(allowCrazyWeps) .. "|"
+			}
+function HandleStartingStage()
+	temp = menu[menuIndex]
+	menu[menuIndex] = "--> " .. menu[menuIndex]
+	missionComment = ""
+	for i = 1, #menu do
+		missionComment = missionComment .. menu[i]
+	end
+	ShowMission	(
+				loc("WALL TO WALL") .. " 0.4",
+				loc("a shoppa minigame"),
+				preMenuCfg..
+				missionComment ..
+				postMenuCfg ..
+				--" " .. "|" ..
+				"", 4, 300000
+				)
+	menu[menuIndex] = temp
+function onGameTick()
+	if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then
+		--AddCaption(Map)
+		--AddCaption(RightX ..";" .. GetX(CurrentHedgehog))
+		CheckSurfer()
+		gTimer = gTimer + 1
+		if gTimer == 25 then
+			gTimer = 1
+			CheckForWallCollision()
+			CheckCrateConditions()
+			if (crateG == GetFollowGear()) and (crateG ~= nil) then
+				FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
+			end
+			-- if attackfromrope is set, forbid firing unless using rope
+			if (AFR == true) and (roundN >= 2) then
+				if (GetCurAmmoType() == amRope) or
+					(GetCurAmmoType() == amSkip) or
+					(GetCurAmmoType() == amNothing)
+				then
+					SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
+				elseif ropeG == nil then
+					SetInputMask(bnot(gmAttack))
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		HandleBorderEffects()
+		HandleCircles()
+	end
+function onGearAdd(gear)
+	if GetGearType(gear) == gtRope then
+		ropeG = gear
+	elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
+		crateG = gear
+		trackGear(gear)
+		table.insert(rCirc, AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true) )
+		setGearValue(gear,"CIRC",rCirc[#rCirc])
+		setGearValue(gear,"RX",0)
+		setGearValue(gear,"RY",0)
+		SetVisualGearValues(rCirc[#rCirc], 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, 0xff00ffff)
+		allowCrate = false
+		rPingTimer = 0
+		rAlpha = 0
+	end
+function onGearDelete(gear)
+	if gear == ropeG then
+		ropeG = nil
+	elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
+		if gear == crateG then
+			crateG = nil
+		--	rAlpha = 255
+		end
+		for i = 1, #rCirc do
+			if rCirc[i] == getGearValue(gear,"CIRC") then
+				DeleteVisualGear(rCirc[i])
+				table.remove(rCirc, i)
+			end
+		end
+		trackDeletion(gear)
+	end
+function onAmmoStoreInit()
+	for i, w in pairs(ropeWeps) do
+        SetAmmo(w, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+    end
+    for i, w in pairs(groundWeps) do
+        SetAmmo(w, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+    end
+    for i, w in pairs(crazyWeps) do
+        SetAmmo(w, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+    end
+	SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
+	SetAmmo(amSkip, 9, 0, 0, 0)