author unc0rr
Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:09:31 +0300
changeset 10721 9b789de8e5df
parent 10015 4feced261c68
permissions -rw-r--r--
Workaround bug (each time losing room master status, even when joining mutliple rooms, new instance of NetAmmoSchemeModel created, receiving schemeConfig and modifying its 43rd member, thus the last model which accepts this signal has the string cut down several times, workaround creates copy of qstringlist to avoid modifying shared message instance. Proper fix would delete unneeded instances of NetAmmoSchemeModel, but who cares)

module Main( main ) where

import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust )
import Data.List (find, intercalate)
import Control.Monad
import Pas2C

main = do
    args <- getArgs
    if length args == 0
    then do
        name <- getProgName
        hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo header options
    else do
        case getOpt RequireOrder options args of
          (flags, [],      []) | enoughFlags flags -> do
                let m = flag flags isName
                let i = flag flags isInput
                let o = flag flags isOutput
                let a = fromMaybe o $ liftM extractString $ find isAlt flags
                let symbols = ["PAS2C", "FPC"] ++ (map extractString $ filter isSymbol flags)
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "--------Pas2C Config--------"
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Main module: " ++ m
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Input path : " ++ i
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Output path: " ++ o
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Altern path: " ++ a
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Symbols defined: " ++ (intercalate ", " symbols)
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "----------------------------"
                pas2C m (i++"/") (o++"/") (a++"/") symbols
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "----------------------------"
                      | otherwise ->  error $ usageInfo header options
          (_,     nonOpts, [])     -> error $ "unrecognized arguments: " ++ unwords nonOpts
          (_,     _,       msgs)   -> error $ usageInfo header options
        header = "Freepascal to C conversion! Please specify -n -i -o options.\n"
        enoughFlags f = and $ map (isJust . flip find f) [isName, isInput, isOutput]
        flag f = extractString . fromJust . flip find f

data Flag = HelpMessage
          | Name String
          | Input String
          | Output String
          | Alternate String
          | Symbol String

extractString :: Flag -> String
extractString (Name s) = s
extractString (Input s) = s
extractString (Output s) = s
extractString (Alternate s) = s
extractString (Symbol s) = s
extractString _ = undefined

isName, isInput, isOutput, isAlt, isSymbol :: Flag -> Bool
isName (Name _) = True
isName _ = False
isInput (Input _) = True
isInput _ = False
isOutput (Output _) = True
isOutput _ = False
isAlt (Alternate _) = True
isAlt _ = False
isSymbol (Symbol _) = True
isSymbol _ = False

options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [
    Option ['h'] ["help"]      (NoArg HelpMessage)      "print this help message",
    Option ['n'] ["name"]      (ReqArg Name "MAIN")     "name of the main Pascal module",
    Option ['i'] ["input"]     (ReqArg Input "DIR")     "input directory, where .pas files will be read",
    Option ['o'] ["output"]    (ReqArg Output "DIR")    "output directory, where .c/.h files will be written",
    Option ['a'] ["alternate"] (ReqArg Alternate "DIR") "alternate input directory, for out of source builds",
    Option ['d'] ["define"]    (ReqArg Symbol "SYMBOL") "define symbol"