changeset 5172 88f2e05288ba
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/misc/libfreetype/src/tools/docmaker/tohtml.py	Mon Apr 25 01:46:54 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+#  ToHTML (c) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
+#    David Turner <david@freetype.org>
+from sources import *
+from content import *
+from formatter import *
+import time
+# The following defines the HTML header used by all generated pages.
+html_header_1 = """\
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+html_header_2 = """\
+ API Reference</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+  body { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, serif;
+         color: #000000;
+         background: #FFFFFF; }
+  p { text-align: justify; }
+  h1 { text-align: center; }
+  li { text-align: justify; }
+  td { padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; }
+  td.left { padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em;
+            text-align: left; }
+  a:link { color: #0000EF; }
+  a:visited { color: #51188E; }
+  a:hover { color: #FF0000; }
+  span.keyword { font-family: monospace;
+                 text-align: left;
+                 white-space: pre;
+                 color: darkblue; }
+  pre.colored { color: blue; }
+  ul.empty { list-style-type: none; }
+html_header_3 = """
+<table align=center><tr><td><font size=-1>[<a href="\
+html_header_3i = """
+<table align=center><tr><td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-1>[<a href="\
+html_header_4 = """\
+<td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-1>[<a href="\
+html_header_5 = """\
+html_header_5t = """\
+<td width="100%"></td></tr></table>
+html_header_6 = """\
+ API Reference</h1></center>
+# The HTML footer used by all generated pages.
+html_footer = """\
+# The header and footer used for each section.
+section_title_header = "<center><h1>"
+section_title_footer = "</h1></center>"
+# The header and footer used for code segments.
+code_header = '<pre class="colored">'
+code_footer = '</pre>'
+# Paragraph header and footer.
+para_header = "<p>"
+para_footer = "</p>"
+# Block header and footer.
+block_header        = '<table align=center width="75%"><tr><td>'
+block_footer_start  = """\
+<hr width="75%">
+<table align=center width="75%"><tr><td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+block_footer_middle = """\
+<td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+block_footer_end    = """\
+# Description header/footer.
+description_header = '<table align=center width="87%"><tr><td>'
+description_footer = "</td></tr></table><br>"
+# Marker header/inter/footer combination.
+marker_header = '<table align=center width="87%" cellpadding=5><tr bgcolor="#EEEEFF"><td><em><b>'
+marker_inter  = "</b></em></td></tr><tr><td>"
+marker_footer = "</td></tr></table>"
+# Header location header/footer.
+header_location_header = '<table align=center width="87%"><tr><td>'
+header_location_footer = "</td></tr></table><br>"
+# Source code extracts header/footer.
+source_header = '<table align=center width="87%"><tr bgcolor="#D6E8FF"><td><pre>\n'
+source_footer = "\n</pre></table><br>"
+# Chapter header/inter/footer.
+chapter_header = '<br><table align=center width="75%"><tr><td><h2>'
+chapter_inter  = '</h2><ul class="empty"><li>'
+chapter_footer = '</li></ul></td></tr></table>'
+# Index footer.
+index_footer_start = """\
+<table><tr><td width="100%"></td>
+<td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+index_footer_end = """\
+# TOC footer.
+toc_footer_start = """\
+<table><tr><td><font size=-2>[<a href="\
+toc_footer_end = """\
+<td width="100%"></td>
+# source language keyword coloration/styling
+keyword_prefix = '<span class="keyword">'
+keyword_suffix = '</span>'
+section_synopsis_header = '<h2>Synopsis</h2>'
+section_synopsis_footer = ''
+# Translate a single line of source to HTML.  This will convert
+# a "<" into "&lt.", ">" into "&gt.", etc.
+def  html_quote( line ):
+    result = string.replace( line, "&", "&amp;" )
+    result = string.replace( result, "<", "&lt;" )
+    result = string.replace( result, ">", "&gt;" )
+    return result
+# same as 'html_quote', but ignores left and right brackets
+def  html_quote0( line ):
+    return string.replace( line, "&", "&amp;" )
+def  dump_html_code( lines, prefix = "" ):
+    # clean the last empty lines
+    l = len( self.lines )
+    while l > 0 and string.strip( self.lines[l - 1] ) == "":
+        l = l - 1
+    # The code footer should be directly appended to the last code
+    # line to avoid an additional blank line.
+    print prefix + code_header,
+    for line in self.lines[0 : l + 1]:
+        print '\n' + prefix + html_quote( line ),
+    print prefix + code_footer,
+class  HtmlFormatter( Formatter ):
+    def  __init__( self, processor, project_title, file_prefix ):
+        Formatter.__init__( self, processor )
+        global html_header_1, html_header_2, html_header_3
+        global html_header_4, html_header_5, html_footer
+        if file_prefix:
+            file_prefix = file_prefix + "-"
+        else:
+            file_prefix = ""
+        self.headers           = processor.headers
+        self.project_title     = project_title
+        self.file_prefix       = file_prefix
+        self.html_header       = html_header_1 + project_title +              \
+                                 html_header_2 +                              \
+                                 html_header_3 + file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+                                 html_header_4 + file_prefix + "toc.html" +   \
+                                 html_header_5 + project_title +              \
+                                 html_header_6
+        self.html_index_header = html_header_1 + project_title +             \
+                                 html_header_2 +                             \
+                                 html_header_3i + file_prefix + "toc.html" + \
+                                 html_header_5 + project_title +             \
+                                 html_header_6
+        self.html_toc_header   = html_header_1 + project_title +              \
+                                 html_header_2 +                              \
+                                 html_header_3 + file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+                                 html_header_5t + project_title +             \
+                                 html_header_6
+        self.html_footer       = "<center><font size=""-2"">generated on " +     \
+                                 time.asctime( time.localtime( time.time() ) ) + \
+                                 "</font></center>" + html_footer
+        self.columns = 3
+    def  make_section_url( self, section ):
+        return self.file_prefix + section.name + ".html"
+    def  make_block_url( self, block ):
+        return self.make_section_url( block.section ) + "#" + block.name
+    def  make_html_words( self, words ):
+        """ convert a series of simple words into some HTML text """
+        line = ""
+        if words:
+            line = html_quote( words[0] )
+            for w in words[1:]:
+                line = line + " " + html_quote( w )
+        return line
+    def  make_html_word( self, word ):
+        """analyze a simple word to detect cross-references and styling"""
+        # look for cross-references
+        m = re_crossref.match( word )
+        if m:
+            try:
+                name = m.group( 1 )
+                rest = m.group( 2 )
+                block = self.identifiers[name]
+                url   = self.make_block_url( block )
+                return '<a href="' + url + '">' + name + '</a>' + rest
+            except:
+                # we detected a cross-reference to an unknown item
+                sys.stderr.write( \
+                   "WARNING: undefined cross reference '" + name + "'.\n" )
+                return '?' + name + '?' + rest
+        # look for italics and bolds
+        m = re_italic.match( word )
+        if m:
+            name = m.group( 1 )
+            rest = m.group( 3 )
+            return '<i>' + name + '</i>' + rest
+        m = re_bold.match( word )
+        if m:
+            name = m.group( 1 )
+            rest = m.group( 3 )
+            return '<b>' + name + '</b>' + rest
+        return html_quote( word )
+    def  make_html_para( self, words ):
+        """ convert words of a paragraph into tagged HTML text, handle xrefs """
+        line = ""
+        if words:
+            line = self.make_html_word( words[0] )
+            for word in words[1:]:
+                line = line + " " + self.make_html_word( word )
+            # convert `...' quotations into real left and right single quotes
+            line = re.sub( r"(^|\W)`(.*?)'(\W|$)",  \
+                           r'\1&lsquo;\2&rsquo;\3', \
+                           line )
+            # convert tilde into non-breakable space
+            line = string.replace( line, "~", "&nbsp;" )
+        return para_header + line + para_footer
+    def  make_html_code( self, lines ):
+        """ convert a code sequence to HTML """
+        line = code_header + '\n'
+        for l in lines:
+            line = line + html_quote( l ) + '\n'
+        return line + code_footer
+    def  make_html_items( self, items ):
+        """ convert a field's content into some valid HTML """
+        lines = []
+        for item in items:
+            if item.lines:
+                lines.append( self.make_html_code( item.lines ) )
+            else:
+                lines.append( self.make_html_para( item.words ) )
+        return string.join( lines, '\n' )
+    def  print_html_items( self, items ):
+        print self.make_html_items( items )
+    def  print_html_field( self, field ):
+        if field.name:
+            print "<table><tr valign=top><td><b>" + field.name + "</b></td><td>"
+        print self.make_html_items( field.items )
+        if field.name:
+            print "</td></tr></table>"
+    def  html_source_quote( self, line, block_name = None ):
+        result = ""
+        while line:
+            m = re_source_crossref.match( line )
+            if m:
+                name   = m.group( 2 )
+                prefix = html_quote( m.group( 1 ) )
+                length = len( m.group( 0 ) )
+                if name == block_name:
+                    # this is the current block name, if any
+                    result = result + prefix + '<b>' + name + '</b>'
+                elif re_source_keywords.match( name ):
+                    # this is a C keyword
+                    result = result + prefix + keyword_prefix + name + keyword_suffix
+                elif self.identifiers.has_key( name ):
+                    # this is a known identifier
+                    block = self.identifiers[name]
+                    result = result + prefix + '<a href="' + \
+                             self.make_block_url( block ) + '">' + name + '</a>'
+                else:
+                    result = result + html_quote( line[:length] )
+                line = line[length:]
+            else:
+                result = result + html_quote( line )
+                line   = []
+        return result
+    def  print_html_field_list( self, fields ):
+        print "<p></p>"
+        print "<table cellpadding=3 border=0>"
+        for field in fields:
+            if len( field.name ) > 22:
+              print "<tr valign=top><td colspan=0><b>" + field.name + "</b></td></tr>"
+              print "<tr valign=top><td></td><td>"
+            else:
+              print "<tr valign=top><td><b>" + field.name + "</b></td><td>"
+            self.print_html_items( field.items )
+            print "</td></tr>"
+        print "</table>"
+    def  print_html_markup( self, markup ):
+        table_fields = []
+        for field in markup.fields:
+            if field.name:
+                # we begin a new series of field or value definitions, we
+                # will record them in the 'table_fields' list before outputting
+                # all of them as a single table
+                #
+                table_fields.append( field )
+            else:
+                if table_fields:
+                    self.print_html_field_list( table_fields )
+                    table_fields = []
+                self.print_html_items( field.items )
+        if table_fields:
+            self.print_html_field_list( table_fields )
+    #
+    #  Formatting the index
+    #
+    def  index_enter( self ):
+        print self.html_index_header
+        self.index_items = {}
+    def  index_name_enter( self, name ):
+        block = self.identifiers[name]
+        url   = self.make_block_url( block )
+        self.index_items[name] = url
+    def  index_exit( self ):
+        # block_index already contains the sorted list of index names
+        count = len( self.block_index )
+        rows  = ( count + self.columns - 1 ) / self.columns
+        print "<table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
+        for r in range( rows ):
+            line = "<tr>"
+            for c in range( self.columns ):
+                i = r + c * rows
+                if i < count:
+                    bname = self.block_index[r + c * rows]
+                    url   = self.index_items[bname]
+                    line = line + '<td><a href="' + url + '">' + bname + '</a></td>'
+                else:
+                    line = line + '<td></td>'
+            line = line + "</tr>"
+            print line
+        print "</table>"
+        print index_footer_start +            \
+              self.file_prefix + "toc.html" + \
+              index_footer_end
+        print self.html_footer
+        self.index_items = {}
+    def  index_dump( self, index_filename = None ):
+        if index_filename == None:
+            index_filename = self.file_prefix + "index.html"
+        Formatter.index_dump( self, index_filename )
+    #
+    #  Formatting the table of content
+    #
+    def  toc_enter( self ):
+        print self.html_toc_header
+        print "<center><h1>Table of Contents</h1></center>"
+    def  toc_chapter_enter( self, chapter ):
+        print  chapter_header + string.join( chapter.title ) + chapter_inter
+        print "<table cellpadding=5>"
+    def  toc_section_enter( self, section ):
+        print '<tr valign=top><td class="left">'
+        print '<a href="' + self.make_section_url( section ) + '">' + \
+               section.title + '</a></td><td>'
+        print self.make_html_para( section.abstract )
+    def  toc_section_exit( self, section ):
+        print "</td></tr>"
+    def  toc_chapter_exit( self, chapter ):
+        print "</table>"
+        print chapter_footer
+    def  toc_index( self, index_filename ):
+        print chapter_header +                                      \
+              '<a href="' + index_filename + '">Global Index</a>' + \
+              chapter_inter + chapter_footer
+    def  toc_exit( self ):
+        print toc_footer_start +                \
+              self.file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+              toc_footer_end
+        print self.html_footer
+    def  toc_dump( self, toc_filename = None, index_filename = None ):
+        if toc_filename == None:
+            toc_filename = self.file_prefix + "toc.html"
+        if index_filename == None:
+            index_filename = self.file_prefix + "index.html"
+        Formatter.toc_dump( self, toc_filename, index_filename )
+    #
+    #  Formatting sections
+    #
+    def  section_enter( self, section ):
+        print self.html_header
+        print section_title_header
+        print section.title
+        print section_title_footer
+        maxwidth = 0
+        for b in section.blocks.values():
+            if len( b.name ) > maxwidth:
+                maxwidth = len( b.name )
+        width = 70  # XXX magic number
+        if maxwidth <> 0:
+            # print section synopsis
+            print section_synopsis_header
+            print "<table align=center cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
+            columns = width / maxwidth
+            if columns < 1:
+                columns = 1
+            count = len( section.block_names )
+            rows  = ( count + columns - 1 ) / columns
+            for r in range( rows ):
+                line = "<tr>"
+                for c in range( columns ):
+                    i = r + c * rows
+                    line = line + '<td></td><td>'
+                    if i < count:
+                        name = section.block_names[i]
+                        line = line + '<a href="#' + name + '">' + name + '</a>'
+                    line = line + '</td>'
+                line = line + "</tr>"
+                print line
+            print "</table><br><br>"
+            print section_synopsis_footer
+        print description_header
+        print self.make_html_items( section.description )
+        print description_footer
+    def  block_enter( self, block ):
+        print block_header
+        # place html anchor if needed
+        if block.name:
+            print '<h4><a name="' + block.name + '">' + block.name + '</a></h4>'
+        # dump the block C source lines now
+        if block.code:
+            header = ''
+            for f in self.headers.keys():
+                if block.source.filename.find( f ) >= 0:
+                    header = self.headers[f] + ' (' + f + ')'
+                    break;
+#           if not header:
+#               sys.stderr.write( \
+#                 'WARNING: No header macro for ' + block.source.filename + '.\n' )
+            if header:
+                print header_location_header
+                print 'Defined in ' + header + '.'
+                print header_location_footer
+            print source_header
+            for l in block.code:
+                print self.html_source_quote( l, block.name )
+            print source_footer
+    def  markup_enter( self, markup, block ):
+        if markup.tag == "description":
+            print description_header
+        else:
+            print marker_header + markup.tag + marker_inter
+        self.print_html_markup( markup )
+    def  markup_exit( self, markup, block ):
+        if markup.tag == "description":
+            print description_footer
+        else:
+            print marker_footer
+    def  block_exit( self, block ):
+        print block_footer_start + self.file_prefix + "index.html" + \
+              block_footer_middle + self.file_prefix + "toc.html" +  \
+              block_footer_end
+    def  section_exit( self, section ):
+        print html_footer
+    def  section_dump_all( self ):
+        for section in self.sections:
+            self.section_dump( section, self.file_prefix + section.name + '.html' )
+# eof