Add a couple of more variable bindings, make all the set visual gear values optional, to allow skipping trailing params or specifying ones in the middle as nil to not set. Should make using it more convenient in simple cases.
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */#include <QLabel>#include <QGridLayout>#include <QHBoxLayout>#include <QGraphicsScene>#include <QGroupBox>#include <QSizePolicy>#include "pagegamestats.h"#include "team.h"FitGraphicsView::FitGraphicsView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent){}void FitGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event){ Q_UNUSED(event); fitInView(sceneRect());}QLayout * PageGameStats::bodyLayoutDefinition(){ kindOfPoints = QString(""); defaultGraphTitle = true; QGridLayout * pageLayout = new QGridLayout(); pageLayout->setSpacing(20); pageLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 1); pageLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1); pageLayout->setRowStretch(0, 1); pageLayout->setRowStretch(1, 20); //pageLayout->setRowStretch(1, -1); this should work but there is unnecessary empty space betwin lines if used pageLayout->setContentsMargins(7, 7, 7, 0); QGroupBox * gb = new QGroupBox(this); QVBoxLayout * gbl = new QVBoxLayout; // details labelGameStats = new QLabel(this); QLabel * l = new QLabel(this); l->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); l->setText("<h1><img src=\":/res/StatsD.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Details") + "</h1>"); l->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); labelGameStats->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); labelGameStats->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); labelGameStats->setWordWrap(true); gbl->addWidget(l); gbl->addWidget(labelGameStats); gb->setLayout(gbl); pageLayout->addWidget(gb, 1, 1); // graph graphic = new FitGraphicsView(gb); labelGraphTitle = new QLabel(this); labelGraphTitle->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); labelGraphTitle->setText("<br><h1><img src=\":/res/StatsH.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Health graph") + "</h1>"); labelGraphTitle->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); gbl->addWidget(labelGraphTitle); gbl->addWidget(graphic); graphic->scale(1.0, -1.0); graphic->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); labelGameWin = new QLabel(this); labelGameWin->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); pageLayout->addWidget(labelGameWin, 0, 0, 1, 2); // ranking box gb = new QGroupBox(this); gbl = new QVBoxLayout; labelGameRank = new QLabel(gb); l = new QLabel(this); l->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); l->setText("<h1><img src=\":/res/StatsR.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Ranking") + "</h1>"); l->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); gbl->addWidget(l); gbl->addWidget(labelGameRank); gb->setLayout(gbl); labelGameRank->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); labelGameRank->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); pageLayout->addWidget(gb, 1, 0); return pageLayout;}//TODO button placement, image etcQLayout * PageGameStats::footerLayoutDefinition(){ QHBoxLayout * bottomLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); mainNote = new QLabel(this); mainNote->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); mainNote->setWordWrap(true); bottomLayout->addWidget(mainNote, 0); bottomLayout->setStretch(0,1); btnRestart = addButton(":/res/Start.png", bottomLayout, 1, true); btnRestart->setWhatsThis(tr("Play again")); btnRestart->setFixedWidth(58); btnRestart->setFixedHeight(81); btnRestart->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{margin-top:24px}"); btnSave = addButton(":/res/Save.png", bottomLayout, 2, true); btnSave->setWhatsThis(tr("Save")); btnSave->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{margin: 24px 0 0 0;}"); return bottomLayout;}void PageGameStats::connectSignals(){ connect(this, SIGNAL(pageEnter()), this, SLOT(renderStats())); connect(btnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(saveDemoRequested())); connect(btnRestart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(restartGameRequested()));}PageGameStats::PageGameStats(QWidget* parent) : AbstractPage(parent){ initPage();}void PageGameStats::AddStatText(const QString & msg){ labelGameStats->setText(labelGameStats->text() + msg);}void PageGameStats::clear(){ labelGameStats->setText(""); healthPoints.clear(); labelGameRank->setText(""); playerPosition = 0; lastColor = 0;}void PageGameStats::restartBtnVisible(bool visible){ btnRestart->setVisible(visible);}void PageGameStats::renderStats(){ graphic->show(); labelGraphTitle-> show(); if(defaultGraphTitle) { labelGraphTitle->setText("<br><h1><img src=\":/res/StatsH.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Health graph") + "</h1>"); } else { defaultGraphTitle = true; } // if not health data sent if(healthPoints.size() == 0) { labelGraphTitle->hide(); graphic->hide(); } else { QGraphicsScene * scene = new QGraphicsScene(); QMap<quint32, QVector<quint32> >::const_iterator i = healthPoints.constBegin(); while (i != healthPoints.constEnd()) { quint32 c = i.key(); //QColor clanColor = QColor(qRgb((c >> 16) & 255, (c >> 8) & 255, c & 255)); QVector<quint32> hps = i.value(); QPainterPath path; if (hps.size()) path.moveTo(0, hps[0]); for(int t = 1; t < hps.size(); ++t) path.lineTo(t, hps[t]); scene->addPath(path, QPen(c)); ++i; } graphic->setScene(scene); graphic->fitInView(graphic->sceneRect()); }}void PageGameStats::GameStats(char type, const QString & info){ switch(type) { case 'r' : { labelGameWin->setText(QString("<h1 align=\"center\">%1</h1>").arg(info)); break; } case 'D' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsBestShot.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("The best shot award was won by <b>%1</b> with <b>%2</b> pts.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1), info.left(i)) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'k' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsBestKiller.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("The best killer is <b>%1</b> with <b>%2</b> kills in a turn.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1), info.left(i)) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'K' : { int num = info.toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsHedgehogsKilled.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("A total of <b>%1</b> hedgehog(s) were killed during this round.", "", num).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'H' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); quint32 clan = info.left(i).toInt(); quint32 hp = info.mid(i + 1).toUInt(); healthPoints[clan].append(hp); break; } case 'g' : { // TODO: change default picture or add change pic capability defaultGraphTitle = false; labelGraphTitle->setText("<br><h1><img src=\":/res/StatsR.png\"> " + info + "</h1>"); break; } case 'T': // local team stats { //AddStatText("<p>local team: " + info + "</p>"); QStringList infol = info.split(":"); HWTeam team(infol[0]); if(team.fileExists()) // do some better test to avoid influence from scripted/predefined teams? { team.loadFromFile(); team.incRounds(); if(infol[1].toInt() > 0) // might require some better test for winning condition (or changed flag) ... WIP! team.incWins(); // should draws count as wins? //team.SaveToFile(); // don't save yet } break; } case 'p' : { kindOfPoints = info; break; } case 'P' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); playerPosition++; QString color = info.left(i); quint32 c = color.toInt(); QColor clanColor = QColor(qRgb((c >> 16) & 255, (c >> 8) & 255, c & 255)); QString playerinfo = info.mid(i + 1); i = playerinfo.indexOf(' '); int kills = playerinfo.left(i).toInt(); QString playername = playerinfo.mid(i + 1); QString image; if (lastColor == c) playerPosition--; lastColor = c; switch (playerPosition) { case 1: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal1.png\">"; break; case 2: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal2.png\">"; break; case 3: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal3.png\">"; break; default: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal4.png\">"; break; } QString message; QString killstring; if("") == 0) { killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%1 kill)", "", kills).arg(kills); } else { killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%1 %2)", "", kills).arg(kills).arg(kindOfPoints); kindOfPoints = QString(""); } message = QString("<p><h2>%1 %2. <font color=\"%4\">%3</font> ").arg(image, QString::number(playerPosition), playername, + killstring + "</h2></p>"; labelGameRank->setText(labelGameRank->text() + message); break; } case 's' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsMostSelfDamage.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("<b>%1</b> thought it's good to shoot his own hedgehogs with <b>%2</b> pts.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1)).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'S' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsSelfKilled.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("<b>%1</b> killed <b>%2</b> of his own hedgehogs.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1)).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'B' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsSkipped.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("<b>%1</b> was scared and skipped turn <b>%2</b> times.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1)).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'c' : { QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsCustomAchievement.png\"> "+info+" </p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } }}