Some padding tweaks in options and team editor pages. Fixes insane width of context menu of hog name line edit
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "netconn_internal.h"
#include "../util/logging.h"
#include "../util/util.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
static void defaultCallback_onMessage(void *context, int msgtype, const char *msg) {
flib_log_i("Net: [%i] %s", msgtype, msg);
static void defaultCallback_onChat(void *context, const char *nick, const char *msg) {
flib_log_i("%s: %s", nick, msg);
// Change the name by suffixing it with a number. If it already ends in a number, increase that number by 1.
static void defaultCallback_onNickTaken(void *context, const char *requestedNick) {
flib_netconn *conn = context;
size_t namelen = strlen(requestedNick);
int digits = 0;
while(digits<namelen && isdigit(requestedNick[namelen-1-digits])) {
long suffix = 0;
if(digits>0) {
suffix = atol(requestedNick+namelen-digits)+1;
char *newPlayerName = flib_asprintf("%.*s%li", namelen-digits, requestedNick, suffix);
if(newPlayerName) {
flib_netconn_send_nick(conn, newPlayerName);
} else {
flib_netconn_send_quit(conn, "Nick already taken.");
// Default behavior: Quit
static void defaultCallback_onPasswordRequest(void *context, const char *requestedNick) {
flib_netconn_send_quit((flib_netconn*)context, "Authentication failed");
void netconn_clearCallbacks(flib_netconn *conn) {
flib_netconn_onMessage(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onConnected(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onDisconnected(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomlist(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomAdd(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomDelete(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomUpdate(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onClientFlags(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onChat(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onLobbyJoin(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onLobbyLeave(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomJoin(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRoomLeave(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onNickTaken(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onPasswordRequest(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onEnterRoom(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onLeaveRoom(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamAdd(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamDelete(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onRunGame(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamAccepted(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onHogCountChanged(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onTeamColorChanged(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onEngineMessage(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onSchemeChanged(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onMapChanged(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onScriptChanged(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onWeaponsetChanged(conn, NULL, NULL);
flib_netconn_onServerVar(conn, NULL, NULL);
* This macro generates a callback setter function. It uses the name of the callback to
* automatically generate the function name and the fields to set, so a consistent naming
* convention needs to be enforced (not that that is a bad thing). If null is passed as
* callback to the generated function, the defaultCb will be set instead (with conn
* as the context).
#define GENERATE_CB_SETTER(cbName, cbParameterTypes, defaultCb) \
void flib_netconn_##cbName(flib_netconn *conn, void (*callback)cbParameterTypes, void *context) { \
if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) { \
conn->cbName##Cb = callback ? callback : &defaultCb; \
conn->cbName##Ctx = callback ? context : conn; \
} \
* Generate a callback setter function like GENERATE_CB_SETTER, and automatically generate a
* no-op callback function as well that is used as default.
#define GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(cbName, cbParameterTypes) \
static void _noop_callback_##cbName cbParameterTypes {} \
GENERATE_CB_SETTER(cbName, cbParameterTypes, _noop_callback_##cbName)
GENERATE_CB_SETTER(onMessage, (void *context, int msgtype, const char *msg), defaultCallback_onMessage);
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onConnected, (void *context));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onDisconnected, (void *context, int reason, const char *message));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRoomlist, (void *context, const flib_room **rooms, int roomCount));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRoomAdd, (void *context, const flib_room *room));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRoomDelete, (void *context, const char *name));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRoomUpdate, (void *context, const char *oldName, const flib_room *room));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onClientFlags, (void *context, const char *nick, const char *flags, bool newFlagState));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER(onChat, (void *context, const char *nick, const char *msg), defaultCallback_onChat);
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onLobbyJoin, (void *context, const char *nick));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onLobbyLeave, (void *context, const char *nick, const char *partMsg));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRoomJoin, (void *context, const char *nick));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRoomLeave, (void *context, const char *nick, const char *partMessage));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER(onNickTaken, (void *context, const char *nick), defaultCallback_onNickTaken);
GENERATE_CB_SETTER(onPasswordRequest, (void *context, const char *nick), defaultCallback_onPasswordRequest);
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onEnterRoom, (void *context, bool chief));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onLeaveRoom, (void *context, int reason, const char *message));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onTeamAdd, (void *context, const flib_team *team));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onTeamDelete, (void *context, const char *teamname));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onRunGame, (void *context));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onTeamAccepted, (void *context, const char *teamName));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onHogCountChanged, (void *context, const char *teamName, int hogs));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onTeamColorChanged, (void *context, const char *teamName, int colorIndex));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onEngineMessage, (void *context, const uint8_t *message, size_t size));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onSchemeChanged, (void *context, const flib_scheme *scheme));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onMapChanged, (void *context, const flib_map *map, int changetype));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onScriptChanged, (void *context, const char *script));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onWeaponsetChanged, (void *context, const flib_weaponset *weaponset));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onServerVar, (void *context, const char *name, const char *value));