author nemo
Mon, 11 May 2015 13:53:08 -0400
changeset 10942 5d7dd938dedc
parent 10936 104727dfaa1b
child 11015 7a905f0070ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
This probably fixes bug #839 - mine time was hardcoded to 3000 in Attack, instead of using the "0 as undefined" input that other places were using. When re653e96b0ec3 started paying attention to the input parameter, this previously ignored value became a problem.

#include <QByteArray>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QRegExp>

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    delete ui;

void MainWindow::on_pbLoad_clicked()
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QString(), QString(), "Hedgewars drawn maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)");

        QFile f(fileName);

            QByteArray data = qUncompress(QByteArray::fromBase64(f.readAll()));

            QStringList decoded;

            bool isSpecial = true;
            while(data.size() >= 5)
                qint16 px = qFromBigEndian(*(qint16 *);
                data.remove(0, 2);
                qint16 py = qFromBigEndian(*(qint16 *);
                data.remove(0, 2);
                quint8 flags = *(quint8 *);
                data.remove(0, 1);

                if(flags & 0x80)
                    if(isSpecial && !decoded.isEmpty())
                        decoded << "// drawings";

                    isSpecial = false;

                    quint8 penWidth = flags & 0x3f;
                    bool isErasing = flags & 0x40;
                    decoded << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4")
                               .arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6)
                               .arg(isErasing ? "e" : "s")
                               .arg(penWidth, 2);
                } else
                            decoded << "// special points (these are always before all drawings!)";

                        decoded << QString("%1 %2 %3")
                                   .arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6)
                    } else
                        decoded << QString("%1 %2")
                                   .arg(px, 5).arg(py, 6);

            ui->statusBar->showMessage("Load OK");
        } else
            ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("Can't open file %1").arg(fileName));

void MainWindow::on_pbSave_clicked()
    QRegExp rxSP("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$");
    QRegExp rxLS("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*([es])\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$");
    QRegExp rxP("^\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s*$");

    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QString(), QString(), "Hedgewars drawn maps (*.hwmap);;All files (*.*)");

    QFile file(fileName);
        QByteArray b;
        QStringList sl = ui->textEdit->toPlainText().split('\n');
        bool isSpecial = true;

        foreach(const QString & line, sl)
                if(rxLS.indexIn(line) != -1)
                    isSpecial = false;
                    qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxLS.cap(1).toInt());
                    qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxLS.cap(2).toInt());
                    quint8 flags = 0x80;
                    if(rxLS.cap(3) == "e") flags |= 0x40;
                    flags = flags + rxLS.cap(4).toUInt();
                    b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
                } else
                if(isSpecial && (rxSP.indexIn(line) != -1))
                    qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxSP.cap(1).toInt());
                    qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxSP.cap(2).toInt());
                    quint8 flags = rxSP.cap(3).toUInt();

                    b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
                } else
                if(rxP.indexIn(line) != -1)
                    isSpecial = false;
                    qint16 px = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxP.cap(1).toInt());
                    qint16 py = qToBigEndian((qint16)rxP.cap(2).toInt());
                    quint8 flags = 0;
                    b.append((const char *)&px, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&py, 2);
                    b.append((const char *)&flags, 1);
                } else
                    ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString("Can't parse or misplaced special point: %1").arg(line));
