passing by reference... my darkest enemy
actual reason below:
In your case (without reference) the compiler generates a temporary object (int) for the first argument of your MyApplication constructor. You pass this temporary int to QApplication’s constructor (with int reference), which saves the address of this reference. Once your MyApplication constructor is done the temporary int is destroyed but QApplication still has its address.
** $Id: ltm.c,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** Tag methods
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#include <string.h>
#define ltm_c
#define LUA_CORE
#include "lua.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "ltable.h"
#include "ltm.h"
const char *const luaT_typenames[] = {
"nil", "boolean", "userdata", "number",
"string", "table", "function", "userdata", "thread",
"proto", "upval"
void luaT_init (lua_State *L) {
static const char *const luaT_eventname[] = { /* ORDER TM */
"__index", "__newindex",
"__gc", "__mode", "__eq",
"__add", "__sub", "__mul", "__div", "__mod",
"__pow", "__unm", "__len", "__lt", "__le",
"__concat", "__call"
int i;
for (i=0; i<TM_N; i++) {
G(L)->tmname[i] = luaS_new(L, luaT_eventname[i]);
luaS_fix(G(L)->tmname[i]); /* never collect these names */
** function to be used with macro "fasttm": optimized for absence of
** tag methods
const TValue *luaT_gettm (Table *events, TMS event, TString *ename) {
const TValue *tm = luaH_getstr(events, ename);
lua_assert(event <= TM_EQ);
if (ttisnil(tm)) { /* no tag method? */
events->flags |= cast_byte(1u<<event); /* cache this fact */
return NULL;
else return tm;
const TValue *luaT_gettmbyobj (lua_State *L, const TValue *o, TMS event) {
Table *mt;
switch (ttype(o)) {
mt = hvalue(o)->metatable;
mt = uvalue(o)->metatable;
mt = G(L)->mt[ttype(o)];
return (mt ? luaH_getstr(mt, G(L)->tmname[event]) : luaO_nilobject);