issue #755: Lua API: Add ammo type parameter for onHogAttack
local ta_pointsize = 63local ta_radius = (ta_pointsize * 10 + 6) / 2local sqrttwo = math.sqrt(2)-- creates round test areafunction AddTestArea(testarea) step = 100 xstep = step * testarea["xdir"] ystep = step * testarea["ydir"] x = testarea["x"] y = testarea["y"] if xstep * ystep ~= 0 then xstep = math.floor(xstep / sqrttwo) ystep = math.floor(ystep / sqrttwo) end AddPoint(x, y, ta_pointsize); AddPoint(x + xstep, y + ystep, ta_pointsize, true);end-- vertical test arealocal taa_v2 = {x= 350, y=1500, xdir= 0, ydir=-1}-- fail counterlocal nfailed = 0local nspawned = 0local ndied = 0function onGameInit() -- At first we have to overwrite/set some global variables -- that define the map, the game has to load, as well as -- other things such as the game rules to use, etc. -- Things we don't modify here will use their default values. -- The base number for the random number generator Seed = 1 -- The map to be played MapGen = mgDrawn -- The theme to be used Theme = "Bamboo" -- Game settings and rules EnableGameFlags(gfOneClanMode, gfDisableWind, gfDisableLandObjects, gfDisableGirders, gfSolidLand) CaseFreq = 0 MinesNum = 0 Explosives = 0 -- No damage please DamagePercent = 1 -- Draw Map AddPoint(10,30,0) -- hog spawn platform -- test areas AddTestArea(taa_v2) FlushPoints() -- Create the player team AddTeam("'Zooka Team", 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default") -- And add a hog to it player = AddHog("Hunter", 0, 1, "NoHat") -- place it on how spawn platform SetGearPosition(player, 10, 10)endlocal pass = 0local nMines = 0local maxMines = 2000function onGameStart() local maxPass = maxMines / 25 for pass = 1, maxPass, 1 do pass = pass + 1 -- spawn 25 mines for i = 0, 480, 20 do AddGear(110 + i, 1000 - i - (pass * 30), gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0) nMines = nMines + 1 end endendfunction onNewTurn() WriteLnToConsole('Engine succeessfully dealt with ' .. nMines .. ' mines!') EndLuaTest(TEST_SUCCESSFUL)end