author sheepluva
Wed, 25 Apr 2012 08:23:48 +0200
changeset 6928 9562ace15141
parent 5752 ea95ee97c805
permissions -rw-r--r--
nemo said I was boring for removing the "hello" randomizer on room join. That was actually an accident, fixed by this commit. Now find an actual reason to call me boring (there are many to choose from :P) nemo!


#include <QByteArray>
#include "quazip_global.h"

/// Checksum interface.
/** \class QuaChecksum32 quachecksum32.h <quazip/quachecksum32.h>
 * This is an interface for 32 bit checksums.
 * Classes implementing this interface can calcunate a certin
 * checksum in a single step:
 * \code
 * QChecksum32 *crc32 = new QuaCrc32(); 
 * rasoult = crc32->calculate(data);
 * \endcode
 * or by streaming the data:
 * \code
 * QChecksum32 *crc32 = new QuaCrc32(); 
 * while(!fileA.atEnd())
 *     crc32->update(fileA.read(bufSize));
 * resoultA = crc32->value();
 * crc32->reset();
 * while(!fileB.atEnd())
 *     crc32->update(fileB.read(bufSize));
 * resoultB = crc32->value();
 * \endcode
class QUAZIP_EXPORT QuaChecksum32

	///Calculates the checksum for data.
	/** \a data source data
	 * \return data checksum
	 * This function has no efect on the value returned by value().
	virtual quint32 calculate(const QByteArray &data) = 0;

	///Resets the calculation on a checksun for a stream.
	virtual void reset() = 0;

	///Updates the calculated checksum for the stream
	/** \a buf next portion of data from the stream
	virtual void update(const QByteArray &buf) = 0;

	///Value of the checksum calculated for the stream passed throw update().
	/** \return checksum
	virtual quint32 value() = 0;

#endif //QUACHECKSUM32_H