now engine can be optionally built as library, there's an example wrapper of how to use it
building server is now disabled by default, saves users some headaches
To compile and install you need:
- Qt >= 4.4
- FreePascal >= 2.2.4
- SDL >= 1.2.5
- SDL_net >= 1.2.5
- SDL_mixer >= 1.2
- SDL_image >= 1.2
- SDL_ttf >= 2.0
- CMake >= 2.6.0
- Lua >= 5.1.0
For server:
- Glasgow Haskell Compiler 6.10
- dataenc package
- hslogger package
- utf8-string package
1. Configure:
$ cmake .
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="install_prefix" -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR="data_dir" .
add -DWITH_SERVER=1 to compile net server; to create a relocatable bundle under Mac OS X you can do
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DBUNDLE=1 .
if you have QT installed but it is not found you can set it up with -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE="path_to_qmake"
2. Compile:
$ make
3. Install:
# make install
That's all! Enjoy!