author sheepluva
Tue, 04 Sep 2012 13:18:26 +0200
changeset 7669 a85e1c167b69
parent 5752 ea95ee97c805
permissions -rw-r--r--
I didn't want to do this since it seems less clean, but... moving the stats-fix into CheckForWin, since that function is the one sending the damage stats (whyyyy?) therefore it's not sufficient to update stats after calling it, some of the stats won't be transfered to frontend then

 * \mainpage QuaZIP - Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package
<a href="http://sourceforge.net"><img src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=142688&amp;type=7" style="width:210; height:62; border:none; float:right;" alt="Powered by SourceForge.net" /></a>
 * \section overview Overview
 * QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over <a
 * href="http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/unzip.html">Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP
 * package</a> that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses <a
 * href="http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/index.html">Trolltech's
 * Qt toolkit</a>.
 * If you do not know what Qt is, you have two options:
 * - Just forget about QuaZIP.
 * - Learn more about Qt by downloading it and/or reading excellent <a
 *   href="http://doc.trolltech.com/">official Qt documentation</a>
 * The choice is yours, but if you are really interested in
 * cross-platform (Windows/Linux/BSD/UNIX/Mac/Others) software
 * development, I would definitely recommend you the second choice ^_^
 * QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice
 * API, and - yes! - that means that you can also use QTextStream,
 * QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files.
 * QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both
 * reading from and writing to ZIP archives.
 * \section platforms Platforms supported
 * QuaZIP has been currently tested with Qt 4.0.0 on the following
 * platforms:
 * - linux-g++
 * - freebsd-g++
 * - hpux-acc
 * - win32-g++ (MinGW)
 * No testing has been done on other systems. Of course, patches to
 * make it work on any platform that it currently does not work on are
 * always welcome!
 * \section whats-new What is new in this version of QuaZIP?
 * See NEWS file supplied with the distribution.
 * \section getting Getting latest version of QuaZIP
 * Check <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/quazip/">QuaZIP
 * project's page at SourceForge.net</a>. Also, you may wish to read
 * latest version documentation available at the <a
 * href="http://quazip.sourceforge.net/">QuaZIP web site</a>.
 * \section Requirements
 * Just <a href="http://www.zlib.org/">zlib</a> and Qt 4. Well, Qt 4
 * depends on zlib anyway.
 * \section building Building, testing and installing
 * \note Instructions given in this section assume that you are
 * using some UNIX dialect, but the build process should be very similar
 * on win32-g++ platform too. Sorry, but other platforms are
 * undocumented. I do not think it is a big deal, though - it is
 * standard usage of the Qt's qmake, so you most probably already know
 * everything that is required.
 * To build it on some UNIX dialect:
$ cd /wherever/quazip/source/is/quazip-x.y.z/quazip
$ qmake [PREFIX=where-to-install]
$ make
 * Make sure that you have Qt 4 installed with all required headers and
 * utilities (not just library) and that you run qmake utility of the Qt
 * 4, not some other version you may have already installed (you may
 * need to type full path to qmake like /usr/local/qt4/bin/qmake).
 * To reconfigure (with another PREFIX, for example), just run qmake
 * with appropriate arguments again.
 * If you need to specify additional include path or libraries, use
 * qmake features (see qmake reference in the Qt documentation). For
 * example:
$ qmake LIBS+=-L/usr/local/zlib/lib INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/local/zlib/include
 * (note abscence of "-I" before include path)
 * To check if QuaZIP's basic features work ok on your platform, you may
 * wish to compile simple test programs provided in test directory.
 * Look in the sources of the tests to find out about their
 * requirements. Typically, the test looks something like this:
$ cd /wherever/quazip/source/is/quazip-x.y.z/test/zip
$ qmake
$ make
$ ./zip
$ cd ../unzip
$ cp ../zip/test.zip ./test.zip
$ mkdir out
$ qmake
$ make
$ ./unzip
 * You should see the zip contents with details as the output of the
 * "./unzip". Ignore message saying you should check the file name for
 * testCase() if you do not want to test
 * \link QuaZip::CaseSensitivity locale-aware case-insensitivity\endlink.
 * Otherwise, see the sources. In any case, this message appearing means
 * that everything else was fine. Otherwise, you will get some other error
 * message instead. Investigate it or send bug report including message,
 * platform and QuaZIP version used.
 * To install compiled library:
$ make install
 * By default, QuaZIP compiles as static library, but you have other
 * options:
 * - Just copy appropriate source files to your project and use them;
 * - Compile QuaZIP as shared library by changing "staticlib" in
 *   quazip/quazip.pro to "dll".
 * Latter is not recommended because future versions of QuaZIP most
 * probably will be binary incompatible.
 * \section using Using
 * See \ref usage "usage page".
 * \section bugs Bugs
 * QuaZIP is currently at the initial development stage. Therefore,
 * there are may be plenty of bugs and other bad things. Bug reports and
 * patches are always welcome (see "contacts" below).
 * \section contacts Authors and contacts
 * This wrapper has been written by Sergey A. Tachenov, AKA Alqualos.
 * This is my first open source project, so it may suck, but I did not
 * find anything like that, so I just had no other choice but to write
 * it.
 * If you have anything to say to me about QuaZIP library, feel free to
 * do so (read the \ref faq first, though). I can not promise,
 * though, that I fix all the bugs you report in, add any features you
 * want, or respond to your critics, or respond to your feedback at all.
 * I may be busy, I may be tired of working on QuaZIP, I may be even
 * dead already (you never know...). But regardless of this remark, any
 * feedback is always welcome. This may seem like a paradox to you, but
 * you do not have to understand it to write feedback.
 * To report bugs or to post ideas about what should be done, use
 * SourceForge.net's <a
 * href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=142688">trackers</a>.
 * If you want to send me a private message, use my e-mail address
 * laerel at yandex dot ru (but do not you dare to put it somewhere on
 * the Web or wherever).
 * Do not use e-mail to report bugs, please. Reporting bugs and problems
 * with the SourceForge.net's bug report system has that advantage that
 * it is visible to public.
 * \section other-projects My other projects
 * As of this moment, I did not write any other useful open source
 * software (well, I am too lazy to do it) except for one little thing:
 * <a href="http://brededor.narod.ru/progs/arcanum50patch.htm">Arcanum
 * universal cap remover</a>. Arcanum is the old but very good game,
 * which has one stupid limit: your character maximum level is 50, which
 * is too low for many players including me. So I wrote this simple
 * patch to increase this stupid limit to something acceptable.
 * Also, my first Web project, which can be of any interest to you only
 * if you can read Russian and you are crazy ^_- This is a web site with
 * the main topic of it being The Delirium. It is totally meaningless
 * and it was purposely made to be such. Do not ask me why - I do not
 * know either. I just did that. If you are interested, then welcome to
 * <a href="http://brededor.narod.ru/">The Brededor</a>. It does not get
 * updated lately because I have become even lazier than I ever was. But
 * I do not plan to destroy The Brededor no matter what, because I think
 * it is fun.
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Sergey A. Tachenov