author nemo
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:33:01 +0000
changeset 3173 909b28b1b61a
parent 2867 9be6693c78cb
child 3425 ead2ed20dfd4
permissions -rw-r--r--
This map has always been broken. This variant makes it slightly less broken (although something changed on the ceiling might prevent hiding on pixels on the slope). What will finally fix it is either moving nets closer together or adding angle bounce to hedgehogs or some other layout that prevents hiding.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Main where

import Network.Socket
import qualified Network
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
#if defined(NEW_EXCEPTIONS)
import qualified Control.OldException as Exception
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import System.Log.Logger
import Opts
import CoreTypes
import OfficialServer.DBInteraction
import ServerCore
import Utils

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix

setupLoggers =
    updateGlobalLogger "Clients"
        (setLevel INFO)

main = withSocketsDo $ do
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing;
    installHandler sigCHLD Ignore Nothing;


    stats <- atomically $ newTMVar (StatisticsInfo 0 0)
    dbQueriesChan <- newChan
    coreChan <- newChan
    serverInfo' <- getOpts $ newServerInfo stats coreChan dbQueriesChan
#if defined(OFFICIAL_SERVER)
    dbHost' <- askFromConsole "DB host: "
    dbLogin' <- askFromConsole "login: "
    dbPassword' <- askFromConsole "password: "
    let serverInfo = serverInfo'{dbHost = dbHost', dbLogin = dbLogin', dbPassword = dbPassword'}
    let serverInfo = serverInfo'

        (Network.listenOn $ Network.PortNumber $ listenPort serverInfo)
        (startServer serverInfo)