This map has always been broken. This variant makes it slightly less broken (although something changed on the ceiling might prevent hiding on pixels on the slope). What will finally fix it is either moving nets closer together or adding angle bounce to hedgehogs or some other layout that prevents hiding.
module Opts
) where
import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Network
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import CoreTypes
import Utils
options :: [OptDescr (ServerInfo -> ServerInfo)]
options = [
Option ['p'] ["port"] (ReqArg readListenPort "PORT") "listen on PORT",
Option ['d'] ["dedicated"] (ReqArg readDedicated "BOOL") "start as dedicated (True or False)"
readDbHost :: String -> ServerInfo -> ServerInfo
readListenPort str opts = opts{listenPort = readPort}
readPort = fromInteger $ fromMaybe 46631 (maybeRead str :: Maybe Integer)
readDedicated str opts = opts{isDedicated = readDedicated}
readDedicated = fromMaybe True (maybeRead str :: Maybe Bool)
readDbLogin str opts = opts{dbLogin = str}
readDbPassword str opts = opts{dbPassword = str}
readDbHost str opts = opts{dbHost = str}
getOpts :: ServerInfo -> IO ServerInfo
getOpts opts = do
args <- getArgs
case getOpt Permute options args of
(o, [], []) -> return $ foldr ($) opts o
(_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
where header = "Usage: hedgewars-server [OPTION...]"