author unc0rr
Tue, 24 Feb 2009 19:39:10 +0000
changeset 1838 00a5fc50aa43
parent 1814 e5391d901cff
child 1841 fba7210b438b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use another event to change state from 'logging in' to 'lobby'

module HWProtoCore where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils
import HWProtoNEState
import HWProtoLobbyState
import HWProtoInRoomState

handleCmd:: CmdHandler

handleCmd clID _ _ ["PING"] = [AnswerThisClient ["PONG"]]

handleCmd clID clients rooms ("QUIT" : xs) =
	(if isMaster client then [RemoveRoom] else removeClientTeams)
	++ [ByeClient msg]
		client = clients IntMap.! clID
		clientNick = nick client
		msg = if not $ null xs then head xs else ""
		room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
		clientTeams = filter (\t -> teamowner t == nick client) $ teams room
		removeClientTeams = map (RemoveTeam . teamname) clientTeams

handleCmd clID clients rooms cmd =
	if null (nick client) || clientProto client == 0 then
		handleCmd_NotEntered clID clients rooms cmd
	else if roomID client == 0 then
		handleCmd_lobby clID clients rooms cmd
		handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms cmd
		client = clients IntMap.! clID