changeset 9521 8054d9d775fd
parent 9282 92af50454cf2
parent 9519 b8b5c82eb61b
child 9950 2759212a27de
--- a/misc/libfreetype/src/type1/t1load.c	Fri Oct 11 11:55:31 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2237 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  t1load.c                                                               */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*    Type 1 font loader (body).                                           */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  Copyright 1996-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,   */
-/*            2010 by                                                      */
-/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
-/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
-/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
-/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
-/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
-/*                                                                         */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* This is the new and improved Type 1 data loader for FreeType 2.  The  */
-  /* old loader has several problems: it is slow, complex, difficult to    */
-  /* maintain, and contains incredible hacks to make it accept some        */
-  /* ill-formed Type 1 fonts without hiccup-ing.  Moreover, about 5% of    */
-  /* the Type 1 fonts on my machine still aren't loaded correctly by it.   */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* This version is much simpler, much faster and also easier to read and */
-  /* maintain by a great order of magnitude.  The idea behind it is to     */
-  /* _not_ try to read the Type 1 token stream with a state machine (i.e.  */
-  /* a Postscript-like interpreter) but rather to perform simple pattern   */
-  /* matching.                                                             */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Indeed, nearly all data definitions follow a simple pattern like      */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*  ... /Field <data> ...                                                */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* where <data> can be a number, a boolean, a string, or an array of     */
-  /* numbers.  There are a few exceptions, namely the encoding, font name, */
-  /* charstrings, and subrs; they are handled with a special pattern       */
-  /* matching routine.                                                     */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* All other common cases are handled very simply.  The matching rules   */
-  /* are defined in the file `t1tokens.h' through the use of several       */
-  /* macros calls PARSE_XXX.  This file is included twice here; the first  */
-  /* time to generate parsing callback functions, the second time to       */
-  /* generate a table of keywords (with pointers to the associated         */
-  /* callback functions).                                                  */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* The function `parse_dict' simply scans *linearly* a given dictionary  */
-  /* (either the top-level or private one) and calls the appropriate       */
-  /* callback when it encounters an immediate keyword.                     */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* This is by far the fastest way one can find to parse and read all     */
-  /* data.                                                                 */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* This led to tremendous code size reduction.  Note that later, the     */
-  /* glyph loader will also be _greatly_ simplified, and the automatic     */
-  /* hinter will replace the clumsy `t1hinter'.                            */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#include "t1load.h"
-#include "t1errors.h"
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
-  /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
-  /* messages during execution.                                            */
-  /*                                                                       */
-#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_t1load
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*****                    MULTIPLE MASTERS SUPPORT                   *****/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  static FT_Error
-  t1_allocate_blend( T1_Face  face,
-                     FT_UInt  num_designs,
-                     FT_UInt  num_axis )
-  {
-    PS_Blend   blend;
-    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
-    FT_Error   error  = T1_Err_Ok;
-    blend = face->blend;
-    if ( !blend )
-    {
-      if ( FT_NEW( blend ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      blend->num_default_design_vector = 0;
-      face->blend = blend;
-    }
-    /* allocate design data if needed */
-    if ( num_designs > 0 )
-    {
-      if ( blend->num_designs == 0 )
-      {
-        FT_UInt  nn;
-        /* allocate the blend `private' and `font_info' dictionaries */
-        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->font_infos[1], num_designs     ) ||
-             FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->privates[1], num_designs       ) ||
-             FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->bboxes[1], num_designs         ) ||
-             FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->weight_vector, num_designs * 2 ) )
-          goto Exit;
-        blend->default_weight_vector = blend->weight_vector + num_designs;
-        blend->font_infos[0] = &face->type1.font_info;
-        blend->privates  [0] = &face->type1.private_dict;
-        blend->bboxes    [0] = &face->type1.font_bbox;
-        for ( nn = 2; nn <= num_designs; nn++ )
-        {
-          blend->privates[nn]   = blend->privates  [nn - 1] + 1;
-          blend->font_infos[nn] = blend->font_infos[nn - 1] + 1;
-          blend->bboxes[nn]     = blend->bboxes    [nn - 1] + 1;
-        }
-        blend->num_designs   = num_designs;
-      }
-      else if ( blend->num_designs != num_designs )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    /* allocate axis data if needed */
-    if ( num_axis > 0 )
-    {
-      if ( blend->num_axis != 0 && blend->num_axis != num_axis )
-        goto Fail;
-      blend->num_axis = num_axis;
-    }
-    /* allocate the blend design pos table if needed */
-    num_designs = blend->num_designs;
-    num_axis    = blend->num_axis;
-    if ( num_designs && num_axis && blend->design_pos[0] == 0 )
-    {
-      FT_UInt  n;
-      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( blend->design_pos[0], num_designs * num_axis ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      for ( n = 1; n < num_designs; n++ )
-        blend->design_pos[n] = blend->design_pos[0] + num_axis * n;
-    }
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  Fail:
-    error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-    goto Exit;
-  }
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
-  T1_Get_Multi_Master( T1_Face           face,
-                       FT_Multi_Master*  master )
-  {
-    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
-    FT_UInt   n;
-    FT_Error  error;
-    error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;
-    if ( blend )
-    {
-      master->num_axis    = blend->num_axis;
-      master->num_designs = blend->num_designs;
-      for ( n = 0; n < blend->num_axis; n++ )
-      {
-        FT_MM_Axis*   axis = master->axis + n;
-        PS_DesignMap  map = blend->design_map + n;
-        axis->name    = blend->axis_names[n];
-        axis->minimum = map->design_points[0];
-        axis->maximum = map->design_points[map->num_points - 1];
-      }
-      error = T1_Err_Ok;
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Given a normalized (blend) coordinate, figure out the design          */
-  /* coordinate appropriate for that value.                                */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Fixed )
-  mm_axis_unmap( PS_DesignMap  axismap,
-                 FT_Fixed      ncv )
-  {
-    int  j;
-    if ( ncv <= axismap->blend_points[0] )
-      return INT_TO_FIXED( axismap->design_points[0] );
-    for ( j = 1; j < axismap->num_points; ++j )
-    {
-      if ( ncv <= axismap->blend_points[j] )
-      {
-        FT_Fixed  t = FT_MulDiv( ncv - axismap->blend_points[j - 1],
-                                 0x10000L,
-                                 axismap->blend_points[j] -
-                                   axismap->blend_points[j - 1] );
-        return INT_TO_FIXED( axismap->design_points[j - 1] ) +
-                 FT_MulDiv( t,
-                            axismap->design_points[j] -
-                              axismap->design_points[j - 1],
-                            1L );
-      }
-    }
-    return INT_TO_FIXED( axismap->design_points[axismap->num_points - 1] );
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Given a vector of weights, one for each design, figure out the        */
-  /* normalized axis coordinates which gave rise to those weights.         */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
-  mm_weights_unmap( FT_Fixed*  weights,
-                    FT_Fixed*  axiscoords,
-                    FT_UInt    axis_count )
-  {
-    FT_ASSERT( axis_count <= T1_MAX_MM_AXIS );
-    if ( axis_count == 1 )
-      axiscoords[0] = weights[1];
-    else if ( axis_count == 2 )
-    {
-      axiscoords[0] = weights[3] + weights[1];
-      axiscoords[1] = weights[3] + weights[2];
-    }
-    else if ( axis_count == 3 )
-    {
-      axiscoords[0] = weights[7] + weights[5] + weights[3] + weights[1];
-      axiscoords[1] = weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[3] + weights[2];
-      axiscoords[2] = weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[5] + weights[4];
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      axiscoords[0] = weights[15] + weights[13] + weights[11] + weights[9] +
-                        weights[7] + weights[5] + weights[3] + weights[1];
-      axiscoords[1] = weights[15] + weights[14] + weights[11] + weights[10] +
-                        weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[3] + weights[2];
-      axiscoords[2] = weights[15] + weights[14] + weights[13] + weights[12] +
-                        weights[7] + weights[6] + weights[5] + weights[4];
-      axiscoords[3] = weights[15] + weights[14] + weights[13] + weights[12] +
-                        weights[11] + weights[10] + weights[9] + weights[8];
-    }
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Just a wrapper around T1_Get_Multi_Master to support the different    */
-  /*  arguments needed by the GX var distortable fonts.                    */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
-  T1_Get_MM_Var( T1_Face      face,
-                 FT_MM_Var*  *master )
-  {
-    FT_Memory        memory = face->root.memory;
-    FT_MM_Var       *mmvar;
-    FT_Multi_Master  mmaster;
-    FT_Error         error;
-    FT_UInt          i;
-    FT_Fixed         axiscoords[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
-    PS_Blend         blend = face->blend;
-    error = T1_Get_Multi_Master( face, &mmaster );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    if ( FT_ALLOC( mmvar,
-                   sizeof ( FT_MM_Var ) +
-                     mmaster.num_axis * sizeof ( FT_Var_Axis ) ) )
-      goto Exit;
-    mmvar->num_axis        = mmaster.num_axis;
-    mmvar->num_designs     = mmaster.num_designs;
-    mmvar->num_namedstyles = (FT_UInt)-1;                /* Does not apply */
-    mmvar->axis            = (FT_Var_Axis*)&mmvar[1];
-                                      /* Point to axes after MM_Var struct */
-    mmvar->namedstyle      = NULL;
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < mmaster.num_axis; ++i )
-    {
-      mmvar->axis[i].name    = mmaster.axis[i].name;
-      mmvar->axis[i].minimum = INT_TO_FIXED( mmaster.axis[i].minimum);
-      mmvar->axis[i].maximum = INT_TO_FIXED( mmaster.axis[i].maximum);
-      mmvar->axis[i].def     = ( mmvar->axis[i].minimum +
-                                   mmvar->axis[i].maximum ) / 2;
-                            /* Does not apply.  But this value is in range */
-      mmvar->axis[i].strid   = (FT_UInt)-1;    /* Does not apply */
-      mmvar->axis[i].tag     = (FT_ULong)-1;   /* Does not apply */
-      if ( ft_strcmp( mmvar->axis[i].name, "Weight" ) == 0 )
-        mmvar->axis[i].tag = FT_MAKE_TAG( 'w', 'g', 'h', 't' );
-      else if ( ft_strcmp( mmvar->axis[i].name, "Width" ) == 0 )
-        mmvar->axis[i].tag = FT_MAKE_TAG( 'w', 'd', 't', 'h' );
-      else if ( ft_strcmp( mmvar->axis[i].name, "OpticalSize" ) == 0 )
-        mmvar->axis[i].tag = FT_MAKE_TAG( 'o', 'p', 's', 'z' );
-    }
-    if ( blend->num_designs == ( 1U << blend->num_axis ) )
-    {
-      mm_weights_unmap( blend->default_weight_vector,
-                        axiscoords,
-                        blend->num_axis );
-      for ( i = 0; i < mmaster.num_axis; ++i )
-        mmvar->axis[i].def = mm_axis_unmap( &blend->design_map[i],
-                                            axiscoords[i] );
-    }
-    *master = mmvar;
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  }
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
-  T1_Set_MM_Blend( T1_Face    face,
-                   FT_UInt    num_coords,
-                   FT_Fixed*  coords )
-  {
-    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
-    FT_Error  error;
-    FT_UInt   n, m;
-    error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;
-    if ( blend && blend->num_axis == num_coords )
-    {
-      /* recompute the weight vector from the blend coordinates */
-      error = T1_Err_Ok;
-      for ( n = 0; n < blend->num_designs; n++ )
-      {
-        FT_Fixed  result = 0x10000L;  /* 1.0 fixed */
-        for ( m = 0; m < blend->num_axis; m++ )
-        {
-          FT_Fixed  factor;
-          /* get current blend axis position */
-          factor = coords[m];
-          if ( factor < 0 )        factor = 0;
-          if ( factor > 0x10000L ) factor = 0x10000L;
-          if ( ( n & ( 1 << m ) ) == 0 )
-            factor = 0x10000L - factor;
-          result = FT_MulFix( result, factor );
-        }
-        blend->weight_vector[n] = result;
-      }
-      error = T1_Err_Ok;
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
-  T1_Set_MM_Design( T1_Face   face,
-                    FT_UInt   num_coords,
-                    FT_Long*  coords )
-  {
-    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
-    FT_Error  error;
-    FT_UInt   n, p;
-    error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;
-    if ( blend && blend->num_axis == num_coords )
-    {
-      /* compute the blend coordinates through the blend design map */
-      FT_Fixed  final_blends[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
-      for ( n = 0; n < blend->num_axis; n++ )
-      {
-        FT_Long       design  = coords[n];
-        FT_Fixed      the_blend;
-        PS_DesignMap  map     = blend->design_map + n;
-        FT_Long*      designs = map->design_points;
-        FT_Fixed*     blends  = map->blend_points;
-        FT_Int        before  = -1, after = -1;
-        for ( p = 0; p < (FT_UInt)map->num_points; p++ )
-        {
-          FT_Long  p_design = designs[p];
-          /* exact match? */
-          if ( design == p_design )
-          {
-            the_blend = blends[p];
-            goto Found;
-          }
-          if ( design < p_design )
-          {
-            after = p;
-            break;
-          }
-          before = p;
-        }
-        /* now interpolate if necessary */
-        if ( before < 0 )
-          the_blend = blends[0];
-        else if ( after < 0 )
-          the_blend = blends[map->num_points - 1];
-        else
-          the_blend = FT_MulDiv( design         - designs[before],
-                                 blends [after] - blends [before],
-                                 designs[after] - designs[before] );
-      Found:
-        final_blends[n] = the_blend;
-      }
-      error = T1_Set_MM_Blend( face, num_coords, final_blends );
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Just a wrapper around T1_Set_MM_Design to support the different       */
-  /* arguments needed by the GX var distortable fonts.                     */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
-  T1_Set_Var_Design( T1_Face    face,
-                     FT_UInt    num_coords,
-                     FT_Fixed*  coords )
-  {
-     FT_Long   lcoords[4];          /* maximum axis count is 4 */
-     FT_UInt   i;
-     FT_Error  error;
-     error = T1_Err_Invalid_Argument;
-     if ( num_coords <= 4 && num_coords > 0 )
-     {
-       for ( i = 0; i < num_coords; ++i )
-         lcoords[i] = FIXED_TO_INT( coords[i] );
-       error = T1_Set_MM_Design( face, num_coords, lcoords );
-     }
-     return error;
-  }
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
-  T1_Done_Blend( T1_Face  face )
-  {
-    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
-    PS_Blend   blend  = face->blend;
-    if ( blend )
-    {
-      FT_UInt  num_designs = blend->num_designs;
-      FT_UInt  num_axis    = blend->num_axis;
-      FT_UInt  n;
-      /* release design pos table */
-      FT_FREE( blend->design_pos[0] );
-      for ( n = 1; n < num_designs; n++ )
-        blend->design_pos[n] = 0;
-      /* release blend `private' and `font info' dictionaries */
-      FT_FREE( blend->privates[1] );
-      FT_FREE( blend->font_infos[1] );
-      FT_FREE( blend->bboxes[1] );
-      for ( n = 0; n < num_designs; n++ )
-      {
-        blend->privates  [n] = 0;
-        blend->font_infos[n] = 0;
-        blend->bboxes    [n] = 0;
-      }
-      /* release weight vectors */
-      FT_FREE( blend->weight_vector );
-      blend->default_weight_vector = 0;
-      /* release axis names */
-      for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
-        FT_FREE( blend->axis_names[n] );
-      /* release design map */
-      for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
-      {
-        PS_DesignMap  dmap = blend->design_map + n;
-        FT_FREE( dmap->design_points );
-        dmap->num_points = 0;
-      }
-      FT_FREE( face->blend );
-    }
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_blend_axis_types( T1_Face    face,
-                          T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_TokenRec  axis_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
-    FT_Int       n, num_axis;
-    FT_Error     error = T1_Err_Ok;
-    PS_Blend     blend;
-    FT_Memory    memory;
-    /* take an array of objects */
-    T1_ToTokenArray( &loader->parser, axis_tokens,
-                     T1_MAX_MM_AXIS, &num_axis );
-    if ( num_axis < 0 )
-    {
-      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    if ( num_axis == 0 || num_axis > T1_MAX_MM_AXIS )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_axis_types: incorrect number of axes: %d\n",
-                 num_axis ));
-      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    /* allocate blend if necessary */
-    error = t1_allocate_blend( face, 0, (FT_UInt)num_axis );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    blend  = face->blend;
-    memory = face->root.memory;
-    /* each token is an immediate containing the name of the axis */
-    for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
-    {
-      T1_Token    token = axis_tokens + n;
-      FT_Byte*    name;
-      FT_PtrDist  len;
-      /* skip first slash, if any */
-      if ( token->start[0] == '/' )
-        token->start++;
-      len = token->limit - token->start;
-      if ( len == 0 )
-      {
-        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-        goto Exit;
-      }
-      if ( FT_ALLOC( blend->axis_names[n], len + 1 ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      name = (FT_Byte*)blend->axis_names[n];
-      FT_MEM_COPY( name, token->start, len );
-      name[len] = 0;
-    }
-  Exit:
-    loader->parser.root.error = error;
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_blend_design_positions( T1_Face    face,
-                                T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_TokenRec  design_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
-    FT_Int       num_designs;
-    FT_Int       num_axis;
-    T1_Parser    parser = &loader->parser;
-    FT_Error     error = T1_Err_Ok;
-    PS_Blend     blend;
-    /* get the array of design tokens -- compute number of designs */
-    T1_ToTokenArray( parser, design_tokens,
-                     T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS, &num_designs );
-    if ( num_designs < 0 )
-    {
-      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    if ( num_designs == 0 || num_designs > T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_positions:"
-                 " incorrect number of designs: %d\n",
-                 num_designs ));
-      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    {
-      FT_Byte*  old_cursor = parser->root.cursor;
-      FT_Byte*  old_limit  = parser->root.limit;
-      FT_Int    n;
-      blend    = face->blend;
-      num_axis = 0;  /* make compiler happy */
-      for ( n = 0; n < num_designs; n++ )
-      {
-        T1_TokenRec  axis_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
-        T1_Token     token;
-        FT_Int       axis, n_axis;
-        /* read axis/coordinates tokens */
-        token = design_tokens + n;
-        parser->root.cursor = token->start;
-        parser->root.limit  = token->limit;
-        T1_ToTokenArray( parser, axis_tokens, T1_MAX_MM_AXIS, &n_axis );
-        if ( n == 0 )
-        {
-          if ( n_axis <= 0 || n_axis > T1_MAX_MM_AXIS )
-          {
-            FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_positions:"
-                       " invalid number of axes: %d\n",
-                       n_axis ));
-            error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-            goto Exit;
-          }
-          num_axis = n_axis;
-          error = t1_allocate_blend( face, num_designs, num_axis );
-          if ( error )
-            goto Exit;
-          blend = face->blend;
-        }
-        else if ( n_axis != num_axis )
-        {
-          FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_positions: incorrect table\n" ));
-          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-          goto Exit;
-        }
-        /* now read each axis token into the design position */
-        for ( axis = 0; axis < n_axis; axis++ )
-        {
-          T1_Token  token2 = axis_tokens + axis;
-          parser->root.cursor = token2->start;
-          parser->root.limit  = token2->limit;
-          blend->design_pos[n][axis] = T1_ToFixed( parser, 0 );
-        }
-      }
-      loader->parser.root.cursor = old_cursor;
-      loader->parser.root.limit  = old_limit;
-    }
-  Exit:
-    loader->parser.root.error = error;
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_blend_design_map( T1_Face    face,
-                          T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_Error     error  = T1_Err_Ok;
-    T1_Parser    parser = &loader->parser;
-    PS_Blend     blend;
-    T1_TokenRec  axis_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_AXIS];
-    FT_Int       n, num_axis;
-    FT_Byte*     old_cursor;
-    FT_Byte*     old_limit;
-    FT_Memory    memory = face->root.memory;
-    T1_ToTokenArray( parser, axis_tokens,
-                     T1_MAX_MM_AXIS, &num_axis );
-    if ( num_axis < 0 )
-    {
-      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    if ( num_axis == 0 || num_axis > T1_MAX_MM_AXIS )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_map: incorrect number of axes: %d\n",
-                 num_axis ));
-      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    old_cursor = parser->root.cursor;
-    old_limit  = parser->root.limit;
-    error = t1_allocate_blend( face, 0, num_axis );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    blend = face->blend;
-    /* now read each axis design map */
-    for ( n = 0; n < num_axis; n++ )
-    {
-      PS_DesignMap  map = blend->design_map + n;
-      T1_Token      axis_token;
-      T1_TokenRec   point_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS];
-      FT_Int        p, num_points;
-      axis_token = axis_tokens + n;
-      parser->root.cursor = axis_token->start;
-      parser->root.limit  = axis_token->limit;
-      T1_ToTokenArray( parser, point_tokens,
-                       T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS, &num_points );
-      if ( num_points <= 0 || num_points > T1_MAX_MM_MAP_POINTS )
-      {
-        FT_ERROR(( "parse_blend_design_map: incorrect table\n" ));
-        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-        goto Exit;
-      }
-      /* allocate design map data */
-      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( map->design_points, num_points * 2 ) )
-        goto Exit;
-      map->blend_points = map->design_points + num_points;
-      map->num_points   = (FT_Byte)num_points;
-      for ( p = 0; p < num_points; p++ )
-      {
-        T1_Token  point_token;
-        point_token = point_tokens + p;
-        /* don't include delimiting brackets */
-        parser->root.cursor = point_token->start + 1;
-        parser->root.limit  = point_token->limit - 1;
-        map->design_points[p] = T1_ToInt( parser );
-        map->blend_points [p] = T1_ToFixed( parser, 0 );
-      }
-    }
-    parser->root.cursor = old_cursor;
-    parser->root.limit  = old_limit;
-  Exit:
-    parser->root.error = error;
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_weight_vector( T1_Face    face,
-                       T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_TokenRec  design_tokens[T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS];
-    FT_Int       num_designs;
-    FT_Error     error  = T1_Err_Ok;
-    T1_Parser    parser = &loader->parser;
-    PS_Blend     blend  = face->blend;
-    T1_Token     token;
-    FT_Int       n;
-    FT_Byte*     old_cursor;
-    FT_Byte*     old_limit;
-    T1_ToTokenArray( parser, design_tokens,
-                     T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS, &num_designs );
-    if ( num_designs < 0 )
-    {
-      error = T1_Err_Ignore;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    if ( num_designs == 0 || num_designs > T1_MAX_MM_DESIGNS )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_weight_vector:"
-                 " incorrect number of designs: %d\n",
-                 num_designs ));
-      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    if ( !blend || !blend->num_designs )
-    {
-      error = t1_allocate_blend( face, num_designs, 0 );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Exit;
-      blend = face->blend;
-    }
-    else if ( blend->num_designs != (FT_UInt)num_designs )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_weight_vector:"
-                 " /BlendDesignPosition and /WeightVector have\n"
-                 "                    "
-                 " different number of elements\n" ));
-      error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    old_cursor = parser->root.cursor;
-    old_limit  = parser->root.limit;
-    for ( n = 0; n < num_designs; n++ )
-    {
-      token = design_tokens + n;
-      parser->root.cursor = token->start;
-      parser->root.limit  = token->limit;
-      blend->default_weight_vector[n] =
-      blend->weight_vector[n]         = T1_ToFixed( parser, 0 );
-    }
-    parser->root.cursor = old_cursor;
-    parser->root.limit  = old_limit;
-  Exit:
-    parser->root.error = error;
-  }
-  /* e.g., /BuildCharArray [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] def           */
-  /* we're only interested in the number of array elements */
-  static void
-  parse_buildchar( T1_Face    face,
-                   T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    face->len_buildchar = T1_ToFixedArray( &loader->parser, 0, NULL, 0 );
-    return;
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*****                      TYPE 1 SYMBOL PARSING                    *****/
-  /*****                                                               *****/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  static FT_Error
-  t1_load_keyword( T1_Face         face,
-                   T1_Loader       loader,
-                   const T1_Field  field )
-  {
-    FT_Error  error;
-    void*     dummy_object;
-    void**    objects;
-    FT_UInt   max_objects;
-    PS_Blend  blend = face->blend;
-    /* if the keyword has a dedicated callback, call it */
-    if ( field->type == T1_FIELD_TYPE_CALLBACK )
-    {
-      field->reader( (FT_Face)face, loader );
-      error = loader->parser.root.error;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    /* now, the keyword is either a simple field, or a table of fields; */
-    /* we are now going to take care of it                              */
-    switch ( field->location )
-    {
-      dummy_object = &face->type1.font_info;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      if ( blend )
-      {
-        objects     = (void**)blend->font_infos;
-        max_objects = blend->num_designs;
-      }
-      break;
-      dummy_object = &face->type1.font_extra;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      break;
-      dummy_object = &face->type1.private_dict;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      if ( blend )
-      {
-        objects     = (void**)blend->privates;
-        max_objects = blend->num_designs;
-      }
-      break;
-      dummy_object = &face->type1.font_bbox;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      if ( blend )
-      {
-        objects     = (void**)blend->bboxes;
-        max_objects = blend->num_designs;
-      }
-      break;
-      dummy_object = loader;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      break;
-      dummy_object = face;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      break;
-      dummy_object = face->blend;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-      break;
-    default:
-      dummy_object = &face->type1;
-      objects      = &dummy_object;
-      max_objects  = 0;
-    }
-    if ( field->type == T1_FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER_ARRAY ||
-         field->type == T1_FIELD_TYPE_FIXED_ARRAY   )
-      error = T1_Load_Field_Table( &loader->parser, field,
-                                   objects, max_objects, 0 );
-    else
-      error = T1_Load_Field( &loader->parser, field,
-                             objects, max_objects, 0 );
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_private( T1_Face    face,
-                 T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    FT_UNUSED( face );
-    loader->keywords_encountered |= T1_PRIVATE;
-  }
-  static int
-  read_binary_data( T1_Parser  parser,
-                    FT_Long*   size,
-                    FT_Byte**  base )
-  {
-    FT_Byte*  cur;
-    FT_Byte*  limit = parser->root.limit;
-    /* the binary data has one of the following formats */
-    /*                                                  */
-    /*   `size' [white*] RD white ....... ND            */
-    /*   `size' [white*] -| white ....... |-            */
-    /*                                                  */
-    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-    cur = parser->root.cursor;
-    if ( cur < limit && ft_isdigit( *cur ) )
-    {
-      FT_Long  s = T1_ToInt( parser );
-      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );   /* `RD' or `-|' or something else */
-      /* there is only one whitespace char after the */
-      /* `RD' or `-|' token                          */
-      *base = parser->root.cursor + 1;
-      if ( s >= 0 && s < limit - *base )
-      {
-        parser->root.cursor += s + 1;
-        *size = s;
-        return !parser->root.error;
-      }
-    }
-    FT_ERROR(( "read_binary_data: invalid size field\n" ));
-    parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  /* We now define the routines to handle the `/Encoding', `/Subrs', */
-  /* and `/CharStrings' dictionaries.                                */
-  static void
-  parse_font_matrix( T1_Face    face,
-                     T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_Parser   parser = &loader->parser;
-    FT_Matrix*  matrix = &face->type1.font_matrix;
-    FT_Vector*  offset = &face->type1.font_offset;
-    FT_Face     root   = (FT_Face)&face->root;
-    FT_Fixed    temp[6];
-    FT_Fixed    temp_scale;
-    FT_Int      result;
-    result = T1_ToFixedArray( parser, 6, temp, 3 );
-    if ( result < 0 )
-    {
-      parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      return;
-    }
-    temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] );
-    if ( temp_scale == 0 )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_font_matrix: invalid font matrix\n" ));
-      parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      return;
-    }
-    /* Set Units per EM based on FontMatrix values.  We set the value to */
-    /* 1000 / temp_scale, because temp_scale was already multiplied by   */
-    /* 1000 (in t1_tofixed, from psobjs.c).                              */
-    root->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( FT_DivFix( 1000 * 0x10000L,
-                                                 temp_scale ) >> 16 );
-    /* we need to scale the values by 1.0/temp_scale */
-    if ( temp_scale != 0x10000L )
-    {
-      temp[0] = FT_DivFix( temp[0], temp_scale );
-      temp[1] = FT_DivFix( temp[1], temp_scale );
-      temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale );
-      temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale );
-      temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale );
-      temp[3] = temp[3] < 0 ? -0x10000L : 0x10000L;
-    }
-    matrix->xx = temp[0];
-    matrix->yx = temp[1];
-    matrix->xy = temp[2];
-    matrix->yy = temp[3];
-    /* note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font units */
-    offset->x = temp[4] >> 16;
-    offset->y = temp[5] >> 16;
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_encoding( T1_Face    face,
-                  T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
-    FT_Byte*   cur;
-    FT_Byte*   limit  = parser->root.limit;
-    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;
-    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-    cur = parser->root.cursor;
-    if ( cur >= limit )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( "parse_encoding: out of bounds\n" ));
-      parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      return;
-    }
-    /* if we have a number or `[', the encoding is an array, */
-    /* and we must load it now                               */
-    if ( ft_isdigit( *cur ) || *cur == '[' )
-    {
-      T1_Encoding  encode          = &face->type1.encoding;
-      FT_Int       count, n;
-      PS_Table     char_table      = &loader->encoding_table;
-      FT_Memory    memory          = parser->root.memory;
-      FT_Error     error;
-      FT_Bool      only_immediates = 0;
-      /* read the number of entries in the encoding; should be 256 */
-      if ( *cur == '[' )
-      {
-        count           = 256;
-        only_immediates = 1;
-        parser->root.cursor++;
-      }
-      else
-        count = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );
-      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-      if ( parser->root.cursor >= limit )
-        return;
-      /* we use a T1_Table to store our charnames */
-      loader->num_chars = encode->num_chars = count;
-      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( encode->char_index, count )     ||
-           FT_NEW_ARRAY( encode->char_name,  count )     ||
-           FT_SET_ERROR( psaux->ps_table_funcs->init(
-                           char_table, count, memory ) ) )
-      {
-        parser->root.error = error;
-        return;
-      }
-      /* We need to `zero' out encoding_table.elements */
-      for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
-      {
-        char*  notdef = (char *)".notdef";
-        T1_Add_Table( char_table, n, notdef, 8 );
-      }
-      /* Now we need to read records of the form                */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /*   ... charcode /charname ...                           */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /* for each entry in our table.                           */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /* We simply look for a number followed by an immediate   */
-      /* name.  Note that this ignores correctly the sequence   */
-      /* that is often seen in type1 fonts:                     */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /*   0 1 255 { 1 index exch /.notdef put } for dup        */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /* used to clean the encoding array before anything else. */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /* Alternatively, if the array is directly given as       */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /*   /Encoding [ ... ]                                    */
-      /*                                                        */
-      /* we only read immediates.                               */
-      n = 0;
-      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-      while ( parser->root.cursor < limit )
-      {
-        cur = parser->root.cursor;
-        /* we stop when we encounter a `def' or `]' */
-        if ( *cur == 'd' && cur + 3 < limit )
-        {
-          if ( cur[1] == 'e'         &&
-               cur[2] == 'f'         &&
-               IS_PS_DELIM( cur[3] ) )
-          {
-            FT_TRACE6(( "encoding end\n" ));
-            cur += 3;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if ( *cur == ']' )
-        {
-          FT_TRACE6(( "encoding end\n" ));
-          cur++;
-          break;
-        }
-        /* check whether we've found an entry */
-        if ( ft_isdigit( *cur ) || only_immediates )
-        {
-          FT_Int  charcode;
-          if ( only_immediates )
-            charcode = n;
-          else
-          {
-            charcode = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );
-            T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-          }
-          cur = parser->root.cursor;
-          if ( *cur == '/' && cur + 2 < limit && n < count )
-          {
-            FT_PtrDist  len;
-            cur++;
-            parser->root.cursor = cur;
-            T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-            if ( parser->root.error )
-              return;
-            len = parser->root.cursor - cur;
-            parser->root.error = T1_Add_Table( char_table, charcode,
-                                               cur, len + 1 );
-            if ( parser->root.error )
-              return;
-            char_table->elements[charcode][len] = '\0';
-            n++;
-          }
-          else if ( only_immediates )
-          {
-            /* Since the current position is not updated for           */
-            /* immediates-only mode we would get an infinite loop if   */
-            /* we don't do anything here.                              */
-            /*                                                         */
-            /* This encoding array is not valid according to the type1 */
-            /* specification (it might be an encoding for a CID type1  */
-            /* font, however), so we conclude that this font is NOT a  */
-            /* type1 font.                                             */
-            parser->root.error = FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
-            return;
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-          if ( parser->root.error )
-            return;
-        }
-        T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-      }
-      face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_ARRAY;
-      parser->root.cursor       = cur;
-    }
-    /* Otherwise, we should have either `StandardEncoding', */
-    /* `ExpertEncoding', or `ISOLatin1Encoding'             */
-    else
-    {
-      if ( cur + 17 < limit                                            &&
-           ft_strncmp( (const char*)cur, "StandardEncoding", 16 ) == 0 )
-        face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_STANDARD;
-      else if ( cur + 15 < limit                                          &&
-                ft_strncmp( (const char*)cur, "ExpertEncoding", 14 ) == 0 )
-        face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_EXPERT;
-      else if ( cur + 18 < limit                                             &&
-                ft_strncmp( (const char*)cur, "ISOLatin1Encoding", 17 ) == 0 )
-        face->type1.encoding_type = T1_ENCODING_TYPE_ISOLATIN1;
-      else
-        parser->root.error = T1_Err_Ignore;
-    }
-  }
-  static void
-  parse_subrs( T1_Face    face,
-               T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
-    PS_Table   table  = &loader->subrs;
-    FT_Memory  memory = parser->root.memory;
-    FT_Error   error;
-    FT_Int     num_subrs;
-    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;
-    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-    /* test for empty array */
-    if ( parser->root.cursor < parser->root.limit &&
-         *parser->root.cursor == '['              )
-    {
-      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-      T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );
-      if ( parser->root.cursor >= parser->root.limit ||
-           *parser->root.cursor != ']'               )
-        parser->root.error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      return;
-    }
-    num_subrs = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );
-    /* position the parser right before the `dup' of the first subr */
-    T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );         /* `array' */
-    if ( parser->root.error )
-      return;
-    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-    /* initialize subrs array -- with synthetic fonts it is possible */
-    /* we get here twice                                             */
-    if ( !loader->num_subrs )
-    {
-      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init( table, num_subrs, memory );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    /* the format is simple:   */
-    /*                         */
-    /*   `index' + binary data */
-    /*                         */
-    for (;;)
-    {
-      FT_Long   idx, size;
-      FT_Byte*  base;
-      /* If the next token isn't `dup' we are done. */
-      if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)parser->root.cursor, "dup", 3 ) != 0 )
-        break;
-      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );       /* `dup' */
-      idx = T1_ToInt( parser );
-      if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &size, &base ) )
-        return;
-      /* The binary string is followed by one token, e.g. `NP' */
-      /* (bound to `noaccess put') or by two separate tokens:  */
-      /* `noaccess' & `put'.  We position the parser right     */
-      /* before the next `dup', if any.                        */
-      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );   /* `NP' or `|' or `noaccess' */
-      if ( parser->root.error )
-        return;
-      T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );
-      if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)parser->root.cursor, "put", 3 ) == 0 )
-      {
-        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser ); /* skip `put' */
-        T1_Skip_Spaces  ( parser );
-      }
-      /* with synthetic fonts it is possible we get here twice */
-      if ( loader->num_subrs )
-        continue;
-      /* some fonts use a value of -1 for lenIV to indicate that */
-      /* the charstrings are unencoded                           */
-      /*                                                         */
-      /* thanks to Tom Kacvinsky for pointing this out           */
-      /*                                                         */
-      if ( face->type1.private_dict.lenIV >= 0 )
-      {
-        FT_Byte*  temp;
-        /* some fonts define empty subr records -- this is not totally */
-        /* compliant to the specification (which says they should at   */
-        /* least contain a `return'), but we support them anyway       */
-        if ( size < face->type1.private_dict.lenIV )
-        {
-          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-          goto Fail;
-        }
-        /* t1_decrypt() shouldn't write to base -- make temporary copy */
-        if ( FT_ALLOC( temp, size ) )
-          goto Fail;
-        FT_MEM_COPY( temp, base, size );
-        psaux->t1_decrypt( temp, size, 4330 );
-        size -= face->type1.private_dict.lenIV;
-        error = T1_Add_Table( table, (FT_Int)idx,
-                              temp + face->type1.private_dict.lenIV, size );
-        FT_FREE( temp );
-      }
-      else
-        error = T1_Add_Table( table, (FT_Int)idx, base, size );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    if ( !loader->num_subrs )
-      loader->num_subrs = num_subrs;
-    return;
-  Fail:
-    parser->root.error = error;
-  }
-#define TABLE_EXTEND  5
-  static void
-  parse_charstrings( T1_Face    face,
-                     T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_Parser      parser       = &loader->parser;
-    PS_Table       code_table   = &loader->charstrings;
-    PS_Table       name_table   = &loader->glyph_names;
-    PS_Table       swap_table   = &loader->swap_table;
-    FT_Memory      memory       = parser->root.memory;
-    FT_Error       error;
-    PSAux_Service  psaux        = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;
-    FT_Byte*       cur;
-    FT_Byte*       limit        = parser->root.limit;
-    FT_Int         n, num_glyphs;
-    FT_UInt        notdef_index = 0;
-    FT_Byte        notdef_found = 0;
-    num_glyphs = (FT_Int)T1_ToInt( parser );
-    /* some fonts like Optima-Oblique not only define the /CharStrings */
-    /* array but access it also                                        */
-    if ( num_glyphs == 0 || parser->root.error )
-      return;
-    /* initialize tables, leaving space for addition of .notdef, */
-    /* if necessary, and a few other glyphs to handle buggy      */
-    /* fonts which have more glyphs than specified.              */
-    /* for some non-standard fonts like `Optima' which provides  */
-    /* different outlines depending on the resolution it is      */
-    /* possible to get here twice                                */
-    if ( !loader->num_glyphs )
-    {
-      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init(
-                code_table, num_glyphs + 1 + TABLE_EXTEND, memory );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init(
-                name_table, num_glyphs + 1 + TABLE_EXTEND, memory );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      /* Initialize table for swapping index notdef_index and */
-      /* index 0 names and codes (if necessary).              */
-      error = psaux->ps_table_funcs->init( swap_table, 4, memory );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    n = 0;
-    for (;;)
-    {
-      FT_Long   size;
-      FT_Byte*  base;
-      /* the format is simple:        */
-      /*   `/glyphname' + binary data */
-      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-      cur = parser->root.cursor;
-      if ( cur >= limit )
-        break;
-      /* we stop when we find a `def' or `end' keyword */
-      if ( cur + 3 < limit && IS_PS_DELIM( cur[3] ) )
-      {
-        if ( cur[0] == 'd' &&
-             cur[1] == 'e' &&
-             cur[2] == 'f' )
-        {
-          /* There are fonts which have this: */
-          /*                                  */
-          /*   /CharStrings 118 dict def      */
-          /*   Private begin                  */
-          /*   CharStrings begin              */
-          /*   ...                            */
-          /*                                  */
-          /* To catch this we ignore `def' if */
-          /* no charstring has actually been  */
-          /* seen.                            */
-          if ( n )
-            break;
-        }
-        if ( cur[0] == 'e' &&
-             cur[1] == 'n' &&
-             cur[2] == 'd' )
-          break;
-      }
-      T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-      if ( parser->root.error )
-        return;
-      if ( *cur == '/' )
-      {
-        FT_PtrDist  len;
-        if ( cur + 1 >= limit )
-        {
-          error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-          goto Fail;
-        }
-        cur++;                              /* skip `/' */
-        len = parser->root.cursor - cur;
-        if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &size, &base ) )
-          return;
-        /* for some non-standard fonts like `Optima' which provides */
-        /* different outlines depending on the resolution it is     */
-        /* possible to get here twice                               */
-        if ( loader->num_glyphs )
-          continue;
-        error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, n, cur, len + 1 );
-        if ( error )
-          goto Fail;
-        /* add a trailing zero to the name table */
-        name_table->elements[n][len] = '\0';
-        /* record index of /.notdef */
-        if ( *cur == '.'                                              &&
-             ft_strcmp( ".notdef",
-                        (const char*)(name_table->elements[n]) ) == 0 )
-        {
-          notdef_index = n;
-          notdef_found = 1;
-        }
-        if ( face->type1.private_dict.lenIV >= 0 &&
-             n < num_glyphs + TABLE_EXTEND       )
-        {
-          FT_Byte*  temp;
-          if ( size <= face->type1.private_dict.lenIV )
-          {
-            error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-            goto Fail;
-          }
-          /* t1_decrypt() shouldn't write to base -- make temporary copy */
-          if ( FT_ALLOC( temp, size ) )
-            goto Fail;
-          FT_MEM_COPY( temp, base, size );
-          psaux->t1_decrypt( temp, size, 4330 );
-          size -= face->type1.private_dict.lenIV;
-          error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, n,
-                                temp + face->type1.private_dict.lenIV, size );
-          FT_FREE( temp );
-        }
-        else
-          error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, n, base, size );
-        if ( error )
-          goto Fail;
-        n++;
-      }
-    }
-    loader->num_glyphs = n;
-    /* if /.notdef is found but does not occupy index 0, do our magic. */
-    if ( notdef_found                                                 &&
-         ft_strcmp( ".notdef", (const char*)name_table->elements[0] ) )
-    {
-      /* Swap glyph in index 0 with /.notdef glyph.  First, add index 0  */
-      /* name and code entries to swap_table.  Then place notdef_index   */
-      /* name and code entries into swap_table.  Then swap name and code */
-      /* entries at indices notdef_index and 0 using values stored in    */
-      /* swap_table.                                                     */
-      /* Index 0 name */
-      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 0,
-                            name_table->elements[0],
-                            name_table->lengths [0] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      /* Index 0 code */
-      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 1,
-                            code_table->elements[0],
-                            code_table->lengths [0] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      /* Index notdef_index name */
-      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 2,
-                            name_table->elements[notdef_index],
-                            name_table->lengths [notdef_index] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      /* Index notdef_index code */
-      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 3,
-                            code_table->elements[notdef_index],
-                            code_table->lengths [notdef_index] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, notdef_index,
-                            swap_table->elements[0],
-                            swap_table->lengths [0] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, notdef_index,
-                            swap_table->elements[1],
-                            swap_table->lengths [1] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, 0,
-                            swap_table->elements[2],
-                            swap_table->lengths [2] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, 0,
-                            swap_table->elements[3],
-                            swap_table->lengths [3] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    else if ( !notdef_found )
-    {
-      /* notdef_index is already 0, or /.notdef is undefined in   */
-      /* charstrings dictionary.  Worry about /.notdef undefined. */
-      /* We take index 0 and add it to the end of the table(s)    */
-      /* and add our own /.notdef glyph to index 0.               */
-      /* 0 333 hsbw endchar */
-      FT_Byte  notdef_glyph[] = { 0x8B, 0xF7, 0xE1, 0x0D, 0x0E };
-      char*    notdef_name    = (char *)".notdef";
-      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 0,
-                            name_table->elements[0],
-                            name_table->lengths [0] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( swap_table, 1,
-                            code_table->elements[0],
-                            code_table->lengths [0] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, 0, notdef_name, 8 );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, 0, notdef_glyph, 5 );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( name_table, n,
-                            swap_table->elements[0],
-                            swap_table->lengths [0] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      error = T1_Add_Table( code_table, n,
-                            swap_table->elements[1],
-                            swap_table->lengths [1] );
-      if ( error )
-        goto Fail;
-      /* we added a glyph. */
-      loader->num_glyphs += 1;
-    }
-    return;
-  Fail:
-    parser->root.error = error;
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* Define the token field static variables.  This is a set of            */
-  /* T1_FieldRec variables.                                                */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  static
-  const T1_FieldRec  t1_keywords[] =
-  {
-#include "t1tokens.h"
-    /* now add the special functions... */
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "FontMatrix",           parse_font_matrix,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "Encoding",             parse_encoding,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "Subrs",                parse_subrs,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "CharStrings",          parse_charstrings,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "Private",              parse_private,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BlendDesignPositions", parse_blend_design_positions,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BlendDesignMap",       parse_blend_design_map,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BlendAxisTypes",       parse_blend_axis_types,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "WeightVector",         parse_weight_vector,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT )
-    T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( "BuildCharArray",       parse_buildchar,
-                       T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE )
-    { 0, T1_FIELD_LOCATION_CID_INFO, T1_FIELD_TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-  };
-#define T1_FIELD_COUNT                                           \
-          ( sizeof ( t1_keywords ) / sizeof ( t1_keywords[0] ) )
-  static FT_Error
-  parse_dict( T1_Face    face,
-              T1_Loader  loader,
-              FT_Byte*   base,
-              FT_Long    size )
-  {
-    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
-    FT_Byte   *limit, *start_binary = NULL;
-    FT_Bool    have_integer = 0;
-    parser->root.cursor = base;
-    parser->root.limit  = base + size;
-    parser->root.error  = T1_Err_Ok;
-    limit = parser->root.limit;
-    T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-    while ( parser->root.cursor < limit )
-    {
-      FT_Byte*  cur;
-      cur = parser->root.cursor;
-      /* look for `eexec' */
-      if ( IS_PS_TOKEN( cur, limit, "eexec" ) )
-        break;
-      /* look for `closefile' which ends the eexec section */
-      else if ( IS_PS_TOKEN( cur, limit, "closefile" ) )
-        break;
-      /* in a synthetic font the base font starts after a           */
-      /* `FontDictionary' token that is placed after a Private dict */
-      else if ( IS_PS_TOKEN( cur, limit, "FontDirectory" ) )
-      {
-        if ( loader->keywords_encountered & T1_PRIVATE )
-          loader->keywords_encountered |=
-        parser->root.cursor += 13;
-      }
-      /* check whether we have an integer */
-      else if ( ft_isdigit( *cur ) )
-      {
-        start_binary = cur;
-        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-        if ( parser->root.error )
-          goto Exit;
-        have_integer = 1;
-      }
-      /* in valid Type 1 fonts we don't see `RD' or `-|' directly */
-      /* since those tokens are handled by parse_subrs and        */
-      /* parse_charstrings                                        */
-      else if ( *cur == 'R' && cur + 6 < limit && *(cur + 1) == 'D' &&
-                have_integer )
-      {
-        FT_Long   s;
-        FT_Byte*  b;
-        parser->root.cursor = start_binary;
-        if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &s, &b ) )
-          return T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-        have_integer = 0;
-      }
-      else if ( *cur == '-' && cur + 6 < limit && *(cur + 1) == '|' &&
-                have_integer )
-      {
-        FT_Long   s;
-        FT_Byte*  b;
-        parser->root.cursor = start_binary;
-        if ( !read_binary_data( parser, &s, &b ) )
-          return T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-        have_integer = 0;
-      }
-      /* look for immediates */
-      else if ( *cur == '/' && cur + 2 < limit )
-      {
-        FT_PtrDist  len;
-        cur++;
-        parser->root.cursor = cur;
-        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-        if ( parser->root.error )
-          goto Exit;
-        len = parser->root.cursor - cur;
-        if ( len > 0 && len < 22 && parser->root.cursor < limit )
-        {
-          /* now compare the immediate name to the keyword table */
-          T1_Field  keyword = (T1_Field)t1_keywords;
-          for (;;)
-          {
-            FT_Byte*  name;
-            name = (FT_Byte*)keyword->ident;
-            if ( !name )
-              break;
-            if ( cur[0] == name[0]                                  &&
-                 len == (FT_PtrDist)ft_strlen( (const char *)name ) &&
-                 ft_memcmp( cur, name, len ) == 0                   )
-            {
-              /* We found it -- run the parsing callback!     */
-              /* We record every instance of every field      */
-              /* (until we reach the base font of a           */
-              /* synthetic font) to deal adequately with      */
-              /* multiple master fonts; this is also          */
-              /* necessary because later PostScript           */
-              /* definitions override earlier ones.           */
-              /* Once we encounter `FontDirectory' after      */
-              /* `/Private', we know that this is a synthetic */
-              /* font; except for `/CharStrings' we are not   */
-              /* interested in anything that follows this     */
-              /* `FontDirectory'.                             */
-              /* MM fonts have more than one /Private token at */
-              /* the top level; let's hope that all the junk   */
-              /* that follows the first /Private token is not  */
-              /* interesting to us.                            */
-              /* According to Adobe Tech Note #5175 (CID-Keyed */
-              /* Font Installation for ATM Software) a `begin' */
-              /* must be followed by exactly one `end', and    */
-              /* `begin' -- `end' pairs must be accurately     */
-              /* paired.  We could use this to distinguish     */
-              /* between the global Private and the Private    */
-              /* dict that is a member of the Blend dict.      */
-              const FT_UInt dict =
-                ( loader->keywords_encountered & T1_PRIVATE )
-                    ? T1_FIELD_DICT_PRIVATE
-                    : T1_FIELD_DICT_FONTDICT;
-              if ( !( dict & keyword->dict ) )
-              {
-                FT_TRACE1(( "parse_dict: found %s but ignoring it "
-                            "since it is in the wrong dictionary\n",
-                            keyword->ident ));
-                break;
-              }
-              if ( !( loader->keywords_encountered &
-                      T1_FONTDIR_AFTER_PRIVATE     )                  ||
-                   ft_strcmp( (const char*)name, "CharStrings" ) == 0 )
-              {
-                parser->root.error = t1_load_keyword( face,
-                                                      loader,
-                                                      keyword );
-                if ( parser->root.error != T1_Err_Ok )
-                {
-                  if ( FT_ERROR_BASE( parser->root.error ) == FT_Err_Ignore )
-                    parser->root.error = T1_Err_Ok;
-                  else
-                    return parser->root.error;
-                }
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            keyword++;
-          }
-        }
-        have_integer = 0;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        T1_Skip_PS_Token( parser );
-        if ( parser->root.error )
-          goto Exit;
-        have_integer = 0;
-      }
-      T1_Skip_Spaces( parser );
-    }
-  Exit:
-    return parser->root.error;
-  }
-  static void
-  t1_init_loader( T1_Loader  loader,
-                  T1_Face    face )
-  {
-    FT_UNUSED( face );
-    FT_MEM_ZERO( loader, sizeof ( *loader ) );
-    loader->num_glyphs = 0;
-    loader->num_chars  = 0;
-    /* initialize the tables -- simply set their `init' field to 0 */
-    loader->encoding_table.init  = 0;
-    loader->charstrings.init     = 0;
-    loader->glyph_names.init     = 0;
-    loader->subrs.init           = 0;
-    loader->swap_table.init      = 0;
-    loader->fontdata             = 0;
-    loader->keywords_encountered = 0;
-  }
-  static void
-  t1_done_loader( T1_Loader  loader )
-  {
-    T1_Parser  parser = &loader->parser;
-    /* finalize tables */
-    T1_Release_Table( &loader->encoding_table );
-    T1_Release_Table( &loader->charstrings );
-    T1_Release_Table( &loader->glyph_names );
-    T1_Release_Table( &loader->swap_table );
-    T1_Release_Table( &loader->subrs );
-    /* finalize parser */
-    T1_Finalize_Parser( parser );
-  }
-  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
-  T1_Open_Face( T1_Face  face )
-  {
-    T1_LoaderRec   loader;
-    T1_Parser      parser;
-    T1_Font        type1 = &face->type1;
-    PS_Private     priv  = &type1->private_dict;
-    FT_Error       error;
-    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;
-    t1_init_loader( &loader, face );
-    /* default values */
-    face->ndv_idx          = -1;
-    face->cdv_idx          = -1;
-    face->len_buildchar    = 0;
-    priv->blue_shift       = 7;
-    priv->blue_fuzz        = 1;
-    priv->lenIV            = 4;
-    priv->expansion_factor = (FT_Fixed)( 0.06 * 0x10000L );
-    priv->blue_scale       = (FT_Fixed)( 0.039625 * 0x10000L * 1000 );
-    parser = &loader.parser;
-    error  = T1_New_Parser( parser,
-                            face->root.stream,
-                            face->root.memory,
-                            psaux );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    error = parse_dict( face, &loader,
-                        parser->base_dict, parser->base_len );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    error = T1_Get_Private_Dict( parser, psaux );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    error = parse_dict( face, &loader,
-                        parser->private_dict, parser->private_len );
-    if ( error )
-      goto Exit;
-    /* ensure even-ness of `num_blue_values' */
-    priv->num_blue_values &= ~1;
-    if ( face->blend                                                     &&
-         face->blend->num_default_design_vector != 0                     &&
-         face->blend->num_default_design_vector != face->blend->num_axis )
-    {
-      /* we don't use it currently so just warn, reset, and ignore */
-      FT_ERROR(( "T1_Open_Face(): /DesignVector contains %u entries "
-                 "while there are %u axes.\n",
-                 face->blend->num_default_design_vector,
-                 face->blend->num_axis ));
-      face->blend->num_default_design_vector = 0;
-    }
-    /* the following can happen for MM instances; we then treat the */
-    /* font as a normal PS font                                     */
-    if ( face->blend                                             &&
-         ( !face->blend->num_designs || !face->blend->num_axis ) )
-      T1_Done_Blend( face );
-    /* another safety check */
-    if ( face->blend )
-    {
-      FT_UInt  i;
-      for ( i = 0; i < face->blend->num_axis; i++ )
-        if ( !face->blend->design_map[i].num_points )
-        {
-          T1_Done_Blend( face );
-          break;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( face->blend )
-    {
-      if ( face->len_buildchar > 0 )
-      {
-        FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
-        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->buildchar, face->len_buildchar ) )
-        {
-          FT_ERROR(( "T1_Open_Face: cannot allocate BuildCharArray\n" ));
-          face->len_buildchar = 0;
-          goto Exit;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /* now, propagate the subrs, charstrings, and glyphnames tables */
-    /* to the Type1 data                                            */
-    type1->num_glyphs = loader.num_glyphs;
-    if ( loader.subrs.init )
-    {
-      loader.subrs.init  = 0;
-      type1->num_subrs   = loader.num_subrs;
-      type1->subrs_block = loader.subrs.block;
-      type1->subrs       = loader.subrs.elements;
-      type1->subrs_len   = loader.subrs.lengths;
-    }
-    if ( !face->root.internal->incremental_interface )
-      if ( !loader.charstrings.init )
-      {
-        FT_ERROR(( "T1_Open_Face: no `/CharStrings' array in face\n" ));
-        error = T1_Err_Invalid_File_Format;
-      }
-    loader.charstrings.init  = 0;
-    type1->charstrings_block = loader.charstrings.block;
-    type1->charstrings       = loader.charstrings.elements;
-    type1->charstrings_len   = loader.charstrings.lengths;
-    /* we copy the glyph names `block' and `elements' fields; */
-    /* the `lengths' field must be released later             */
-    type1->glyph_names_block    = loader.glyph_names.block;
-    type1->glyph_names          = (FT_String**)loader.glyph_names.elements;
-    loader.glyph_names.block    = 0;
-    loader.glyph_names.elements = 0;
-    /* we must now build type1.encoding when we have a custom array */
-    if ( type1->encoding_type == T1_ENCODING_TYPE_ARRAY )
-    {
-      FT_Int    charcode, idx, min_char, max_char;
-      FT_Byte*  char_name;
-      FT_Byte*  glyph_name;
-      /* OK, we do the following: for each element in the encoding  */
-      /* table, look up the index of the glyph having the same name */
-      /* the index is then stored in type1.encoding.char_index, and */
-      /* the name to type1.encoding.char_name                       */
-      min_char = 0;
-      max_char = 0;
-      charcode = 0;
-      for ( ; charcode < loader.encoding_table.max_elems; charcode++ )
-      {
-        type1->encoding.char_index[charcode] = 0;
-        type1->encoding.char_name [charcode] = (char *)".notdef";
-        char_name = loader.encoding_table.elements[charcode];
-        if ( char_name )
-          for ( idx = 0; idx < type1->num_glyphs; idx++ )
-          {
-            glyph_name = (FT_Byte*)type1->glyph_names[idx];
-            if ( ft_strcmp( (const char*)char_name,
-                            (const char*)glyph_name ) == 0 )
-            {
-              type1->encoding.char_index[charcode] = (FT_UShort)idx;
-              type1->encoding.char_name [charcode] = (char*)glyph_name;
-              /* Change min/max encoded char only if glyph name is */
-              /* not /.notdef                                      */
-              if ( ft_strcmp( (const char*)".notdef",
-                              (const char*)glyph_name ) != 0 )
-              {
-                if ( charcode < min_char )
-                  min_char = charcode;
-                if ( charcode >= max_char )
-                  max_char = charcode + 1;
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-      }
-      type1->encoding.code_first = min_char;
-      type1->encoding.code_last  = max_char;
-      type1->encoding.num_chars  = loader.num_chars;
-    }
-  Exit:
-    t1_done_loader( &loader );
-    return error;
-  }
-/* END */