Easier back jumps in Basic Movement Training (fixes bug #692)
The explanation of Back Jumping (2/2) has been simplified
and the "hard" part has been made easier by lowering the girders.
The original idea was that I wanted to force players to learn
how to jump higher by delaying the 2nd backspace keypress.
But this turned out that this section was too unfair and we have
lost at least one player due to rage-quitting, according to feedback.
#!/bin/sh -# Script to update all Lua locale files.# It's Clunky and slow!# Note this script may sooner or later be phased out when we move to Gettext.# HOW TO USE:# - Run this script in the tools/ directory.# - (Optional) Change LOCALEFILES below to limit the number of locale files to update# Result: All .lua files in share/hedgewars/Data/Locale will be updated.# SETTINGS:# Space-separated list of locale files to update, or *.lua for all.# (Note: always include stub.lua)LOCALEFILES="*.lua"# END OF SETTINGS# List of all Lua files to scan:# * Missions# * Campaign missions# * Lua libraries# * Styles (aka multiplayer scripts)# * Mission maps# IMPORTANT: Don't forget to update this list when new places for Lua# directories have been added!LUAFILES="../Missions/Challenge/*.lua\ ../Missions/Scenario/*.lua\ ../Missions/Training/*.lua\ ../Missions/Campaign/*/*.lua\ ../Scripts/*.lua\ ../Scripts/Multiplayer/*.lua\ ../Maps/*/map.lua"cd ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale;# Temporary filesTEMP_LOC=$(mktemp);TEMP_HEAD=$(mktemp);TEMP_TAIL=$(mktemp);TEMP_LUA=$(mktemp);# Collect stringsecho "Step 1: Collect strings";echo -n "" > $TEMP_LOC;for F in loc loc_noop; do grep -F "$F(\"" $LUAFILES | sed 's/")/")\n/g' | sed "s/.*$F(\"/loc(\"/;s/\").*/\")/" | grep loc | sort | uniq >> $TEMP_LOC;done# Update locale files# This step is clunky and inefficient. Improve performance (if you are bored)!echo "Step 2: Update locale files (this may take a while)";for i in $LOCALEFILES;do echo $i; cat $TEMP_LOC | while read f do STR=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/loc("//;s/")\s*$//;s/"/\\"/g'); MAPS=$(grep -F -l -- "loc(\"${STR}\")" $LUAFILES | sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)\/map.lua/\1/;s/.*Campaign\/\([^\/]*\)\//\1:/;s/.*\///;s/.lua//;s/ /_/g' | xargs | sed 's/ /, /g'); C=$(echo $MAPS | sed 's/,/\n/' | wc -l) grep -Fq -- "[\"${STR}\"]" $i; if (($?)); then if ((C>0)); then echo "-- [\"${STR}\"] = \"\", -- $MAPS" >> $i; else echo "-- [\"${STR}\"] = \"\"," >> $i; fi; fi; done;done# Sortecho "Step 3: Sort strings";for i in $LOCALEFILES;do echo $i; rm -f $TEMP_HEAD $TEMP_TAIL $TEMP_LUA; cat $i | grep -Ev "}|{" | grep -Ev "^[[:space:]]*$" | sort | uniq > $TEMP_LUA; echo "locale = {" > $TEMP_HEAD; echo "}" > $TEMP_TAIL; cat $TEMP_HEAD $TEMP_LUA $TEMP_TAIL > $i;done# Drop unusedecho "Step 4: Delete unused strings";cat stub.lua | grep '"] =' | while read f;do PHRASE=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/[^[]*\["//;s/"] =.*//;s/"/\\"/g'); CNT=$(grep -Frc "loc(\"$PHRASE\")" $TEMP_LOC); if (($CNT==0)); then echo "|$PHRASE|"; PHRASE=$(echo "$PHRASE" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/\[/\\[/g;s/\]/\\]/g;s/\//\\\//g'); sed -i "/.*\[\"$PHRASE\"\].*/d" $LOCALEFILES; fi;done# Delete temporary filesrm $TEMP_HEAD $TEMP_TAIL $TEMP_LUA $TEMP_LOC;echo "Done."