author sheepluva
Fri, 06 Dec 2013 23:53:35 +0100
changeset 9760 395ca7fe6362
parent 6936 8af2bf10ee62
child 11877 95a3041aadb9
permissions -rw-r--r--
It seems that at the current state it is necessary to protect sending stats/ending game from multiple execution, as that can happen if you e.g. fail a mission more than once in the same tick (e.g. destroying two essential crates at the same time) Otherwise you can get a blank / stuck frontend (e.g. when using deagle to shoot the two last crates at the same time)! the best approach might be to never call the function that sends stats and ends game from any event handler directly, but instead have a flag 'isFailed' that is set to true when any of the possible fails happen and to check that flag every tick to send stats and end game if true

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<!-- There is, at present, no official xsd for (X)HTML5. A pity. Usefulness would depend on the parser and extensions made by the site.  -->
    <title>Hedgewars Hats</title>

    <style type="text/css">
* {padding: 0; margin: 0; }
    background: url('http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/Nature/Sky.png') fixed no-repeat bottom left;
    -moz-background-size: 200%;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    font-family: sans-serif;
h1 { text-shadow: 0 0 2px white; }
    margin-top: 12px;
    margin-left: 20px;
    float: left;
    height: 32px;
    width: 32px;
    color: transparent;
    background-image: url("http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hedgehog/Idle.png");
    width: 100%;
    height: 30px;
    clear: left;
    background-image: url('http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/Nature/Girder.png');
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
.hide { visibility: hidden; }
a div
    margin-top: -5px;
    height: 32px;
    width: 32px;
    <script type="application/ecmascript">
/* javascript version of a sprite sheet - this could be pretty trivially done in pure HTML, but maintenance
would be easier with a server-side portion. list of sprites could be gotten from googlecode, but would require XSS whitelisting */
/*var masks = ['2001suit2', '2001suit', '4gsuif', 'AkuAku', 'android', 'angel', 'anzac', 'apple', 'ash', 'Balrog', 'banana', 'Bandit', 'bat', 'beaver', 'beefeater', 'Blanka', 'BlankaToothless', 'BlueCap', 'BlueHair', 'bobby2v', 'bobby', 'Bob', 'BrainSlugMouth', 'BrainSlug', 'britishpithhelmet', 'britmedic', 'britsapper', 'Bub', 'Bunny', 'bushhider', 'charlesdegaulle', 'charmander', 'chef', 'chikorita', 'Chunli', 'clown-copper', 'clown-crossed', 'clown', 'Coonskin3', 'Cororon', 'Cowboy', 'crown', 'cyborg', 'darthvader', 'Deer', 'desertgrenadier01', 'desertgrenadier02', 'desertgrenadier04', 'desertgrenadier05', 'desertgrenadierofficer', 'desertmedic', 'desertsapper1', 'desertsapper2', 'diglett', 'Disguise', 'Dragon', 'dwarf', 'eastertop', 'Elvis', 'Eva_00b', 'Eva_00y', 'Falcon', 'frenchwwigasmask', 'frenchwwihelmet', 'Gasmask', 'Geordi', 'germanwiimedichelmet', 'germanwwihelmetmustache', 'germanwwiipithhelmetdes', 'germanwwitankhelmet', 'Glasses', 'GreenCap', 'GreenHair', 'grenadier1', 'GreyHair', 'Guile', 'hedgehogk', 'HogInTheHat', 'hogpharoah', 'Honda', 'IndianChief', 'infernalhorns', 'InfernalHorns', 'Jason', 'jigglypuff', 'judo', 'junior', 'Ken', 'KirbyMask', 'kiss_criss', 'kiss_frehley', 'kiss_simmons', 'kiss_stanley', 'knight', 'Kululun', 'Ladle', 'lambda', 'Laminaria', 'laurel', 'lemon', 'link', 'lugia', 'Luigi', 'Mario', 'MegaHogX', 'metalband', 'mexicansunbrero', 'mickey_ears', 'Moose', 'mp3', 'mudkip', 'Mummy', 'naruto', 'NinjaFull', 'NinjaStraight', 'NinjaTriangle', 'OldMan', 'OrangeHair', 'orange', 'Pantsu', 'Pig', 'pikachu', 'PinkHair', 'pinksunhat', 'pirate_jack_bandana', 'pirate_jack', 'plainpith', 'Plunger', 'policecap', 'porkey', 'PrincessDaisy', 'PrincessPeach', 'Pumpkin_Hat', 'PurpleHair', 'quotecap', 'Rain', 'Rambo', 'rasta', 'RedCap', 'RedHair', 'RobinHood', 'royalguard', 'RSR', 'Ryu', 'Samurai', 'Samus', 'Santa', 'SauceBoatSilver', 'ShaggyYeti', 'sheep', 'ShortHair_Black', 'ShortHair_Brown', 'ShortHair_Grey', 'ShortHair_Red', 'ShortHair_Yellow', 'Skull', 'Sleepwalker', 'slowpoke', 'Sniper', 'Sonic', 'sovietcomrade2', 'sovietcomrade', 'SparkleSuperFun', 'SparkssHelmet', 'spartan', 'spcartman', 'spidey', 'spkenny', 'spkyle', 'spstan', 'squirtle', 'sth_AmyClassic', 'sth_Amy', 'sth_Eggman', 'sth_Knux', 'sth_Metal', 'sth_Shadow', 'sth_Sonic', 'sth_Super', 'sth_Tails', 'stormcloud', 'stormtrooper', 'StrawHatEyes', 'StrawHatFacial', 'StrawHat', 'Sunglasses', 'SunWukong', 'Teacup', 'Teapot', 'terminatorc', 'Terminator_Glasses', 'thug', 'Toad', 'tophats', 'touhou_chen', 'touhou_marisa', 'touhou_patchouli', 'touhou_remelia', 'touhou_suwako', 'touhou_yukari', 'trenchgrenadier1', 'trenchgrenadier2', 'trenchgrenadier3', 'ushanka', 'vampirichog', 'Vega', 'venom', 'Viking', 'voltorb', 'Wario', 'WhySoSerious', 'WizardHat', 'YellowCap', 'YellowHair', 'Zombi'];*/
var masks = [];
var themes = {
var girder;
var animationInterval;
window.onload = function()
    var xml=new XMLHttpRequest();
    xml.open("GET", "/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/", false);
    /*var resp = xml.responseXML; unfortunately not served as XHTML
    var a = resp.getElementsByTagName("a");
    for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++);
        if (/\.png/.test(a[0].href)) m.push(a[0].replace(/.png/,''));*/

    var resp = xml.responseText;
    var r = />([^<]*).png</g;
    var x;
    while(x = r.exec(resp)) 
        if (!/^Team|NoHat/.test(x[1])) // Exclude team coloured ones as repetitive, NoHat one as uninteresting

    var opt = document.createElement("option");
    var sel = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
    sel.onchange = switchTheme;
    for(var theme in themes)
        sel.lastChild.value = theme;
        sel.lastChild.lastChild.data = theme;
        if(theme == "Nature") sel.lastChild.selected = true;
    var chk = document.createElement("input");
    chk.type = "checkbox";
    chk.onclick = switchAnim;
    chk = chk.cloneNode(false);
    chk.onclick = hideGirders;
    var s = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
    for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
        if (s[i].selectorText.toLowerCase()==".girder") girder = s[i];
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    var g = document.createElement("div");
    for (var i=0;i<masks.length;i++)
        var h = document.body.appendChild(a.cloneNode(true));
        h.href = "http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/"+masks[i]+".png";
        h.lastChild.style.backgroundImage = 'url("'+h.href+'")';
        h.lastChild.lastChild.data = masks[i];
        h.title = masks[i];
        h.idle = Math.floor(Math.random()*19);
        if (i%17==16 || i==masks.length-1) document.body.appendChild(g.cloneNode(false));
/* quick and dirty animation */
animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);

function animateHogs()
    var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
    for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++)
        a[i].style.backgroundPosition=Math.floor(a[i].idle/16)*-32+"px "+(a[i].idle%16)*-32+"px";
        a[i].firstChild.style.backgroundPosition=Math.floor(a[i].idle/16)*-32+"px "+(a[i].idle%16)*-32+"px";
        if (a[i].idle > 18) a[i].idle = 0;

function switchAnim()
    if (animationInterval) 
        animationInterval = null;
    else animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);

function hideGirders()
    var g = document.getElementsByClassName("girder");
    for(var i=0;i<g.length;i++) 
        if (this.checked)
            g[i].className = "girder hide";
            g[i].className = "girder";

function switchTheme()
    if (themes[this.value])
<h1>List of Hedgewars hats</h1>