author Wuzzy <>
Tue, 28 Aug 2018 05:46:33 +0200
changeset 13710 0da36902e5b6
parent 11652 09ebdfe364d9
child 14250 a7320c65f484
permissions -rw-r--r--
Space Invasion: Continue playing rounds in case the teams are tied at the end Rules in case of a tie: 1) Eliminate all teams not tied for the lead 2) Play another round with the remaining teams 3) Check for the winner again at the end of that round. If there's another tie, repeat the procedure

#include "misc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

char strbuf[512];

void fpcrtl_assert(int i)

// EFFECTS: return the nearest integer of the given number
int fpcrtl_round(double number)
    return (number >= 0) ? (int)(number + 0.5) : (int)(number - 0.5);

void fpcrtl_printf(const char* format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start (args, format);
    vprintf (format, args);
    va_end (args);

//void fpcrtl_check_string(string255 str)
//    int len = strlen(str.str);
//    if(len != str.len){
//        printf("String %s internal inconsistency error. Length should be %d but actually is %d.\n", str.str, len, str.len);
//    }
//    //assert(len == str.len);

string255 fpcrtl_strconcat(string255 str1, string255 str2)
    int newlen = str1.len + str2.len;
    if(newlen > 255) newlen = 255;

    memcpy(&(str1.str[str1.len]), str2.str, newlen - str1.len);
    str1.len = newlen;

    return str1;

astring fpcrtl_strconcatA(astring str1, astring str2)
    int newlen = str1.len + str2.len;

    memcpy(&(str1.s[str1.len + 1]), &str2.s[1], newlen - str1.len);
    str1.len = newlen;

    return str1;

string255 fpcrtl_strappend(string255 s, char c)
    if(s.len < 255)
        s.s[s.len] = c;

    return s;

astring fpcrtl_strappendA(astring s, char c)
        s.s[s.len] = c;

    return s;

string255 fpcrtl_strprepend(char c, string255 s)
    uint8_t newlen = s.len < 255 ? s.len + 1 : 255;
    memmove(s.str + 1, s.str, newlen); // also move '/0'
    s.str[0] = c;
    s.len = newlen;

    return s;

string255 fpcrtl_chrconcat(char a, char b)
    string255 result;

    result.len = 2;
    result.str[0] = a;
    result.str[1] = b;

    return result;

bool fpcrtl_strcompare(string255 str1, string255 str2)
    return memcmp(str1.s, str2.s, str1.len + 1) == 0;

bool fpcrtl_strcomparec(string255 a, char b)
    if(a.len == 1 && a.str[0] == b){
        return true;

    return false;

bool fpcrtl_strncompare(string255 a, string255 b)
    return !fpcrtl_strcompare(a, b);

bool fpcrtl_strncompareA(astring a, astring b)
    return (a.len != b.len) || (memcmp(a.s, b.s, a.len) != 0);

string255 fpcrtl_pchar2str(const char *s)
    string255 result;

        result.len = 0;
    } else
        int rlen = strlen(s);

        if(rlen > 255){
            rlen = 255;

        result.len = rlen;
        memcpy(result.str, s, rlen);

    return result;

string255 fpcrtl_make_string(const char* s) {
    return fpcrtl_pchar2str(s);

astring fpcrtl_pchar2astr(const char *s)
    astring result;
    int rlen = strlen(s);


    result.len = rlen;
    memcpy(result.s + 1, s, rlen);

    return result;

astring fpcrtl_str2astr(const string255 s)
    astring result;

    result.str255 = s;
    result.len = s.len;

    return result;

string255 fpcrtl_astr2str(const astring s)
    string255 result;

    result = s.str255;
    result.len = s.len > 255 ? 255 : s.len;

    return result;

char __pcharBuf[256];

char* fpcrtl__pchar__vars(const string255 * s)
    memcpy(__pcharBuf, &s->s[1], s->len);
    __pcharBuf[s->len] = 0;
    return __pcharBuf;

char* fpcrtl__pcharA__vars(astring * s)
    if(s->len == MAX_ANSISTRING_LENGTH)

    s->s[s->len + 1] = 0;
    return &s->s[1];

GLenum glewInit()
    return GLEW_OK;