author unc0rr
Mon, 03 Nov 2008 09:49:25 +0000
changeset 1464 693db7cd6f25
parent 1462 d3323637da1f
child 1469 5218aa76939e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Print comprehensive info about what's going on, don't try to close already closed handle

module HWProto where

import IO
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Miscutils
import Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Opts

teamToNet team = ["ADD_TEAM", teamname team, teamgrave team, teamfort team, show $ difficulty team] ++ hhsInfo
		hhsInfo = concatMap (\(HedgehogInfo name hat) -> [name, hat]) $ hedgehogs team

answerServerMessage clients = [(clientOnly, "SERVER_MESSAGE" : [mainbody ++ clientsIn])]
		mainbody = serverMessage globalOptions ++ if isDedicated globalOptions then "<p align=center>Dedicated server</p>" else "<p align=center>Private server</p>"
		clientsIn = "<p align=left>" ++ (show $ length nicks) ++ " clients in: " ++ clientslist ++ "</p>"
		clientslist = if not $ null nicks then foldr1 (\a b -> a  ++ ", " ++ b) nicks else ""
		nicks = filter (not . null) $ map nick clients
answerBadCmd = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Bad command, state or incorrect parameter"])]
answerNotMaster = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "You cannot configure room parameters"])]
answerBadParam = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Bad parameter"])]
answerQuit = [(clientOnly, ["BYE"])]
answerAbandoned = [(othersInRoom, ["BYE"])]
answerQuitInform nick = [(othersInRoom, ["LEFT", nick])]
answerNickChosen = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "The nick already chosen"])]
answerNickChooseAnother = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Choose another nick"])]
answerNick nick = [(clientOnly, ["NICK", nick])]
answerProtocolKnown = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Protocol number already known"])]
answerBadInput = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Bad input"])]
answerProto protoNum = [(clientOnly, ["PROTO", show protoNum])]
answerRoomsList list = [(clientOnly, ["ROOMS"] ++ list)]
answerRoomExists = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "There's already a room with that name"])]
answerJoined nick = [(sameRoom, ["JOINED", nick])]
answerNoRoom = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "There's no room with that name"])]
answerWrongPassword = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Wrong password"])]
answerChatString nick msg = [(othersInRoom, ["CHAT_STRING", nick, msg])]
answerConfigParam paramName paramStrs = [(othersInRoom, "CONFIG_PARAM" : paramName : paramStrs)]
answerFullConfig room = map toAnswer (Map.toList $ params room) ++ [(clientOnly, ["MAP", gamemap room])]
		toAnswer (paramName, paramStrs) =
			(clientOnly, "CONFIG_PARAM" : paramName : paramStrs)
answerCantAdd = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Too many teams or hedgehogs, or same name team, or round in progress"])]
answerTeamAccepted team = [(clientOnly, ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", teamname team])]
answerAddTeam team = [(othersInRoom, teamToNet team)]
answerHHNum teamName hhNumber = [(othersInRoom, ["HH_NUM", teamName, show hhNumber])]
answerRemoveTeam teamName = [(othersInRoom, ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName])]
answerNotOwner = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "You do not own this team"])]
answerTeamColor teamName newColor = [(othersInRoom, ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor])]
answerAllTeams room = concatMap toAnswer (teams room)
		toAnswer team =
			[(clientOnly, teamToNet team),
			(clientOnly, ["TEAM_COLOR", teamname team, teamcolor team]),
			(clientOnly, ["HH_NUM", teamname team, show $ hhnum team])]
answerMap mapName = [(othersInRoom, ["MAP", mapName])]
answerRunGame = [(sameRoom, ["RUN_GAME"])]
answerCannotCreateRoom = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Cannot create more rooms"])]
answerIsReady nick = [(sameRoom, ["READY", nick])]
answerNotReady nick = [(sameRoom, ["NOT_READY", nick])]
answerTooFewClans = [(clientOnly, ["ERROR", "Too few clans in game"])]
answerRestricted = [(clientOnly, ["WARNING", "Room joining restricted"])]
answerPing = [(allClients, ["PING"])]

-- Main state-independent cmd handler
handleCmd :: CmdHandler
handleCmd client _ rooms ("QUIT":xs) =
	if null (room client) then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerQuit)
	else if isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, removeRoom (room client), answerQuit ++ answerAbandoned) -- core disconnects clients on ROOMABANDONED answer
		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{teams = othersTeams, playersIn = (playersIn clRoom) - 1, readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers}, answerQuit ++ (answerQuitInform $ nick client) ++ answerRemoveClientTeams)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		answerRemoveClientTeams = map (\tn -> (othersInRoom, ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamname tn])) clientTeams
		(clientTeams, othersTeams) = partition (\t -> teamowner t == nick client) $ teams clRoom
		newReadyPlayers = if isReady client then (readyPlayers clRoom) - 1 else readyPlayers clRoom

handleCmd _ _ _ ["PING"] = -- core requsted
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerPing)

handleCmd _ _ _ ["PONG"] =
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])

-- check state and call state-dependent commmand handlers
handleCmd client clients rooms cmd =
	if null (nick client) || protocol client == 0 then
		handleCmd_noInfo client clients rooms cmd
	else if null (room client) then
		handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms cmd
		handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms cmd

-- 'no info' state - need to get protocol number and nickname
handleCmd_noInfo :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_noInfo client clients _ ["NICK", newNick] =
	if not . null $ nick client then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNickChosen)
	else if haveSameNick then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNickChooseAnother)
		(modifyClient client{nick = newNick}, noChangeRooms, answerNick newNick)
		haveSameNick = isJust $ find (\cl -> newNick == nick cl) clients

handleCmd_noInfo client _ _ ["PROTO", protoNum] =
	if protocol client > 0 then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerProtocolKnown)
	else if parsedProto == 0 then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadInput)
		(modifyClient client{protocol = parsedProto}, noChangeRooms, answerProto parsedProto)
		parsedProto = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead protoNum :: Maybe Word16)

handleCmd_noInfo _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadCmd)

-- 'noRoom' clients state command handlers
handleCmd_noRoom :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["LIST"] =
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerServerMessage clients ++ (answerRoomsList $ concatMap roomInfo $ sameProtoRooms))
			roomInfo room = [
					name room,
					(show $ playersIn room) ++ "(" ++ (show $ length $ teams room) ++ ")",
					show $ gameinprogress room
			sameProtoRooms = filter (\r -> (roomProto r == protocol client) && (not $ isRestrictedJoins r)) rooms

handleCmd_noRoom client _ rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, roomPassword] =
	if (not $ isDedicated globalOptions) && (not $ null rooms) then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCannotCreateRoom)
		if haveSameRoom then
			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerRoomExists)
			(modifyClient client{room = newRoom, isMaster = True}, addRoom createRoom{name = newRoom, password = roomPassword, roomProto = (protocol client)}, (answerJoined $ nick client) ++ (answerNotReady $ nick client))
		haveSameRoom = isJust $ find (\room -> newRoom == name room) rooms

handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom] =
	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["CREATE", newRoom, ""]
handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, roomPassword] =
	if noSuchRoom then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNoRoom)
	else if roomPassword /= password clRoom then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerWrongPassword)
	else if isRestrictedJoins clRoom then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerRestricted)
		(modifyClient client{room = roomName}, modifyRoom clRoom{playersIn = 1 + playersIn clRoom}, answerNicks ++ answerReady ++ (answerJoined $ nick client) ++ (answerNotReady $ nick client) ++ answerFullConfig clRoom ++ answerAllTeams clRoom)
		noSuchRoom = isNothing $ find (\room -> roomName == name room && roomProto room == protocol client) rooms
		answerNicks = [(clientOnly, ["JOINED"] ++ (map nick $ sameRoomClients))]
		answerReady = map (\c -> (clientOnly, [if isReady c then "READY" else "NOT_READY", nick c])) sameRoomClients
		sameRoomClients = filter (\ci -> room ci == roomName) clients
		clRoom = roomByName roomName rooms

handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName] =
	handleCmd_noRoom client clients rooms ["JOIN", roomName, ""]

handleCmd_noRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadCmd)

-- 'inRoom' clients state command handlers
handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_inRoom client _ _ ["CHAT_STRING", msg] =
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerChatString (nick client) msg)

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ("CONFIG_PARAM" : paramName : paramStrs) =
	if isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{params = Map.insert paramName paramStrs (params clRoom)}, answerConfigParam paramName paramStrs)
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["MAP", mapName] =
	if isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{gamemap = mapName}, answerMap mapName)
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : difStr : hhsInfo)
	| length hhsInfo == 16 =
	if length (teams clRoom) == 6
		|| canAddNumber <= 0
		|| isJust findTeam
		|| gameinprogress clRoom
		|| isRestrictedTeams clRoom then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerCantAdd)
		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{teams = teams clRoom ++ [newTeam]}, answerTeamAccepted newTeam ++ answerAddTeam newTeam ++ answerTeamColor name color)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		newTeam = (TeamInfo (nick client) name color grave fort difficulty newTeamHHNum (hhsList hhsInfo))
		findTeam = find (\t -> name == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
		difficulty = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead difStr :: Maybe Int)
		hhsList [] = []
		hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
		canAddNumber = 18 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams clRoom)
		newTeamHHNum = min 4 canAddNumber

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["HH_NUM", teamName, numberStr] =
	if not $ isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
		if hhNumber < 1 || hhNumber > 8 || noSuchTeam || hhNumber > (canAddNumber + (hhnum team)) then
			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadParam)
			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom $ modifyTeam clRoom team{hhnum = hhNumber}, answerHHNum teamName hhNumber)
		hhNumber = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead numberStr :: Maybe Int)
		noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
		team = fromJust findTeam
		findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		canAddNumber = 18 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams clRoom)

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor] =
	if not $ isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
		if noSuchTeam then
			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadParam)
			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom $ modifyTeam clRoom team{teamcolor = newColor}, answerTeamColor teamName newColor)
		noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
		team = fromJust findTeam
		findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName] =
	if noSuchTeam then
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadParam)
		if not $ nick client == teamowner team then
			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotOwner)
			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{teams = filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams clRoom}, answerRemoveTeam teamName)
		noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
		team = fromJust findTeam
		findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams clRoom
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TOGGLE_READY"] =
	if isReady client then
		(modifyClient client{isReady = False}, modifyRoom clRoom{readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers}, answerNotReady $ nick client)
		(modifyClient client{isReady = True}, modifyRoom clRoom{readyPlayers = newReadyPlayers}, answerIsReady $ nick client)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		newReadyPlayers = (readyPlayers clRoom) + if isReady client then -1 else 1

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["START_GAME"] =
	if isMaster client && (playersIn clRoom == readyPlayers clRoom) && (not $ gameinprogress clRoom) then
		if enoughClans then
			(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{gameinprogress = True}, answerRunGame)
			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerTooFewClans)
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		enoughClans = not $ null $ drop 1 $ group $ map teamcolor $ teams clRoom

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_JOINS"] =
	if isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{isRestrictedJoins = newStatus}, [])
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		newStatus = not $ isRestrictedJoins clRoom

handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_TEAMS"] =
	if isMaster client then
		(noChangeClients, modifyRoom clRoom{isRestrictedTeams = newStatus}, [])
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerNotMaster)
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		newStatus = not $ isRestrictedTeams clRoom

handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["ROUNDFINISHED"] =
	if isMaster client then
		(modifyRoomClients clRoom (\cl -> cl{isReady = False}), modifyRoom clRoom{gameinprogress = False, readyPlayers = 0}, answerAllNotReady)
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		sameRoomClients = filter (\ci -> room ci == name clRoom) clients
		answerAllNotReady = map (\cl -> (sameRoom, ["NOT_READY", nick cl])) sameRoomClients

handleCmd_inRoom client _ _ ["GAMEMSG", msg] =
	(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [(othersInRoom, ["GAMEMSG", msg])])

handleCmd_inRoom client clients rooms ["KICK", kickNick] =
	if isMaster client then
		if noSuchClient || (kickClient == client) then
			(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
			(modifyClient kickClient{forceQuit = True}, noChangeRooms, [])
		(noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, [])
		clRoom = roomByName (room client) rooms
		noSuchClient = isNothing findClient
		kickClient = fromJust findClient
		findClient = find (\t -> ((room t) == (room client)) && ((nick t) == kickNick)) $ clients

handleCmd_inRoom _ _ _ _ = (noChangeClients, noChangeRooms, answerBadCmd)