Add lookup table for Hedgewars key IDs instead of generating IDs on the fly
This makes sure the key IDs never change. Previous implementation abused SDL_GetScancodeName to generate the IDs programmatically, which was not reliable and explicitly adviced against in the SDL documentation <>.
#!/usr/bin/env bash## Tool which tries to find outdated translations in the engine strings (*.txt) using hg blame.# Note this is only a heuristic; the output might not be 100% accurate.# Strings which this tool lists MIGHT be outdated, so you might want to re-translate them, if needed.# Run this in the tools/ directory.## SYNTAX:## ./ <LANGUAGE>## <LANGUAGE>: Language code of the language to check#shopt -s checkwinsize cd ../share/hedgewars/Data/LocaleIGNORE_CASE_WHITESPACE=1;if ((${#@}==2))then IGNORE_CASE_WHITESPACE=$2;fi;BLAMELANG=$1;if [ -z $BLAMELANG ]then echo "No language specified."; exit;fi;BLAMELANGFILE="$BLAMELANG.txt";TEMP_EN=$(mktemp);TEMP_LANG=$(mktemp);#hg fa en.txt | grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+0[013-6]:" > $TEMP_EN;hg blame en.txt | grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+0[013-6]:" > $TEMP_EN;#hg fa $BLAMELANGFILE | grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+0[013-6]:" > $TEMP_LANG;hg blame $BLAMELANGFILE | grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+0[013-6]:" > $TEMP_LANG;cat $TEMP_EN | while read f;do REV=$(echo $f | sed 's/:.*//'); CODE=$(echo $f | sed 's/^[0-9]\+:\s\+//;s/=.*//'); OTHER=$(grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+${CODE}" $TEMP_LANG); if (($?==0)); then OTHER_REV=$(echo $OTHER | sed 's/:.*//'); if (($REV>$OTHER_REV)); then TEXT=$(echo $f | sed 's/^\s*[0-9]\+:\s*[0-9]\+:[0-9]\+=//'); # script runs ~20% faster than with blame but nonstandard # OLD_TEXT=$(hg fa -r "$OTHER_REV" en.txt | grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+${CODE}=" | sed 's/^\s*[0-9]\+:\s*[0-9]\+:[0-9]\+=//;s///'); OLD_TEXT=$(hg blame -r "$OTHER_REV" en.txt | grep -P "^\s*\d+:\s+${CODE}=" | sed 's/^\s*[0-9]\+:\s*[0-9]\+:[0-9]\+=//;s///'); COMPARE_TEXT=$TEXT; COMPARE_OLD_TEXT=$OLD_TEXT; if (($IGNORE_CASE_WHITESPACE==1)); then COMPARE_TEXT=$(echo $TEXT | sed 's/\s*//g' | tr A-Z a-z); COMPARE_OLD_TEXT=$(echo $OLD_TEXT | sed 's/\s*//g' | tr A-Z a-z); fi; if [ "$COMPARE_TEXT" != "$COMPARE_OLD_TEXT" ]; then if [ -z $COLUMNS ]; then printf '━%.0s' $(seq 74); echo ""; else printf '━%.0s' $(seq $COLUMNS); fi; echo "${CODE}=$TEXT ← Current English"; echo "${CODE}=$OLD_TEXT ← English at time of translation"; echo "${CODE}=$(echo $OTHER | sed 's/^\s*[0-9]\+:\s*[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\}=//') ← current translation"; fi; fi; fi;donerm $TEMP_EN $TEMP_LANG