changeset 11362 ed5a6478e710
parent 11175 e1a098f950a9
child 11532 bf86c6cb9341
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandGenTemplateBased.pas	Tue Nov 10 20:43:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+unit uLandGenTemplateBased;
+uses uLandTemplates, uLandOutline;
+procedure GenTemplated(var Template: TEdgeTemplate);
+procedure DivideEdges(fillPointsCount: LongWord; var pa: TPixAr);
+var minDistance, dabDiv: LongInt; // different details size
+uses uVariables, uTypes, uConsts, uFloat, uLandUtils, uRandom, SDLh, math;
+procedure SetPoints(var Template: TEdgeTemplate; var pa: TPixAr; fps: PPointArray);
+var i: LongInt;
+    with Template do
+        begin
+        pa.Count:= BasePointsCount;
+        for i:= 0 to pred(LongInt(pa.Count)) do
+            begin
+            pa.ar[i].x:= BasePoints^[i].x + LongInt(GetRandom(BasePoints^[i].w));
+            if pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX then
+                pa.ar[i].x:= pa.ar[i].x + ((LAND_WIDTH - Template.TemplateWidth) div 2);
+            pa.ar[i].y:= BasePoints^[i].y + LongInt(GetRandom(BasePoints^[i].h)) + LAND_HEIGHT - LongInt(Template.TemplateHeight)
+            end;
+        if canMirror then
+            if getrandom(2) = 0 then
+                begin
+                for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+                if pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX then
+                    pa.ar[i].x:= LAND_WIDTH - 1 - pa.ar[i].x;
+                for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+                    fps^[i].x:= LAND_WIDTH - 1 - fps^[i].x;
+                end;
+(*  Experiment in making this option more useful
+     if ((not isNegative) and (cTemplateFilter = 4)) or
+        (canFlip and (getrandom(2) = 0)) then
+           begin
+           for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+               begin
+               pa.ar[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - pa.ar[i].y + (LAND_HEIGHT - TemplateHeight) * 2;
+               if pa.ar[i].y > LAND_HEIGHT - 1 then
+                   pa.ar[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1;
+               end;
+           for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+               begin
+               FillPoints^[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - FillPoints^[i].y + (LAND_HEIGHT - TemplateHeight) * 2;
+               if FillPoints^[i].y > LAND_HEIGHT - 1 then
+                   FillPoints^[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1;
+               end;
+           end;
+     end
+// template recycling.  Pull these off the floor a bit
+    if (not isNegative) and (cTemplateFilter = 4) then
+        begin
+        for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+            begin
+            dec(pa.ar[i].y, 100);
+            if pa.ar[i].y < 0 then
+                pa.ar[i].y:= 0;
+            end;
+        for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+            begin
+            dec(fps^[i].y, 100);
+            if fps^[i].y < 0 then
+                fps^[i].y:= 0;
+            end;
+        end;
+    if (canFlip and (getrandom(2) = 0)) then
+        begin
+        for i:= 0 to pred(BasePointsCount) do
+            pa.ar[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - pa.ar[i].y;
+        for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+            fps^[i].y:= LAND_HEIGHT - 1 - fps^[i].y;
+        end;
+    end
+procedure Distort1(var Template: TEdgeTemplate; var pa: TPixAr);
+var i: Longword;
+    for i:= 1 to Template.BezierizeCount do
+        begin
+        BezierizeEdge(pa, _0_5);
+        RandomizePoints(pa);
+        RandomizePoints(pa)
+        end;
+    for i:= 1 to Template.RandPassesCount do
+        RandomizePoints(pa);
+    BezierizeEdge(pa, _0_1);
+procedure FindPoint(si: LongInt; fillPointsCount: LongWord; var newPoint: TPoint; var pa: TPixAr);
+const mapBorderMargin = 40;
+var p1, p2, p4, fp, mp: TPoint;
+    i, t1, t2, iy, ix, aqpb: LongInt;
+    a, b, p, q: LongInt;
+    dab, d, distL, distR: LongInt;
+    // [p1, p2] is the segment we're trying to divide
+    p1:= pa.ar[si];
+    p2:= pa.ar[si + 1];
+    if p2.x = NTPX then
+    // it is segment from last to first point, so need to find first point
+    begin
+        i:= si - 2;
+        while (i >= 0) and (pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX) do
+            dec(i);
+        p2:= pa.ar[i + 1]
+    end;
+    // perpendicular vector
+    a:= p2.y - p1.y;
+    b:= p1.x - p2.x;
+    dab:= DistanceI(a, b).Round;
+    // its middle point
+    mp.x:= (p1.x + p2.x) div 2;
+    mp.y:= (p1.y + p2.y) div 2;
+    // don't process too short segments or those which are too close to map borders
+    if (p1.x = NTPX)
+            or (dab < minDistance * 3)
+            or (mp.x < LongInt(leftX) + mapBorderMargin)
+            or (mp.x > LongInt(rightX) - mapBorderMargin)
+            or (mp.y < LongInt(topY) + mapBorderMargin)
+            or (mp.y > LongInt(LAND_HEIGHT) - mapBorderMargin)
+    then
+    begin
+        newPoint:= p1;
+        exit;
+    end;
+    // find distances to map borders
+    if a <> 0 then
+    begin
+        // left border
+        iy:= (LongInt(leftX) + mapBorderMargin - mp.x) * b div a + mp.y;
+        d:= DistanceI(mp.x - leftX - mapBorderMargin, mp.y - iy).Round;
+        t1:= a * (mp.x - mapBorderMargin) + b * (mp.y - iy);
+        if t1 > 0 then distL:= d else distR:= d;
+        // right border
+        iy:= (LongInt(rightX) - mapBorderMargin - mp.x) * b div a + mp.y;
+        d:= DistanceI(mp.x - rightX + mapBorderMargin, mp.y - iy).Round;
+        if t1 > 0 then distR:= d else distL:= d;
+    end else
+    begin
+        distL:= LAND_WIDTH + LAND_HEIGHT;
+        distR:= distL;
+    end;
+    if b <> 0 then
+    begin
+        // top border
+        ix:= (LongInt(topY) + mapBorderMargin - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x;
+        d:= DistanceI(mp.y - topY - mapBorderMargin, mp.x - ix).Round;
+        t2:= b * (mp.y - mapBorderMargin) + a * (mp.x - ix);
+        if t2 > 0 then distL:= min(d, distL) else distR:= min(d, distR);
+        // bottom border
+        ix:= (LAND_HEIGHT - mapBorderMargin - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x;
+        d:= DistanceI(mp.y - LAND_HEIGHT + mapBorderMargin, mp.x - ix).Round;
+        if t2 > 0 then distR:= min(d, distR) else distL:= min(d, distL);
+    end;
+    // now go through all other segments
+    fp:= pa.ar[0];
+    for i:= 0 to LongInt(pa.Count) - 2 do
+        if pa.ar[i].x = NTPX then
+            fp:= pa.ar[i + 1]
+        else if (i <> si) then
+        begin
+        p4:= pa.ar[i + 1];
+        if p4.x = NTPX then
+            p4:= fp;
+            // check if it intersects
+            t1:= (mp.x - pa.ar[i].x) * b - a * (mp.y - pa.ar[i].y);
+            t2:= (mp.x - p4.x) * b - a * (mp.y - p4.y);
+            if (t1 > 0) <> (t2 > 0) then // yes it does, hard arith follows
+            begin
+                p:= p4.x - pa.ar[i].x;
+                q:= p4.y - pa.ar[i].y;
+                aqpb:= a * q - p * b;
+                if (aqpb <> 0) then
+                begin
+                    // (ix; iy) is intersection point
+                    iy:= (((Int64(pa.ar[i].x) - mp.x) * b + Int64(mp.y) * a) * q - Int64(pa.ar[i].y) * p * b) div aqpb;
+                    if abs(b) > abs(q) then
+                        ix:= (iy - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x
+                    else
+                        ix:= (iy - pa.ar[i].y) * p div q + pa.ar[i].x;
+                    d:= DistanceI(mp.y - iy, mp.x - ix).Round;
+                    t1:= b * (mp.y - iy) + a * (mp.x - ix);
+                    if t1 > 0 then distL:= min(d, distL) else distR:= min(d, distR);
+                end;
+            end;
+        end;
+    // go through all points, including fill points
+    for i:= 0 to Pred(LongInt(pa.Count + fillPointsCount)) do
+        // if this point isn't on current segment
+        if (si <> i) and (i <> si + 1) and (pa.ar[i].x <> NTPX) then
+        begin
+            // also check intersection with rays through pa.ar[i] if this point is good
+            t1:= (p1.x - pa.ar[i].x) * b - a * (p1.y - pa.ar[i].y);
+            t2:= (p2.x - pa.ar[i].x) * b - a * (p2.y - pa.ar[i].y);
+            if (t1 > 0) <> (t2 > 0) then
+            begin
+                // ray from p1
+                p:= pa.ar[i].x - p1.x;
+                q:= pa.ar[i].y - p1.y;
+                aqpb:= a * q - p * b;
+                if (aqpb <> 0) then
+                begin
+                    // (ix; iy) is intersection point
+                    iy:= (((Int64(p1.x) - mp.x) * b + Int64(mp.y) * a) * q - Int64(p1.y) * p * b) div aqpb;
+                    if abs(b) > abs(q) then
+                        ix:= (iy - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x
+                    else
+                        ix:= (iy - p1.y) * p div q + p1.x;
+                    d:= DistanceI(mp.y - iy, mp.x - ix).Round;
+                    t1:= b * (mp.y - iy) + a * (mp.x - ix);
+                    if t1 > 0 then distL:= min(d, distL) else distR:= min(d, distR);
+                end;
+                // and ray from p2
+                p:= pa.ar[i].x - p2.x;
+                q:= pa.ar[i].y - p2.y;
+                aqpb:= a * q - p * b;
+                if (aqpb <> 0) then
+                begin
+                    // (ix; iy) is intersection point
+                    iy:= (((Int64(p2.x) - mp.x) * b + Int64(mp.y) * a) * q - Int64(p2.y) * p * b) div aqpb;
+                    if abs(b) > abs(q) then
+                        ix:= (iy - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x
+                    else
+                        ix:= (iy - p2.y) * p div q + p2.x;
+                    d:= DistanceI(mp.y - iy, mp.x - ix).Round;
+                    t2:= b * (mp.y - iy) + a * (mp.x - ix);
+                    if t2 > 0 then distL:= min(d, distL) else distR:= min(d, distR);
+                end;
+            end;
+        end;
+    // don't move new point for more than length of initial segment
+    // adjust/parametrize for more flat surfaces (try values 3/4, 1/2 of dab, or even 1/4)
+    d:= dab * 100 div dabDiv;
+    //d:= dab * (1 + abs(cFeatureSize - 8)) div 6;
+    //d:= dab * (14 + cFeatureSize) div 20;
+    if distL > d then distL:= d;
+    if distR > d then distR:= d;
+    if distR + distL < minDistance * 2 + 10 then
+    begin
+        // limits are too narrow, just divide
+        newPoint.x:= mp.x;
+        newPoint.y:= mp.y;
+    end
+    else
+    begin
+        // select distance within [-distL; distR]
+        d:= -distL + minDistance + LongInt(GetRandom(distR + distL - minDistance * 2));
+        //d:= distR - minDistance;
+        //d:= - distL + minDistance;
+        // calculate new point
+        newPoint.x:= mp.x + a * d div dab;
+        newPoint.y:= mp.y + b * d div dab;
+    end;
+procedure DivideEdges(fillPointsCount: LongWord; var pa: TPixAr);
+var i, t: LongInt;
+    newPoint: TPoint;
+    newPoint.x:= 0;
+    newPoint.y:= 0;
+    i:= 0;
+    while i < LongInt(pa.Count) - 1 do
+    begin
+        FindPoint(i, fillPointsCount, newPoint, pa);
+        if (newPoint.x <> pa.ar[i].x) or (newPoint.y <> pa.ar[i].y) then
+        begin
+            // point found, free a slot for it in array, don't forget to move appended fill points
+            for t:= pa.Count + fillPointsCount downto i + 2 do
+                pa.ar[t]:= pa.ar[t - 1];
+            inc(pa.Count);
+            pa.ar[i + 1]:= newPoint;
+            inc(i)
+        end;
+        inc(i)
+    end;
+procedure Distort2(var Template: TEdgeTemplate; fps: PPointArray; var pa: TPixAr);
+var i: Longword;
+    // append fill points to ensure distortion won't move them to other side of segment
+    for i:= 0 to pred(Template.FillPointsCount) do
+        begin
+            pa.ar[pa.Count + i].x:= fps^[i].x;
+            pa.ar[pa.Count + i].y:= fps^[i].y;
+        end;
+    // divide while it divides
+    repeat
+        i:= pa.Count;
+        DivideEdges(Template.FillPointsCount, pa)
+    until i = pa.Count;
+    if GameType <> gmtLandPreview then
+    // make it smooth
+    BezierizeEdge(pa, _0_2);
+procedure GenTemplated(var Template: TEdgeTemplate);
+var pa: TPixAr;
+    i: Longword;
+    y, x: Longword;
+    fps: TPointArray;
+    fps:=Template.FillPoints^;
+    ResizeLand(Template.TemplateWidth, Template.TemplateHeight);
+    for y:= 0 to LAND_HEIGHT - 1 do
+        for x:= 0 to LAND_WIDTH - 1 do
+            Land[y, x]:= lfBasic;
+    minDistance:= sqr(cFeatureSize) div 8 + 10;
+    //dabDiv:= getRandom(41)+60;
+    //dabDiv:= getRandom(31)+70;
+    dabDiv:= getRandom(21)+100;
+    MaxHedgehogs:= Template.MaxHedgehogs;
+    hasGirders:= Template.hasGirders;
+    playHeight:= Template.TemplateHeight;
+    playWidth:= Template.TemplateWidth;
+    leftX:= (LAND_WIDTH - playWidth) div 2;
+    rightX:= Pred(leftX + playWidth);
+    topY:= LAND_HEIGHT - playHeight;
+    {$HINTS OFF}
+    SetPoints(Template, pa, @fps);
+    {$HINTS ON}
+    Distort2(Template, @fps, pa);
+    DrawEdge(pa, 0);
+    with Template do
+        for i:= 0 to pred(FillPointsCount) do
+            with fps[i] do
+                FillLand(x, y, 0, 0);
+    DrawEdge(pa, lfBasic);
+    // HACK: force to only cavern even if a cavern map is invertable if cTemplateFilter = 4 ?
+    if (cTemplateFilter = 4)
+    or (Template.canInvert and (getrandom(2) = 0))
+    or (not Template.canInvert and Template.isNegative) then
+        begin
+        hasBorder:= true;
+        for y:= 0 to LAND_HEIGHT - 1 do
+            for x:= 0 to LAND_WIDTH - 1 do
+                if (y < topY) or (x < leftX) or (x > rightX) then
+                    Land[y, x]:= 0
+                else
+                    begin
+                    if Land[y, x] = 0 then
+                        Land[y, x]:= lfBasic
+                    else if Land[y, x] = lfBasic then
+                        Land[y, x]:= 0;
+                    end;
+        end;