Add support for infinite fly time of jetpack and Birdy
module Test whereimport Control.Monadimport Data.Wordimport qualified Data.IntSet as ISdata OP = Sum | Mul | Sub deriving ShowgenOps :: Int -> [[OP]]genOps 1 = [[Sum], [Mul], [Sub]]genOps n = [a : as | a <- [Sum, Mul, Sub], as <- genOps (n - 1)]genPos :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]genPos m 1 = map (:[]) [-m..m - 1]genPos m n = [a : as | a <- [-m..m - 1], as <- genPos m (n - 1)]hash :: [Int] -> [OP] -> [Int] -> Inthash poss op s = foldl applyOp s' (zip ss op) where applyOp v (n, Sum) = (v + n) `mod` 256 applyOp v (n, Mul) = (v * n) `mod` 256 applyOp v (n, Sub) = (v - n) `mod` 256 (s' : ss) = map (\p -> if p >= 0 then s !! p else s !! (l + p)) poss l = length stest = do a <- liftM lines getContents let w = minimum $ map length a let opsNum = 4 let opsList = genOps (opsNum - 1) let posList = genPos w opsNum let target = length a let wordsList = map (map fromEnum) a let hashedSize = IS.size . IS.fromList print $ length a putStrLn . unlines . map show $ filter (\l -> fst l == length a) $ [(hs, (p, o)) | p <- posList, o <- opsList, let hs = hashedSize . map (hash p o) $ wordsList]didIunderstand' = do a <- liftM lines getContents print $ length a print . IS.size . IS.fromList . map (testHash . map fromEnum) $ a where testHash s = let l = length s in ( (s !! (l - 2) * s !! 1) + s !! (l - 1) - s !! 0 ) `mod` 256