mark up sprites for uStore loading. critical is for ones needed for proper gameplay, checksum is for ones where the game will desync if they don't match. will add checksumming next...
# this is inefficient and clunky, but, figured it might as well be kept somewhere so people are aware of it# Is how I'm currently updated the locale files.# collect strings - run in Dataecho -n "" > loc.txt; for F in loc loc_noop; do grep -F "$F(\"" */*/*.lua | sed 's/")/")\n/g' | sed "s/.*$F(\"/loc(\"/;s/\").*/\")/" | grep loc | sort | uniq >> loc.txt; done# Update locale files - run in Localefor i in *.lua;do cat ../loc.txt | while read f;do STR=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/loc("//;s/")\s*$//;s/"/\\"/g');MAPS=$(grep -F -l -- "loc(\"${STR}\")" ../*/*/*.lua ../*/*/*/*.lua | sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)\/map.lua/\1/;s/.*Campaign\/\([^\/]*\)\//\1:/;s/.*\///;s/.lua//;s/ /_/g' | xargs | sed 's/ /, /g');C=$(echo $MAPS | sed 's/,/\n/' | wc -l);grep -Fq -- "[\"${STR}\"]" $i;if(($?));then if((C>0));then echo "-- [\"${STR}\"] = \"\", -- $MAPS" >> $i;else echo "-- [\"${STR}\"] = \"\"," >> $i;fi;fi;done;done# sort - run in Localefor i in *.lua;do rm temphead temptail templua;cat $i | grep -Ev "}|{" | grep -Ev "^[[:space:]]*$" | sort | uniq > templua;echo "locale = {" > temphead;echo " }" > temptail;cat temphead templua temptail > $i;done# drop unused - run in Localecat stub.lua | grep '"] =' | while read f;do PHRASE=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/[^[]*\["//;s/"] =.*//;s/"/\\"/g');CNT=$(grep -Frc "loc(\"$PHRASE\")" ../*/*/*.lua ../*/*/*/*.lua | grep -v ":0" | wc -l);if(($CNT==0));then echo "|$PHRASE|";PHRASE=$(echo "$PHRASE" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/\[/\\[/g;s/\]/\\]/g;s/\//\\\//g');sed -i "s/.*\[\"$PHRASE\"\].*//" *.lua;fi;done