author dag10
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 21:52:49 -0500
changeset 8424 225ede46e3dc
parent 8387 f9d1191476ce
child 8902 a94c074fd483
permissions -rw-r--r--
On pagenetgame, when window is too small the map/game options becomes a tabbed interface to allow for a few lines of chat to always be visible. Restored HWForm's min height to 580. Fixed the 2px alignment issue with the map list and map previews' top edges that unC0Rr was whining about. <3

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA


#include "igbox.h"
#include "AbstractPage.h"

#include <QString>

class GameUIConfig;
class FPSEdit;
class QSignalMapper;
class KeyBinder;
class QGridLayout;

// Let's stay D-R-Y
class OptionGroupBox : public IconedGroupBox

        OptionGroupBox(const QString & iconName,
                       const QString & title,
                       QWidget * parent = 0);
        QGridLayout * layout();
        void addDivider();

        QGridLayout * m_layout;

class PageOptions : public AbstractPage

        enum ProxyTypes {
            NoProxy      = 0,
            SystemProxy  = 1,
            Socks5Proxy  = 2,
            HTTPProxy    = 3

        PageOptions(QWidget* parent = 0);

        QCheckBox *WeaponTooltip;
        QPushButton *WeaponNew;
        QPushButton *WeaponEdit;
        QPushButton *WeaponDelete;
        QComboBox *WeaponsName;
        QPushButton *SchemeNew;
        QPushButton *SchemeEdit;
        QPushButton *SchemeDelete;
        QComboBox *SchemesName;

        QComboBox *CBLanguage;

        IconedGroupBox *teamsBox;
        QPushButton *BtnAssociateFiles;
        QComboBox *CBTeamName;
        IconedGroupBox *AGGroupBox;
        QComboBox *CBResolution;
        QLineEdit *windowWidthEdit;
        QLineEdit *windowHeightEdit;
        QComboBox *CBStereoMode;
        QCheckBox *CBFrontendSound;
        QCheckBox *CBFrontendMusic;
        QCheckBox *CBSound;
        QCheckBox *CBMusic;
        QCheckBox *CBFullscreen;
        QCheckBox *CBFrontendFullscreen;
        QCheckBox *CBShowFPS;
        QCheckBox *CBSavePassword;
        QCheckBox *CBAltDamage;
        QCheckBox *CBNameWithDate;
#ifdef __APPLE__
        QCheckBox *CBAutoUpdate;
        QPushButton *BtnUpdateNow;

        FPSEdit *fpsedit;
        QLabel *labelNN;
        QSlider *SLVolume;
        QLabel *lblVolumeLevel;
        QLineEdit *editNetNick;
        QLineEdit *editNetPassword;
        QSlider *SLQuality;
        QCheckBox *CBFrontendEffects;
        QComboBox * cbProxyType;
        QSpinBox * sbProxyPort;
        QLineEdit * leProxy;
        QLineEdit * leProxyLogin;
        QLineEdit * leProxyPassword;

        QComboBox  *framerateBox;
        QSpinBox  *bitrateBox;
        QLineEdit *widthEdit;
        QLineEdit *heightEdit;
        QCheckBox *checkUseGameRes;
        QCheckBox *checkRecordAudio;

        QString format()
        { return comboAVFormats->itemData(comboAVFormats->currentIndex()).toString(); }

        QString videoCodec()
        { return comboVideoCodecs->itemData(comboVideoCodecs->currentIndex()).toString(); }

        QString audioCodec()
        { return comboAudioCodecs->itemData(comboAudioCodecs->currentIndex()).toString(); }

        void setDefaultCodecs();
        bool tryCodecs(const QString & format, const QString & vcodec, const QString & acodec);
        void setConfig(GameUIConfig * config);

        void setTeamOptionsEnabled(bool enabled);

        void newTeamRequested();
        void editTeamRequested(const QString & teamName);
        void deleteTeamRequested(const QString & teamName);

        QLayout * bodyLayoutDefinition();
        QLayout * footerLayoutDefinition();
        void connectSignals();
        int resetBindToDefault(int bindID);
        void setupTabPage(QWidget * tabpage, QVBoxLayout ** leftColumn, QVBoxLayout ** rightColumn);

        bool previousFullscreenValue;
        int previousResolutionIndex;
        int previousQuality;
        QLabel *LblNoEditTeam;
        QPushButton *BtnNewTeam;
        QPushButton *BtnEditTeam;
        QPushButton *BtnDeleteTeam;
        QList<QPushButton *> m_colorButtons;

        QComboBox *comboAVFormats;
        QComboBox *comboVideoCodecs;
        QComboBox *comboAudioCodecs;
        QPushButton *btnDefaults;
        QPushButton *btnUpdateNow;
        GameUIConfig * config;
        KeyBinder * binder;
        int currentTab;
        int binderTab;

        QLabel * lblFullScreenRes;
        QLabel * lblWinScreenRes;
        QWidget * winResContainer;

    private slots:
        void forceFullscreen(int index);
        void setFullscreen(int state);
        void setResolution(int state);
        void setQuality(int value);
        void trimNetNick();
        void requestEditSelectedTeam();
        void requestDeleteSelectedTeam();
        void savePwdChanged(int state);
        void colorButtonClicked(int i);
        void onColorModelDataChanged(const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight);
        void onProxyTypeChanged();
        void changeAVFormat(int index);
        void changeUseGameRes(int state);
        void changeRecordAudio(int state);
        void checkForUpdates();
        void tabIndexChanged(int);
        void bindUpdated(int bindID);
        void resetAllBinds();
        void setVolume(int);

    public slots:
        void setDefaultOptions();
