author nemo
Mon, 22 Jun 2009 00:14:24 +0000
changeset 2186 5ec3e4a03d51
parent 2184 f59f80e034b1
child 2194 1597710c6118
permissions -rw-r--r--
disable selection sprite, nudge ship into the air on launch

module Main where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import Maybe
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.MySQL
import CoreTypes

dbQueryAccount =
	"select users.pass, users_roles.rid from users left join users_roles on users.uid = users_roles.uid where = ?"

dbQueryStats =
	"UPDATE gameserver_stats SET players = ?, rooms = ?, last_update = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"

dbInteractionLoop dbConn = forever $ do
	q <- (getLine >>= return . read)
	hPutStrLn stderr $ show q
	case q of
		CheckAccount clUid clNick _ -> do
				statement <- prepare dbConn dbQueryAccount
				execute statement [SqlString $ clNick]
				passAndRole <- fetchRow statement
				finish statement
				let response =
					if isJust passAndRole then
								(fromSql $ head $ fromJust $ passAndRole)
								((fromSql $ last $ fromJust $ passAndRole) == (Just (3 :: Int)))
						(clUid, Guest)
				putStrLn (show response)
				hFlush stdout

		SendStats clients rooms ->
				run dbConn dbQueryStats [SqlInt32 $ fromIntegral clients, SqlInt32 $ fromIntegral rooms] >> return ()

dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectionInfo =
	Control.Exception.handle (\e -> return ()) $ handleSqlError $
			(connectMySQL mySQLConnectionInfo)

processRequest :: DBQuery -> IO String
processRequest (CheckAccount clUid clNick clHost) = return $ show (clUid, Guest)

main = do
		dbHost <- getLine
		dbLogin <- getLine
		dbPassword <- getLine

		let mySQLConnectInfo = defaultMySQLConnectInfo {mysqlHost = dbHost, mysqlDatabase = "hedge_main", mysqlUser = dbLogin, mysqlPassword = dbPassword}

		dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectInfo