author unc0rr
Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:35:33 +0400
changeset 10212 5fb3bb2de9d2
parent 10017 de822cd3df3a
child 10215 26fc5502ba22
permissions -rw-r--r--
Some fixes to voting + small refactoring

module ServerCore where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.Log.Logger
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Unique
import Data.Maybe
import CoreTypes
import NetRoutines
import Actions
import OfficialServer.DBInteraction
import ServerState

timerLoop :: Int -> Chan CoreMessage -> IO ()
timerLoop tick messagesChan = threadDelay 30000000 >> writeChan messagesChan (TimerAction tick) >> timerLoop (tick + 1) messagesChan

mainLoop :: StateT ServerState IO ()
mainLoop = forever $ do
    -- get >>= \s -> put $! s

    si <- gets serverInfo
    r <- liftIO $ readChan $ coreChan si

    case r of
        Accept ci -> processAction (AddClient ci)

        ClientMessage (ci, cmd) -> do
            liftIO $ debugM "Clients" $ show ci ++ ": " ++ show cmd

            removed <- gets removedClients
            unless (ci `Set.member` removed) $ do
                modify (\s -> s{clientIndex = Just ci})
                processAction $ ReactCmd cmd

        Remove ci ->
            processAction (DeleteClient ci)

        ClientAccountInfo ci uid info -> do
            rnc <- gets roomsClients
            exists <- liftIO $ clientExists rnc ci
            when exists $ do
                modify (\s -> s{clientIndex = Just ci})
                uid' <- client's clUID
                when (uid == hashUnique uid') $ processAction (ProcessAccountInfo info)
                return ()

        TimerAction tick ->
                mapM_ processAction $
                    : [StatsAction | even tick]
                    ++ [Cleanup | tick `mod` 100 == 0]

startServer :: ServerInfo -> IO ()
startServer si = do
    noticeM "Core" $ "Listening on port " ++ show (listenPort si)

    _ <- forkIO $
            (fromJust $ serverSocket si)
            (coreChan si)

    _ <- forkIO $ timerLoop 0 $ coreChan si

    startDBConnection si

    rnc <- newRoomsAndClients newRoom
    jm <- newJoinMonitor

    evalStateT mainLoop (ServerState Nothing si Set.empty rnc jm)