author Xeli
Thu, 23 Jun 2011 14:30:04 +0200
changeset 5317 86984c1034a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added sdl_net from the unofficial android port:

SDL_net 1.2

The latest version of this library is available from:

This is an example portable network library for use with SDL.
It is available under the GNU Library General Public License.
The API can be found in the file SDL_net.h
This library supports UNIX, Windows, MacOS Classic, MacOS X,
BeOS and QNX.

The demo program is a chat client and server.
The chat client requires the sample GUI library available at:
The chat client connects to the server via TCP, registering itself.
The server sends back a list of connected clients, and keeps the
client updated with the status of other clients.
Every line of text from a client is sent via UDP to every other client.

Note that this isn't necessarily how you would want to write a chat
program, but it demonstrates how to use the basic features of the 
network library.

	-Sam Lantinga and Roy Wood