changeset 9228 a001ecdf8314
parent 9227 c02e081ba481
child 9229 5d5c5cbe7681
--- a/cmake_modules/FindLibraryWithDebug.cmake	Fri Jun 14 01:01:18 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#  -> enhanced FIND_LIBRARY to allow the search for an
-#     optional debug library with a WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX similar
-#     to CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX when creating a shared lib
-#     it has to be the second and third argument
-# Copyright (c) 2007, Christian Ehrlicher, <>
-# Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
-# For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
-MACRO(FIND_LIBRARY_WITH_DEBUG var_name win32_dbg_postfix_name dgb_postfix libname)
-  IF(NOT "${win32_dbg_postfix_name}" STREQUAL "WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX")
-     # no WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX -> simply pass all arguments to FIND_LIBRARY
-     FIND_LIBRARY(${var_name}
-                  ${win32_dbg_postfix_name}
-                  ${dgb_postfix}
-                  ${libname}
-                  ${ARGN}
-     )
-  ELSE(NOT "${win32_dbg_postfix_name}" STREQUAL "WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX")
-    IF(NOT WIN32)
-      # on non-win32 we don't need to take care about WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX
-      FIND_LIBRARY(${var_name} ${libname} ${ARGN})
-    ELSE(NOT WIN32)
-      # 1. get all possible libnames
-      SET(args ${ARGN})
-      SET(newargs "")
-      SET(libnames_release "")
-      SET(libnames_debug "")
-      LIST(LENGTH args listCount)
-      IF("${libname}" STREQUAL "NAMES")
-        SET(append_rest 0)
-        LIST(APPEND args " ")
-        FOREACH(i RANGE ${listCount})
-          LIST(GET args ${i} val)
-          IF(append_rest)
-            LIST(APPEND newargs ${val})
-          ELSE(append_rest)
-            IF("${val}" STREQUAL "PATHS")
-              LIST(APPEND newargs ${val})
-              SET(append_rest 1)
-            ELSE("${val}" STREQUAL "PATHS")
-              LIST(APPEND libnames_release "${val}")
-              LIST(APPEND libnames_debug   "${val}${dgb_postfix}")
-            ENDIF("${val}" STREQUAL "PATHS")
-          ENDIF(append_rest)
-        ENDFOREACH(i)
-      ELSE("${libname}" STREQUAL "NAMES")
-        # just one name
-        LIST(APPEND libnames_release "${libname}")
-        LIST(APPEND libnames_debug   "${libname}${dgb_postfix}")
-        SET(newargs ${args})
-      ENDIF("${libname}" STREQUAL "NAMES")
-      # search the release lib
-      FIND_LIBRARY(${var_name}_RELEASE
-                   NAMES ${libnames_release}
-                   ${newargs}
-      )
-      # search the debug lib
-      FIND_LIBRARY(${var_name}_DEBUG
-                   NAMES ${libnames_debug}
-                   ${newargs}
-      )
-      IF(${var_name}_RELEASE AND ${var_name}_DEBUG)
-        # both libs found
-        SET(${var_name} optimized ${${var_name}_RELEASE}
-                        debug     ${${var_name}_DEBUG})
-      ELSE(${var_name}_RELEASE AND ${var_name}_DEBUG)
-        IF(${var_name}_RELEASE)
-          # only release found
-          SET(${var_name} ${${var_name}_RELEASE})
-        ELSE(${var_name}_RELEASE)
-          # only debug (or nothing) found
-          SET(${var_name} ${${var_name}_DEBUG})
-        ENDIF(${var_name}_RELEASE)
-      ENDIF(${var_name}_RELEASE AND ${var_name}_DEBUG)
-      MARK_AS_ADVANCED(${var_name}_RELEASE)
-      MARK_AS_ADVANCED(${var_name}_DEBUG)
-  ENDIF(NOT "${win32_dbg_postfix_name}" STREQUAL "WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX")