author koda
Sun, 06 Nov 2011 17:43:57 +0100
changeset 6301 1259736c0134
parent 6277 627b5752733a
child 6307 25cfd9f4a567
permissions -rw-r--r--
engine interaction class refactoring, round 4 or 5, can't remember: this time use the class methods to create an instance object and operates on that, reducing the number of arguments between methods and simplifying memory management

module Pas2C where

import PascalParser
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char

pascal2C :: PascalUnit -> Doc
pascal2C (Unit unitName interface implementation init fin) = implementation2C implementation

implementation2C :: Implementation -> Doc
implementation2C (Implementation uses tvars) = typesAndVars2C tvars

typesAndVars2C :: TypesAndVars -> Doc
typesAndVars2C (TypesAndVars ts) = vcat $ map tvar2C ts

tvar2C :: TypeVarDeclaration -> Doc
tvar2C (FunctionDeclaration (Identifier name) (Identifier returnType) Nothing) = 
    text $ maybeVoid returnType ++ " " ++ name ++ "();"

tvar2C (FunctionDeclaration (Identifier name) (Identifier returnType) (Just phrase)) = 
    text (maybeVoid returnType ++ " " ++ name ++ "()") 
    phrase2C phrase
tvar2C _ = empty

phrase2C :: Phrase -> Doc
phrase2C (Phrases p) = braces . nest 4 . vcat . map phrase2C $ p
phrase2C (ProcCall (Identifier name) params) = text name <> parens (hsep . punctuate (char ',') . map expr2C $ params) <> semi
phrase2C (IfThenElse (expr) phrase1 mphrase2) = text "if" <> parens (expr2C expr) $$ (braces . nest 4 . phrase2C) phrase1 $+$ elsePart
    elsePart | isNothing mphrase2 = empty
             | otherwise = text "else" $$ (braces . nest 4 . phrase2C) (fromJust mphrase2)
phrase2C (Assignment ref expr) = ref2C ref <> text " = " <> expr2C expr <> semi
phrase2C (WhileCycle expr phrase) = text "while" <> parens (expr2C expr) $$ nest 4 (phrase2C phrase)
phrase2C (SwitchCase expr cases mphrase) = text "switch" <> parens (expr2C expr) <> text "of" $$ (nest 4 . vcat . map case2C) cases
    case2C :: (Expression, Phrase) -> Doc
    case2C (e, p) = text "case" <+> parens (expr2C e) <> char ':' <> nest 4 (phrase2C p $$ text "break;")
        | RepeatCycle Expression Phrase
        | ForCycle
        | SwitchCase Expression [(Expression, Phrase)] (Maybe Phrase)
        | Assignment Identifier Expression
phrase2C _ = empty

ref2C :: Reference -> Doc
ref2C (ArrayElement (Identifier name) expr) = text name <> brackets (expr2C expr)
ref2C (SimpleReference (Identifier name)) = text name
ref2C (RecordField ref1 ref2) = ref2C ref1 <> text "." <> ref2C ref2
ref2C (Dereference ref) = parens $ text "*" <> ref2C ref

expr2C :: Expression -> Doc
expr2C (Expression s) = text s
expr2C (FunCall ref params) = ref2C ref <> parens (hsep . punctuate (char ',') . map expr2C $ params)
expr2C (BinOp op expr1 expr2) = (expr2C expr1) <+> op2C op <+> (expr2C expr2)
expr2C (NumberLiteral s) = text s
expr2C (HexNumber s) = text "0x" <> (text . map toLower $ s)
expr2C (StringLiteral s) = doubleQuotes $ text s 
expr2C (Address ref) = text "&" <> ref2C ref
expr2C (Reference ref) = ref2C ref

    | PrefixOp String Expression
    | PostfixOp String Expression
    | CharCode String
expr2C _ = empty

op2C "or" = text "|"
op2C "and" = text "&"
op2C "div" = text "/"
op2C "mod" = text "%"
op2C "<>" = text "!="
op2C "=" = text "=="
op2C a = text a

maybeVoid "" = "void"
maybeVoid a = a