changeset 11362 ed5a6478e710
parent 11342 aa3f886c6298
child 11412 c19f2387d24f
--- a/ChangeLog.txt	Tue Nov 10 18:16:35 2015 +0100
+++ b/ChangeLog.txt	Tue Nov 10 20:43:13 2015 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,131 @@
 + features
 * bugfixes
-0.9.19 -> ???:
- * increase precision in damage calcs; extra damage affects fire properly now
- * visual enhancements for whip
+0.9.22 -> 0.9.23
+ * Hammer damage is now rounded down. This means it will cause NO DAMAGE to a hedgehog with less than 3 hp.
+ * Fixed bee not being affected by wrap world edge while still being thrown
+ * Fixed turn not ending when sticky mine was trapped on rubberband
+ * Various other fixes
+0.9.21 -> 0.9.22
+ + New Weapon / Map object: AirMine (floating mine that will follow nearby hedgehogs)
+ + Extensive changes to TechRacer: Variable terrain types, enhanced parameters, hwmap interpreter, fuel limiter, etc. 
+ + HedgeEditor - create missions/etc. in-game! see
+ + Map previews can now take script parameters into account and preview waypoints in TechRacer
+ + Added a couple new flags
+ + Various tweaks to the interface and in-game chat
+ + Divided teams options will now just be ignored when more/less than 2 teams/clans, instead of displaying a fatal error
+ + Added 6 TechRacer maps to TechMaps
+ + Added 3 SpeedShoppa Challenges: Shoppa Love, Ropes and Crates, The Customer is King
+ + Hammer damage is now rounded up. This means it can be used to execute hedgehogs with only 1 hp.
+ + Improved "Art" theme.
+ * Generated bridges/girders are now connected better to the land mass
+ * Fixed rubberband sprite
+ * Fixed Wind-Indicator being wrong in certain situations
+ * Melon Bomb Pieces now bounce on Rubberband
+ * Reduced menu music volume
+ * The game will now fallback to default voicepack if a team's voicepack is not locally installed. (Instead of rendering team voiceless)
+ * Hammer now does more damage when the Extra-Damage utility is used
+ * Many other bug fixes
+ + New map parameter: MapFeatureSize -- numeric representation of detail slider below map preview; use within onGameInit()/onPreviewInit()
+ + New function: SetMaxBuildDistance([ distInPx ]) -- specify how many pixels away a hedgehog can still place girders/etc. set to 0 for no limit; call with no param to reset to default
+ + New hook: onSuddenDeath() -- called by engine when sudden death begins
+ * Previously missing gear states are now available (gstSubmersible, gstFrozen and gstNoGravity)
+ * Fixed OnHogAttack giving the incorrect AmmoType (amNothing) under certain conditions
+0.9.20 -> 0.9.21:
+ + New type of randomly generated maps: Perlin Maps.
+ + Old Random generated maps are more diverse now.
+ + Slider for adjusting land generation detail.
+ + Highlander gamemode can now be used with custom weapon schemes (1-8=How probable to get this weapon. 9=All hogs get it)
+ + New playable themes: "Hoggywood" and "Cake"
+ + New gameplay mode "Construction Mode"
+ + New gameplay mode "TechRacer"
+ + New game play mode "DiagonalMaze" (generates a simple diagonal maze)
+ + Add 7 target practice missions, now with simple scoring
+ + Update RC Plane Challenge: Stats screen reworked and shows now several facts, simple ranking system based on used planes, some taunts in the game
+ + New training/multiplayer mission: "Climb Home"
+ + Game scheme screen has a "Script parameter" field now. This allows to make more customizable scripts/modes.
+ + Network game rejoining. Note: Your team(s) will vanish after 3 turns.
+ + Visual and gameplay changes to "sea" - world edge, visual change to wrap world edge to allow seeing through the wrap, visual change to bounce worldedge 
+ + The map of the Basketball Mission can be selected for regular games again ("BasketballField")
+ + New engine command: /togglechat will disable/enable chat display (does not affect chat history display)
+ + Change to Racer: first weapon/utility available will be automatically selected on start
+ + Added some visual feedback to failed girder placement.
+ + Various performance tweaks, especially for very large maps.
+ + Allow switching through hogs in reverse order with PRECISE+HOGSWITCH (left shift + tab, by default)
+ + Added support for custom Sudden Death music to theme.cfg (e.g. sd-music=hell.ogg ).
+ + New Hats: policegirl, fr_tomato, cratehider
+ * Fixed drill rockets sometimes exploding on impact.
+ * Fixed trainings broken due to indestructable targets/crates.
+ * Fixes and tweaks for low qualily rendering.
+ * Sinegun won't shoot through -solid- land anymore
+ * Many bug fixes and tweaks.
+Frontend / Netgame:
+ + High resolution previews!
+ + Preview for dynamic maps generated by game style scripts (e.g. "ShoppaMap))!
+ + Moved room status filter to top left of rooms list.
+Lua API:
+ + New library: Params, makes parsing of script parameters easier
+ + New library: TargetPractice, used to generate target practice missions (the newly added missions use it)
+ + More helpful syntax error messages.
+ + New hooks:
+      onParameters(paramString) -- called when script parameters are configured. the parameter contains the parameter(s) as text string
+      onPreviewInit() -- called during map preview initialization
+      onGearWaterSkip(gearUid) -- called when a gear skims the water without drowning (when hitting it with high speed at low angle). By checking gearUid you can figure out which gear that was.
+ + New functions:
+      DismissTeam(teamname) -- removes a team from the game (note: if you used loc() on teamnames, don't forget to the translated teamname here too)
+      GetGameFlag(gameflag) -- returns true/false
+      PlaceSprite(x, y, sprite, frameIdx [, landFlag, ... ]) -- sprite refers to an id from the TSprite list
+      SetWaterLine(waterline) -- moves water level to the specified y. the current value is in read-only global waterline
+      SetNextWeapon() -- make current hedgehog switch to next weapon. e.g. use in trainings to preselect weapon
+      SetWeapon(ammoType) -- decide which weapon the current hedgehog should equip
+ + Map Drawing:
+      -- to be used in onGameInit() -- first set MapGen to mgDrawn and then use the commands below
+      AddPoint(x, y [, width [, erase] ]) -- takes x,y location, a width (means start of a new line) and erase (if line should erase, not draw)
+      FlushPoints() -- makes sure that all the points/lines specified using the command above are actually applied to the map
+ + New global enumerations:
+      Mapgens: mgRandom, mgMaze, mgPerlin, mgDrawn
+      TSprite values
+      LandFlags: lfIndestructible, lfIce, lfBouncy
+ + Changed functions:
+      HogSay(gearUid, text, manner [, vgState]) -- now also allows you to make NON-Hedgehog gears speak, e.g. barrels... wait what?!
+ + Changed hooks:
+      onHogAttack() can now be hooked with new parameter: onHogAttack(ammoType) - to conveniently find out which ammo/weapon is being used
+ * Fixes:
+      gfResetHealth is now a available like the other GameFlags
+0.9.19 -> 0.9.20:
+ + New campaign, A Space Adventure!
+ + Password protected rooms
+ + Shapes on drawn maps (ellipses, rectangles)  - constrain dimensions with ctrl, as with straight line tool.
+ + New rubber utility, lfBouncy mask (green) for maps.  lfBouncy is also anti-portal.
+ + Lazy loading of many aspects of frontend to improve startup time under Windows
+ + Set hog/team/health label defaults in config, toggle team health display using delete (left shift + delete for labels now)
+ + Usernames next to teams when playing online.
+ + Can now filter rooms by game style (such as Highlander). Filtering simplified since it is mostly unused.
+ + AFK mode.  Press p when not your turn online to trigger autoskip of your turn.
+ + Russian localisation of Default voice.
+ + Map edges can wrap or bounce.  Also a silly "connect to the sea" mode
+ + Sticky fire kicks you a bit less, fire interacts with frozen land/ice
+ + Generated map stays same if the template is the same between groups (all/large for example)
+ + Visual enhancements for whip and crosshair
+ + Option to draw maps with a "shoppa" border - used by ShoppaMap lua at present
+ + New hats
+ + Translation updates
+ + New lua script to control gravity.  May have unpredictable effects.  Try zero g shoppa.  Changes to allow lua to spawn poison clouds without interrupting turn.
+ + Speech bubbles are now echoed to chat for logging purposes with the hog's name.
+ * You should now thaw on your turn, not enemy's. AI frozen/unfrozen crate movement fix. Blowtorch can thaw frozen hogs.
+ * Prevent target crosshair moving around unpredictably when doing multiple airstrikes
+ * Rope should kick along surfaces more reliably, fix rope aim speed if you miss a shot, firing rope does not freeze timer, fix aiming on last rope
+ * Remember bounce/timer in reset wep modes like Highlander
+ * Increase precision in damage calcs; extra damage affects fire properly now
+ * Fixed video recording resolution
+ * Fixed context menu/cursor in text areas
+ * Many bugfixes. Keypad enter in chat, hog sliding freezing game, team name flaws in Windows, localisation of tips, crasher in slots with no weapons, frontend holiday css.
 0.9.18 -> 0.9.19:
  + New Freezer weapon - freezes terrain, water, hedgehogs, mines, cases, explosives