author unc0rr
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 20:14:09 +0000
changeset 891 701f86df9b4c
parent 890 1d8c4a5ec622
child 894 2ca76a7f3121
permissions -rw-r--r--
Properly handle QUIT command. Now, we can concentrate on protocol implementation

module Miscutils where

import IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (finally)

data ClientInfo =
		chan :: TChan String,
		handle :: Handle,
		nick :: String,
		room :: String,
		isMaster :: Bool

data RoomInfo =
		name :: String,
		password :: String

sendMsg :: Handle -> String -> IO()
sendMsg clientHandle str = finally (return ()) (hPutStrLn clientHandle str >> hFlush clientHandle) -- catch exception when client tries to send to other

sendAll :: [Handle] -> String -> IO[()]
sendAll clientsList str = mapM (\x -> sendMsg x str) clientsList

sendOthers :: [Handle] -> Handle -> String -> IO[()]
sendOthers clientsList clientHandle str = sendAll (filter (/= clientHandle) clientsList) str

extractCmd :: String -> (String, [String])
extractCmd str = if ws == [] then ("", []) else (head ws, tail ws)
		where ws = words str

manipState :: TVar[a] -> ([a] -> [a]) -> IO()
manipState state op =
	atomically $ do
			ls <- readTVar state
			writeTVar state $ op ls

manipState2 :: TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> ([ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> ([ClientInfo], [RoomInfo], Bool)) -> IO Bool
manipState2 state1 state2 op =
	atomically $ do
			ls1 <- readTVar state1
			ls2 <- readTVar state2
			let (ol1, ol2, res) = op ls1 ls2
			writeTVar state1 ol1
			writeTVar state2 ol2
			return res

tselect :: [ClientInfo] -> STM (String, ClientInfo)
tselect = foldl orElse retry . map (\ci -> (flip (,) ci) `fmap` readTChan (chan ci))