Easier back jumps in Basic Movement Training (fixes bug #692)
The explanation of Back Jumping (2/2) has been simplified
and the "hard" part has been made easier by lowering the girders.
The original idea was that I wanted to force players to learn
how to jump higher by delaying the 2nd backspace keypress.
But this turned out that this section was too unfair and we have
lost at least one player due to rage-quitting, according to feedback.
Amazing - an excellent shot/direct hit (the projectile directly hits the enemy hedgehog, not the terrain around it, the projectile hits an enemy hedgehog after traveling a certain distance) + boring - when a player skips his gobrilliant - when you do damage after a projectile traveling a certain distanceBugger - when you lose your go because you fall a certain distance, or shoot yourselfBungee - when using the as yet non existant bungee rope + bye bye - before your hedgehog blows up because its health reaches 0Come on then - when you havent done anything for a certain amount of time, telling you to take your goHello - when you havent done anything for a certain amount of time, telling you to take your go + Coward - when you end your go without attackingcut it out - when your hedgehog takes a very low amount of damage + Enemy down - when you reduce enemys health to 0Excellent - when you do a high amount of damageFire - when you shoot + First blood - when a hedgehog first takes damageFlawless - when you win a match without losing a hedgehoggonna get you - when you take a medium amount of damageGrenade - when a grenade lands nearby your hedgehoghmm - plays sometimes when it's your go, your hedgehog is thinking about what it should do + Hurry - timer is getting low + ill get you - said after taking a medium amount of damage + Incoming - on airstrikeJust you wait - said after your team takes a certain amount of damage + Kamikaze - when your hedgehog uses the as yet nonexistant kamikaze weapon + laugh - used when your hedgehog blows himself up Near an enemy hedgehogleave me alone - when a hedgehog is being picked on / hit a certain amount of times in a row + Missed - when enemy missesNooooo - when a hh is blasted off of the screen + Nutter - when you hit your own hhOh dear - another thing to say before dyingoops - when a hedgehog hurts itself with a small amount of damagePerfect - when hitting 3 or more hhs at once + reinforcements - when a weapon crate dropsRevenge - when a hedgehog is hit by the same hog twicerunaway - when dynamite is dropped near your hog + same team - when you hit a hog on the same teamso long - said before you die + stupid - when you hit yourselfTake cover - when a grenade lands nearbythis ones mine - said sometimes when its your go + traitor - when you hit your own teamuh oh - when an enemy hog stands near you with a baseball batVictory - when you win the match + watch it - when you hit your own teamwatch this - when you throw a cluster bomb/grenade/bazookawhat the - when a grenade lands nearbywhoopsee - when you take fall damage + yessir - when its your go + you'll regret that - when you get hit