changeset 15047 773beead236f
parent 12474 42da9d8d82ab
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/qmlfrontend/rooms_model.cpp	Fri May 24 23:39:51 2019 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+ * @file
+ * @brief RoomsListModel class implementation
+ */
+#include <QBrush>
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include "rooms_model.h"
+RoomsListModel::RoomsListModel(QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractTableModel(parent), c_nColumns(9) {
+  m_headerData = QStringList();
+  m_headerData << tr("In progress");
+  m_headerData << tr("Room Name");
+  //: Caption of the column for the number of connected clients in the list of
+  // rooms
+  m_headerData << tr("C");
+  //: Caption of the column for the number of teams in the list of rooms
+  m_headerData << tr("T");
+  m_headerData << tr("Owner");
+  m_headerData << tr("Map");
+  m_headerData << tr("Script");
+  m_headerData << tr("Rules");
+  m_headerData << tr("Weapons");
+  // m_staticMapModel = DataManager::instance().staticMapModel();
+  // m_missionMapModel = DataManager::instance().missionMapModel();
+QVariant RoomsListModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
+                                    int role) const {
+  if (orientation == Qt::Vertical || role != Qt::DisplayRole)
+    return QVariant();
+  else
+    return QVariant(m_headerData.at(section));
+int RoomsListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const {
+  if (parent.isValid())
+    return 0;
+  else
+    return m_data.size();
+int RoomsListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const {
+  if (parent.isValid())
+    return 0;
+  else
+    return c_nColumns;
+QVariant RoomsListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const {
+  int column = index.column();
+  int row = index.row();
+  // invalid index
+  if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant();
+  // invalid row
+  if ((row < 0) || (row >= m_data.size())) return QVariant();
+  // invalid column
+  if ((column < 0) || (column >= c_nColumns)) return QVariant();
+  // not a role we have data for
+  if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
+    // only custom-align counters
+    if ((role != Qt::TextAlignmentRole) ||
+        ((column != PlayerCountColumn) && (column != TeamCountColumn)))
+      // only decorate name column
+      if ((role != Qt::DecorationRole) || (column != NameColumn))
+        // only dye map column
+        if ((role != Qt::ForegroundRole) || (column != MapColumn))
+          return QVariant();
+  // decorate room name based on room state
+  if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) {
+    const QIcon roomBusyIcon(":/res/iconDamage.png");
+    const QIcon roomBusyIconGreen(":/res/iconDamageLockG.png");
+    const QIcon roomBusyIconRed(":/res/iconDamageLockR.png");
+    const QIcon roomWaitingIcon(":/res/iconTime.png");
+    const QIcon roomWaitingIconGreen(":/res/iconTimeLockG.png");
+    const QIcon roomWaitingIconRed(":/res/iconTimeLockR.png");
+    QString flags = m_data.at(row).at(StateColumn);
+    if (flags.contains("g")) {
+      if (flags.contains("j"))
+        return QVariant(roomBusyIconRed);
+      else if (flags.contains("p"))
+        return QVariant(roomBusyIconGreen);
+      else
+        return QVariant(roomBusyIcon);
+    } else {
+      if (flags.contains("j"))
+        return QVariant(roomWaitingIconRed);
+      else if (flags.contains("p"))
+        return QVariant(roomWaitingIconGreen);
+      else
+        return QVariant(roomWaitingIcon);
+    }
+  }
+  QString content = m_data.at(row).at(column);
+  if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
+    // display room names
+    if (column == 5) {
+      // special names
+      if (content[0] == '+') {
+        if (content == "+rnd+") return tr("Random Map");
+        if (content == "+maze+") return tr("Random Maze");
+        if (content == "+perlin+") return tr("Random Perlin");
+        if (content == "+drawn+") return tr("Hand-drawn");
+        if (content == "+forts+") return tr("Forts");
+      }
+      // prefix ? if map not available
+      /*if (!m_staticMapModel->mapExists(content) &&
+          !m_missionMapModel->mapExists(content))
+        return QString("? %1").arg(content);*/
+    }
+    return content;
+  }
+  // dye map names red if map not available
+  /*if (role == Qt::ForegroundRole) {
+    if (content == "+rnd+" || content == "+maze+" || content == "+perlin+" ||
+        content == "+drawn+" || content == "+forts+" ||
+        m_staticMapModel->mapExists(content) ||
+        m_missionMapModel->mapExists(content))
+      return QVariant();
+    else
+      return QBrush(QColor("darkred"));
+  }*/
+  if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) {
+    return (int)(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
+  }
+  Q_ASSERT(false);
+  return QVariant();
+void RoomsListModel::setRoomsList(const QStringList &rooms) {
+  beginResetModel();
+  m_data.clear();
+  int nRooms = rooms.size();
+  for (int i = 0; i < nRooms; i += c_nColumns) {
+    QStringList l;
+    l.reserve(c_nColumns);
+    for (int t = 0; t < c_nColumns; t++) {
+      l.append(rooms[i + t]);
+    }
+    m_data.append(l);
+  }
+  endResetModel();
+void RoomsListModel::addRoom(const QStringList &info) {
+  beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0);
+  m_data.prepend(info);
+  endInsertRows();
+int RoomsListModel::rowOfRoom(const QString &name) {
+  int size = m_data.size();
+  if (size < 1) return -1;
+  int i = 0;
+  // search for record with matching room name
+  while (m_data[i].at(NameColumn) != name) {
+    i++;
+    if (i >= size) return -1;
+  }
+  return i;
+void RoomsListModel::removeRoom(const QString &name) {
+  int i = rowOfRoom(name);
+  if (i < 0) return;
+  beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
+  m_data.removeAt(i);
+  endRemoveRows();
+void RoomsListModel::updateRoom(const QString &name, const QStringList &info) {
+  int i = rowOfRoom(name);
+  if (i < 0) return;
+  m_data[i] = info;
+  emit dataChanged(index(i, 0), index(i, columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1));