Fix ACF2 mission sometimes being unwinnable after returning to Leaks A Lot
After accepting cyborgs offer, combat should normally start after walking past
the tree. This sometimes didn't work, the mission did not advance and you
could never win, even after defeating the Stronglings.
# Downloads and install a .dmg from a URL
# Usage
# $ dmg_pkg_install [url]
# Adopted from
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: dmg_pkg_install [url]"
exit 1
# Generate a random file name
tmp_file=/tmp/`openssl rand -base64 10 | tr -dc '[:alnum:]'`.dmg
# Download file
echo "Downloading $url..."
curl -# -L -o $tmp_file $url
echo "Mounting image..."
volume=`hdiutil mount $tmp_file | tail -n1 | perl -nle '/(\/Volumes\/[^ ]+)/; print $1'`
# Locate .pkg
app_pkg=`find $volume/. -name *.pkg -maxdepth 1 -print0`
echo "Install pkg..."
installer -pkg $app_pkg -target /
# Unmount volume, delete temporal file
echo "Cleaning up..."
hdiutil unmount $volume -quiet
rm $tmp_file
echo "Done!"
exit 0