author | antonc27 <> |
Wed, 24 Feb 2016 00:33:10 +0100 | |
changeset 11572 | 28afdaa159cb |
parent 8524 | a65e9bcf0a03 |
child 12213 | bb5522e88ab2 |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
/* * ISO9660 support routines for PhysicsFS. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Christoph Nelles. */ /* !!! FIXME: this file needs Ryanification. */ /* * Handles CD-ROM disk images (and raw CD-ROM devices). * * Not supported: * - RockRidge * - Non 2048 Sectors * - UDF * * Deviations from the standard * - Ignores mandatory sort order * - Allows various invalid file names * * Problems * - Ambiguities in the standard */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" #if PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ISO9660 #include <time.h> /* cache files smaller than this completely in memory */ #define ISO9660_FULLCACHEMAXSIZE 2048 /* !!! FIXME: this is going to cause trouble. */ #pragma pack(push) /* push current alignment to stack */ #pragma pack(1) /* set alignment to 1 byte boundary */ /* This is the format as defined by the standard typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint32 lsb; PHYSFS_uint32 msb; } ISOBB32bit; // 32byte Both Byte type, means the value first in LSB then in MSB typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint16 lsb; PHYSFS_uint16 msb; } ISOBB16bit; // 16byte Both Byte type, means the value first in LSB then in MSB */ /* define better ones to simplify coding (less if's) */ #if PHYSFS_BYTEORDER == PHYSFS_LIL_ENDIAN #define ISOBB32bit(name) PHYSFS_uint32 name; PHYSFS_uint32 __dummy_##name; #define ISOBB16bit(name) PHYSFS_uint16 name; PHYSFS_uint16 __dummy_##name; #else #define ISOBB32bit(name) PHYSFS_uint32 __dummy_##name; PHYSFS_uint32 name; #define ISOBB16bit(name) PHYSFS_uint16 __dummy_##name; PHYSFS_uint16 name; #endif typedef struct { char year[4]; char month[2]; char day[2]; char hour[2]; char minute[2]; char second[2]; char centisec[2]; PHYSFS_sint8 offset; /* in 15min from GMT */ } ISO9660VolumeTimestamp; typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint8 year; PHYSFS_uint8 month; PHYSFS_uint8 day; PHYSFS_uint8 hour; PHYSFS_uint8 minute; PHYSFS_uint8 second; PHYSFS_sint8 offset; } ISO9660FileTimestamp; typedef struct { unsigned existence:1; unsigned directory:1; unsigned associated_file:1; unsigned record:1; unsigned protection:1; unsigned reserved:2; unsigned multiextent:1; } ISO9660FileFlags; typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint8 length; PHYSFS_uint8 attribute_length; ISOBB32bit(extent_location) ISOBB32bit(data_length) ISO9660FileTimestamp timestamp; ISO9660FileFlags file_flags; PHYSFS_uint8 file_unit_size; PHYSFS_uint8 gap_size; ISOBB16bit(vol_seq_no) PHYSFS_uint8 len_fi; char unused; } ISO9660RootDirectoryRecord; /* this structure is combined for all Volume descriptor types */ typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint8 type; char identifier[5]; PHYSFS_uint8 version; PHYSFS_uint8 flags; char system_identifier[32]; char volume_identifier[32]; char unused2[8]; ISOBB32bit(space_size) PHYSFS_uint8 escape_sequences[32]; ISOBB16bit(vol_set_size) ISOBB16bit(vol_seq_no) ISOBB16bit(block_size) ISOBB32bit(path_table_size) /* PHYSFS_uint32 path_table_start_lsb; // why didn't they use both byte type? PHYSFS_uint32 opt_path_table_start_lsb; PHYSFS_uint32 path_table_start_msb; PHYSFS_uint32 opt_path_table_start_msb;*/ #if PHYSFS_BYTEORDER == PHYSFS_LIL_ENDIAN PHYSFS_uint32 path_table_start; PHYSFS_uint32 opt_path_table_start; PHYSFS_uint32 unused6; PHYSFS_uint32 unused7; #else PHYSFS_uint32 unused6; PHYSFS_uint32 unused7; PHYSFS_uint32 path_table_start; PHYSFS_uint32 opt_path_table_start; #endif ISO9660RootDirectoryRecord rootdirectory; char set_identifier[128]; char publisher_identifier[128]; char preparer_identifer[128]; char application_identifier[128]; char copyright_file_identifier[37]; char abstract_file_identifier[37]; char bibliographic_file_identifier[37]; ISO9660VolumeTimestamp creation_timestamp; ISO9660VolumeTimestamp modification_timestamp; ISO9660VolumeTimestamp expiration_timestamp; ISO9660VolumeTimestamp effective_timestamp; PHYSFS_uint8 file_structure_version; char unused4; char application_use[512]; char unused5[653]; } ISO9660VolumeDescriptor; typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint8 recordlen; PHYSFS_uint8 extattributelen; ISOBB32bit(extentpos) ISOBB32bit(datalen) ISO9660FileTimestamp recordtime; ISO9660FileFlags flags; PHYSFS_uint8 file_unit_size; PHYSFS_uint8 interleave_gap; ISOBB16bit(volseqno) PHYSFS_uint8 filenamelen; char filename[222]; /* This is not exact, but makes reading easier */ } ISO9660FileDescriptor; typedef struct { ISOBB16bit(owner) ISOBB16bit(group) PHYSFS_uint16 flags; /* not implemented*/ ISO9660VolumeTimestamp create_time; /* yes, not file timestamp */ ISO9660VolumeTimestamp mod_time; ISO9660VolumeTimestamp expire_time; ISO9660VolumeTimestamp effective_time; PHYSFS_uint8 record_format; PHYSFS_uint8 record_attributes; ISOBB16bit(record_len) char system_identifier[32]; char system_use[64]; PHYSFS_uint8 version; ISOBB16bit(escape_len) char reserved[64]; /** further fields not implemented */ } ISO9660ExtAttributeRec; #pragma pack(pop) /* restore original alignment from stack */ typedef struct { PHYSFS_Io *io; PHYSFS_uint32 rootdirstart; PHYSFS_uint32 rootdirsize; PHYSFS_uint64 currpos; int isjoliet; char *path; void *mutex; } ISO9660Handle; typedef struct __ISO9660FileHandle { PHYSFS_sint64 filesize; PHYSFS_uint64 currpos; PHYSFS_uint64 startblock; ISO9660Handle *isohandle; PHYSFS_uint32 (*read) (struct __ISO9660FileHandle *filehandle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len); int (*seek)(struct __ISO9660FileHandle *filehandle, PHYSFS_sint64 offset); void (*close)(struct __ISO9660FileHandle *filehandle); /* !!! FIXME: anonymouse union is going to cause problems. */ union { /* !!! FIXME: just use a memory PHYSFS_Io here, unify all this code. */ char *cacheddata; /* data of file when cached */ PHYSFS_Io *io; /* handle to separate opened file */ }; } ISO9660FileHandle; /******************************************************************************* * Time conversion functions ******************************************************************************/ static PHYSFS_sint64 iso_mktime(ISO9660FileTimestamp *timestamp) { struct tm tm; tm.tm_year = timestamp->year; tm.tm_mon = timestamp->month - 1; tm.tm_mday = timestamp->day; tm.tm_hour = timestamp->hour; tm.tm_min = timestamp->minute; tm.tm_sec = timestamp->second; /* Ignore GMT offset for now... */ return mktime(&tm); } /* iso_mktime */ static int iso_atoi2(char *text) { return ((text[0] - 40) * 10) + (text[1] - 40); } /* iso_atoi2 */ static int iso_atoi4(char *text) { return ((text[0] - 40) * 1000) + ((text[1] - 40) * 100) + ((text[2] - 40) * 10) + (text[3] - 40); } /* iso_atoi4 */ static PHYSFS_sint64 iso_volume_mktime(ISO9660VolumeTimestamp *timestamp) { struct tm tm; tm.tm_year = iso_atoi4(timestamp->year); tm.tm_mon = iso_atoi2(timestamp->month) - 1; tm.tm_mday = iso_atoi2(timestamp->day); tm.tm_hour = iso_atoi2(timestamp->hour); tm.tm_min = iso_atoi2(timestamp->minute); tm.tm_sec = iso_atoi2(timestamp->second); /* this allows values outside the range of a unix timestamp... sanitize them */ PHYSFS_sint64 value = mktime(&tm); return value == -1 ? 0 : value; } /* iso_volume_mktime */ /******************************************************************************* * Filename extraction ******************************************************************************/ static int iso_extractfilenameISO(ISO9660FileDescriptor *descriptor, char *filename, int *version) { *filename = '\0'; if (descriptor-> { strncpy(filename, descriptor->filename, descriptor->filenamelen); filename[descriptor->filenamelen] = '\0'; *version = 0; } /* if */ else { /* find last SEPARATOR2 */ int pos = 0; int lastfound = -1; for(;pos < descriptor->filenamelen; pos++) if (descriptor->filename[pos] == ';') lastfound = pos; BAIL_IF_MACRO(lastfound < 1, PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH /* !!! FIXME: PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME */, -1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(lastfound == (descriptor->filenamelen -1), PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH /* !!! PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME */, -1); strncpy(filename, descriptor->filename, lastfound); if (filename[lastfound - 1] == '.') filename[lastfound - 1] = '\0'; /* consume trailing ., as done in all implementations */ else filename[lastfound] = '\0'; *version = atoi(descriptor->filename + lastfound); } /* else */ return 0; } /* iso_extractfilenameISO */ static int iso_extractfilenameUCS2(ISO9660FileDescriptor *descriptor, char *filename, int *version) { PHYSFS_uint16 tmp[128]; PHYSFS_uint16 *src; int len; *filename = '\0'; *version = 1; /* Joliet does not have versions.. at least not on my images */ src = (PHYSFS_uint16*) descriptor->filename; len = descriptor->filenamelen / 2; tmp[len] = 0; while(len--) tmp[len] = PHYSFS_swapUBE16(src[len]); PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs2(tmp, filename, 255); return 0; } /* iso_extractfilenameUCS2 */ static int iso_extractfilename(ISO9660Handle *handle, ISO9660FileDescriptor *descriptor, char *filename,int *version) { if (handle->isjoliet) return iso_extractfilenameUCS2(descriptor, filename, version); else return iso_extractfilenameISO(descriptor, filename, version); } /* iso_extractfilename */ /******************************************************************************* * Basic image read functions ******************************************************************************/ static int iso_readimage(ISO9660Handle *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 where, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(handle->mutex), ERRPASS, -1); int rc = -1; if (where != handle->currpos) GOTO_IF_MACRO(!handle->io->seek(handle->io,where), ERRPASS, unlockme); rc = handle->io->read(handle->io, buffer, len); if (rc == -1) { handle->currpos = (PHYSFS_uint64) -1; goto unlockme; } /* if */ handle->currpos += rc; unlockme: __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(handle->mutex); return rc; } /* iso_readimage */ static PHYSFS_sint64 iso_readfiledescriptor(ISO9660Handle *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 where, ISO9660FileDescriptor *descriptor) { PHYSFS_sint64 rc = iso_readimage(handle, where, descriptor, sizeof (descriptor->recordlen)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc == -1, ERRPASS, -1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc != 1, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, -1); if (descriptor->recordlen == 0) return 0; /* fill bytes at the end of a sector */ rc = iso_readimage(handle, where + 1, &descriptor->extattributelen, descriptor->recordlen - sizeof(descriptor->recordlen)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc == -1, ERRPASS, -1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc != 1, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, -1); return 0; } /* iso_readfiledescriptor */ static void iso_extractsubpath(char *path, char **subpath) { *subpath = strchr(path,'/'); if (*subpath != 0) { **subpath = 0; *subpath +=1; } /* if */ } /* iso_extractsubpath */ /* * Don't use path tables, they are not necessarily faster, but more complicated * to implement as they store only directories and not files, so searching for * a file needs to branch to the directory extent sooner or later. */ static int iso_find_dir_entry(ISO9660Handle *handle,const char *path, ISO9660FileDescriptor *descriptor, int *exists) { char *subpath = 0; PHYSFS_uint64 readpos, end_of_dir; char filename[255]; char pathcopy[256]; char *mypath; int version = 0; strcpy(pathcopy, path); mypath = pathcopy; *exists = 0; readpos = handle->rootdirstart; end_of_dir = handle->rootdirstart + handle->rootdirsize; iso_extractsubpath(mypath, &subpath); while (1) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(iso_readfiledescriptor(handle, readpos, descriptor), ERRPASS, -1); /* recordlen = 0 -> no more entries or fill entry */ if (!descriptor->recordlen) { /* if we are in the last sector of the directory & it's 0 -> end */ if ((end_of_dir - 2048) <= (readpos -1)) break; /* finished */ /* else skip to the next sector & continue; */ readpos = (((readpos - 1) / 2048) + 1) * 2048; continue; } /* if */ readpos += descriptor->recordlen; if (descriptor->filenamelen == 1 && (descriptor->filename[0] == 0 || descriptor->filename[0] == 1)) continue; /* special ones, ignore */ BAIL_IF_MACRO( iso_extractfilename(handle, descriptor, filename, &version), ERRPASS, -1); if (strcmp(filename, mypath) == 0) { if ( (subpath == 0) || (subpath[0] == 0) ) { *exists = 1; return 0; /* no subpaths left and we found the entry */ } /* if */ if (descriptor-> { /* shorten the path to the subpath */ mypath = subpath; iso_extractsubpath(mypath, &subpath); /* gosub to the new directory extent */ readpos = descriptor->extentpos * 2048; end_of_dir = readpos + descriptor->datalen; } /* if */ else { /* we're at a file but have a remaining subpath -> no match */ return 0; } /* else */ } /* if */ } /* while */ return 0; } /* iso_find_dir_entry */ static int iso_read_ext_attributes(ISO9660Handle *handle, int block, ISO9660ExtAttributeRec *attributes) { return iso_readimage(handle, block * 2048, attributes, sizeof(ISO9660ExtAttributeRec)); } /* iso_read_ext_attributes */ static int ISO9660_flush(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return 1; /* no write support. */ } static PHYSFS_Io *ISO9660_duplicate(PHYSFS_Io *_io) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, NULL); /* !!! FIXME: write me. */ } /* ISO9660_duplicate */ static void ISO9660_destroy(PHYSFS_Io *io) { ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle = (ISO9660FileHandle*) io->opaque; fhandle->close(fhandle); allocator.Free(io); } /* ISO9660_destroy */ static PHYSFS_sint64 ISO9660_read(PHYSFS_Io *io, void *buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle = (ISO9660FileHandle*) io->opaque; return fhandle->read(fhandle, buf, len); } /* ISO9660_read */ static PHYSFS_sint64 ISO9660_write(PHYSFS_Io *io, const void *b, PHYSFS_uint64 l) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, -1); } /* ISO9660_write */ static PHYSFS_sint64 ISO9660_tell(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return ((ISO9660FileHandle*) io->opaque)->currpos; } /* ISO9660_tell */ static int ISO9660_seek(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint64 offset) { ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle = (ISO9660FileHandle*) io->opaque; return fhandle->seek(fhandle, offset); } /* ISO9660_seek */ static PHYSFS_sint64 ISO9660_length(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return ((ISO9660FileHandle*) io->opaque)->filesize; } /* ISO9660_length */ static const PHYSFS_Io ISO9660_Io = { CURRENT_PHYSFS_IO_API_VERSION, NULL, ISO9660_read, ISO9660_write, ISO9660_seek, ISO9660_tell, ISO9660_length, ISO9660_duplicate, ISO9660_flush, ISO9660_destroy }; /******************************************************************************* * Archive management functions ******************************************************************************/ static void *ISO9660_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *filename, int forWriting) { char magicnumber[6]; ISO9660Handle *handle; int founddescriptor = 0; int foundjoliet = 0; assert(io != NULL); /* shouldn't ever happen. */ BAIL_IF_MACRO(forWriting, PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); /* Skip system area to magic number in Volume descriptor */ BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, 32769), ERRPASS, NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!io->read(io, magicnumber, 5) != 5, ERRPASS, NULL); if (memcmp(magicnumber, "CD001", 6) != 0) BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, NULL); handle = allocator.Malloc(sizeof(ISO9660Handle)); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!handle, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, errorcleanup); handle->path = 0; handle->mutex= 0; handle->io = NULL; handle->path = allocator.Malloc(strlen(filename) + 1); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!handle->path, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, errorcleanup); strcpy(handle->path, filename); handle->mutex = __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!handle->mutex, ERRPASS, errorcleanup); handle->io = io; /* seek Primary Volume Descriptor */ GOTO_IF_MACRO(!io->seek(io, 32768), PHYSFS_ERR_IO, errorcleanup); while (1) { ISO9660VolumeDescriptor descriptor; GOTO_IF_MACRO(io->read(io, &descriptor, sizeof(ISO9660VolumeDescriptor)) != sizeof(ISO9660VolumeDescriptor), PHYSFS_ERR_IO, errorcleanup); GOTO_IF_MACRO(strncmp(descriptor.identifier, "CD001", 5) != 0, PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, errorcleanup); if (descriptor.type == 255) { /* type 255 terminates the volume descriptor list */ if (founddescriptor) return handle; /* ok, we've found one volume descriptor */ else GOTO_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, errorcleanup); } /* if */ if (descriptor.type == 1 && !founddescriptor) { handle->currpos = io->tell(io); handle->rootdirstart = descriptor.rootdirectory.extent_location * 2048; handle->rootdirsize = descriptor.rootdirectory.data_length; handle->isjoliet = 0; founddescriptor = 1; /* continue search for joliet */ } /* if */ if (descriptor.type == 2 && !foundjoliet) { /* check if is joliet */ PHYSFS_uint8 *s = descriptor.escape_sequences; int joliet = !(descriptor.flags & 1) && (s[0] == 0x25) && (s[1] == 0x2F) && ((s[2] == 0x40) || (s[2] == 0x43) || (s[2] == 0x45)); if (!joliet) continue; handle->currpos = io->tell(io); handle->rootdirstart = descriptor.rootdirectory.extent_location * 2048; handle->rootdirsize = descriptor.rootdirectory.data_length; handle->isjoliet = 1; founddescriptor = 1; foundjoliet = 1; } /* if */ } /* while */ GOTO_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, errorcleanup); /* not found. */ errorcleanup: if (handle) { if (handle->path) allocator.Free(handle->path); if (handle->mutex) __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(handle->mutex); allocator.Free(handle); } /* if */ return NULL; } /* ISO9660_openArchive */ static void ISO9660_closeArchive(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque) { ISO9660Handle *handle = (ISO9660Handle*) opaque; handle->io->destroy(handle->io); __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(handle->mutex); allocator.Free(handle->path); allocator.Free(handle); } /* ISO9660_closeArchive */ /******************************************************************************* * Read functions ******************************************************************************/ static PHYSFS_uint32 iso_file_read_mem(ISO9660FileHandle *filehandle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { /* check remaining bytes & max obj which can be fetched */ const PHYSFS_sint64 bytesleft = filehandle->filesize - filehandle->currpos; if (bytesleft < len) len = bytesleft; if (len == 0) return 0; memcpy(buffer, filehandle->cacheddata + filehandle->currpos, (size_t) len); filehandle->currpos += len; return (PHYSFS_uint32) len; } /* iso_file_read_mem */ static int iso_file_seek_mem(ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle, PHYSFS_sint64 offset) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset < 0, PHYSFS_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset >= fhandle->filesize, PHYSFS_ERR_PAST_EOF, 0); fhandle->currpos = offset; return 0; } /* iso_file_seek_mem */ static void iso_file_close_mem(ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle) { allocator.Free(fhandle->cacheddata); allocator.Free(fhandle); } /* iso_file_close_mem */ static PHYSFS_uint32 iso_file_read_foreign(ISO9660FileHandle *filehandle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { /* check remaining bytes & max obj which can be fetched */ const PHYSFS_sint64 bytesleft = filehandle->filesize - filehandle->currpos; if (bytesleft < len) len = bytesleft; const PHYSFS_sint64 rc = filehandle->io->read(filehandle->io, buffer, len); BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc == -1, ERRPASS, -1); filehandle->currpos += rc; /* i trust my internal book keeping */ BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc < len, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, -1); return rc; } /* iso_file_read_foreign */ static int iso_file_seek_foreign(ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle, PHYSFS_sint64 offset) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset < 0, PHYSFS_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset >= fhandle->filesize, PHYSFS_ERR_PAST_EOF, 0); PHYSFS_sint64 pos = fhandle->startblock * 2048 + offset; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!fhandle->io->seek(fhandle->io, pos), ERRPASS, -1); fhandle->currpos = offset; return 0; } /* iso_file_seek_foreign */ static void iso_file_close_foreign(ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle) { fhandle->io->destroy(fhandle->io); allocator.Free(fhandle); } /* iso_file_close_foreign */ static int iso_file_open_mem(ISO9660Handle *handle, ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle) { fhandle->cacheddata = allocator.Malloc(fhandle->filesize); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!fhandle->cacheddata, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, -1); int rc = iso_readimage(handle, fhandle->startblock * 2048, fhandle->cacheddata, fhandle->filesize); GOTO_IF_MACRO(rc < 0, ERRPASS, freemem); GOTO_IF_MACRO(rc == 0, PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, freemem); fhandle->read = iso_file_read_mem; fhandle->seek = iso_file_seek_mem; fhandle->close = iso_file_close_mem; return 0; freemem: allocator.Free(fhandle->cacheddata); return -1; } /* iso_file_open_mem */ static int iso_file_open_foreign(ISO9660Handle *handle, ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle) { int rc; fhandle->io = __PHYSFS_createNativeIo(handle->path, 'r'); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!fhandle->io, ERRPASS, -1); rc = fhandle->io->seek(fhandle->io, fhandle->startblock * 2048); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!rc, ERRPASS, closefile); fhandle->read = iso_file_read_foreign; fhandle->seek = iso_file_seek_foreign; fhandle->close = iso_file_close_foreign; return 0; closefile: fhandle->io->destroy(fhandle->io); return -1; } /* iso_file_open_foreign */ static PHYSFS_Io *ISO9660_openRead(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *filename, int *exists) { PHYSFS_Io *retval = NULL; ISO9660Handle *handle = (ISO9660Handle*) opaque; ISO9660FileHandle *fhandle; ISO9660FileDescriptor descriptor; int rc; fhandle = allocator.Malloc(sizeof(ISO9660FileHandle)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(fhandle == 0, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); fhandle->cacheddata = 0; retval = allocator.Malloc(sizeof(PHYSFS_Io)); GOTO_IF_MACRO(retval == 0, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, errorhandling); /* find file descriptor */ rc = iso_find_dir_entry(handle, filename, &descriptor, exists); GOTO_IF_MACRO(rc, ERRPASS, errorhandling); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!*exists, PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH, errorhandling); fhandle->startblock = descriptor.extentpos + descriptor.extattributelen; fhandle->filesize = descriptor.datalen; fhandle->currpos = 0; fhandle->isohandle = handle; fhandle->cacheddata = NULL; fhandle->io = NULL; if (descriptor.datalen <= ISO9660_FULLCACHEMAXSIZE) rc = iso_file_open_mem(handle, fhandle); else rc = iso_file_open_foreign(handle, fhandle); GOTO_IF_MACRO(rc, ERRPASS, errorhandling); memcpy(retval, &ISO9660_Io, sizeof (PHYSFS_Io)); retval->opaque = fhandle; return retval; errorhandling: if (retval) allocator.Free(retval); if (fhandle) allocator.Free(fhandle); return NULL; } /* ISO9660_openRead */ /******************************************************************************* * Information gathering functions ******************************************************************************/ static void ISO9660_enumerateFiles(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *dname, int omitSymLinks, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback cb, const char *origdir, void *callbackdata) { ISO9660Handle *handle = (ISO9660Handle*) opaque; ISO9660FileDescriptor descriptor; PHYSFS_uint64 readpos; PHYSFS_uint64 end_of_dir; char filename[130]; /* ISO allows 31, Joliet 128 -> 128 + 2 eol bytes */ int version = 0; if (*dname == '\0') { readpos = handle->rootdirstart; end_of_dir = readpos + handle->rootdirsize; } /* if */ else { printf("pfad %s\n",dname); int exists = 0; BAIL_IF_MACRO(iso_find_dir_entry(handle,dname, &descriptor, &exists), ERRPASS,); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!exists, ERRPASS, ); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!, ERRPASS,); readpos = descriptor.extentpos * 2048; end_of_dir = readpos + descriptor.datalen; } /* else */ while (1) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(iso_readfiledescriptor(handle, readpos, &descriptor), ERRPASS, ); /* recordlen = 0 -> no more entries or fill entry */ if (!descriptor.recordlen) { /* if we are in the last sector of the directory & it's 0 -> end */ if ((end_of_dir - 2048) <= (readpos -1)) break; /* finished */ /* else skip to the next sector & continue; */ readpos = (((readpos - 1) / 2048) + 1) * 2048; continue; } /* if */ readpos += descriptor.recordlen; if (descriptor.filenamelen == 1 && (descriptor.filename[0] == 0 || descriptor.filename[0] == 1)) continue; /* special ones, ignore */ strncpy(filename,descriptor.filename,descriptor.filenamelen); iso_extractfilename(handle, &descriptor, filename, &version); cb(callbackdata, origdir,filename); } /* while */ } /* ISO9660_enumerateFiles */ static int ISO9660_stat(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *name, int *exists, PHYSFS_Stat *stat) { ISO9660Handle *handle = (ISO9660Handle*) opaque; ISO9660FileDescriptor descriptor; ISO9660ExtAttributeRec extattr; BAIL_IF_MACRO(iso_find_dir_entry(handle, name, &descriptor, exists), ERRPASS, -1); if (!*exists) return 0; stat->readonly = 1; /* try to get extended info */ if (descriptor.extattributelen) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(iso_read_ext_attributes(handle, descriptor.extentpos, &extattr), ERRPASS, -1); stat->createtime = iso_volume_mktime(&extattr.create_time); stat->modtime = iso_volume_mktime(&extattr.mod_time); stat->accesstime = iso_volume_mktime(&extattr.mod_time); } /* if */ else { stat->createtime = iso_mktime(&descriptor.recordtime); stat->modtime = iso_mktime(&descriptor.recordtime); stat->accesstime = iso_mktime(&descriptor.recordtime); } /* else */ if ( { stat->filesize = 0; stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; } /* if */ else { stat->filesize = descriptor.datalen; stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR; } /* else */ return 1; } /* ISO9660_stat */ /******************************************************************************* * Not supported functions ******************************************************************************/ static PHYSFS_Io *ISO9660_openWrite(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); } /* ISO9660_openWrite */ static PHYSFS_Io *ISO9660_openAppend(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); } /* ISO9660_openAppend */ static int ISO9660_remove(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, 0); } /* ISO9660_remove */ static int ISO9660_mkdir(PHYSFS_Dir *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, 0); } /* ISO9660_mkdir */ const PHYSFS_Archiver __PHYSFS_Archiver_ISO9660 = { { "ISO", "ISO9660 image file", "Christoph Nelles <>", "", }, ISO9660_openArchive, /* openArchive() method */ ISO9660_enumerateFiles, /* enumerateFiles() method */ ISO9660_openRead, /* openRead() method */ ISO9660_openWrite, /* openWrite() method */ ISO9660_openAppend, /* openAppend() method */ ISO9660_remove, /* remove() method */ ISO9660_mkdir, /* mkdir() method */ ISO9660_closeArchive, /* closeArchive() method */ ISO9660_stat /* stat() method */ }; #endif /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ISO9660 */ /* end of archiver_iso9660.c ... */