author nemo
Tue, 06 Nov 2012 08:38:37 -0500
changeset 7980 7f8df51553a7
parent 7947 0cf5277fef1a
child 7986 53b1da5ee7f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove duplicate files from voices (add a fallback check in uSound). Add JustYouWait as an alternate to IllGetYou. Note that IllGetYou being called every turn seems awkward. IMO they probably should be reserved for significant enemy action. Maybe played by team of heavily damaged or killed hog.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoInRoomState where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence((|>))
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils
import HandlerUtils
import RoomsAndClients
import EngineInteraction

handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler

handleCmd_inRoom ["CHAT", msg] = do
    n <- clientNick
    s <- roomOthersChans
    return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, msg]]

handleCmd_inRoom ["PART"] = return [MoveToLobby "part"]
handleCmd_inRoom ["PART", msg] = return [MoveToLobby $ "part: " `B.append` msg]

handleCmd_inRoom ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)
    | null paramStrs = return [ProtocolError "Empty config entry"]
    | otherwise = do
        chans <- roomOthersChans
        cl <- thisClient
        if isMaster cl then
           return [
                ModifyRoom f,
                AnswerClients chans ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)]
            return [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        f r = if paramName `Map.member` (mapParams r) then
                r{mapParams = Map.insert paramName (head paramStrs) (mapParams r)}
                r{params = Map.insert paramName paramStrs (params r)}

handleCmd_inRoom ("ADD_TEAM" : tName : color : grave : fort : voicepack : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
    | length hhsInfo /= 16 = return [ProtocolError "Corrupted hedgehogs info"]
    | otherwise = do
        (ci, _) <- ask
        rm <- thisRoom
        clNick <- clientNick
        clChan <- thisClientChans
        othChans <- roomOthersChans
        roomChans <- roomClientsChans
        cl <- thisClient
        teamColor <-
            if clientProto cl < 42 then 
                return color
                liftM (head . (L.\\) (map B.singleton ['0'..]) . map teamcolor . teams) thisRoom
        return $
            if not . null . drop (maxTeams rm - 1) $ teams rm then
                [Warning "too many teams"]
            else if canAddNumber rm <= 0 then
                [Warning "too many hedgehogs"]
            else if isJust $ findTeam rm then
                [Warning "There's already a team with same name in the list"]
            else if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
                [Warning "round in progress"]
            else if isRestrictedTeams rm then
                [Warning "restricted"]
                [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teams = teams r ++ [newTeam ci clNick r teamColor]}),
                ModifyClient (\c -> c{teamsInGame = teamsInGame c + 1, clientClan = Just teamColor}),
                AnswerClients clChan ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", tName],
                AnswerClients othChans $ teamToNet $ newTeam ci clNick rm teamColor,
                AnswerClients roomChans ["TEAM_COLOR", tName, teamColor]
        canAddNumber r = 48 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams r)
        findTeam = find (\t -> tName == teamname t) . teams
        newTeam ci clNick r tColor = TeamInfo ci clNick tName tColor grave fort voicepack flag dif (newTeamHHNum r) (hhsList hhsInfo)
        dif = readInt_ difStr
        hhsList [] = []
        hhsList [_] = error "Hedgehogs list with odd elements number"
        hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
        newTeamHHNum r = min 4 (canAddNumber r)
        maxTeams r
            | roomProto r < 38 = 6
            | otherwise = 8

handleCmd_inRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", tName] = do
        (ci, _) <- ask
        r <- thisRoom
        clNick <- clientNick

        let maybeTeam = findTeam r
        let team = fromJust maybeTeam

        return $
            if isNothing $ findTeam r then
                [Warning "REMOVE_TEAM: no such team"]
            else if clNick /= teamowner team then
                [ProtocolError "Not team owner!"]
                [RemoveTeam tName,
                    (\c -> c{
                        teamsInGame = teamsInGame c - 1,
                        clientClan = if teamsInGame c == 1 then Nothing else Just $ anotherTeamClan ci r
        anotherTeamClan ci = teamcolor . fromJust . find (\t -> teamownerId t == ci) . teams
        findTeam = find (\t -> tName == teamname t) . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["HH_NUM", teamName, numberStr] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    others <- roomOthersChans
    r <- thisRoom

    let maybeTeam = findTeam r
    let team = fromJust maybeTeam

    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        else if hhNumber < 1 || hhNumber > 8 || isNothing maybeTeam || hhNumber > canAddNumber r + hhnum team then
            [ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{hhnum = hhNumber},
            AnswerClients others ["HH_NUM", teamName, showB hhNumber]]
        hhNumber = readInt_ numberStr
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) . teams
        canAddNumber = (-) 48 . sum . map hhnum . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    others <- roomOthersChans
    r <- thisRoom

    let maybeTeam = findTeam r
    let team = fromJust maybeTeam

    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        else if isNothing maybeTeam then
            [ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{teamcolor = newColor},
            AnswerClients others ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor],
            ModifyClient2 (teamownerId team) (\c -> c{clientClan = Just newColor})]
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_READY"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    chans <- roomClientsChans
    if isMaster cl then
        return []
        return [
            ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = readyPlayers r + (if isReady cl then -1 else 1)}),
            ModifyClient (\c -> c{isReady = not $ isReady cl}),
            AnswerClients chans $ if clientProto cl < 38 then
                    [if isReady cl then "NOT_READY" else "READY", nick cl]
                    ["CLIENT_FLAGS", if isReady cl then "-r" else "+r", nick cl]

handleCmd_inRoom ["START_GAME"] = do
    (ci, rnc) <- ask
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomClientsChans

    let nicks = map (nick . client rnc) . roomClients rnc $ clientRoom rnc ci
    let allPlayersRegistered = all ((<) 0 . B.length . webPassword . client rnc . teamownerId) $ teams rm

    if isMaster cl && playersIn rm == readyPlayers rm && not (isJust $ gameInfo rm) then
        if enoughClans rm then
            return [
                    (\r -> r{
                        gameInfo = Just $ newGameInfo (teams rm) (length $ teams rm) allPlayersRegistered (mapParams rm) (params rm)
                , AnswerClients chans ["RUN_GAME"]
                , SendUpdateOnThisRoom
                , AnswerClients chans $ "CLIENT_FLAGS" : "+g" : nicks
                , ModifyRoomClients (\c -> c{isInGame = True})
            return [Warning "Less than two clans!"]
        return []
        enoughClans = not . null . drop 1 . group . map teamcolor . teams

handleCmd_inRoom ["EM", msg] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomOthersChans

    if teamsInGame cl > 0 && (isJust $ gameInfo rm) && isLegal then
        return $ AnswerClients chans ["EM", msg] : [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{gameInfo = liftM (\g -> g{roundMsgs = roundMsgs g |> msg}) $ gameInfo r}) | not isKeepAlive]
        return []
        (isLegal, isKeepAlive) = checkNetCmd msg

handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED", correctly] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- roomClientsChans

    let clTeams = map teamname . filter (\t -> teamowner t == nick cl) . teams $ rm
    let unsetInGameState = [AnswerClients chans ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "-g", nick cl], ModifyClient (\c -> c{isInGame = False})]

    if isInGame cl then
        if isJust $ gameInfo rm then
            if (isMaster cl && isCorrect) then
                return $ FinishGame : unsetInGameState
                return $ unsetInGameState ++ map SendTeamRemovalMessage clTeams
            return unsetInGameState
        return [] -- don't accept this message twice
        isCorrect = correctly == "1"

-- compatibility with clients with protocol < 38
handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED"] =
    handleCmd_inRoom ["ROUNDFINISHED", "1"]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_JOINS"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
            [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedJoins = not $ isRestrictedJoins r})]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_TEAMS"] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
            [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedTeams = not $ isRestrictedTeams r})]

handleCmd_inRoom ["ROOM_NAME", newName] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    rs <- allRoomInfos
    rm <- thisRoom
    chans <- sameProtoChans

    return $
        if not $ isMaster cl then
            [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        if isJust $ find (\r -> newName == name r) rs then
            [Warning "Room with such name already exists"]
            [ModifyRoom roomUpdate,
            AnswerClients chans ("ROOM" : "UPD" : name rm : roomInfo (nick cl) (roomUpdate rm))]
        roomUpdate r = r{name = newName}

handleCmd_inRoom ["KICK", kickNick] = do
    (thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
    maybeClientId <- clientByNick kickNick
    master <- liftM isMaster thisClient
    let kickId = fromJust maybeClientId
    let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc kickId
        [KickRoomClient kickId | master && isJust maybeClientId && (kickId /= thisClientId) && sameRoom]

handleCmd_inRoom ["TEAMCHAT", msg] = do
    cl <- thisClient
    chans <- roomSameClanChans
    return [AnswerClients chans ["EM", engineMsg cl]]
        engineMsg cl = toEngineMsg $ B.concat ["b", nick cl, "(team): ", msg, "\x20\x20"]

handleCmd_inRoom ["BAN", banNick] = do
    (_, rnc) <- ask
    maybeClientId <- clientByNick banNick
    let banId = fromJust maybeClientId
    master <- liftM isMaster thisClient
    return [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{roomBansList = (host $ rnc `client` banId) : roomBansList r}) | master && isJust maybeClientId]

handleCmd_inRoom ["LIST"] = return [] -- for old clients (<= 0.9.17)

handleCmd_inRoom (s:_) = return [ProtocolError $ "Incorrect command '" `B.append` s `B.append` "' (state: in room)"]

handleCmd_inRoom [] = return [ProtocolError "Empty command (state: in room)"]