changeset 4812 f924be23ffb4
parent 4807 180dbfb13903
child 4976 088d40d8aba2
--- a/hedgewars/uLocale.pas	Mon Dec 27 23:57:44 2010 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uLocale.pas	Tue Jan 04 12:53:46 2011 +0100
@@ -20,37 +20,9 @@
 unit uLocale;
-type TAmmoStrId = (sidNothing, sidGrenade, sidClusterBomb, sidBazooka, sidBee, sidShotgun,
-            sidPickHammer, sidSkip, sidRope, sidMine, sidDEagle,
-            sidDynamite, sidBaseballBat, sidFirePunch, sidSeconds,
-            sidParachute, sidAirAttack, sidMineStrike, sidBlowTorch,
-            sidGirder, sidTeleport, sidSwitch, sidMortar, sidWhip,
-            sidKamikaze, sidCake, sidSeduction, sidWatermelon,
-            sidHellishBomb, sidDrill, sidBallgun, sidNapalm, sidRCPlane,
-            sidLowGravity, sidExtraDamage, sidInvulnerable, sidExtraTime,
-            sidLaserSight, sidVampiric, sidSniperRifle, sidJetpack,
-            sidMolotov, sidBirdy, sidPortalGun, sidPiano, sidGasBomb, sidSineGun, sidFlamethrower,
-            sidSMine, sidHammer, sidResurrector, sidDrillStrike);
-    TMsgStrId = (sidStartFight, sidDraw, sidWinner, sidVolume, sidPaused,
-            sidConfirm, sidSuddenDeath, sidRemaining, sidFuel, sidSync,
-            sidNoEndTurn, sidNotYetAvailable, sidRoundSD, sidRoundsSD, sidReady);
-    TEventId = (eidDied, eidDrowned, eidRoundStart, eidRoundWin, eidRoundDraw,
-            eidNewHealthPack, eidNewAmmoPack, eidNewUtilityPack, eidTurnSkipped, eidHurtSelf,
-            eidHomerun, eidGone);
-    TGoalStrId = (gidCaption, gidSubCaption, gidForts, gidLowGravity, gidInvulnerable,
-            gidVampiric, gidKarma, gidKing, gidPlaceHog, gidArtillery,
-            gidSolidLand, gidSharedAmmo, gidMineTimer, gidNoMineTimer, gidRandomMineTimer,
-            gidDamageModifier, gidResetHealth, gidAISurvival, gidInfAttack, gidResetWeps, gidPerHogAmmo);
+uses uTypes;
 const MAX_EVENT_STRINGS = 100;
-var trammo:  array[TAmmoStrId] of ansistring;   // name of the weapon
-    trammoc: array[TAmmoStrId] of ansistring;   // caption of the weapon
-    trammod: array[TAmmoStrId] of ansistring;   // description of the weapon
-    trmsg:   array[TMsgStrId]  of ansistring;   // message of the event
-    trgoal:  array[TGoalStrId] of ansistring;   // message of the goal
 procedure LoadLocale(FileName: shortstring);
 function  Format(fmt: shortstring; var arg: shortstring): shortstring;
@@ -58,7 +30,7 @@
 function  GetEventString(e: TEventId): ansistring;
-uses uMisc, uRandom;
+uses uRandom, uUtils, uVariables, uDebug;
 var trevt: array[TEventId] of array [0..Pred(MAX_EVENT_STRINGS)] of ansistring;
     trevt_n: array[TEventId] of integer;
@@ -72,7 +44,6 @@
     loaded: boolean;
 loaded:= false;
-trammo[sidNothing]:= ' ';
 for e:= Low(TEventId) to High(TEventId) do first[e]:= true;
 {$I-} // iochecks off
@@ -97,10 +68,10 @@
        TryDo(s[6] = '=', 'Load locale: "=" expected', true);
        Delete(s, 1, 6);
        case a of
-           0: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then trammo[TAmmoStrId(b+1)]:= s;
+           0: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then trammo[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= s;
            1: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TMsgStrId))) then trmsg[TMsgStrId(b)]:= s;
            2: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TEventId))) then begin
-               TryDo(trevt_n[TEventId(b)] < MAX_EVENT_STRINGS, 'Too many event strings in ' + inttostr(a) + ':' + inttostr(b), false);
+               TryDo(trevt_n[TEventId(b)] < MAX_EVENT_STRINGS, 'Too many event strings in ' + IntToStr(a) + ':' + IntToStr(b), false);
                if first[TEventId(b)] then
                    trevt_n[TEventId(b)]:= 0;
@@ -109,8 +80,8 @@
                trevt[TEventId(b)][trevt_n[TEventId(b)]]:= s;
-           3: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then trammoc[TAmmoStrId(b+1)]:= s;
-           4: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then trammod[TAmmoStrId(b+1)]:= s;
+           3: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then trammoc[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= s;
+           4: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then trammod[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= s;
            5: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TGoalStrId))) then trgoal[TGoalStrId(b)]:= s;