Remove FindSDL2 find-module, use sdl2-config.cmake instead
This requires SDL >= 2.0.4.
Since <> was fixed in
SDL 2.0.4, SDL behaves as a CMake "config-file package", even if it was
not itself built using CMake: it installs a sdl2-config.cmake file to
${libdir}/cmake/SDL2, which tells CMake where to find SDL's headers and
library, analogous to a pkg-config .pc file.
As a result, we no longer need to copy/paste a "find-module package"
to be able to find a system copy of SDL >= 2.0.4 with find_package(SDL2).
Find-module packages are now discouraged by the CMake developers, in
favour of having upstream projects behave as config-file packages.
This results in a small API change: FindSDL2 used to set SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR
and SDL2_LIBRARY, but the standard behaviour for config-file packages is
to set <name>_INCLUDE_DIRS and <name>_LIBRARIES. Use the CONFIG keyword
to make sure we search in config-file package mode, and will not find a
FindSDL2.cmake in some other directory that implements the old interface.
In addition to deleting redundant code, this avoids some assumptions in
FindSDL2 about the layout of a SDL installation. The current libsdl2-dev
package in Debian breaks those assumptions; this is considered a bug
and will hopefully be fixed soon, but it illustrates how fragile these
assumptions can be. We can be more robust against different installation
layouts by relying on SDL's own CMake integration.
When linking to a copy of CMake in a non-standard location, users can
now set the SDL2_DIR or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to point
to it; previously, these users would have used the SDL2DIR environment
variable. This continues to be unnecessary if using matching system-wide
installations of CMake and SDL2, for example both from Debian.
:: This Batch script is BROKEN and EXTREMELY OUTDATED!
:: It does not work with latest version and needs a complete redo or removal.
:: Its functionality has been disabled.
:: Print dummy text and return.
echo Sorry, this script is outdated. You're on your own.
:: Old script code follows ...
@echo off
::edit these variables if you need
set PASCAL=C:\FPC\2.6.0\bin\i386-win32\
:: FIXME: Go Qt 5
set QTDIR=C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.4\mingw\bin
set BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
set CURRDIR="%CD%"
cd ..
echo Fetching all DLLs...
if %BUILD_TYPE%=="Debug" (
for %%G in (QtCored4 QtGuid4 QtNetworkd4) do xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\%%G.dll %CD%\bin\
:: should you libgcc dynamically you should try adding libgcc_s_dw2-1 and mingwm10
:: FIXME: Use Qt5
for %%G in (QtCore4 QtGui4 QtNetwork4) do (
xcopy /d/y %QTDIR%\%%G.dll %CD%\bin\
:: FIXME: Use SDL 2.0
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\ mkdir %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\SDL.dll cscript %CD%\tools\w32DownloadUnzip.vbs %CD%\misc\winutils\bin
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\SDL_image.dll cscript %CD%\tools\w32DownloadUnzip.vbs %CD%\misc\winutils\bin
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\SDL_net.dll cscript %CD%\tools\w32DownloadUnzip.vbs %CD%\misc\winutils\bin
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\SDL_mixer.dll cscript %CD%\tools\w32DownloadUnzip.vbs %CD%\misc\winutils\bin
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\SDL_ttf.dll cscript %CD%\tools\w32DownloadUnzip.vbs %CD%\misc\winutils\bin
::for video recording
:: FIXME: is defunct.
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\avformat-54.dll cscript %CD%\tools\w32DownloadUnzip.vbs %CD%\misc\winutils\bin
::this is needed because fpc png unit hardcodes libpng-1.2.12
if not exist %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\libpng13.dll copy /y %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\libpng15-15.dll %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\libpng13.dll
xcopy /d/y %CD%\misc\winutils\bin\*.dll %CD%\bin\
::setting up the environment...
call %QTDIR%\qtenv2.bat
echo Running cmake...
cmake . -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DPNG_LIBRARY="%CD%\misc\winutils\bin\libpng13.dll" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="%BUILD_TYPE%" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="%CD%\misc\winutils\\"
:: prefix should be last
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto exitpoint
echo Running make...
mingw32-make VERBOSE=1
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto exitpoint
echo Installing...
mingw32-make install > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto exitpoint
echo Creating commodity shortcut...
copy /y %CD%\misc\winutils\Hedgewars.lnk C:%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\Hedgewars.lnk
echo ALL DONE, Hedgewars has been successfully compiled and installed