author sheepluva
Tue, 04 Sep 2012 13:18:26 +0200
changeset 7669 a85e1c167b69
parent 5172 88f2e05288ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
I didn't want to do this since it seems less clean, but... moving the stats-fix into CheckForWin, since that function is the one sending the damage stats (whyyyy?) therefore it's not sufficient to update stats after calling it, some of the stats won't be transfered to frontend then

/*                                                                         */
/*  sfobjs.c                                                               */
/*                                                                         */
/*    SFNT object management (base).                                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 1996-2008, 2010-2011 by                                      */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#include <ft2build.h>
#include "sfobjs.h"
#include "ttload.h"
#include "ttcmap.h"
#include "ttkern.h"
#include FT_SFNT_NAMES_H
#include "sferrors.h"

#include "ttbdf.h"

  /*                                                                       */
  /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
  /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
  /* messages during execution.                                            */
  /*                                                                       */
#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_sfobjs

  /* convert a UTF-16 name entry to ASCII */
  static FT_String*
  tt_name_entry_ascii_from_utf16( TT_NameEntry  entry,
                                  FT_Memory     memory )
    FT_String*  string = NULL;
    FT_UInt     len, code, n;
    FT_Byte*    read   = (FT_Byte*)entry->string;
    FT_Error    error;

    len = (FT_UInt)entry->stringLength / 2;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( string, len + 1 ) )
      return NULL;

    for ( n = 0; n < len; n++ )
      code = FT_NEXT_USHORT( read );
      if ( code < 32 || code > 127 )
        code = '?';

      string[n] = (char)code;

    string[len] = 0;

    return string;

  /* convert an Apple Roman or symbol name entry to ASCII */
  static FT_String*
  tt_name_entry_ascii_from_other( TT_NameEntry  entry,
                                  FT_Memory     memory )
    FT_String*  string = NULL;
    FT_UInt     len, code, n;
    FT_Byte*    read   = (FT_Byte*)entry->string;
    FT_Error    error;

    len = (FT_UInt)entry->stringLength;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( string, len + 1 ) )
      return NULL;

    for ( n = 0; n < len; n++ )
      code = *read++;
      if ( code < 32 || code > 127 )
        code = '?';

      string[n] = (char)code;

    string[len] = 0;

    return string;

  typedef FT_String*  (*TT_NameEntry_ConvertFunc)( TT_NameEntry  entry,
                                                   FT_Memory     memory );

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Function>                                                            */
  /*    tt_face_get_name                                                   */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Description>                                                         */
  /*    Returns a given ENGLISH name record in ASCII.                      */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Input>                                                               */
  /*    face   :: A handle to the source face object.                      */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    nameid :: The name id of the name record to return.                */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <InOut>                                                               */
  /*    name   :: The address of a string pointer.  NULL if no name is     */
  /*              present.                                                 */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Return>                                                              */
  /*    FreeType error code.  0 means success.                             */
  /*                                                                       */
  static FT_Error
  tt_face_get_name( TT_Face      face,
                    FT_UShort    nameid,
                    FT_String**  name )
    FT_Memory         memory = face->root.memory;
    FT_Error          error  = SFNT_Err_Ok;
    FT_String*        result = NULL;
    FT_UShort         n;
    TT_NameEntryRec*  rec;
    FT_Int            found_apple         = -1;
    FT_Int            found_apple_roman   = -1;
    FT_Int            found_apple_english = -1;
    FT_Int            found_win           = -1;
    FT_Int            found_unicode       = -1;

    FT_Bool           is_english = 0;

    TT_NameEntry_ConvertFunc  convert;

    FT_ASSERT( name );

    rec = face->name_table.names;
    for ( n = 0; n < face->num_names; n++, rec++ )
      /* According to the OpenType 1.3 specification, only Microsoft or  */
      /* Apple platform IDs might be used in the `name' table.  The      */
      /* `Unicode' platform is reserved for the `cmap' table, and the    */
      /* `ISO' one is deprecated.                                        */
      /*                                                                 */
      /* However, the Apple TrueType specification doesn't say the same  */
      /* thing and goes to suggest that all Unicode `name' table entries */
      /* should be coded in UTF-16 (in big-endian format I suppose).     */
      /*                                                                 */
      if ( rec->nameID == nameid && rec->stringLength > 0 )
        switch ( rec->platformID )
        case TT_PLATFORM_ISO:
          /* there is `languageID' to check there.  We should use this */
          /* field only as a last solution when nothing else is        */
          /* available.                                                */
          /*                                                           */
          found_unicode = n;

          /* This is a bit special because some fonts will use either    */
          /* an English language id, or a Roman encoding id, to indicate */
          /* the English version of its font name.                       */
          /*                                                             */
          if ( rec->languageID == TT_MAC_LANGID_ENGLISH )
            found_apple_english = n;
          else if ( rec->encodingID == TT_MAC_ID_ROMAN )
            found_apple_roman = n;

          /* we only take a non-English name when there is nothing */
          /* else available in the font                            */
          /*                                                       */
          if ( found_win == -1 || ( rec->languageID & 0x3FF ) == 0x009 )
            switch ( rec->encodingID )
            case TT_MS_ID_SYMBOL_CS:
            case TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS:
            case TT_MS_ID_UCS_4:
              is_english = FT_BOOL( ( rec->languageID & 0x3FF ) == 0x009 );
              found_win  = n;



    found_apple = found_apple_roman;
    if ( found_apple_english >= 0 )
      found_apple = found_apple_english;

    /* some fonts contain invalid Unicode or Macintosh formatted entries; */
    /* we will thus favor names encoded in Windows formats if available   */
    /* (provided it is an English name)                                   */
    /*                                                                    */
    convert = NULL;
    if ( found_win >= 0 && !( found_apple >= 0 && !is_english ) )
      rec = face->name_table.names + found_win;
      switch ( rec->encodingID )
        /* all Unicode strings are encoded using UTF-16BE */
      case TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS:
      case TT_MS_ID_SYMBOL_CS:
        convert = tt_name_entry_ascii_from_utf16;

      case TT_MS_ID_UCS_4:
        /* Apparently, if this value is found in a name table entry, it is */
        /* documented as `full Unicode repertoire'.  Experience with the   */
        /* MsGothic font shipped with Windows Vista shows that this really */
        /* means UTF-16 encoded names (UCS-4 values are only used within   */
        /* charmaps).                                                      */
        convert = tt_name_entry_ascii_from_utf16;

    else if ( found_apple >= 0 )
      rec     = face->name_table.names + found_apple;
      convert = tt_name_entry_ascii_from_other;
    else if ( found_unicode >= 0 )
      rec     = face->name_table.names + found_unicode;
      convert = tt_name_entry_ascii_from_utf16;

    if ( rec && convert )
      if ( rec->string == NULL )
        FT_Stream  stream = face->name_table.stream;

        if ( FT_QNEW_ARRAY ( rec->string, rec->stringLength ) ||
             FT_STREAM_SEEK( rec->stringOffset )              ||
             FT_STREAM_READ( rec->string, rec->stringLength ) )
          FT_FREE( rec->string );
          rec->stringLength = 0;
          result            = NULL;
          goto Exit;

      result = convert( rec, memory );

    *name = result;
    return error;

  static FT_Encoding
  sfnt_find_encoding( int  platform_id,
                      int  encoding_id )
    typedef struct  TEncoding_
      int          platform_id;
      int          encoding_id;
      FT_Encoding  encoding;

    } TEncoding;

    const TEncoding  tt_encodings[] =
      { TT_PLATFORM_ISO,           -1,                  FT_ENCODING_UNICODE },

      { TT_PLATFORM_APPLE_UNICODE, -1,                  FT_ENCODING_UNICODE },



    const TEncoding  *cur, *limit;

    cur   = tt_encodings;
    limit = cur + sizeof ( tt_encodings ) / sizeof ( tt_encodings[0] );

    for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
      if ( cur->platform_id == platform_id )
        if ( cur->encoding_id == encoding_id ||
             cur->encoding_id == -1          )
          return cur->encoding;

    return FT_ENCODING_NONE;

  /* Fill in face->ttc_header.  If the font is not a TTC, it is */
  /* synthesized into a TTC with one offset table.              */
  static FT_Error
  sfnt_open_font( FT_Stream  stream,
                  TT_Face    face )
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_ULong   tag, offset;

    static const FT_Frame_Field  ttc_header_fields[] =
#define FT_STRUCTURE  TTC_HeaderRec

      FT_FRAME_START( 8 ),
        FT_FRAME_LONG( version ),
        FT_FRAME_LONG( count   ),  /* this is ULong in the specs */

    face->ttc_header.tag     = 0;
    face->ttc_header.version = 0;
    face->ttc_header.count   = 0;

    offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    if ( FT_READ_ULONG( tag ) )
      return error;

    if ( tag != 0x00010000UL &&
         tag != TTAG_ttcf    &&
         tag != TTAG_OTTO    &&
         tag != TTAG_true    &&
         tag != TTAG_typ1    &&
         tag != 0x00020000UL )
      return SFNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;

    face->ttc_header.tag = TTAG_ttcf;

    if ( tag == TTAG_ttcf )
      FT_Int  n;

      FT_TRACE3(( "sfnt_open_font: file is a collection\n" ));

      if ( FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( ttc_header_fields, &face->ttc_header ) )
        return error;

      if ( face->ttc_header.count == 0 )
        return SFNT_Err_Invalid_Table;

      /* a rough size estimate: let's conservatively assume that there   */
      /* is just a single table info in each subfont header (12 + 16*1 = */
      /* 28 bytes), thus we have (at least) `12 + 4*count' bytes for the */
      /* size of the TTC header plus `28*count' bytes for all subfont    */
      /* headers                                                         */
      if ( (FT_ULong)face->ttc_header.count > stream->size / ( 28 + 4 ) )
        return SFNT_Err_Array_Too_Large;

      /* now read the offsets of each font in the file */
      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( face->ttc_header.offsets, face->ttc_header.count ) )
        return error;

      if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( face->ttc_header.count * 4L ) )
        return error;

      for ( n = 0; n < face->ttc_header.count; n++ )
        face->ttc_header.offsets[n] = FT_GET_ULONG();

      FT_TRACE3(( "sfnt_open_font: synthesize TTC\n" ));

      face->ttc_header.version = 1 << 16;
      face->ttc_header.count   = 1;

      if ( FT_NEW( face->ttc_header.offsets ) )
        return error;

      face->ttc_header.offsets[0] = offset;

    return error;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  sfnt_init_face( FT_Stream      stream,
                  TT_Face        face,
                  FT_Int         face_index,
                  FT_Int         num_params,
                  FT_Parameter*  params )
    FT_Error        error;
    FT_Library      library = face->root.driver->root.library;
    SFNT_Service    sfnt;

    /* for now, parameters are unused */
    FT_UNUSED( num_params );
    FT_UNUSED( params );

    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)face->sfnt;
    if ( !sfnt )
      sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface( library, "sfnt" );
      if ( !sfnt )
        return SFNT_Err_Invalid_File_Format;

      face->sfnt       = sfnt;
      face->goto_table = sfnt->goto_table;


    error = sfnt_open_font( stream, face );
    if ( error )
      return error;

    FT_TRACE2(( "sfnt_init_face: %08p, %ld\n", face, face_index ));

    if ( face_index < 0 )
      face_index = 0;

    if ( face_index >= face->ttc_header.count )
      return SFNT_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( face->ttc_header.offsets[face_index] ) )
      return error;

    /* check that we have a valid TrueType file */
    error = sfnt->load_font_dir( face, stream );
    if ( error )
      return error;

    face->root.num_faces  = face->ttc_header.count;
    face->root.face_index = face_index;

    return error;

#define LOAD_( x )                                            \
  do {                                                        \
    FT_TRACE2(( "`" #x "' " ));                               \
    FT_TRACE3(( "-->\n" ));                                   \
    error = sfnt->load_##x( face, stream );                   \
    FT_TRACE2(( "%s\n", ( !error )                            \
                        ? "loaded"                            \
                        : ( error == SFNT_Err_Table_Missing ) \
                          ? "missing"                         \
                          : "failed to load" ));              \
    FT_TRACE3(( "\n" ));                                      \
  } while ( 0 )

#define LOADM_( x, vertical )                                 \
  do {                                                        \
    FT_TRACE2(( "`%s" #x "' ",                                \
                vertical ? "vertical " : "" ));               \
    FT_TRACE3(( "-->\n" ));                                   \
    error = sfnt->load_##x( face, stream, vertical );         \
    FT_TRACE2(( "%s\n", ( !error )                            \
                        ? "loaded"                            \
                        : ( error == SFNT_Err_Table_Missing ) \
                          ? "missing"                         \
                          : "failed to load" ));              \
    FT_TRACE3(( "\n" ));                                      \
  } while ( 0 )

#define GET_NAME( id, field )                                 \
  do {                                                        \
    error = tt_face_get_name( face, TT_NAME_ID_##id, field ); \
    if ( error )                                              \
      goto Exit;                                              \
  } while ( 0 )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  sfnt_load_face( FT_Stream      stream,
                  TT_Face        face,
                  FT_Int         face_index,
                  FT_Int         num_params,
                  FT_Parameter*  params )
    FT_Error      error;
    FT_Error      psnames_error;
    FT_Bool       has_outline;
    FT_Bool       is_apple_sbit;
    FT_Bool       ignore_preferred_family = FALSE;
    FT_Bool       ignore_preferred_subfamily = FALSE;

    SFNT_Service  sfnt = (SFNT_Service)face->sfnt;

    FT_UNUSED( face_index );

    /* Check parameters */

      FT_Int  i;

      for ( i = 0; i < num_params; i++ )
        if ( params[i].tag == FT_PARAM_TAG_IGNORE_PREFERRED_FAMILY )
          ignore_preferred_family = TRUE;
        else if ( params[i].tag == FT_PARAM_TAG_IGNORE_PREFERRED_SUBFAMILY )
          ignore_preferred_subfamily = TRUE;

    /* Load tables */

    /* We now support two SFNT-based bitmapped font formats.  They */
    /* are recognized easily as they do not include a `glyf'       */
    /* table.                                                      */
    /*                                                             */
    /* The first format comes from Apple, and uses a table named   */
    /* `bhed' instead of `head' to store the font header (using    */
    /* the same format).  It also doesn't include horizontal and   */
    /* vertical metrics tables (i.e. `hhea' and `vhea' tables are  */
    /* missing).                                                   */
    /*                                                             */
    /* The other format comes from Microsoft, and is used with     */
    /* WinCE/PocketPC.  It looks like a standard TTF, except that  */
    /* it doesn't contain outlines.                                */
    /*                                                             */

    FT_TRACE2(( "sfnt_load_face: %08p\n\n", face ));

    /* do we have outlines in there? */
    has_outline   = FT_BOOL( face->root.internal->incremental_interface != 0 ||
                             tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_glyf )    != 0 ||
                             tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_CFF )     != 0 );
    has_outline   = FT_BOOL( tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_glyf ) != 0 ||
                             tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_CFF )  != 0 );

    is_apple_sbit = 0;

    /* if this font doesn't contain outlines, we try to load */
    /* a `bhed' table                                        */
    if ( !has_outline && sfnt->load_bhed )
      LOAD_( bhed );
      is_apple_sbit = FT_BOOL( !error );

    /* load the font header (`head' table) if this isn't an Apple */
    /* sbit font file                                             */
    if ( !is_apple_sbit )
      LOAD_( head );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

    if ( face->header.Units_Per_EM == 0 )
      error = SFNT_Err_Invalid_Table;

      goto Exit;

    /* the following tables are often not present in embedded TrueType */
    /* fonts within PDF documents, so don't check for them.            */
    LOAD_( maxp );
    LOAD_( cmap );

    /* the following tables are optional in PCL fonts -- */
    /* don't check for errors                            */
    LOAD_( name );
    LOAD_( post );

    psnames_error = error;

    /* do not load the metrics headers and tables if this is an Apple */
    /* sbit font file                                                 */
    if ( !is_apple_sbit )
      /* load the `hhea' and `hmtx' tables */
      LOADM_( hhea, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        LOADM_( hmtx, 0 );
        if ( error == SFNT_Err_Table_Missing )
          error = SFNT_Err_Hmtx_Table_Missing;

          /* If this is an incrementally loaded font and there are */
          /* overriding metrics, tolerate a missing `hmtx' table.  */
          if ( face->root.internal->incremental_interface          &&
                 get_glyph_metrics                                 )
            face->horizontal.number_Of_HMetrics = 0;
            error = SFNT_Err_Ok;
      else if ( error == SFNT_Err_Table_Missing )
        /* No `hhea' table necessary for SFNT Mac fonts. */
        if ( face->format_tag == TTAG_true )
          FT_TRACE2(( "This is an SFNT Mac font.\n" ));
          has_outline = 0;
          error = SFNT_Err_Ok;
          error = SFNT_Err_Horiz_Header_Missing;

          /* If this is an incrementally loaded font and there are */
          /* overriding metrics, tolerate a missing `hhea' table.  */
          if ( face->root.internal->incremental_interface          &&
                 get_glyph_metrics                                 )
            face->horizontal.number_Of_HMetrics = 0;
            error = SFNT_Err_Ok;


      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      /* try to load the `vhea' and `vmtx' tables */
      LOADM_( hhea, 1 );
      if ( !error )
        LOADM_( hmtx, 1 );
        if ( !error )
          face->vertical_info = 1;

      if ( error && error != SFNT_Err_Table_Missing )
        goto Exit;

      LOAD_( os2 );
      if ( error )
        /* we treat the table as missing if there are any errors */
        face->os2.version = 0xFFFFU;

    /* the optional tables */

    /* embedded bitmap support */
    if ( sfnt->load_eblc )
      LOAD_( eblc );
      if ( error )
        /* a font which contains neither bitmaps nor outlines is */
        /* still valid (although rather useless in most cases);  */
        /* however, you can find such stripped fonts in PDFs     */
        if ( error == SFNT_Err_Table_Missing )
          error = SFNT_Err_Ok;
          goto Exit;

    LOAD_( pclt );
    if ( error )
      if ( error != SFNT_Err_Table_Missing )
        goto Exit;

      face->pclt.Version = 0;

    /* consider the kerning and gasp tables as optional */
    LOAD_( gasp );
    LOAD_( kern );

    face->root.num_glyphs = face->max_profile.numGlyphs;

    /* Bit 8 of the `fsSelection' field in the `OS/2' table denotes  */
    /* a WWS-only font face.  `WWS' stands for `weight', width', and */
    /* `slope', a term used by Microsoft's Windows Presentation      */
    /* Foundation (WPF).  This flag has been introduced in version   */
    /* 1.5 of the OpenType specification (May 2008).                 */

    face->root.family_name = NULL;
    face->root.style_name  = NULL;
    if ( face->os2.version != 0xFFFFU && face->os2.fsSelection & 256 )
      if ( !ignore_preferred_family )
        GET_NAME( PREFERRED_FAMILY, &face->root.family_name );
      if ( !face->root.family_name )
        GET_NAME( FONT_FAMILY, &face->root.family_name );

      if ( !ignore_preferred_subfamily )
        GET_NAME( PREFERRED_SUBFAMILY, &face->root.style_name );
      if ( !face->root.style_name )
        GET_NAME( FONT_SUBFAMILY, &face->root.style_name );
      GET_NAME( WWS_FAMILY, &face->root.family_name );
      if ( !face->root.family_name && !ignore_preferred_family )
        GET_NAME( PREFERRED_FAMILY, &face->root.family_name );
      if ( !face->root.family_name )
        GET_NAME( FONT_FAMILY, &face->root.family_name );

      GET_NAME( WWS_SUBFAMILY, &face->root.style_name );
      if ( !face->root.style_name && !ignore_preferred_subfamily )
        GET_NAME( PREFERRED_SUBFAMILY, &face->root.style_name );
      if ( !face->root.style_name )
        GET_NAME( FONT_SUBFAMILY, &face->root.style_name );

    /* now set up root fields */
      FT_Face  root  = &face->root;
      FT_Long  flags = root->face_flags;

      /*                                                                   */
      /* Compute face flags.                                               */
      /*                                                                   */
      if ( has_outline == TRUE )
        flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE;   /* scalable outlines */

      /* The sfnt driver only supports bitmap fonts natively, thus we */
      /* don't set FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER.                               */
      flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT       |  /* SFNT file format  */
               FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL;   /* horizontal data   */

      if ( psnames_error == SFNT_Err_Ok               &&
           face->postscript.FormatType != 0x00030000L )
        flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

      /* fixed width font? */
      if ( face->postscript.isFixedPitch )
        flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

      /* vertical information? */
      if ( face->vertical_info )
        flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_VERTICAL;

      /* kerning available ? */
      if ( TT_FACE_HAS_KERNING( face ) )
        flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

      /* Don't bother to load the tables unless somebody asks for them. */
      /* No need to do work which will (probably) not be used.          */
      if ( tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_glyf ) != 0 &&
           tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_fvar ) != 0 &&
           tt_face_lookup_table( face, TTAG_gvar ) != 0 )

      root->face_flags = flags;

      /*                                                                   */
      /* Compute style flags.                                              */
      /*                                                                   */

      flags = 0;
      if ( has_outline == TRUE && face->os2.version != 0xFFFFU )
        /* We have an OS/2 table; use the `fsSelection' field.  Bit 9 */
        /* indicates an oblique font face.  This flag has been        */
        /* introduced in version 1.5 of the OpenType specification.   */

        if ( face->os2.fsSelection & 512 )       /* bit 9 */
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;
        else if ( face->os2.fsSelection & 1 )    /* bit 0 */
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

        if ( face->os2.fsSelection & 32 )        /* bit 5 */
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;
        /* this is an old Mac font, use the header field */

        if ( face->header.Mac_Style & 1 )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        if ( face->header.Mac_Style & 2 )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

      root->style_flags = flags;

      /*                                                                   */
      /* Polish the charmaps.                                              */
      /*                                                                   */
      /*   Try to set the charmap encoding according to the platform &     */
      /*   encoding ID of each charmap.                                    */
      /*                                                                   */

      tt_face_build_cmaps( face );  /* ignore errors */

      /* set the encoding fields */
        FT_Int  m;

        for ( m = 0; m < root->num_charmaps; m++ )
          FT_CharMap  charmap = root->charmaps[m];

          charmap->encoding = sfnt_find_encoding( charmap->platform_id,
                                                  charmap->encoding_id );

#if 0
          if ( root->charmap     == NULL &&
               charmap->encoding == FT_ENCODING_UNICODE )
            /* set 'root->charmap' to the first Unicode encoding we find */
            root->charmap = charmap;


       *  Now allocate the root array of FT_Bitmap_Size records and
       *  populate them.  Unfortunately, it isn't possible to indicate bit
       *  depths in the FT_Bitmap_Size record.  This is a design error.
        FT_UInt  i, count;

        count = face->sbit_num_strikes;
        count = (FT_UInt)face->num_sbit_strikes;

        if ( count > 0 )
          FT_Memory        memory   = face->root.stream->memory;
          FT_UShort        em_size  = face->header.Units_Per_EM;
          FT_Short         avgwidth = face->os2.xAvgCharWidth;
          FT_Size_Metrics  metrics;

          if ( em_size == 0 || face->os2.version == 0xFFFFU )
            avgwidth = 0;
            em_size = 1;

          if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( root->available_sizes, count ) )
            goto Exit;

          for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            FT_Bitmap_Size*  bsize = root->available_sizes + i;

            error = sfnt->load_strike_metrics( face, i, &metrics );
            if ( error )
              goto Exit;

            bsize->height = (FT_Short)( metrics.height >> 6 );
            bsize->width = (FT_Short)(
                ( avgwidth * metrics.x_ppem + em_size / 2 ) / em_size );

            bsize->x_ppem = metrics.x_ppem << 6;
            bsize->y_ppem = metrics.y_ppem << 6;

            /* assume 72dpi */
            bsize->size   = metrics.y_ppem << 6;

          root->face_flags     |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_SIZES;
          root->num_fixed_sizes = (FT_Int)count;


      /* a font with no bitmaps and no outlines is scalable; */
      /* it has only empty glyphs then                       */
      if ( !FT_HAS_FIXED_SIZES( root ) && !FT_IS_SCALABLE( root ) )
        root->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE;

      /*                                                                   */
      /*  Set up metrics.                                                  */
      /*                                                                   */
      if ( FT_IS_SCALABLE( root ) )
        /* XXX What about if outline header is missing */
        /*     (e.g. sfnt wrapped bitmap)?             */
        root->bbox.xMin    = face->header.xMin;
        root->bbox.yMin    = face->header.yMin;
        root->bbox.xMax    = face->header.xMax;
        root->bbox.yMax    = face->header.yMax;
        root->units_per_EM = face->header.Units_Per_EM;

        /* XXX: Computing the ascender/descender/height is very different */
        /*      from what the specification tells you.  Apparently, we    */
        /*      must be careful because                                   */
        /*                                                                */
        /*      - not all fonts have an OS/2 table; in this case, we take */
        /*        the values in the horizontal header.  However, these    */
        /*        values very often are not reliable.                     */
        /*                                                                */
        /*      - otherwise, the correct typographic values are in the    */
        /*        sTypoAscender, sTypoDescender & sTypoLineGap fields.    */
        /*                                                                */
        /*        However, certain fonts have these fields set to 0.      */
        /*        Rather, they have usWinAscent & usWinDescent correctly  */
        /*        set (but with different values).                        */
        /*                                                                */
        /*      As an example, Arial Narrow is implemented through four   */
        /*                                                                */
        /*      Strangely, all fonts have the same values in their        */
        /*      sTypoXXX fields, except ARIALNB which sets them to 0.     */
        /*                                                                */
        /*      On the other hand, they all have different                */
        /*      usWinAscent/Descent values -- as a conclusion, the OS/2   */
        /*      table cannot be used to compute the text height reliably! */
        /*                                                                */

        /* The ascender/descender/height are computed from the OS/2 table */
        /* when found.  Otherwise, they're taken from the horizontal      */
        /* header.                                                        */
        /*                                                                */

        root->ascender  = face->horizontal.Ascender;
        root->descender = face->horizontal.Descender;

        root->height    = (FT_Short)( root->ascender - root->descender +
                                      face->horizontal.Line_Gap );

#if 0
        /* if the line_gap is 0, we add an extra 15% to the text height --  */
        /* this computation is based on various versions of Times New Roman */
        if ( face->horizontal.Line_Gap == 0 )
          root->height = (FT_Short)( ( root->height * 115 + 50 ) / 100 );
#endif /* 0 */

#if 0
        /* some fonts have the OS/2 "sTypoAscender", "sTypoDescender" & */
        /* "sTypoLineGap" fields set to 0, like ARIALNB.TTF             */
        if ( face->os2.version != 0xFFFFU && root->ascender )
          FT_Int  height;

          root->ascender  =  face->os2.sTypoAscender;
          root->descender = -face->os2.sTypoDescender;

          height = root->ascender + root->descender + face->os2.sTypoLineGap;
          if ( height > root->height )
            root->height = height;
#endif /* 0 */

        root->max_advance_width  = face->horizontal.advance_Width_Max;
        root->max_advance_height = (FT_Short)( face->vertical_info
                                     ? face->vertical.advance_Height_Max
                                     : root->height );

        /* See http://www.microsoft.com/OpenType/OTSpec/post.htm -- */
        /* Adjust underline position from top edge to centre of     */
        /* stroke to convert TrueType meaning to FreeType meaning.  */
        root->underline_position  = face->postscript.underlinePosition -
                                    face->postscript.underlineThickness / 2;
        root->underline_thickness = face->postscript.underlineThickness;


    FT_TRACE2(( "sfnt_load_face: done\n" ));

    return error;

#undef LOAD_
#undef LOADM_
#undef GET_NAME

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  sfnt_done_face( TT_Face  face )
    FT_Memory     memory;
    SFNT_Service  sfnt;

    if ( !face )

    memory = face->root.memory;
    sfnt   = (SFNT_Service)face->sfnt;

    if ( sfnt )
      /* destroy the postscript names table if it is loaded */
      if ( sfnt->free_psnames )
        sfnt->free_psnames( face );

      /* destroy the embedded bitmaps table if it is loaded */
      if ( sfnt->free_eblc )
        sfnt->free_eblc( face );

    /* freeing the embedded BDF properties */
    tt_face_free_bdf_props( face );

    /* freeing the kerning table */
    tt_face_done_kern( face );

    /* freeing the collection table */
    FT_FREE( face->ttc_header.offsets );
    face->ttc_header.count = 0;

    /* freeing table directory */
    FT_FREE( face->dir_tables );
    face->num_tables = 0;

      FT_Stream  stream = FT_FACE_STREAM( face );

      /* simply release the 'cmap' table frame */
      FT_FRAME_RELEASE( face->cmap_table );
      face->cmap_size = 0;

    /* freeing the horizontal metrics */
      FT_Stream  stream = FT_FACE_STREAM( face );

      FT_FRAME_RELEASE( face->horz_metrics );
      FT_FRAME_RELEASE( face->vert_metrics );
      face->horz_metrics_size = 0;
      face->vert_metrics_size = 0;
    FT_FREE( face->horizontal.long_metrics );
    FT_FREE( face->horizontal.short_metrics );

    /* freeing the vertical ones, if any */
    if ( face->vertical_info )
      FT_FREE( face->vertical.long_metrics  );
      FT_FREE( face->vertical.short_metrics );
      face->vertical_info = 0;

    /* freeing the gasp table */
    FT_FREE( face->gasp.gaspRanges );
    face->gasp.numRanges = 0;

    /* freeing the name table */
    if ( sfnt )
      sfnt->free_name( face );

    /* freeing family and style name */
    FT_FREE( face->root.family_name );
    FT_FREE( face->root.style_name );

    /* freeing sbit size table */
    FT_FREE( face->root.available_sizes );
    face->root.num_fixed_sizes = 0;

    FT_FREE( face->postscript_name );

    face->sfnt = 0;

/* END */