author Leonard
Sat, 03 Dec 2011 15:15:14 +0100
changeset 6482 07eeb905620e
parent 5172 88f2e05288ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
GCI task: iOS German

/*                                                                         */
/*  afhints.h                                                              */
/*                                                                         */
/*    Auto-fitter hinting routines (specification).                        */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2003-2008, 2010-2011 by                                      */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#ifndef __AFHINTS_H__
#define __AFHINTS_H__

#include "aftypes.h"



   *  The definition of outline glyph hints.  These are shared by all
   *  script analysis routines (until now).

  typedef enum  AF_Dimension_
    AF_DIMENSION_HORZ = 0,  /* x coordinates,                    */
                            /* i.e., vertical segments & edges   */
    AF_DIMENSION_VERT = 1,  /* y coordinates,                    */
                            /* i.e., horizontal segments & edges */

    AF_DIMENSION_MAX  /* do not remove */

  } AF_Dimension;

  /* hint directions -- the values are computed so that two vectors are */
  /* in opposite directions iff `dir1 + dir2 == 0'                      */
  typedef enum  AF_Direction_
    AF_DIR_NONE  =  4,
    AF_DIR_RIGHT =  1,
    AF_DIR_LEFT  = -1,
    AF_DIR_UP    =  2,
    AF_DIR_DOWN  = -2

  } AF_Direction;

   *  The following explanations are mostly taken from the article
   *    Real-Time Grid Fitting of Typographic Outlines
   *  by David Turner and Werner Lemberg
   *   http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb24-3/lemberg.pdf
   *  Segments
   *    `af_{cjk,latin,...}_hints_compute_segments' are the functions to
   *    find segments in an outline.  A segment is a series of consecutive
   *    points that are approximately aligned along a coordinate axis.  The
   *    analysis to do so is specific to a script.
   *    A segment must have at least two points, except in the case of
   *    `fake' segments that are generated to hint metrics appropriately,
   *    and which consist of a single point.
   *  Edges
   *    As soon as segments are defined, the auto-hinter groups them into
   *    edges.  An edge corresponds to a single position on the main
   *    dimension that collects one or more segments (allowing for a small
   *    threshold).
   *    The auto-hinter first tries to grid fit edges, then to align
   *    segments on the edges unless it detects that they form a serif.
   *    `af_{cjk,latin,...}_hints_compute_edges' are the functions to find
   *    edges; they are specific to a script.
   *                      A          H
   *                       |        |
   *                       |        |
   *                       |        |
   *                       |        |
   *         C             |        |             F
   *          +------<-----+        +-----<------+
   *          |             B      G             |
   *          |                                  |
   *          |                                  |
   *          +--------------->------------------+
   *         D                                    E
   *  Stems
   *    Segments need to be `linked' to other ones in order to detect stems.
   *    A stem is made of two segments that face each other in opposite
   *    directions and that are sufficiently close to each other.  Using
   *    vocabulary from the TrueType specification, stem segments form a
   *    `black distance'.
   *    In the above ASCII drawing, the horizontal segments are BC, DE, and
   *    FG; the vertical segments are AB, CD, EF, and GH.
   *    Each segment has at most one `best' candidate to form a black
   *    distance, or no candidate at all.  Notice that two distinct segments
   *    can have the same candidate, which frequently means a serif.
   *    A stem is recognized by the following condition:
   *      best segment_1 = segment_2 && best segment_2 = segment_1
   *    The best candidate is stored in field `link' in structure
   *    `AF_Segment'.
   *    Stems are detected by `af_{cjk,latin,...}_hint_edges'.
   *    In the above ASCII drawing, the best candidate for both AB and CD is
   *    GH, while the best candidate for GH is AB.  Similarly, the best
   *    candidate for EF and GH is AB, while the best candidate for AB is
   *    GH.
   *  Serifs
   *    On the opposite, a serif has
   *      best segment_1 = segment_2 && best segment_2 != segment_1
   *    where segment_1 corresponds to the serif segment (CD and EF in the
   *    above ASCII drawing).
   *    The best candidate is stored in field `serif' in structure
   *    `AF_Segment' (and `link' is set to NULL).
   *    Serifs are detected by `af_{cjk,latin,...}_hint_edges'.
   *  Touched points
   *    A point is called `touched' if it has been processed somehow by the
   *    auto-hinter.  It basically means that it shouldn't be moved again
   *    (or moved only under certain constraints to preserve the already
   *    applied processing).
   *  Flat and round segments
   *    Segments are `round' or `flat', depending on the series of points
   *    that define them.  A segment is round if the next and previous point
   *    of an extremum (which can be either a single point or sequence of
   *    points) are both conic or cubic control points.  Otherwise, a
   *    segment with an extremum is flat.
   *  Strong Points
   *    Experience has shown that points which are not part of an edge need
   *    to be interpolated linearly between their two closest edges, even if
   *    these are not part of the contour of those particular points.
   *    Typical candidates for this are
   *    - angle points (i.e., points where the `in' and `out' direction
   *      differ greatly)
   *    - inflection points (i.e., where the `in' and `out' angles are the
   *      same, but the curvature changes sign)
   *    `af_glyph_hints_align_strong_points' is the function which takes
   *    care of such situations; it is equivalent to the TrueType `IP'
   *    hinting instruction.
   *  Weak Points
   *    Other points in the outline must be interpolated using the
   *    coordinates of their previous and next unfitted contour neighbours.
   *    These are called `weak points' and are touched by the function
   *    `af_glyph_hints_align_weak_points', equivalent to the TrueType `IUP'
   *    hinting instruction.  Typical candidates are control points and
   *    points on the contour without a major direction.
   *    The major effect is to reduce possible distortion caused by
   *    alignment of edges and strong points, thus weak points are processed
   *    after strong points.

  /* point hint flags */
  typedef enum  AF_Flags_
    AF_FLAG_NONE = 0,

    /* point type flags */
    AF_FLAG_CONIC   = 1 << 0,
    AF_FLAG_CUBIC   = 1 << 1,

    /* point extremum flags */
    AF_FLAG_EXTREMA_X = 1 << 2,
    AF_FLAG_EXTREMA_Y = 1 << 3,

    /* point roundness flags */
    AF_FLAG_ROUND_X = 1 << 4,
    AF_FLAG_ROUND_Y = 1 << 5,

    /* point touch flags */
    AF_FLAG_TOUCH_X = 1 << 6,
    AF_FLAG_TOUCH_Y = 1 << 7,

    /* candidates for weak interpolation have this flag set */

    /* all inflection points in the outline have this flag set */

  } AF_Flags;

  /* edge hint flags */
  typedef enum  AF_Edge_Flags_
    AF_EDGE_ROUND  = 1 << 0,
    AF_EDGE_SERIF  = 1 << 1,
    AF_EDGE_DONE   = 1 << 2

  } AF_Edge_Flags;

  typedef struct AF_PointRec_*    AF_Point;
  typedef struct AF_SegmentRec_*  AF_Segment;
  typedef struct AF_EdgeRec_*     AF_Edge;

  typedef struct  AF_PointRec_
    FT_UShort  flags;    /* point flags used by hinter   */
    FT_Char    in_dir;   /* direction of inwards vector  */
    FT_Char    out_dir;  /* direction of outwards vector */

    FT_Pos     ox, oy;   /* original, scaled position                   */
    FT_Short   fx, fy;   /* original, unscaled position (font units)    */
    FT_Pos     x, y;     /* current position                            */
    FT_Pos     u, v;     /* current (x,y) or (y,x) depending on context */

    AF_Point   next;     /* next point in contour     */
    AF_Point   prev;     /* previous point in contour */

  } AF_PointRec;

  typedef struct  AF_SegmentRec_
    FT_Byte     flags;       /* edge/segment flags for this segment */
    FT_Char     dir;         /* segment direction                   */
    FT_Short    pos;         /* position of segment                 */
    FT_Short    min_coord;   /* minimum coordinate of segment       */
    FT_Short    max_coord;   /* maximum coordinate of segment       */
    FT_Short    height;      /* the hinted segment height           */

    AF_Edge     edge;        /* the segment's parent edge           */
    AF_Segment  edge_next;   /* link to next segment in parent edge */

    AF_Segment  link;        /* (stem) link segment        */
    AF_Segment  serif;       /* primary segment for serifs */
    FT_Pos      num_linked;  /* number of linked segments  */
    FT_Pos      score;       /* used during stem matching  */
    FT_Pos      len;         /* used during stem matching  */

    AF_Point    first;       /* first point in edge segment             */
    AF_Point    last;        /* last point in edge segment              */
    AF_Point*   contour;     /* ptr to first point of segment's contour */

  } AF_SegmentRec;

  typedef struct  AF_EdgeRec_
    FT_Short    fpos;       /* original, unscaled position (font units) */
    FT_Pos      opos;       /* original, scaled position                */
    FT_Pos      pos;        /* current position                         */

    FT_Byte     flags;      /* edge flags                                   */
    FT_Char     dir;        /* edge direction                               */
    FT_Fixed    scale;      /* used to speed up interpolation between edges */
    AF_Width    blue_edge;  /* non-NULL if this is a blue edge              */

    AF_Edge     link;       /* link edge                 */
    AF_Edge     serif;      /* primary edge for serifs   */
    FT_Short    num_linked; /* number of linked edges    */
    FT_Int      score;      /* used during stem matching */

    AF_Segment  first;      /* first segment in edge */
    AF_Segment  last;       /* last segment in edge  */

  } AF_EdgeRec;

  typedef struct  AF_AxisHintsRec_
    FT_Int        num_segments; /* number of used segments      */
    FT_Int        max_segments; /* number of allocated segments */
    AF_Segment    segments;     /* segments array               */
    FT_Int        mid_segments;

    FT_Int        num_edges;    /* number of used edges      */
    FT_Int        max_edges;    /* number of allocated edges */
    AF_Edge       edges;        /* edges array               */

    AF_Direction  major_dir;    /* either vertical or horizontal */

  } AF_AxisHintsRec, *AF_AxisHints;

  typedef struct  AF_GlyphHintsRec_
    FT_Memory         memory;

    FT_Fixed          x_scale;
    FT_Pos            x_delta;

    FT_Fixed          y_scale;
    FT_Pos            y_delta;

    FT_Int            max_points;    /* number of allocated points */
    FT_Int            num_points;    /* number of used points      */
    AF_Point          points;        /* points array               */

    FT_Int            max_contours;  /* number of allocated contours */
    FT_Int            num_contours;  /* number of used contours      */
    AF_Point*         contours;      /* contours array               */

    AF_AxisHintsRec   axis[AF_DIMENSION_MAX];

    FT_UInt32         scaler_flags;  /* copy of scaler flags     */
    FT_UInt32         other_flags;   /* free for script-specific */
                                     /* implementations          */
    AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics;

    FT_Pos            xmin_delta;    /* used for warping */
    FT_Pos            xmax_delta;

  } AF_GlyphHintsRec;

#define AF_HINTS_TEST_SCALER( h, f )  ( (h)->scaler_flags & (f) )
#define AF_HINTS_TEST_OTHER( h, f )   ( (h)->other_flags  & (f) )


#define AF_HINTS_DO_HORIZONTAL( h )                                     \
          ( !_af_debug_disable_horz_hints                            && \

#define AF_HINTS_DO_VERTICAL( h )                                     \
          ( !_af_debug_disable_vert_hints                          && \

#define AF_HINTS_DO_ADVANCE( h )                                \

#define AF_HINTS_DO_BLUES( h )  ( !_af_debug_disable_blue_hints )

#else /* !FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT */

#define AF_HINTS_DO_HORIZONTAL( h )                                \

#define AF_HINTS_DO_VERTICAL( h )                                \

#define AF_HINTS_DO_ADVANCE( h )                                \

#define AF_HINTS_DO_BLUES( h )  1

#endif /* !FT_DEBUG_AUTOFIT */

  FT_LOCAL( AF_Direction )
  af_direction_compute( FT_Pos  dx,
                        FT_Pos  dy );

  FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
  af_axis_hints_new_segment( AF_AxisHints  axis,
                             FT_Memory     memory,
                             AF_Segment   *asegment );

  FT_LOCAL( FT_Error)
  af_axis_hints_new_edge( AF_AxisHints  axis,
                          FT_Int        fpos,
                          AF_Direction  dir,
                          FT_Memory     memory,
                          AF_Edge      *edge );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_init( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                       FT_Memory      memory );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_rescale( AF_GlyphHints     hints,
                          AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics );

  FT_LOCAL( FT_Error )
  af_glyph_hints_reload( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                         FT_Outline*    outline );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_save( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                       FT_Outline*    outline );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_align_edge_points( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                                    AF_Dimension   dim );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_align_strong_points( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                                      AF_Dimension   dim );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_align_weak_points( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                                    AF_Dimension   dim );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_scale_dim( AF_GlyphHints  hints,
                            AF_Dimension   dim,
                            FT_Fixed       scale,
                            FT_Pos         delta );

  FT_LOCAL( void )
  af_glyph_hints_done( AF_GlyphHints  hints );

/* */

#define AF_SEGMENT_LEN( seg )          ( (seg)->max_coord - (seg)->min_coord )

#define AF_SEGMENT_DIST( seg1, seg2 )  ( ( (seg1)->pos > (seg2)->pos )   \
                                           ? (seg1)->pos - (seg2)->pos   \
                                           : (seg2)->pos - (seg1)->pos )


#endif /* __AFHINTS_H__ */

/* END */